What has the Devil done that is really that bad?

Never pretended to be completely virtuous. Religions pretend to be.
You are confusing religion for people.
You're confused, period.
No. I’m not confused. You are confusing religion for people.
Neither people nor religion(s) are completely virtuous. What's the problem?
The problem is your belief that the inanimate can be virtuous or devoid of virtue. Now if you are telling me the dogma of religion is not virtuous I’d have to ask you which specific dogma is not virtuous.
The bible is full of killing... The koran as well. Not many religions, if any, can claim to be 100% virtuous.
What has the Devil done that is that bad ?

well there is a contrast between the desert religions that might be noted -

as the OP has proven there is nothing but persuasion the devil / evil has accomplished which is the sign that by the original religion of Antiquity, evil does not physically exist and is a metaphysical aberration (not to be made physical) that does conclude they have done nothing since they do not exist to be able to commit crimes and verifies the religion of Antiquity as the true religion over christianity.

evil / the devil is prevented from becoming a physical entity to cause physical damage to the Everlasting albeit from where beings originate. all hail the Almighty.
Best answer so far
You are confusing religion for people.
You're confused, period.
No. I’m not confused. You are confusing religion for people.
Neither people nor religion(s) are completely virtuous. What's the problem?
The problem is your belief that the inanimate can be virtuous or devoid of virtue. Now if you are telling me the dogma of religion is not virtuous I’d have to ask you which specific dogma is not virtuous.
The bible is full of killing... The koran as well. Not many religions, if any, can claim to be 100% virtuous.
Again you are confusing men with religion.
In God's defense when he kills someone they don't cease to exist, he simply takes them into his bosom early. So there is no evil there. It's a blessing to go to heaven early.
Pretty much my defense of abortion, on religious grounds.

It is a defense of any killing

Yea I murdered her with an axe, but I was doing her a favor
  • The soul is the only thing that matters, Christians tell us.
  • God never wastes a soul, Christians tell us.
  • Innocent souls go to Heaven, Christians tell us.
  • The body is but a vessel, Christians tell us.

So what's the issue with abortions?
You mean besides it is wrong?
What has the Devil done that is that bad ?

well there is a contrast between the desert religions that might be noted -

as the OP has proven there is nothing but persuasion the devil / evil has accomplished which is the sign that by the original religion of Antiquity, evil does not physically exist and is a metaphysical aberration (not to be made physical) that does conclude they have done nothing since they do not exist to be able to commit crimes and verifies the religion of Antiquity as the true religion over christianity.

evil / the devil is prevented from becoming a physical entity to cause physical damage to the Everlasting albeit from where beings originate. all hail the Almighty.
Best answer so far
Op is rather silly.

He think that killing people is wrong even if evidence prove otherwise, but if all evidence prove that killing 100 sodomites save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then he have to agree this is a good thing.

So if he believe killing is bad even if evidence shows it saves more lives, then he is just believing it based on faith and denying evidence.

Plus he be rather silly, he presume that if a devil or adversary was crafty and cunning, that the devil would be easy to "see" doing things behind the scenes.

That of course be rather silly, since that be like saying "I never saw Hitler personally kill Jews with his own hands, so HItler didn't organize the Holocaust".


So no, is actually plainly obvious that the Devil as described in the Bible is responsible for most of death and ill in humanity - if devil advocating sodomy or diseased lifestyles, then this lead to the majority of human deaths and suffering in recorded history, since disease has been biggest killer of humans, rather than weapons. This be why most sodomites die of aids rather than executions.

If Levitical God for example, advocate capital punishment for sodomites, then this be altruistic and save more lives by preventing spread of disease which would otherwise kill thousands or millions.
What has the Devil done that is that bad ?

well there is a contrast between the desert religions that might be noted -

as the OP has proven there is nothing but persuasion the devil / evil has accomplished which is the sign that by the original religion of Antiquity, evil does not physically exist and is a metaphysical aberration (not to be made physical) that does conclude they have done nothing since they do not exist to be able to commit crimes and verifies the religion of Antiquity as the true religion over christianity.

evil / the devil is prevented from becoming a physical entity to cause physical damage to the Everlasting albeit from where beings originate. all hail the Almighty.
Best answer so far
Op is rather silly.

