What has the Republican Party done for this country in the last 20 years?

The republican party doesn't "do" anything. It's job is to keep the other side from doing things.

This coming from a supporter of the side wishing to restrict the abilities of ones they deem evil or 'rich', support confiscation and redistribution thru government

Yeah, and Clinton SHOULD have been impeached. He had the following choice:

Get blowjobs, or Kill Bin Laden. He chose the first one.

Why bother responding to this jackass? He wasn't impeached for getting a beejer... he was impeached for being a liar under oath. But of course, that little bit of info escapes them. And then, to further back up another stupid ass claim, he uses some liberal euro rag as a source.

Clinton was impeached by the Republican controlled house (no surprise there) against the wishes of the majority of the American people (again no surprise) and acquitted by the Senate.
Republicans impeached him because he said, in an affidavit, that he never had sex with ML. In his mind, he didn't really include a BJ as "sex". The affidavit was never used in court.
This was a case for the "divorce" courts.
At least he wasn't spending Democratic money in a faux lesbian bondage dinner club.

Republicans have no respect for Europe. One of the reasons they see Republicans as dangerous. Nothing new there.

Clinton was impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanors" on the exact bill Nixon was impeached on. He was disbarred on the same grounds. Quit pretending it was all about a blowjob. That is a whitewash.
He deserved to be removed. Yet he remains a popular figure in the Democratic party. Especially among women, even though he is likely s serial rapist and abuser. Why?
Because the Democrats are the "Party of Fuck You."
Why bother responding to this jackass? He wasn't impeached for getting a beejer... he was impeached for being a liar under oath. But of course, that little bit of info escapes them. And then, to further back up another stupid ass claim, he uses some liberal euro rag as a source.

Clinton was impeached by the Republican controlled house (no surprise there) against the wishes of the majority of the American people (again no surprise) and acquitted by the Senate.
Republicans impeached him because he said, in an affidavit, that he never had sex with ML. In his mind, he didn't really include a BJ as "sex". The affidavit was never used in court.
This was a case for the "divorce" courts.
At least he wasn't spending Democratic money in a faux lesbian bondage dinner club.

Republicans have no respect for Europe. One of the reasons they see Republicans as dangerous. Nothing new there.

Clinton was impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanors" on the exact bill Nixon was impeached on. He was disbarred on the same grounds. Quit pretending it was all about a blowjob. That is a whitewash.
He deserved to be removed. Yet he remains a popular figure in the Democratic party. Especially among women, even though he is likely s serial rapist and abuser. Why?
Because the Democrats are the "Party of Fuck You."

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about getting a blowjob.

Nixon was impeached for trying to cover up a break in at the opposition's headquarters in order to skew a national election in his favor.

Surely even you can see the difference.
While it would be unfair to give all the credit to the republicans, their biggest achievement was the beginning of the destruction of the middle class in America, followed by these wonders: humongous deficits, made the rich richer through unjust tax policy that did not consider the overall impact on the nation, invaded a sovereign nation based on fear alone, failed to protect America from the attack on 911, were too incompetent to capture bin Laden, cozied up to corporate power, selected two more fascists to the supreme court and then allowed these fascists to support corporations as people, failed America in Katrina, failed to regulate derivatives even legislated for this failure, failed to control the housing bubble, made America look incompetent and inarticulate in the world, destroyed worker rights starting with Reagan, failed to control immigration, failed to raise and support standards in education, failed to manage and support the infrastructure, failed the environment, failed to provide a substantive energy policy raising gas was over 4 dollars, failed employment and lowered the wages of the working person. And fought against minimum wage! How can anyone be a republican!

That's just a start.

A longer list is here: http://www.conceptualguerilla.com/?q=node/393

And more of their accomps here: The Conservative Nanny State

"Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone." John Maynard Keynes
And midcan links to winger sites, again, to promote a left-wing stance.... for the love of God, midcan, link to something credible

(and you know I do the same thing with a far right winger uses an obviously uber-biased source)
When I saw this utube, as an independent, I thought it was unfair to Republicans. I think we at USMB can make it's own list.

