CDZ What have we lost so far?


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2008
Two days ago, Michigan Governor extended stay-at-home executive order until May 28th. My first reaction was, why she's rushing, since previous order was until May 14 (she extended that order on April 24, six days before the expiration), and number of cases was in steady fall?

For some reason I searched for an old video of Thomas Sowell, which I am attaching below where he said: "There are no solutions, only trade-offs", and I had my "hits pipe" moment for the second time in as many days. So here it is, today's rant.

The trade off that we have made by bringing our economy to near halt, in hopes of staving off the boogeyman has yielded one out of four people being unemployed, people waiting in long lines just to enter grocery stores so they can feed their families, because they have been deemed un-essential, or not important enough. The data does not support further lockdown and further egregious violation of people's rights, not in my state Michigan, not in United States as representative constitutional republic were we have rights enumerated in our founding documents, including Bill of Rights.

We don't get rights because bunch of men sat around of table and wrote them down on a piece of paper, these rights that we have are given to us by birth, and right now bunch of petulant schoolmarm what to be "superior intellectuals" in DC and state capitals are trying to tell us that we need to take one for the team and just let our family shrivel up and die so that way we can ensure greater good... I'm not buying it.

You don't insure greater good by violating right of the individuals on mass, and when you consider that we do not deprive people of life, liberty and property in this country without due process, and we have had 300 million people effectively under house arrest, deprived of liberty, that is very, very, very big problem, the type of problem that led this country being born in the first place... which is when after repeated requests for redress of grievances your government is still violating your most basic of rights, that is a duty, at that point of the people to revolt.

We're seeing right now, all over the country, from my state of Michigan, to Wisconsin, to Indiana, to North Caroline, to California beaches, people are saying "enough is enough". We're not going to destroy our economy further, one out of four people are not permitted to work, and that somehow suppose to be for greater good? You don't save your neighbor house by setting your own on fire, and that is exactly what we're doing. They keep telling us, "there is gonna be second wave", and I keep saying "sure, there is gonna be second, and third", but you know what, the entire narrative from the beginning was that "we needed weeks to prepare for the surge", and that "we need to flatten the curve" so "we don't overwhelm the system". Guess what, curve is flattened, hospital are not overwhelmed, field hospitals are closing, we have more than enough ventilators...

Just like Sowell said "there are no solutions in life, only trade-offs"... the trade-off with doing this violation of our rights is that people who wanted, and needed, and who could pay for things like knee replacement, hip replacement, other surgeries that were essential to their quality of life, their needs have been deemed non essential also. You can't say that, just because you work in hospital, you're some kind of hero, and at the same time keep hospital shut down for everyone else, except for COVID. All patients are equal, except some are more equal than the others? Are COVID patients more important that flu patients, or more important than someone who needs a surgery to remove the agony and pain they're living with every day? Why are we paying for all those health insurance premiums, if we cannot go to the doctors unless we are infected with corona virus?

"Hits pipe"... sigh...

We cannot politely ask for our rights to be restored to us, we have to demand that they be restored to us immediately. The longer this goes on, the more they're gonna try to wrap it around itself, and put more preconditions to our rights, like we have to have a permit to walk around, or to have a doctor's confirmation that we're immune, or healthy, or to have a microchip implanted before we're safe to go back into public, or to have your blood drawn so we can let you fly on a airplane, or to have a little test before they make sure we're "safe enough" to go earn for the living.

No. And no. If you are so afraid about this virus that you don't want to go out of the house, or forget the fear that was planted inside of you... if you make a decision in your mind based on your own understanding of the facts in front of you that is not in your best interest or fiduciary interest of your family to go out, that's fine, more power to you, stay home. But there is no reason that you should have ability, right, or authority to reach over the fence to your neighbor and take a food of their table, because you're afraid of going outside. It's time to be free thinking human being that take ownership, and authority for their own responsibilities, and for taking care of their own families. You don't do that by sitting home and watching Prime video and Netflix. You do that by taking a stand.

In parts of the country where today we're battling entrenched leftism we gonna have to take stance on securing our rights because what they're doing is not in any way, shape or form compatible with founding vision of this country. There is no way that we can wrap our head around what it means to have natural-born rights unless we get a clue where our founding fathers get these ideas, so read what they wrote in Federalist papers, in debates on the Constitution, and in anti-federalist papers, when you read what they said, they all recognized that their rights didn't come from sitting around the table and writing things down, our rights are inalienable right we're born with, right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, and nobody has right to take that from us, and absolutely government has no right to strip 300 million people of their rights without due process, which is what's happening.

Revolt. It's patriotic thing to do.

