What have you done?!

In the summer of 1993 after I just turned 11 years old, I actually got to go to the field where the Field of Dreams was filmed during a family vacation. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I also went to the Mall of America during that vacation too. :) :) :)
Got drunk at a club in Paris and woke up in the back seat of my car in a parking garage the next morning in Salzburg, Austria.

Edit ... Uh, we used to party like hell in the service.
In the summer of 1993 after I just turned 11 years old, I actually got to go to the field where the Field of Dreams was filmed during a family vacation. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I also went to the Mall of America during that vacation too. :) :) :)
I've been to Dyersville (from Iowa).

I wrote a childrens book. Should be published later this year.

I told Leslie Nielson he was pond scum while he played pool, then 86'd him for being an ass to the customers.

I get another brownie point!

You dissed my homie!


I told Leslie Nielson he was pond scum while he played pool, then 86'd him for being an ass to the customers.

I get another brownie point!

You dissed my homie!


Did you know him personally? As in, friend? If not..then note he was not anything like what he portrayed in movies. Think of the most obnoxious person here at USMB and times it by ten. That was Neilson that night. But it sure was fun to tell him to GTFO. :eusa_angel:
I know one someone hasnt done.

I nursed a stick bug and it lived.
I nursed a butterfly and it lived long enough to lay its eggs. They only live 2 weeks. I nursed it 1 week, 6 days.

That was pretty awesome. For me, anyway.

I told Leslie Nielson he was pond scum while he played pool, then 86'd him for being an ass to the customers.

I get another brownie point!

You dissed my homie!


Did you know him personally? As in, friend? If not..then note he was not anything like what he portrayed in movies. Think of the most obnoxious person here at USMB and times it by ten. That was Neilson that night. But it sure was fun to tell him to GTFO. :eusa_angel:

He's a Canadian. We all know each other.
Got drunk at a club in Paris and woke up in the back seat of my car in a parking garage the next morning in Salzburg, Austria.

Edit ... Uh, we used to party like hell in the service.


I got a phone call from a buddy that said he was stuck in Okinawa with $20 and no ID. He got drunk and someone put him on a MAC flight. I looked in his wall locker and found his ID, paid the crew chief of the next flight to Oki $50 to get the suitcase to him. We covered for him by faking a Red Cross message that his grandfather had died and he needed to get home for the funeral (his grandfather had already died years before). :cool:
Got drunk at a club in Paris and woke up in the back seat of my car in a parking garage the next morning in Salzburg, Austria.

Edit ... Uh, we used to party like hell in the service.


I got a phone call from a buddy that said he was stuck in Okinawa with $20 and no ID. He got drunk and someone put him on a MAC flight. I looked in his wall locker and found his ID, paid the crew chief of the next flight to Oki $50 to get the suitcase to him. We covered for him by faking a Red Cross message that his grandfather had died and he needed to get home for the funeral (his grandfather had already died years before). :cool:

THAT'S a friend!!
Got drunk at a club in Paris and woke up in the back seat of my car in a parking garage the next morning in Salzburg, Austria.

Edit ... Uh, we used to party like hell in the service.


I got a phone call from a buddy that said he was stuck in Okinawa with $20 and no ID. He got drunk and someone put him on a MAC flight. I looked in his wall locker and found his ID, paid the crew chief of the next flight to Oki $50 to get the suitcase to him. We covered for him by faking a Red Cross message that his grandfather had died and he needed to get home for the funeral (his grandfather had already died years before). :cool:

THAT'S a friend!!

And this was the day AFTER he stole my car! Fucker left it in San Francisco too. I named my son after him.

I got a phone call from a buddy that said he was stuck in Okinawa with $20 and no ID. He got drunk and someone put him on a MAC flight. I looked in his wall locker and found his ID, paid the crew chief of the next flight to Oki $50 to get the suitcase to him. We covered for him by faking a Red Cross message that his grandfather had died and he needed to get home for the funeral (his grandfather had already died years before). :cool:

THAT'S a friend!!

And this was the day AFTER he stole my car! Fucker left it in San Francisco too. I named my son after him.

It's a special bond that can't be explained. I have exactly two friends like that... any of us would hitch-hike across the country to reach the other if he were in need.

Kudo's to those who have been blessed with friends like that.
Dammit, Unk. Now you got me reliving my younger naughtiness.