He think that killing people is wrong even if evidence prove otherwise, but if all evidence prove that killing 100 sodomites save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then he have to agree this is a good thing.

So if he believe killing is bad even if evidence shows it saves more lives, then he is just believing it based on faith and denying evidence.

Plus he be rather silly, he presume that if a devil or adversary was crafty and cunning, that the devil would be easy to "see" doing things behind the scenes.

That of course be rather silly, since that be like saying "I never saw Hitler personally kill Jews with his own hands, so HItler didn't organize the Holocaust".


So no, is actually plainly obvious that the Devil as described in the Bible is responsible for most of death and ill in humanity - if devil advocating sodomy or diseased lifestyles, then this lead to the majority of human deaths and suffering in recorded history, since disease has been biggest killer of humans, rather than weapons. This be why most sodomites die of aids rather than executions.

If Levitical God for example, advocate capital punishment for sodomites, then this be altruistic and save more lives by preventing spread of disease which would otherwise kill thousands or millions.
Name something in the Bible that the Devil was responsible for
What has the Devil done that is that bad ?

well there is a contrast between the desert religions that might be noted -

as the OP has proven there is nothing but persuasion the devil / evil has accomplished which is the sign that by the original religion of Antiquity, evil does not physically exist and is a metaphysical aberration (not to be made physical) that does conclude they have done nothing since they do not exist to be able to commit crimes and verifies the religion of Antiquity as the true religion over christianity.

evil / the devil is prevented from becoming a physical entity to cause physical damage to the Everlasting albeit from where beings originate. all hail the Almighty.
Best answer so far
Op is rather silly.

He think that killing people is wrong even if evidence prove otherwise, but if all evidence prove that killing 100 sodomites save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then he have to agree this is a good thing.

So if he believe killing is bad even if evidence shows it saves more lives, then he is just believing it based on faith and denying evidence.

Plus he be rather silly, he presume that if a devil or adversary was crafty and cunning, that the devil would be easy to "see" doing things behind the scenes.

That of course be rather silly, since that be like saying "I never saw Hitler personally kill Jews with his own hands, so HItler didn't organize the Holocaust".


So no, is actually plainly obvious that the Devil as described in the Bible is responsible for most of death and ill in humanity - if devil advocating sodomy or diseased lifestyles, then this lead to the majority of human deaths and suffering in recorded history, since disease has been biggest killer of humans, rather than weapons. This be why most sodomites die of aids rather than executions.

If Levitical God for example, advocate capital punishment for sodomites, then this be altruistic and save more lives by preventing spread of disease which would otherwise kill thousands or millions.
Name something in the Bible that the Devil was responsible for

It be sin in Jewish or Christian to engage in behaviors which spread disease such as sodomy, gluttony, and whatnot - evidence shows that disease is major killer of people and nations rather than physical violence, such as how more sodomy practitioners die of STDs than executions by Muslims, or how more Americans die of obesity (gluttony) than violence or warfare.

So this of course mean that most deaths in human history are disease related, or result of following "sinful lifestyles" or temptations of Devil

While on other hand if Law in OT commend death sentence for 1 practitioner of sodomy or other member of diseased society or lifestyle, but this save 10 or 1,000 people from dying of disease such as AIDS, then atheist must say it is altruistic and progressive for greater good of society.
What has the Devil done that is that bad ?

well there is a contrast between the desert religions that might be noted -

as the OP has proven there is nothing but persuasion the devil / evil has accomplished which is the sign that by the original religion of Antiquity, evil does not physically exist and is a metaphysical aberration (not to be made physical) that does conclude they have done nothing since they do not exist to be able to commit crimes and verifies the religion of Antiquity as the true religion over christianity.

evil / the devil is prevented from becoming a physical entity to cause physical damage to the Everlasting albeit from where beings originate. all hail the Almighty.
Best answer so far
Op is rather silly.

He think that killing people is wrong even if evidence prove otherwise, but if all evidence prove that killing 100 sodomites save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then he have to agree this is a good thing.

So if he believe killing is bad even if evidence shows it saves more lives, then he is just believing it based on faith and denying evidence.

Plus he be rather silly, he presume that if a devil or adversary was crafty and cunning, that the devil would be easy to "see" doing things behind the scenes.