I agree. It's time to tell the "experts" and the Governors trying to position themselves for a future Presidential run that enough is enough. All Businesses should open TOMORROW with reasonable precautions being taken. It may already be too late for some, but do it anyway because it's right.
I agree. It's time to tell the "experts" and the Governors trying to position themselves for a future Presidential run that enough is enough. All Businesses should open TOMORROW with reasonable precautions being taken. It may already be too late for some, but do it anyway because it's right.
Yeah, open tomorrow and then wait for more Covid-19 cases in two weeks or so.
Two days ago, Michigan Governor extended stay-at-home executive order until May 28th. My first reaction was, why she's rushing, since previous order was until May 14 (she extended that order on April 24, six days before the expiration), and number of cases was in steady fall?

For some reason I searched for an old video of Thomas Sowell, which I am attaching below where he said: "There are no solutions, only trade-offs", and I had my "hits pipe" moment for the second time in as many days. So here it is, today's rant.

The trade off that we have made by bringing our economy to near halt, in hopes of staving off the boogeyman has yielded one out of four people being unemployed, people waiting in long lines just to enter grocery stores so they can feed their families, because they have been deemed un-essential, or not important enough. The data does not support further lockdown and further egregious violation of people's rights, not in my state Michigan, not in United States as representative constitutional republic were we have rights enumerated in our founding documents, including Bill of Rights.

We don't get rights because bunch of men sat around of table and wrote them down on a piece of paper, these rights that we have are given to us by birth, and right now bunch of petulant schoolmarm what to be "superior intellectuals" in DC and state capitals are trying to tell us that we need to take one for the team and just let our family shrivel up and die so that way we can ensure greater good... I'm not buying it.

You don't insure greater good by violating right of the individuals on mass, and when you consider that we do not deprive people of life, liberty and property in this country without due process, and we have had 300 million people effectively under house arrest, deprived of liberty, that is very, very, very big problem, the type of problem that led this country being born in the first place... which is when after repeated requests for redress of grievances your government is still violating your most basic of rights, that is a duty, at that point of the people to revolt.

We're seeing right now, all over the country, from my state of Michigan, to Wisconsin, to Indiana, to North Caroline, to California beaches, people are saying "enough is enough". We're not going to destroy our economy further, one out of four people are not permitted to work, and that somehow suppose to be for greater good? You don't save your neighbor house by setting your own on fire, and that is exactly what we're doing. They keep telling us, "there is gonna be second wave", and I keep saying "sure, there is gonna be second, and third", but you know what, the entire narrative from the beginning was that "we needed weeks to prepare for the surge", and that "we need to flatten the curve" so "we don't overwhelm the system". Guess what, curve is flattened, hospital are not overwhelmed, field hospitals are closing, we have more than enough ventilators...

Just like Sowell said "there are no solutions in life, only trade-offs"... the trade-off with doing this violation of our rights is that people who wanted, and needed, and who could pay for things like knee replacement, hip replacement, other surgeries that were essential to their quality of life, their needs have been deemed non essential also. You can't say that, just because you work in hospital, you're some kind of hero, and at the same time keep hospital shut down for everyone else, except for COVID. All patients are equal, except some are more equal than the others? Are COVID patients more important that flu patients, or more important than someone who needs a surgery to remove the agony and pain they're living with every day? Why are we paying for all those health insurance premiums, if we cannot go to the doctors unless we are infected with corona virus?

"Hits pipe"... sigh...

We cannot politely ask for our rights to be restored to us, we have to demand that they be restored to us immediately. The longer this goes on, the more they're gonna try to wrap it around itself, and put more preconditions to our rights, like we have to have a permit to walk around, or to have a doctor's confirmation that we're immune, or healthy, or to have a microchip implanted before we're safe to go back into public, or to have your blood drawn so we can let you fly on a airplane, or to have a little test before they make sure we're "safe enough" to go earn for the living.

No. And no. If you are so afraid about this virus that you don't want to go out of the house, or forget the fear that was planted inside of you... if you make a decision in your mind based on your own understanding of the facts in front of you that is not in your best interest or fiduciary interest of your family to go out, that's fine, more power to you, stay home. But there is no reason that you should have ability, right, or authority to reach over the fence to your neighbor and take a food of their table, because you're afraid of going outside. It's time to be free thinking human being that take ownership, and authority for their own responsibilities, and for taking care of their own families. You don't do that by sitting home and watching Prime video and Netflix. You do that by taking a stand.