Political Irony Shortest List Ever — Republican accomplishments of the last 20 years

I would like to start it off;

1). Republicans passed legislation in Arizona that will push the immigration question with Mexico into the news, and hopefully force some kind of resolution.

2). Republicans took bold steps in the last days of the Bush administration to stave off economic collapse.

3). Republicans got something going for national security by creating the Department of Homeland security.

What has the Republican Party done for this country in the last 20 years?

Not tried to turn Congress into the Politburo.
And midcan links to winger sites, again, to promote a left-wing stance.... for the love of God, midcan, link to something credible

(and you know I do the same thing with a far right winger uses an obviously uber-biased source)

The Guerrilla may be considered left but Baker's book on the way the government supports corporations and the wealthy is a well argued expose on a fact of life in Washington. You would probably agree with much of it. But maybe he should have named it 'Washington Elite's Nanny State.' ;)
The GOP Congress balanced the budget under Clinton. They impeached the bastard as well, making a Democrat the only president to be impeached in this century.
Bush understood that the present situation is a new "war by other means" rather than the police action Clinton wanted to treat it as.
Ditto on the Supreme Court nominees.

Remind us what Democrats have done, other than raising taxes, extending civil rights to terrorists, pissing off our allies, emboldening our enemies, raising taxes and wrecking the economy with new mandates.

It is hardly an accomplishment for the Republican Party to mis-use impeachment law for merely for political gain.

What a coincidence that you would ask about Democratic Party contibutions to America. Since you want to go that way. My grandpop, a member of the Democratic National Committee passed on a newsletter from Obama/Biden emphasizing what they consider to be their accomplishments over the last 15 months. This is internal Democratic Party correspondence.

~historic passage of comprehensive health care reform legislation despite intense GOP resistence.

~the American economy has been pulled back from the brink of collapse.

~American financial institutions and investment markets are being better regulated.

~additional relief is being provided to Americans who are unemployed.

~Troops are being redeployed from Iraq to Afghanistan.

~America's stature in the world community has been improved.

In the works, and coming up next.

~Clean energy policy to slow climate change and improve our economic and national security.
~Improving the security of our nation from the threat of terrorism.
~further efforts to rebuild our economy and combat unemployment.

Last edited:
The GOP Congress balanced the budget under Clinton. They impeached the bastard as well, making a Democrat the only president to be impeached in this century.
Bush understood that the present situation is a new "war by other means" rather than the police action Clinton wanted to treat it as.
Ditto on the Supreme Court nominees.

Remind us what Democrats have done, other than raising taxes, extending civil rights to terrorists, pissing off our allies, emboldening our enemies, raising taxes and wrecking the economy with new mandates.

It is hardly an accomplishment for the Republican Party to mis-use impeachment law for merely for political gain.

What a coincidence that you would ask about Democratic Party contibutions to America. Since you want to go that way. My grandpop, a member of the Democratic National Committee passed on a newsletter from Obama/Biden emphasizing what they consider to be their accomplishments over the last 15 months. This is internal Democratic Party correspondence.

~historic passage of comprehensive health care reform legislation despite intense GOP resistence.

~the American economy has been pulled back from the brink of collapse.

~American financial institutions and investment markets are being better regulated.

~additional relief is being provided to Americans who are unemployed.

~Troops are being redeployed from Iraq to Afghanistan.

~America's stature in the world community has been improved.

In the works, and coming up next.

~Clean energy policy to slow climate change and improve our economic and national security.
~Improving the security of our nation from the threat of terrorism.
~further efforts to rebuild our economy and combat unemployment.


can you link me to troops moved from iraq to afganistan....

the economic bail out that satablized the banks was during bush.....

those that hated us for the past 40 years still hate us.....

yep ...health care is all dem....same as social security.....
Clinton was impeached by the Republican controlled house (no surprise there) against the wishes of the majority of the American people (again no surprise) and acquitted by the Senate.
Republicans impeached him because he said, in an affidavit, that he never had sex with ML. In his mind, he didn't really include a BJ as "sex". The affidavit was never used in court.
This was a case for the "divorce" courts.
At least he wasn't spending Democratic money in a faux lesbian bondage dinner club.

