What has the Devil done that is really that bad?

I like toying with the idea that Lucifer is actually the good guy, and that humanity has been tricked into following and worshiping evil. It seems like something evil would do. You know, tricking stupid people into believing it is good. God seems to be a tantrum throwing narcissist, while Lucifer just wanted to give knowledge and freedom to humanity.

“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.” -Verbal Kint
The greatest trick religion did was convince the world god is real.
That be silly and debunked, it's been scientifically proven of course that people are born theists, and merely have to be indoctrinated into being atheists.

This be because atheism be lower stage of human development than theism, much as being a dog is lower in theory of evolution than being human - so obviously a sane person could not be an atheist unless they were afflicted with some type of mental, or moral disease.

Most likely is also reason that we see atheists such as Sade who support evils such as pedophilia, rape, and bestiality - since atheism obviously just another symptom of mental and moral disease to begin with.
Most pedophiles and rapists are priests and Muslim men
I like toying with the idea that Lucifer is actually the good guy, and that humanity has been tricked into following and worshiping evil. It seems like something evil would do. You know, tricking stupid people into believing it is good. God seems to be a tantrum throwing narcissist, while Lucifer just wanted to give knowledge and freedom to humanity.

“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.” -Verbal Kint
The greatest trick religion did was convince the world god is real.
That be silly and debunked, it's been scientifically proven of course that people are born theists, and merely have to be indoctrinated into being atheists.

This be because atheism be lower stage of human development than theism, much as being a dog is lower in theory of evolution than being human - so obviously a sane person could not be an atheist unless they were afflicted with some type of mental, or moral disease.

Most likely is also reason that we see atheists such as Sade who support evils such as pedophilia, rape, and bestiality - since atheism obviously just another symptom of mental and moral disease to begin with.
If I were to make such a strong claim I’d provide a link.

Science proved no such thing
I like toying with the idea that Lucifer is actually the good guy, and that humanity has been tricked into following and worshiping evil. It seems like something evil would do. You know, tricking stupid people into believing it is good. God seems to be a tantrum throwing narcissist, while Lucifer just wanted to give knowledge and freedom to humanity.

“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.” -Verbal Kint
The greatest trick religion did was convince the world god is real.
That be silly and debunked, it's been scientifically proven of course that people are born theists, and merely have to be indoctrinated into being atheists.

This be because atheism be lower stage of human development than theism, much as being a dog is lower in theory of evolution than being human - so obviously a sane person could not be an atheist unless they were afflicted with some type of mental, or moral disease.

Most likely is also reason that we see atheists such as Sade who support evils such as pedophilia, rape, and bestiality - since atheism obviously just another symptom of mental and moral disease to begin with.
If I were to make such a strong claim I’d provide a link.

Science proved no such thing

Not true:

Belief in God is part of human nature - Oxford study

Humans are naturally predisposed to believe in gods and life after death, according to a major three-year international study.

So this be ironic, since it suggest that being theist is more "evolved" than being atheist - since theism is part of nature unique to humans, but not to lower species of animals.

I'd venture that a mosquito is an atheist, but not a human, so if human reject their human nature and become atheist, they lowering themselves to level of mosquito, no?
I like toying with the idea that Lucifer is actually the good guy, and that humanity has been tricked into following and worshiping evil. It seems like something evil would do. You know, tricking stupid people into believing it is good. God seems to be a tantrum throwing narcissist, while Lucifer just wanted to give knowledge and freedom to humanity.

“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.” -Verbal Kint
The greatest trick religion did was convince the world god is real.
That be silly and debunked, it's been scientifically proven of course that people are born theists, and merely have to be indoctrinated into being atheists.

This be because atheism be lower stage of human development than theism, much as being a dog is lower in theory of evolution than being human - so obviously a sane person could not be an atheist unless they were afflicted with some type of mental, or moral disease.

Most likely is also reason that we see atheists such as Sade who support evils such as pedophilia, rape, and bestiality - since atheism obviously just another symptom of mental and moral disease to begin with.
If I were to make such a strong claim I’d provide a link.