That of course be rather silly, since that be like saying "I never saw Hitler personally kill Jews with his own hands, so HItler didn't organize the Holocaust".


So no, is actually plainly obvious that the Devil as described in the Bible is responsible for most of death and ill in humanity - if devil advocating sodomy or diseased lifestyles, then this lead to the majority of human deaths and suffering in recorded history, since disease has been biggest killer of humans, rather than weapons. This be why most sodomites die of aids rather than executions.

If Levitical God for example, advocate capital punishment for sodomites, then this be altruistic and save more lives by preventing spread of disease which would otherwise kill thousands or millions.
Name something in the Bible that the Devil was responsible for

It be sin in Jewish or Christian to engage in behaviors which spread disease such as sodomy, gluttony, and whatnot - evidence shows that disease is major killer of people and nations rather than physical violence, such as how more sodomy practitioners die of STDs than executions by Muslims, or how more Americans die of obesity (gluttony) than violence or warfare.

So this of course mean that most deaths in human history are disease related, or result of following "sinful lifestyles" or temptations of Devil

While on other hand if Law in OT commend death sentence for 1 practitioner of sodomy or other member of diseased society or lifestyle, but this save 10 or 1,000 people from dying of disease such as AIDS, then atheist must say it is altruistic and progressive for greater good of society.
So, God destroyed the world in a Great flood

While the Devil got people to eat to much and get blow jobs

Good answer
What has the Devil done that is that bad ?

well there is a contrast between the desert religions that might be noted -

as the OP has proven there is nothing but persuasion the devil / evil has accomplished which is the sign that by the original religion of Antiquity, evil does not physically exist and is a metaphysical aberration (not to be made physical) that does conclude they have done nothing since they do not exist to be able to commit crimes and verifies the religion of Antiquity as the true religion over christianity.

evil / the devil is prevented from becoming a physical entity to cause physical damage to the Everlasting albeit from where beings originate. all hail the Almighty.
Best answer so far
Op is rather silly.

He think that killing people is wrong even if evidence prove otherwise, but if all evidence prove that killing 100 sodomites save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then he have to agree this is a good thing.

So if he believe killing is bad even if evidence shows it saves more lives, then he is just believing it based on faith and denying evidence.

Plus he be rather silly, he presume that if a devil or adversary was crafty and cunning, that the devil would be easy to "see" doing things behind the scenes.

That of course be rather silly, since that be like saying "I never saw Hitler personally kill Jews with his own hands, so HItler didn't organize the Holocaust".


So no, is actually plainly obvious that the Devil as described in the Bible is responsible for most of death and ill in humanity - if devil advocating sodomy or diseased lifestyles, then this lead to the majority of human deaths and suffering in recorded history, since disease has been biggest killer of humans, rather than weapons. This be why most sodomites die of aids rather than executions.

If Levitical God for example, advocate capital punishment for sodomites, then this be altruistic and save more lives by preventing spread of disease which would otherwise kill thousands or millions.
Name something in the Bible that the Devil was responsible for

It be sin in Jewish or Christian to engage in behaviors which spread disease such as sodomy, gluttony, and whatnot - evidence shows that disease is major killer of people and nations rather than physical violence, such as how more sodomy practitioners die of STDs than executions by Muslims, or how more Americans die of obesity (gluttony) than violence or warfare.

So this of course mean that most deaths in human history are disease related, or result of following "sinful lifestyles" or temptations of Devil

While on other hand if Law in OT commend death sentence for 1 practitioner of sodomy or other member of diseased society or lifestyle, but this save 10 or 1,000 people from dying of disease such as AIDS, then atheist must say it is altruistic and progressive for greater good of society.
So, God destroyed the world in a Great flood

While the Devil got people to eat to much and get blow jobs

Good answer
Correct, given that eating too much and engaging in diseased forms of sex lead to disease and more calamity than merely removing minority of disease spreaders from society, obviously the more altruistic notion would be to remove the diseased for the sake of the healthy, while of course it is the Devil at the root of the disease to begin with.

I'd assume in the primordial Flood epoch, for example, given the ancient world described was portrayed as diseased, were the diseased not to be eliminated, then they merely would have spread their disease to the healthy (such as Noah), and lead to extinction of all human race, perhaps even animals.