I had a car. Yep. 64 t-bird. Cruising home from another town and saw a hitchiker. Stopped, asked him where he was going. He said Haight Ashbury. I said I wanted to go too! So he said LET'S GO THEN! I said ok...but...no car. I wanted to hitchhike with him. He looked at me like I was crazy, then laughed and said ok! My sister was with me so I told her to drive my car home. I got out, and we stuck out thumbs out. Wound up on a little used highway and nobody was stopping. So..I took my blouse off cuz he didn't have his shirt on due to the damn heat. After the second car passed by, someone stopped. Some guy in a pickup truck. We got in the back and I put my blouse back on. Guy in truck stopped and said take it back off or get out. So I took it back off. We rode all the way to Big Sur in the back of that truck, then he had to go another way and stopped. Thanked me for the view in his rear view mirror, and I put my blouse back on.

Next to the overpass was a motel. I booked a room for the night cuz I didn't want to be out there on the onramp. Cops would bust us for hitching. After we got in the room, I walked over to the freeway and saw groups of hitchers so I said "come with me. I got a room". 15 of us in one little room, lol. But we stayed quiet and the manager never knew there were so many in there.
Us girls made sure the next morning that the room was clean, and we washed all the towels and blankets at the laundry mat before turning in our keys. Place was cleaner after we left than it was when I rented it.

Dude and I made it to SF and I hopped a greyhound and came back home. I thought it a great adventure. :lol:
Rather than checking off a list, what about this?

What have you done that you believe no one else on this forum has ever done? One point for each thing you post that no one else here can also claim to have done (honor system).
Worked as an independent contractor for a Fortune 500 Company when I was only 13 years old.

Passed out on a train in West Germany and got kicked off of said train in Communist Czechoslovakia during the height of the Cold War (1982). I was US Army when it happened.

Made it back into West Germany without becoming an international incident. Thanks to some Czechs that voluntarily paid bribe money to get me and my buddies safely returned.

Worked as the bodyguard for the 16 year daughter of a millionaire after she was involved in a car accident where another 16 year old died and she was receiving death threats.

Got a tattoo on my saluting hand (that could be viewed when saluting) that said, "Fuck You Sir!" while I was in the US Army. I almost earned a Court Martial for that.

I spent 1.5 hours reeling in a 30+ pound snapping turtle on an ultra-lite trout rod with 4 pound test line. I didn't know it was a snapping turtle until I got him to shore otherwise I'd have cut the line.

I own a human trophy skull that was taken by a Philippine headhunter. Picture was posted in The Coffee Shop if you don't believe it.

Hiked up to the top of, then into the mouth of a volcano. I will admit, it was in Lassen and the volcano was currently inactive at the time of the hike, but you never know when a volcano may suddenly become active.
Dammit, Unk. Now you got me reliving my younger naughtiness.

I had a car. Yep. 64 t-bird. Cruising home from another town and saw a hitchiker. Stopped, asked him where he was going. He said Haight Ashbury. I said I wanted to go too! So he said LET'S GO THEN! I said ok...but...no car. I wanted to hitchhike with him. He looked at me like I was crazy, then laughed and said ok! My sister was with me so I told her to drive my car home. I got out, and we stuck out thumbs out. Wound up on a little used highway and nobody was stopping. So..I took my blouse off cuz he didn't have his shirt on due to the damn heat. After the second car passed by, someone stopped. Some guy in a pickup truck. We got in the back and I put my blouse back on. Guy in truck stopped and said take it back off or get out. So I took it back off. We rode all the way to Big Sur in the back of that truck, then he had to go another way and stopped. Thanked me for the view in his rear view mirror, and I put my blouse back on.

Next to the overpass was a motel. I booked a room for the night cuz I didn't want to be out there on the onramp. Cops would bust us for hitching. After we got in the room, I walked over to the freeway and saw groups of hitchers so I said "come with me. I got a room". 15 of us in one little room, lol. But we stayed quiet and the manager never knew there were so many in there.
Us girls made sure the next morning that the room was clean, and we washed all the towels and blankets at the laundry mat before turning in our keys. Place was cleaner after we left than it was when I rented it.

Dude and I made it to SF and I hopped a greyhound and came back home. I thought it a great adventure. :lol:
Haha, you just reminded me of a trip I took with a friend once. Over 20 years ago.

We decided we were going to jump a boxcar, like hobos, for an adventure. We each brought $20, a daypack with one change of clothes, a spoon, a couple cans of beans and a P-38 (small military issue can opener), cigarettes and some matches. We hopped a train in Raleigh NC not knowing where it was going. Three days later we ended up in podunk Tennessee, I think the town was called Brainerd. The beans had run out and we were probably smelling pretty ripe. We called his girlfriend to come pick us up. The $40 we had bought us a meal, but after that, it wasn't enough for a hotel room, so we spent another night sleeping in the elements.
I think I'm too old to be doing stuff like that anymore.

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