Science proved no such thing

Not true:

Belief in God is part of human nature - Oxford study

Humans are naturally predisposed to believe in gods and life after death, according to a major three-year international study.

So this be ironic, since it suggest that being theist is more "evolved" than being atheist - since theism is part of nature unique to humans, but not to lower species of animals.

I'd venture that a mosquito is an atheist, but not a human, so if human reject their human nature and become atheist, they lowering themselves to level of mosquito, no?
Exact opposite is true. When we were primitive superstitious unevolved creatures yes, we were pre disposed to be believe we were the center and this was all put here for us.

Modern science says that’s ridiculous.

And all you have is fake stories of when he visited Joseph Smith, Mohammed, Mary and Moses
we were pre disposed to be believe we were the center and this was all put here for us.

No, this what atheist believe - he believe that he just animal with no higher power, so if he want to rape or sleep with children like Marquis de Sade, then nothing wrong with this.

If one is spiritual, they believe we here for glory of God and higher power, not just beastly animal impulses.

Modern science says that’s ridiculous.

And all you have is fake stories of when he visited Joseph Smith, Mohammed, Mary and Moses
No, that not true, modern science more or less prove existence of God or higher power, theory of evolution is distorted by materialistic atheists who want to imagine themselves to be "beasts" like Sade so they can justify rape and sexual deviant pleasures, such as evil atheists like Lawrence Krauss who get caught by #MeToo scandal.

Theories of evolution existed way before Darwin back in ancient Greece, he just appropriate them from other cultures.

Evolution of course is basically a theory of creationism, since it prove that there is hierarchy to nature, with lower complexities giving rise to higher complexities, similar to how humans create simple inventions such as calcuators but they evolve into superior ones such as super-computers.

So this basically prove creationism, and be what books like Genesis said anyway about creatures being created in a sequence, with humans being at the top of the hierarchy and most recent and complex, or closest to "image of God".

Just proof how ancient cultures were actually more advanced than modern atheists who embrace materialism and evils like Marquis de Sade did.
- since theism is part of nature unique to humans, but not to lower species of animals.

then why have they written their 10,000 page document and call themselves theists ...


and then like you deny all beings their rightful lineage both Flora and Fauna form the same origin, not native to planet Earth but the metaphysical forces of the universe.
What if the Bible were written from the perspective of the Devil?

Documenting the attrocities done by God and getting people to fear him. It is God tricking people’s minds to get them to do his bidding.
This has been debunked of course; it has been proven that disease be the source of all major atrocities of death historically, and it be devil which advocates diseased lifestyles in order to trick people into suffering.

While acts of God in Judaic texts, are merely altruistic acts to save world from dying of disease and prevent the healthy from succumbing to it, since it of course be better to remove those who life diseased of their own accord from society than to allow the healthy to suffer and die at their expense.
Disease has been proven to be the result of living organisms like bacteria and viruses

The Bible says god created all living things
What if the Bible were written from the perspective of the Devil?

Documenting the attrocities done by God and getting people to fear him. It is God tricking people’s minds to get them to do his bidding.
This has been debunked of course; it has been proven that disease be the source of all major atrocities of death historically, and it be devil which advocates diseased lifestyles in order to trick people into suffering.

While acts of God in Judaic texts, are merely altruistic acts to save world from dying of disease and prevent the healthy from succumbing to it, since it of course be better to remove those who life diseased of their own accord from society than to allow the healthy to suffer and die at their expense.
Disease has been proven to be the result of living organisms like bacteria and viruses

The Bible says god created all living things

Moot point:

Despite attempts to slander Judeo-Christian religion, it is clear in texts that Devil is architect behind disease which is humanity's biggest killer - and that commandments of God are means of instructing people and nations on how to avoid lifestyles which leads to disease.

Disease organisms are not "living thing" in same ways a humans and other animals, have fundamentally different DNA structure.

And that still silly argument anyway - if "God create Satan disease", this merely be like video game designer designing challenges for players - who want to play game with no enemies to fight or avoid?