In parts of the country where today we're battling entrenched leftism we gonna have to take stance on securing our rights because what they're doing is not in any way, shape or form compatible with founding vision of this country. There is no way that we can wrap our head around what it means to have natural-born rights unless we get a clue where our founding fathers get these ideas, so read what they wrote in Federalist papers, in debates on the Constitution, and in anti-federalist papers, when you read what they said, they all recognized that their rights didn't come from sitting around the table and writing things down, our rights are inalienable right we're born with, right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, and nobody has right to take that from us, and absolutely government has no right to strip 300 million people of their rights without due process, which is what's happening.

Revolt. It's patriotic thing to do.

Revolt? Against what? And what do you advocate, exactly? Government is trying to strip 300 million people of their rights? How so?
I agree. It's time to tell the "experts" and the Governors trying to position themselves for a future Presidential run that enough is enough. All Businesses should open TOMORROW with reasonable precautions being taken. It may already be too late for some, but do it anyway because it's right.
The best person on the planet to do that would be the President of the United States. Obviously.

He can't make them do it, of course, but he could be a leader and do exactly what you say. He has the biggest microphone of anyone.

I wonder why he hasn't done that. He's had several weeks now. There is no excuse for it. I wonder if he's part of this.
I agree. It's time to tell the "experts" and the Governors trying to position themselves for a future Presidential run that enough is enough. All Businesses should open TOMORROW with reasonable precautions being taken. It may already be too late for some, but do it anyway because it's right.
The best person on the planet to do that would be the President of the United States. Obviously.

He can't make them do it, of course, but he could be a leader and do exactly what you say.

I wonder why he hasn't done that. He's had several weeks now. I wonder if he's part of this.
Trump hasn't done anything because he's not a leader. He's trying to deflect responsibility onto anyone available...
I agree. It's time to tell the "experts" and the Governors trying to position themselves for a future Presidential run that enough is enough. All Businesses should open TOMORROW with reasonable precautions being taken. It may already be too late for some, but do it anyway because it's right.
Yeah, open tomorrow and then wait for more Covid-19 cases in two weeks or so.
Good, bring on the herd immunity. New York hospitals were never overwhelmed with patients, as evidenced by the empty COMFORT medical ship and the empty tents in Central Park.
I agree. It's time to tell the "experts" and the Governors trying to position themselves for a future Presidential run that enough is enough. All Businesses should open TOMORROW with reasonable precautions being taken. It may already be too late for some, but do it anyway because it's right.
The best person on the planet to do that would be the President of the United States. Obviously.

He can't make them do it, of course, but he could be a leader and do exactly what you say.

I wonder why he hasn't done that. He's had several weeks now. I wonder if he's part of this.
Trump hasn't done anything because he's not a leader. He's trying to deflect responsibility onto anyone available...
As all of you Trump haters know, The President has neither the power to lockdown nor open the country. That power rests with the Governors. You all know this, but you pretend that you don't to slam President Trump.
I agree. It's time to tell the "experts" and the Governors trying to position themselves for a future Presidential run that enough is enough. All Businesses should open TOMORROW with reasonable precautions being taken. It may already be too late for some, but do it anyway because it's right.
The best person on the planet to do that would be the President of the United States. Obviously.

He can't make them do it, of course, but he could be a leader and do exactly what you say.

I wonder why he hasn't done that. He's had several weeks now. I wonder if he's part of this.
Trump hasn't done anything because he's not a leader. He's trying to deflect responsibility onto anyone available...
As all of you Trump haters know, The President has neither the power to lockdown nor open the country. That power rests with the Governors. You all know this, but you pretend that you don't to slam President Trump.
As I clearly pointed out in the post YOU QUOTED, he can't make them do it.

So you ignored that, and you ignored the fact that he can do exactly what I said, exactly what YOU said, but chooses not to.

And you still will not hold him accountable.

Obviously the Fifth Avenue Rule remains in effect. You dare not criticize him, no matter what.
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What has been lost?
For one thing, we have lost the sense that everything always has to go the way it did.
We have won a sense of doing things differently.
We must continue in that vein and originate even more and better alternatives to how we organize life.
Two days ago, Michigan Governor extended stay-at-home executive order until May 28th. My first reaction was, why she's rushing, since previous order was until May 14 (she extended that order on April 24, six days before the expiration), and number of cases was in steady fall?

For some reason I searched for an old video of Thomas Sowell, which I am attaching below where he said: "There are no solutions, only trade-offs", and I had my "hits pipe" moment for the second time in as many days. So here it is, today's rant.

The trade off that we have made by bringing our economy to near halt, in hopes of staving off the boogeyman has yielded one out of four people being unemployed, people waiting in long lines just to enter grocery stores so they can feed their families, because they have been deemed un-essential, or not important enough. The data does not support further lockdown and further egregious violation of people's rights, not in my state Michigan, not in United States as representative constitutional republic were we have rights enumerated in our founding documents, including Bill of Rights.