So obviously in long run, death and suffering toll was much lower as result of flood, making it an altruistic act in saving the world from disease and calamity, rather than letting it be destroyed by diseases brought about by diseased lifestyles.
Best answer so far
Op is rather silly.

He think that killing people is wrong even if evidence prove otherwise, but if all evidence prove that killing 100 sodomites save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then he have to agree this is a good thing.

So if he believe killing is bad even if evidence shows it saves more lives, then he is just believing it based on faith and denying evidence.

Plus he be rather silly, he presume that if a devil or adversary was crafty and cunning, that the devil would be easy to "see" doing things behind the scenes.

That of course be rather silly, since that be like saying "I never saw Hitler personally kill Jews with his own hands, so HItler didn't organize the Holocaust".


So no, is actually plainly obvious that the Devil as described in the Bible is responsible for most of death and ill in humanity - if devil advocating sodomy or diseased lifestyles, then this lead to the majority of human deaths and suffering in recorded history, since disease has been biggest killer of humans, rather than weapons. This be why most sodomites die of aids rather than executions.

If Levitical God for example, advocate capital punishment for sodomites, then this be altruistic and save more lives by preventing spread of disease which would otherwise kill thousands or millions.
Name something in the Bible that the Devil was responsible for

It be sin in Jewish or Christian to engage in behaviors which spread disease such as sodomy, gluttony, and whatnot - evidence shows that disease is major killer of people and nations rather than physical violence, such as how more sodomy practitioners die of STDs than executions by Muslims, or how more Americans die of obesity (gluttony) than violence or warfare.

So this of course mean that most deaths in human history are disease related, or result of following "sinful lifestyles" or temptations of Devil

While on other hand if Law in OT commend death sentence for 1 practitioner of sodomy or other member of diseased society or lifestyle, but this save 10 or 1,000 people from dying of disease such as AIDS, then atheist must say it is altruistic and progressive for greater good of society.
So, God destroyed the world in a Great flood

While the Devil got people to eat to much and get blow jobs

Good answer
Correct, given that eating too much and engaging in diseased forms of sex lead to disease and more calamity than merely removing minority of disease spreaders from society, obviously the more altruistic notion would be to remove the diseased for the sake of the healthy, while of course it is the Devil at the root of the disease to begin with.

I'd assume in the primordial Flood epoch, for example, given the ancient world described was portrayed as diseased, were the diseased not to be eliminated, then they merely would have spread their disease to the healthy (such as Noah), and lead to extinction of all human race, perhaps even animals.

So obviously in long run, death and suffering toll was much lower as result of flood, making it an altruistic act in saving the world from disease and calamity, rather than letting it be destroyed by diseases brought about by diseased lifestyles.
But if the worst thing the devil ever did was bring us the blow job....he can’t be that bad
Op is rather silly.

He think that killing people is wrong even if evidence prove otherwise, but if all evidence prove that killing 100 sodomites save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then he have to agree this is a good thing.

So if he believe killing is bad even if evidence shows it saves more lives, then he is just believing it based on faith and denying evidence.

Plus he be rather silly, he presume that if a devil or adversary was crafty and cunning, that the devil would be easy to "see" doing things behind the scenes.

That of course be rather silly, since that be like saying "I never saw Hitler personally kill Jews with his own hands, so HItler didn't organize the Holocaust".


So no, is actually plainly obvious that the Devil as described in the Bible is responsible for most of death and ill in humanity - if devil advocating sodomy or diseased lifestyles, then this lead to the majority of human deaths and suffering in recorded history, since disease has been biggest killer of humans, rather than weapons. This be why most sodomites die of aids rather than executions.

If Levitical God for example, advocate capital punishment for sodomites, then this be altruistic and save more lives by preventing spread of disease which would otherwise kill thousands or millions.
Name something in the Bible that the Devil was responsible for

It be sin in Jewish or Christian to engage in behaviors which spread disease such as sodomy, gluttony, and whatnot - evidence shows that disease is major killer of people and nations rather than physical violence, such as how more sodomy practitioners die of STDs than executions by Muslims, or how more Americans die of obesity (gluttony) than violence or warfare.