Difference is that God design universe so that correct way of living is to avoid and defeat disease, if one ignores that and lives diseased lifestyles, this is how suffering comes.
If I were to write the Bible, I would have blamed the Great Flood on the Devil

I would not have used it as a reason to worship my God

You're assuming the Devil would be a better God?
He again show ignorance of Judeo Christian religion.

God is portrayed as architect of universe, and universe is essentially like giant cosmic "football game" or context against the devil, so God akin to game designer, essentially.

If individuals follow God's commandments then this leads to happiness and fulfillment and avoidance of disease, if one ignore them then this be like ignoring referee in football game, and them blaming the officials when one runs "foul" instead of yourself.
Devil represents disease, or attempts to 'cheat the system of the universe' which lead to disease and disorder, so of course devil is what represents suffering and destruction, not God.
Devil represents disease, or attempts to 'cheat the system of the universe' which lead to disease and disorder, so of course devil is what represents suffering and destruction, not God.
God created disease

He creates organisms, not the Devil
Devil represents disease, or attempts to 'cheat the system of the universe' which lead to disease and disorder, so of course devil is what represents suffering and destruction, not God.
God created disease

He creates organisms, not the Devil
That incorrect, if "God" be archetict of cosmos, then "creating" devil is merely like creating opponent in sports game, for team to play against - since with no devil to conflict with, there be no game, and no joy in life at all.

Is Devil which encourage the succumbing to disease, rather than god which encourage the overcoming of disease.
Devil represents disease, or attempts to 'cheat the system of the universe' which lead to disease and disorder, so of course devil is what represents suffering and destruction, not God.
God created disease

He creates organisms, not the Devil
That incorrect, if "God" be archetict of cosmos, then "creating" devil is merely like creating opponent in sports game, for team to play against - since with no devil to conflict with, there be no game, and no joy in life at all.

Is Devil which encourage the succumbing to disease, rather than god which encourage the overcoming of disease.
The Devil has no capability to create life

That is up to God
If I were to write the Bible, I would have blamed the Great Flood on the Devil

I would not have used it as a reason to worship my God

You're assuming the Devil would be a better God?
I am asking for someone to show where the Devil did anything worse than God

Going by the bible, it is the devil that influences people to do evil. So if you accept that, then there would be no comparison.
If I were to write the Bible, I would have blamed the Great Flood on the Devil

I would not have used it as a reason to worship my God

You're assuming the Devil would be a better God?
I am asking for someone to show where the Devil did anything worse than God

Going by the bible, it is the devil that influences people to do evil. So if you accept that, then there would be no comparison.

I agree

Temptation. Something that ignores the free will of man and blames the Devil
If I were to write the Bible, I would have blamed the Great Flood on the Devil

I would not have used it as a reason to worship my God

You're assuming the Devil would be a better God?
I am asking for someone to show where the Devil did anything worse than God

Going by the bible, it is the devil that influences people to do evil. So if you accept that, then there would be no comparison.

I agree

Temptation. Something that ignores the free will of man and blames the Devil

I'm not arguing.
Personally I don't know what I believe. Agnostic I guess.
If I believe there is a God, then I have to believe he basically set the stage... and the rest is us. He does not interfere in our lives for good or bad.
Pain, despair, sickness as well as good fortune and long life - does not discriminate by whether you are faithful or a heathen.
If I were to write the Bible, I would have blamed the Great Flood on the Devil

I would not have used it as a reason to worship my God

You're assuming the Devil would be a better God?
I am asking for someone to show where the Devil did anything worse than God

Going by the bible, it is the devil that influences people to do evil. So if you accept that, then there would be no comparison.

I agree

Temptation. Something that ignores the free will of man and blames the Devil
I don’t believe man is excused. Adam and Eve didn’t get off Scot free. It is more like man is held accountable for his failure to resist temptation. Of course this is all allegorical as near as I can tell. There are no magical beings pulling strings. There’s just intelligence behind it all hoping we make good choices so that we can lead productive lives and become the best version of our self that we can be. And just maybe we will get a glimpse of reality along the way.

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