We don't get rights because bunch of men sat around of table and wrote them down on a piece of paper, these rights that we have are given to us by birth, and right now bunch of petulant schoolmarm what to be "superior intellectuals" in DC and state capitals are trying to tell us that we need to take one for the team and just let our family shrivel up and die so that way we can ensure greater good... I'm not buying it.

You don't insure greater good by violating right of the individuals on mass, and when you consider that we do not deprive people of life, liberty and property in this country without due process, and we have had 300 million people effectively under house arrest, deprived of liberty, that is very, very, very big problem, the type of problem that led this country being born in the first place... which is when after repeated requests for redress of grievances your government is still violating your most basic of rights, that is a duty, at that point of the people to revolt.

We're seeing right now, all over the country, from my state of Michigan, to Wisconsin, to Indiana, to North Caroline, to California beaches, people are saying "enough is enough". We're not going to destroy our economy further, one out of four people are not permitted to work, and that somehow suppose to be for greater good? You don't save your neighbor house by setting your own on fire, and that is exactly what we're doing. They keep telling us, "there is gonna be second wave", and I keep saying "sure, there is gonna be second, and third", but you know what, the entire narrative from the beginning was that "we needed weeks to prepare for the surge", and that "we need to flatten the curve" so "we don't overwhelm the system". Guess what, curve is flattened, hospital are not overwhelmed, field hospitals are closing, we have more than enough ventilators...

Just like Sowell said "there are no solutions in life, only trade-offs"... the trade-off with doing this violation of our rights is that people who wanted, and needed, and who could pay for things like knee replacement, hip replacement, other surgeries that were essential to their quality of life, their needs have been deemed non essential also. You can't say that, just because you work in hospital, you're some kind of hero, and at the same time keep hospital shut down for everyone else, except for COVID. All patients are equal, except some are more equal than the others? Are COVID patients more important that flu patients, or more important than someone who needs a surgery to remove the agony and pain they're living with every day? Why are we paying for all those health insurance premiums, if we cannot go to the doctors unless we are infected with corona virus?

"Hits pipe"... sigh...

We cannot politely ask for our rights to be restored to us, we have to demand that they be restored to us immediately. The longer this goes on, the more they're gonna try to wrap it around itself, and put more preconditions to our rights, like we have to have a permit to walk around, or to have a doctor's confirmation that we're immune, or healthy, or to have a microchip implanted before we're safe to go back into public, or to have your blood drawn so we can let you fly on a airplane, or to have a little test before they make sure we're "safe enough" to go earn for the living.

No. And no. If you are so afraid about this virus that you don't want to go out of the house, or forget the fear that was planted inside of you... if you make a decision in your mind based on your own understanding of the facts in front of you that is not in your best interest or fiduciary interest of your family to go out, that's fine, more power to you, stay home. But there is no reason that you should have ability, right, or authority to reach over the fence to your neighbor and take a food of their table, because you're afraid of going outside. It's time to be free thinking human being that take ownership, and authority for their own responsibilities, and for taking care of their own families. You don't do that by sitting home and watching Prime video and Netflix. You do that by taking a stand.

In parts of the country where today we're battling entrenched leftism we gonna have to take stance on securing our rights because what they're doing is not in any way, shape or form compatible with founding vision of this country. There is no way that we can wrap our head around what it means to have natural-born rights unless we get a clue where our founding fathers get these ideas, so read what they wrote in Federalist papers, in debates on the Constitution, and in anti-federalist papers, when you read what they said, they all recognized that their rights didn't come from sitting around the table and writing things down, our rights are inalienable right we're born with, right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, and nobody has right to take that from us, and absolutely government has no right to strip 300 million people of their rights without due process, which is what's happening.

Revolt. It's patriotic thing to do.

No rights have been violated – the health and safety guidelines are necessary, proper, and Constitutional.

Indeed, the courts have consistently held that the guidelines are perfectly lawful.

Moreover, the guidelines are predicated on medical facts and research, having nothing whatsoever to do with ‘leftism.’

This sort of rightwing sophistry is about a partisan fear that Trump will fail to win reelection and Republicans lose control of the Senate, not a concern for citizens’ rights.
Two days ago, Michigan Governor extended stay-at-home executive order until May 28th. My first reaction was, why she's rushing, since previous order was until May 14 (she extended that order on April 24, six days before the expiration), and number of cases was in steady fall?

For some reason I searched for an old video of Thomas Sowell, which I am attaching below where he said: "There are no solutions, only trade-offs", and I had my "hits pipe" moment for the second time in as many days. So here it is, today's rant.