So this of course mean that most deaths in human history are disease related, or result of following "sinful lifestyles" or temptations of Devil

While on other hand if Law in OT commend death sentence for 1 practitioner of sodomy or other member of diseased society or lifestyle, but this save 10 or 1,000 people from dying of disease such as AIDS, then atheist must say it is altruistic and progressive for greater good of society.
So, God destroyed the world in a Great flood

While the Devil got people to eat to much and get blow jobs

Good answer
Correct, given that eating too much and engaging in diseased forms of sex lead to disease and more calamity than merely removing minority of disease spreaders from society, obviously the more altruistic notion would be to remove the diseased for the sake of the healthy, while of course it is the Devil at the root of the disease to begin with.

I'd assume in the primordial Flood epoch, for example, given the ancient world described was portrayed as diseased, were the diseased not to be eliminated, then they merely would have spread their disease to the healthy (such as Noah), and lead to extinction of all human race, perhaps even animals.

So obviously in long run, death and suffering toll was much lower as result of flood, making it an altruistic act in saving the world from disease and calamity, rather than letting it be destroyed by diseases brought about by diseased lifestyles.
But if the worst thing the devil ever did was bring us the blow job....he can’t be that bad
Is proof here that atheists not care about facts, but merely want to be diseased and do the "devil's" work of spreading disease.

Obviously the atheist claims to have a problem with people dying, but when push come to shove he attempt lame humor and admits that he'd be fine with 1,000s of people dying from diseased-related causes if it means he can get a cheap blowjob from some woman working the streets.

Seems to be proof that atheist are morally unfit to govern themselves without guidance of moral leaders then, no?
What has the Devil done that is that bad ?

well there is a contrast between the desert religions that might be noted -

as the OP has proven there is nothing but persuasion the devil / evil has accomplished which is the sign that by the original religion of Antiquity, evil does not physically exist and is a metaphysical aberration (not to be made physical) that does conclude they have done nothing since they do not exist to be able to commit crimes and verifies the religion of Antiquity as the true religion over christianity.

evil / the devil is prevented from becoming a physical entity to cause physical damage to the Everlasting albeit from where beings originate. all hail the Almighty.
Best answer so far
Op is rather silly.

He think that killing people is wrong even if evidence prove otherwise, but if all evidence prove that killing 100 sodomites save 1000 people from dying from AIDS, then he have to agree this is a good thing.

So if he believe killing is bad even if evidence shows it saves more lives, then he is just believing it based on faith and denying evidence.

Plus he be rather silly, he presume that if a devil or adversary was crafty and cunning, that the devil would be easy to "see" doing things behind the scenes.

That of course be rather silly, since that be like saying "I never saw Hitler personally kill Jews with his own hands, so HItler didn't organize the Holocaust".


So no, is actually plainly obvious that the Devil as described in the Bible is responsible for most of death and ill in humanity - if devil advocating sodomy or diseased lifestyles, then this lead to the majority of human deaths and suffering in recorded history, since disease has been biggest killer of humans, rather than weapons. This be why most sodomites die of aids rather than executions.

If Levitical God for example, advocate capital punishment for sodomites, then this be altruistic and save more lives by preventing spread of disease which would otherwise kill thousands or millions.
Name something in the Bible that the Devil was responsible for

It be sin in Jewish or Christian to engage in behaviors which spread disease such as sodomy, gluttony, and whatnot - evidence shows that disease is major killer of people and nations rather than physical violence, such as how more sodomy practitioners die of STDs than executions by Muslims, or how more Americans die of obesity (gluttony) than violence or warfare.

So this of course mean that most deaths in human history are disease related, or result of following "sinful lifestyles" or temptations of Devil

While on other hand if Law in OT commend death sentence for 1 practitioner of sodomy or other member of diseased society or lifestyle, but this save 10 or 1,000 people from dying of disease such as AIDS, then atheist must say it is altruistic and progressive for greater good of society.
or temptations of Devil

... or temptations of Devil

- what devil.
I like toying with the idea that Lucifer is actually the good guy, and that humanity has been tricked into following and worshiping evil. It seems like something evil would do. You know, tricking stupid people into believing it is good. God seems to be a tantrum throwing narcissist, while Lucifer just wanted to give knowledge and freedom to humanity.
So god is the republican and the devil was a democrat
I like toying with the idea that Lucifer is actually the good guy, and that humanity has been tricked into following and worshiping evil. It seems like something evil would do. You know, tricking stupid people into believing it is good. God seems to be a tantrum throwing narcissist, while Lucifer just wanted to give knowledge and freedom to humanity.