Republicans have no respect for Europe. One of the reasons they see Republicans as dangerous. Nothing new there.

Clinton was impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanors" on the exact bill Nixon was impeached on. He was disbarred on the same grounds. Quit pretending it was all about a blowjob. That is a whitewash.
He deserved to be removed. Yet he remains a popular figure in the Democratic party. Especially among women, even though he is likely s serial rapist and abuser. Why?
Because the Democrats are the "Party of Fuck You."

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about getting a blowjob.

Nixon was impeached for trying to cover up a break in at the opposition's headquarters in order to skew a national election in his favor.

Surely even you can see the difference.

So there are levels of lying under oath...is that what you're saying? Or more exactly, different levels of the truth...

This is what makes a liberal so hard to take seriously.
They engaged in torture
Started the biggest recession in 70 years
Went to war on a lie
Redistributed wealth from the working class to the wealthy
When I saw this utube, as an independent, I thought it was unfair to Republicans. I think we at USMB can make it's own list.

Political Irony Shortest List Ever — Republican accomplishments of the last 20 years

I would like to start it off;

1). Republicans passed legislation in Arizona that will push the immigration question with Mexico into the news, and hopefully force some kind of resolution.

2). Republicans took bold steps in the last days of the Bush administration to stave off economic collapse.

3). Republicans got something going for national security by creating the Department of Homeland security.

What has the Republican Party done for this country in the last 20 years?

You mean besides spending too much money....?
When I saw this utube, as an independent, I thought it was unfair to Republicans. I think we at USMB can make it's own list.

Political Irony Shortest List Ever — Republican accomplishments of the last 20 years

I would like to start it off;

1). Republicans passed legislation in Arizona that will push the immigration question with Mexico into the news, and hopefully force some kind of resolution.

2). Republicans took bold steps in the last days of the Bush administration to stave off economic collapse.

3). Republicans got something going for national security by creating the Department of Homeland security.

What has the Republican Party done for this country in the last 20 years?

The main purpose of government is to stay out of the way of the private sector and to protect us from outside aggression....not spoon feed us everything we need in our lives.

Many people seem to think that government is here to give us shit.
While it would be unfair to give all the credit to the republicans, their biggest achievement was the beginning of the destruction of the middle class in America, followed by these wonders: humongous deficits, made the rich richer through unjust tax policy that did not consider the overall impact on the nation, invaded a sovereign nation based on fear alone, failed to protect America from the attack on 911, were too incompetent to capture bin Laden, cozied up to corporate power, selected two more fascists to the supreme court and then allowed these fascists to support corporations as people, failed America in Katrina, failed to regulate derivatives even legislated for this failure, failed to control the housing bubble, made America look incompetent and inarticulate in the world, destroyed worker rights starting with Reagan, failed to control immigration, failed to raise and support standards in education, failed to manage and support the infrastructure, failed the environment, failed to provide a substantive energy policy raising gas was over 4 dollars, failed employment and lowered the wages of the working person. And fought against minimum wage! How can anyone be a republican!

That's just a start.

A longer list is here: http://www.conceptualguerilla.com/?q=node/393

And more of their accomps here: The Conservative Nanny State

"Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone." John Maynard Keynes

Socialism works till you run out of other people's money.

Keep up all of the finger pointing....but I'm sure the Dems had a big part in all of the above.
And midcan links to winger sites, again, to promote a left-wing stance.... for the love of God, midcan, link to something credible

(and you know I do the same thing with a far right winger uses an obviously uber-biased source)

The Guerrilla may be considered left but Baker's book on the way the government supports corporations and the wealthy is a well argued expose on a fact of life in Washington. You would probably agree with much of it. But maybe he should have named it 'Washington Elite's Nanny State.' ;)

So one set of wealthy benefactors gets replaced with a whole new set....many from outside the country.