The trade off that we have made by bringing our economy to near halt, in hopes of staving off the boogeyman has yielded one out of four people being unemployed, people waiting in long lines just to enter grocery stores so they can feed their families, because they have been deemed un-essential, or not important enough. The data does not support further lockdown and further egregious violation of people's rights, not in my state Michigan, not in United States as representative constitutional republic were we have rights enumerated in our founding documents, including Bill of Rights.

We don't get rights because bunch of men sat around of table and wrote them down on a piece of paper, these rights that we have are given to us by birth, and right now bunch of petulant schoolmarm what to be "superior intellectuals" in DC and state capitals are trying to tell us that we need to take one for the team and just let our family shrivel up and die so that way we can ensure greater good... I'm not buying it.

You don't insure greater good by violating right of the individuals on mass, and when you consider that we do not deprive people of life, liberty and property in this country without due process, and we have had 300 million people effectively under house arrest, deprived of liberty, that is very, very, very big problem, the type of problem that led this country being born in the first place... which is when after repeated requests for redress of grievances your government is still violating your most basic of rights, that is a duty, at that point of the people to revolt.

We're seeing right now, all over the country, from my state of Michigan, to Wisconsin, to Indiana, to North Caroline, to California beaches, people are saying "enough is enough". We're not going to destroy our economy further, one out of four people are not permitted to work, and that somehow suppose to be for greater good? You don't save your neighbor house by setting your own on fire, and that is exactly what we're doing. They keep telling us, "there is gonna be second wave", and I keep saying "sure, there is gonna be second, and third", but you know what, the entire narrative from the beginning was that "we needed weeks to prepare for the surge", and that "we need to flatten the curve" so "we don't overwhelm the system". Guess what, curve is flattened, hospital are not overwhelmed, field hospitals are closing, we have more than enough ventilators...

Just like Sowell said "there are no solutions in life, only trade-offs"... the trade-off with doing this violation of our rights is that people who wanted, and needed, and who could pay for things like knee replacement, hip replacement, other surgeries that were essential to their quality of life, their needs have been deemed non essential also. You can't say that, just because you work in hospital, you're some kind of hero, and at the same time keep hospital shut down for everyone else, except for COVID. All patients are equal, except some are more equal than the others? Are COVID patients more important that flu patients, or more important than someone who needs a surgery to remove the agony and pain they're living with every day? Why are we paying for all those health insurance premiums, if we cannot go to the doctors unless we are infected with corona virus?

"Hits pipe"... sigh...

We cannot politely ask for our rights to be restored to us, we have to demand that they be restored to us immediately. The longer this goes on, the more they're gonna try to wrap it around itself, and put more preconditions to our rights, like we have to have a permit to walk around, or to have a doctor's confirmation that we're immune, or healthy, or to have a microchip implanted before we're safe to go back into public, or to have your blood drawn so we can let you fly on a airplane, or to have a little test before they make sure we're "safe enough" to go earn for the living.

No. And no. If you are so afraid about this virus that you don't want to go out of the house, or forget the fear that was planted inside of you... if you make a decision in your mind based on your own understanding of the facts in front of you that is not in your best interest or fiduciary interest of your family to go out, that's fine, more power to you, stay home. But there is no reason that you should have ability, right, or authority to reach over the fence to your neighbor and take a food of their table, because you're afraid of going outside. It's time to be free thinking human being that take ownership, and authority for their own responsibilities, and for taking care of their own families. You don't do that by sitting home and watching Prime video and Netflix. You do that by taking a stand.

In parts of the country where today we're battling entrenched leftism we gonna have to take stance on securing our rights because what they're doing is not in any way, shape or form compatible with founding vision of this country. There is no way that we can wrap our head around what it means to have natural-born rights unless we get a clue where our founding fathers get these ideas, so read what they wrote in Federalist papers, in debates on the Constitution, and in anti-federalist papers, when you read what they said, they all recognized that their rights didn't come from sitting around the table and writing things down, our rights are inalienable right we're born with, right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, and nobody has right to take that from us, and absolutely government has no right to strip 300 million people of their rights without due process, which is what's happening.

Revolt. It's patriotic thing to do.

The right’s unwarranted whining about the health and safety guidelines is both tedious and ridiculous.

No rights have been ‘lost.’

The guidelines are not government ‘overreach.’

It’s understood that conservatives are frustrated with the prospect of losing control of the WH and Senate, but that frustration doesn’t justify jeopardizing the health and lives of the American people.
First of all, you claim that the data does not support further lockdown, but you offer no evidence. So, your data is... ?

Okay, here's why you have a stay-at-home order, moron: It's not to prevent everyone from contracting the virus. It's to prevent them from having it AT THE SAME TIME. Get it? Because if everyone has it at the same time, our medical facilities will be overwhelmed and they won't be able to save people who they COULD have saved if they had had more time and supplies.