“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.” -Verbal Kint
The greatest trick religion did was convince the world god is real.
If I were to write the Bible, I would have blamed the Great Flood on the Devil

I would not have used it as a reason to worship my God

Worship me, or else! Sounds kind of insecure to me.

The Devil does not seem to care what you think of him

You'd think the angry evil guy (the devil I mean) would have a much bigger temper and ego than God.

There is a reason the Devil does not care what you think of him. He doesn't have to mess with you at all. You're no threat. He's already got you right where he wants you--his work there is done. Sadly, tragically, in 2018 it wasn't even difficult. Candy-baby, you know the rest.
Maybe god should make it as easy to get in to his club as the devil does
I like toying with the idea that Lucifer is actually the good guy, and that humanity has been tricked into following and worshiping evil. It seems like something evil would do. You know, tricking stupid people into believing it is good. God seems to be a tantrum throwing narcissist, while Lucifer just wanted to give knowledge and freedom to humanity.
That be naive, since it mean you believe Satan just be altruistic "nice guy" like fairy tale character who have no alterior motive of his own.

If Satan's goal to be to "overthrow god" and it was in Satan's self-interest to give man forbidden knowledge to ursurp God - but Satan of course wouldn't be doing it out of altruism, but rather would merely do it until the individuals had served his interest, and then toss them aside when it was convenient, he's not just some nice little boy scout who does things just to be 'nice", without some type of catch of course.

Plus, if Satan gave away all of the knowledge, rather than just the knowledge he "wanted" humans to have - then that would be silly since it would be a threat to his power - much as one would be naive to assume mafia boss would merely tell a stranger all of his inside secrets for free, just to be "nice".

So most likely, only a very naive child would believe the knowledge Satan gave them was real to begin with, or was anything more than what Satan wanted them to know for his own self-interest -
I like toying with the idea that Lucifer is actually the good guy, and that humanity has been tricked into following and worshiping evil. It seems like something evil would do. You know, tricking stupid people into believing it is good. God seems to be a tantrum throwing narcissist, while Lucifer just wanted to give knowledge and freedom to humanity.

“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.” -Verbal Kint
The greatest trick religion did was convince the world god is real.
That be silly and debunked, it's been scientifically proven of course that people are born theists, and merely have to be indoctrinated into being atheists.

This be because atheism be lower stage of human development than theism, much as being a dog is lower in theory of evolution than being human - so obviously a sane person could not be an atheist unless they were afflicted with some type of mental, or moral disease.

Most likely is also reason that we see atheists such as Sade who support evils such as pedophilia, rape, and bestiality - since atheism obviously just another symptom of mental and moral disease to begin with.
Documenting the attrocities done by God and getting people to fear him. It is God tricking people’s minds to get them to do his bidding.
This has been debunked of course; it has been proven

It is God who sends you to Hell, not the Devil
That is silly argument, since that of course be like child molester such as Larry Nassar arguing that police make him suffer for arresting him, rather than him electing to embrace diseased lifestyle of lust, which of course leads to hell of molesting children and its consequences.

Since devil is shown to be behind disease, and disease of some variety or another is source of suffering and path to hell, then obviously it is the devil which actually sends the person to hell, God merely being administrator of cosmos, of course.
What if the Bible were written from the perspective of the Devil?

Documenting the attrocities done by God and getting people to fear him. It is God tricking people’s minds to get them to do his bidding.
This has been debunked of course; it has been proven that disease be the source of all major atrocities of death historically, and it be devil which advocates diseased lifestyles in order to trick people into suffering.

While acts of God in Judaic texts, are merely altruistic acts to save world from dying of disease and prevent the healthy from succumbing to it, since it of course be better to remove those who life diseased of their own accord from society than to allow the healthy to suffer and die at their expense.
If one look at evidence, for example, more people die each year of obesity (sin of gluttony) than die of violent crimes, or state executions, and more who practice sodomy (sin of lust) die of aids each year than are executed by regimes in Islamic countries.

So if individuals did not practice diseased lifestyles and spread them to the innocent, then most deaths in human history would not happen, it is devil which represents architect of disease, as well as that which allows blind and ignorant to embrace disease and spread it to others.

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