I don't see any difference....other then that it's less honest then it used to be.
Last edited:
The GOP Congress balanced the budget under Clinton. They impeached the bastard as well, making a Democrat the only president to be impeached in this century.
Bush understood that the present situation is a new "war by other means" rather than the police action Clinton wanted to treat it as.
Ditto on the Supreme Court nominees.

Remind us what Democrats have done, other than raising taxes, extending civil rights to terrorists, pissing off our allies, emboldening our enemies, raising taxes and wrecking the economy with new mandates.

It is hardly an accomplishment for the Republican Party to mis-use impeachment law for merely for political gain.

What a coincidence that you would ask about Democratic Party contibutions to America. Since you want to go that way. My grandpop, a member of the Democratic National Committee passed on a newsletter from Obama/Biden emphasizing what they consider to be their accomplishments over the last 15 months. This is internal Democratic Party correspondence.

~historic passage of comprehensive health care reform legislation despite intense GOP resistence.

~the American economy has been pulled back from the brink of collapse.

~American financial institutions and investment markets are being better regulated.

~additional relief is being provided to Americans who are unemployed.

~Troops are being redeployed from Iraq to Afghanistan.

~America's stature in the world community has been improved.

In the works, and coming up next.

~Clean energy policy to slow climate change and improve our economic and national security.
~Improving the security of our nation from the threat of terrorism.
~further efforts to rebuild our economy and combat unemployment.


can you link me to troops moved from iraq to afganistan....

the economic bail out that satablized the banks was during bush.....

those that hated us for the past 40 years still hate us.....

yep ...health care is all dem....same as social security.....

I am not attacking nor defending the accomplishments of the Democratic Party. This is an internal Democratic Party statement about itself to its contributors provided to me by my Grandpop. President Barack Obama is also the head of the Democratic National Committee.
Clinton was impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanors" on the exact bill Nixon was impeached on. He was disbarred on the same grounds. Quit pretending it was all about a blowjob. That is a whitewash.
He deserved to be removed. Yet he remains a popular figure in the Democratic party. Especially among women, even though he is likely s serial rapist and abuser. Why?
Because the Democrats are the "Party of Fuck You."

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about getting a blowjob.

Nixon was impeached for trying to cover up a break in at the opposition's headquarters in order to skew a national election in his favor.

Surely even you can see the difference.

So there are levels of lying under oath...is that what you're saying? Or more exactly, different levels of the truth...

This is what makes a liberal so hard to take seriously.

Apparently, there are levels of good and bad in violating sexual harassment laws, as well, given that THAT was the original charge against Clinton that led to the investigation. I guess we only need to investigate people in the private sector and Republican politicians who are accused of this crime.
While it would be unfair to give all the credit to the republicans, their biggest achievement was the beginning of the destruction of the middle class in America, followed by these wonders: humongous deficits, made the rich richer through unjust tax policy that did not consider the overall impact on the nation, invaded a sovereign nation based on fear alone, failed to protect America from the attack on 911, were too incompetent to capture bin Laden, cozied up to corporate power, selected two more fascists to the supreme court and then allowed these fascists to support corporations as people, failed America in Katrina, failed to regulate derivatives even legislated for this failure, failed to control the housing bubble, made America look incompetent and inarticulate in the world, destroyed worker rights starting with Reagan, failed to control immigration, failed to raise and support standards in education, failed to manage and support the infrastructure, failed the environment, failed to provide a substantive energy policy raising gas was over 4 dollars, failed employment and lowered the wages of the working person. And fought against minimum wage! How can anyone be a republican!

That's just a start.

A longer list is here: A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress | Conceptual Guerilla

And more of their accomps here: The Conservative Nanny State

"Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone." John Maynard Keynes

Well since you and the other 'what-have-you-done-for-me-lately" guys are expanding the 20-year window, how about viewing this and commenting:

[youtube] <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/VVzJ2RIlUwE&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/VVzJ2RIlUwE&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]

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