First of, this is CDZ, so refrain yourself from name calling. If you can't, than GFYS elsewhere, capisce?

Did you read thole post, or you just yapped for the sake of yapping? I explained everything in there. We're looking at the data every day. It's inconsistent, it's padded up, and non-COVID deaths are counted as COVID. Did curve flattened? Our medical facilities were never overwhelmed, not a single life is lost due to ventilator shortage, field hospitals are closing, and Navy's hospital ships have treated fewer than 20 COVID patients.
I agree. It's time to tell the "experts" and the Governors trying to position themselves for a future Presidential run that enough is enough. All Businesses should open TOMORROW with reasonable precautions being taken. It may already be too late for some, but do it anyway because it's right.
Yeah, open tomorrow and then wait for more Covid-19 cases in two weeks or so.

We should've never close! Closing is not worth the trade-off that was sold to us under duress.

So what if we have more cases in week or two? Or in six months, or next year? Should we cripple the economy every time virus reappear? We're not doing that with flu and pneumonia, even every year we lose 30-80 thousand people to it.

I expected replies like yours. Read again second to last paragraph in OP, it was written especially for you.
I agree. It's time to tell the "experts" and the Governors trying to position themselves for a future Presidential run that enough is enough. All Businesses should open TOMORROW with reasonable precautions being taken. It may already be too late for some, but do it anyway because it's right.
The best person on the planet to do that would be the President of the United States. Obviously.

He can't make them do it, of course, but he could be a leader and do exactly what you say.

I wonder why he hasn't done that. He's had several weeks now. I wonder if he's part of this.
Trump hasn't done anything because he's not a leader. He's trying to deflect responsibility onto anyone available...

If you didn't notice yet, let me break it to you... This thread is not about Trump, so take your TDS elsewhere, I'm sure you could find plenty of them elsewhere on the board.
What has been lost?
For one thing, we have lost the sense that everything always has to go the way it did.
We have won a sense of doing things differently.
We must continue in that vein and originate even more and better alternatives to how we organize life.

Of course, you can't answer the question if you did not read the OP.

Have you read anything else beside the thread title?
Two days ago, Michigan Governor extended stay-at-home executive order until May 28th. My first reaction was, why she's rushing, since previous order was until May 14 (she extended that order on April 24, six days before the expiration), and number of cases was in steady fall?

For some reason I searched for an old video of Thomas Sowell, which I am attaching below where he said: "There are no solutions, only trade-offs", and I had my "hits pipe" moment for the second time in as many days. So here it is, today's rant.

The trade off that we have made by bringing our economy to near halt, in hopes of staving off the boogeyman has yielded one out of four people being unemployed, people waiting in long lines just to enter grocery stores so they can feed their families, because they have been deemed un-essential, or not important enough. The data does not support further lockdown and further egregious violation of people's rights, not in my state Michigan, not in United States as representative constitutional republic were we have rights enumerated in our founding documents, including Bill of Rights.

We don't get rights because bunch of men sat around of table and wrote them down on a piece of paper, these rights that we have are given to us by birth, and right now bunch of petulant schoolmarm what to be "superior intellectuals" in DC and state capitals are trying to tell us that we need to take one for the team and just let our family shrivel up and die so that way we can ensure greater good... I'm not buying it.

You don't insure greater good by violating right of the individuals on mass, and when you consider that we do not deprive people of life, liberty and property in this country without due process, and we have had 300 million people effectively under house arrest, deprived of liberty, that is very, very, very big problem, the type of problem that led this country being born in the first place... which is when after repeated requests for redress of grievances your government is still violating your most basic of rights, that is a duty, at that point of the people to revolt.

We're seeing right now, all over the country, from my state of Michigan, to Wisconsin, to Indiana, to North Caroline, to California beaches, people are saying "enough is enough". We're not going to destroy our economy further, one out of four people are not permitted to work, and that somehow suppose to be for greater good? You don't save your neighbor house by setting your own on fire, and that is exactly what we're doing. They keep telling us, "there is gonna be second wave", and I keep saying "sure, there is gonna be second, and third", but you know what, the entire narrative from the beginning was that "we needed weeks to prepare for the surge", and that "we need to flatten the curve" so "we don't overwhelm the system". Guess what, curve is flattened, hospital are not overwhelmed, field hospitals are closing, we have more than enough ventilators...

Just like Sowell said "there are no solutions in life, only trade-offs"... the trade-off with doing this violation of our rights is that people who wanted, and needed, and who could pay for things like knee replacement, hip replacement, other surgeries that were essential to their quality of life, their needs have been deemed non essential also. You can't say that, just because you work in hospital, you're some kind of hero, and at the same time keep hospital shut down for everyone else, except for COVID. All patients are equal, except some are more equal than the others? Are COVID patients more important that flu patients, or more important than someone who needs a surgery to remove the agony and pain they're living with every day? Why are we paying for all those health insurance premiums, if we cannot go to the doctors unless we are infected with corona virus?

"Hits pipe"... sigh...

We cannot politely ask for our rights to be restored to us, we have to demand that they be restored to us immediately. The longer this goes on, the more they're gonna try to wrap it around itself, and put more preconditions to our rights, like we have to have a permit to walk around, or to have a doctor's confirmation that we're immune, or healthy, or to have a microchip implanted before we're safe to go back into public, or to have your blood drawn so we can let you fly on a airplane, or to have a little test before they make sure we're "safe enough" to go earn for the living.

No. And no. If you are so afraid about this virus that you don't want to go out of the house, or forget the fear that was planted inside of you... if you make a decision in your mind based on your own understanding of the facts in front of you that is not in your best interest or fiduciary interest of your family to go out, that's fine, more power to you, stay home. But there is no reason that you should have ability, right, or authority to reach over the fence to your neighbor and take a food of their table, because you're afraid of going outside. It's time to be free thinking human being that take ownership, and authority for their own responsibilities, and for taking care of their own families. You don't do that by sitting home and watching Prime video and Netflix. You do that by taking a stand.

In parts of the country where today we're battling entrenched leftism we gonna have to take stance on securing our rights because what they're doing is not in any way, shape or form compatible with founding vision of this country. There is no way that we can wrap our head around what it means to have natural-born rights unless we get a clue where our founding fathers get these ideas, so read what they wrote in Federalist papers, in debates on the Constitution, and in anti-federalist papers, when you read what they said, they all recognized that their rights didn't come from sitting around the table and writing things down, our rights are inalienable right we're born with, right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, and nobody has right to take that from us, and absolutely government has no right to strip 300 million people of their rights without due process, which is what's happening.

Revolt. It's patriotic thing to do.

No rights have been violated – the health and safety guidelines are necessary, proper, and Constitutional.

Indeed, the courts have consistently held that the guidelines are perfectly lawful.

Moreover, the guidelines are predicated on medical facts and research, having nothing whatsoever to do with ‘leftism.’

This sort of rightwing sophistry is about a partisan fear that Trump will fail to win reelection and Republicans lose control of the Senate, not a concern for citizens’ rights.

Safety guidance is not an executive orders, they're simply guidance, or recommendation. Federal government did not issue any order that violate our constitutional rights. State governments did.

Medical facts we've been presented so far changed several times, but orders haven't. We've been told that masks are not useful, just to be told few weeks later that we should wear them. We've been told that masks are not protecting people from getting infected, just to be told that wearing masks actually not protecting wearer, but those around.

Hospitals are laying off nurses because of your fear you might get the virus. Hospitals are being closed for the public’s the fear of getting “coronavirused.” Some doctors are closing their offices for good too, and many may not reopen. The very safety net which our society depends upon so we can exercise the freedom to drive cars and fly in airplanes in relative safety is vanishing. The very institutions and doctors that give us a sense of safety in our society are already gone, to produce a less-safe, not a more-safe country.

We may not have realized where this self confinement was heading because, in the beginning, it was voluntary, then morphed into mandatory. We were compliant, to a fault. We were not alert enough to see our freedoms were being taken away because of some intentionally exaggerated statistics that are now revealed to be scare tactics.
Two days ago, Michigan Governor extended stay-at-home executive order until May 28th. My first reaction was, why she's rushing, since previous order was until May 14 (she extended that order on April 24, six days before the expiration), and number of cases was in steady fall?

For some reason I searched for an old video of Thomas Sowell, which I am attaching below where he said: "There are no solutions, only trade-offs", and I had my "hits pipe" moment for the second time in as many days. So here it is, today's rant.

The trade off that we have made by bringing our economy to near halt, in hopes of staving off the boogeyman has yielded one out of four people being unemployed, people waiting in long lines just to enter grocery stores so they can feed their families, because they have been deemed un-essential, or not important enough. The data does not support further lockdown and further egregious violation of people's rights, not in my state Michigan, not in United States as representative constitutional republic were we have rights enumerated in our founding documents, including Bill of Rights.

We don't get rights because bunch of men sat around of table and wrote them down on a piece of paper, these rights that we have are given to us by birth, and right now bunch of petulant schoolmarm what to be "superior intellectuals" in DC and state capitals are trying to tell us that we need to take one for the team and just let our family shrivel up and die so that way we can ensure greater good... I'm not buying it.

You don't insure greater good by violating right of the individuals on mass, and when you consider that we do not deprive people of life, liberty and property in this country without due process, and we have had 300 million people effectively under house arrest, deprived of liberty, that is very, very, very big problem, the type of problem that led this country being born in the first place... which is when after repeated requests for redress of grievances your government is still violating your most basic of rights, that is a duty, at that point of the people to revolt.

We're seeing right now, all over the country, from my state of Michigan, to Wisconsin, to Indiana, to North Caroline, to California beaches, people are saying "enough is enough". We're not going to destroy our economy further, one out of four people are not permitted to work, and that somehow suppose to be for greater good? You don't save your neighbor house by setting your own on fire, and that is exactly what we're doing. They keep telling us, "there is gonna be second wave", and I keep saying "sure, there is gonna be second, and third", but you know what, the entire narrative from the beginning was that "we needed weeks to prepare for the surge", and that "we need to flatten the curve" so "we don't overwhelm the system". Guess what, curve is flattened, hospital are not overwhelmed, field hospitals are closing, we have more than enough ventilators...

Just like Sowell said "there are no solutions in life, only trade-offs"... the trade-off with doing this violation of our rights is that people who wanted, and needed, and who could pay for things like knee replacement, hip replacement, other surgeries that were essential to their quality of life, their needs have been deemed non essential also. You can't say that, just because you work in hospital, you're some kind of hero, and at the same time keep hospital shut down for everyone else, except for COVID. All patients are equal, except some are more equal than the others? Are COVID patients more important that flu patients, or more important than someone who needs a surgery to remove the agony and pain they're living with every day? Why are we paying for all those health insurance premiums, if we cannot go to the doctors unless we are infected with corona virus?

"Hits pipe"... sigh...

We cannot politely ask for our rights to be restored to us, we have to demand that they be restored to us immediately. The longer this goes on, the more they're gonna try to wrap it around itself, and put more preconditions to our rights, like we have to have a permit to walk around, or to have a doctor's confirmation that we're immune, or healthy, or to have a microchip implanted before we're safe to go back into public, or to have your blood drawn so we can let you fly on a airplane, or to have a little test before they make sure we're "safe enough" to go earn for the living.

No. And no. If you are so afraid about this virus that you don't want to go out of the house, or forget the fear that was planted inside of you... if you make a decision in your mind based on your own understanding of the facts in front of you that is not in your best interest or fiduciary interest of your family to go out, that's fine, more power to you, stay home. But there is no reason that you should have ability, right, or authority to reach over the fence to your neighbor and take a food of their table, because you're afraid of going outside. It's time to be free thinking human being that take ownership, and authority for their own responsibilities, and for taking care of their own families. You don't do that by sitting home and watching Prime video and Netflix. You do that by taking a stand.

In parts of the country where today we're battling entrenched leftism we gonna have to take stance on securing our rights because what they're doing is not in any way, shape or form compatible with founding vision of this country. There is no way that we can wrap our head around what it means to have natural-born rights unless we get a clue where our founding fathers get these ideas, so read what they wrote in Federalist papers, in debates on the Constitution, and in anti-federalist papers, when you read what they said, they all recognized that their rights didn't come from sitting around the table and writing things down, our rights are inalienable right we're born with, right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, and nobody has right to take that from us, and absolutely government has no right to strip 300 million people of their rights without due process, which is what's happening.

Revolt. It's patriotic thing to do.

The right’s unwarranted whining about the health and safety guidelines is both tedious and ridiculous.

No rights have been ‘lost.’

The guidelines are not government ‘overreach.’

It’s understood that conservatives are frustrated with the prospect of losing control of the WH and Senate, but that frustration doesn’t justify jeopardizing the health and lives of the American people.

Correct, the guidelines are not government "overreach". But executive orders to prevent travel, and free movement are.

Guidelines issued by federal government do not have executive order power, unlike those issued by the state governors.

You don't know what's gonna be in November, so don't talk about hypothetical. Nothing justify limiting, or ignoring constitutional rights, even temporary. Not even health of Americans. Otherwise you can have these types of orders issued every year when flu season starts. If you can do it for corona virus, you could do it for any illness. And speaking of health of Americans, why aren't you concerned about health of cancer patients, or people with heart conditions, or kids with asthma, who are being turned away from hospitals to make room for COVID patients? Since when one illness is more important than any other? Should we let people who suffers from heart attack just die, because COVID patient needs a room?
When you decide to fight to get back your freedom I hope you have some energy left to do it. And enough pent-up violence to do it effectively.

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