What have you done?!

In the summer of 1993 after I just turned 11 years old, I actually got to go to the field where the Field of Dreams was filmed during a family vacation. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I also went to the Mall of America during that vacation too. :) :) :)
I've been to Dyersville (from Iowa).

I wrote a childrens book. Should be published later this year.

i have been in the process of writing a book

all the pets i had in my life

the title is

Foxy the drunken pony that loved kids

These past two months I wrote a story and submitted for publication. I have no expectations of it being accepted because I started at the top. But there are many suitable markets.
Forgot I'd been published 3 times. 4 if you count a little blurb about dieting I sent to Redbook in the 80s. 5 if you count the Christmas story I provided for the Church Christmas story book.
ate a muskrat

Did you make a collar out of the fur?

One year at church camp my son's group killed rabbits, cooked them and tanned their hides. They all autographed one another's rabbit hides. I still have it.
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I've been to Dyersville (from Iowa).

I wrote a childrens book. Should be published later this year.

i have been in the process of writing a book

all the pets i had in my life

the title is

Foxy the drunken pony that loved kids

These past two months I wrote a story and submitted for publication. I have no expectations of it being accepted because I started at the top. But there are many suitable markets.

who knows maybe

it will
i have been in the process of writing a book

all the pets i had in my life

the title is

Foxy the drunken pony that loved kids

These past two months I wrote a story and submitted for publication. I have no expectations of it being accepted because I started at the top. But there are many suitable markets.

who knows maybe

it will

I also have a completed article. But it is too long for the place that wants it and if I am to sell it, I will have to do some major editing.
I have been inside a pyramid in Egypt.

Ooh!!! Did you take pics? How long ago was it? What was it like? I am envious!

No pics allowed inside. It was claustrophobic. And it stunk to high heaven. Imagine the mustiest basement you have ever smelt and take that to the power of 100. Stunk like nothing I've ever smelled. I've wondered if this disease I have could have been a parasite from Egypt, but I have also wondered if that air was poisonous to destroy my lungs. Not sure if any others in the group got sick.

It could very well have been a factor. Maybe [MENTION=44192]Vox[/MENTION] can give some input on whether that is possible? It would not surprise me if she said yes, it can.
Rather than checking off a list, what about this?

What have you done that you believe no one else on this forum has ever done? One point for each thing you post that no one else here can also claim to have done (honor system).

I proposed to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Gala Grand Opening Committee back in the 1990's that they contract through my company to have a 121ft. luxury motor yacht (with Helipad) docked alongside the building on Cleveland's Lake Erie waterfront so that celebs attending the ceremonies could have a place to discretely party without needing to go to their more distant hotel suites with the accompanying paparrazzi hassles.

They liked the idea but wanted a larger vessel.

Specifically, an ocean liner.

I couldn't arrange it in enough time to accommodate the request.

Recently, I saw a promotion for Bud, I think it was, for an ocean liner to be used as a party boat for the winner of one of their contests.


It's all good, though.


I'm sure I have some more entries for this thread.

Great idea for a thread, btw!
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Played guitar on stage with a rock band, while (in the same years) played the mandolin and fiddle, with a bluegrass band.
Used to go mountain climbing on New Year's eve every year. I would go alone. It was so tranquil and beautiful. Going alone is not too smart in any event and naturally it was snowy and icy.

I reached the top and lit a fire and a small deer was curious enough to come close to me. This was such a spiritual experience.

On my way down I hit a patch of ice and was taking the express lane to the bottom of the mountain. I was nearing the edge where it was a straight drop and I thought that was it for me. My boot got caught on a sapling and it stopped me near the edge.

This was not the first or last time I faced death there was a peace that I felt, a quiet confidence, a calm, the nearness of God.

My experience is not a can you top this or unique just something this thread reminded me of. Nice thread.

You never learned to self arrest using an ice ax?
Oh, here's one.You all know who Green Bay Packers LB, Clay Matthews III is.

His dad, Clay Matthews Jr., was a member of the Cleveland Browns for many years. I sold cars at his dealership in Euclid, Ohio.

But ten years before that a huge guy came into the dealership where i worked in Southern California. He said he'd just graduated from USC and was looking for a set of wheels.

He didn't like what we had so he left and went elsewhere.

The guy went on to play in the NFL for many years and went into the Hall of Fame.

Bruce Matthews.

Clay Matthews' brother.

Almost sold a car TO Bruce.

Sold cars FOR Clay.

Interacting with Clay III is not in my plans.

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Was shopping in a Ralph's Supermarket in Hollywood. Saw a pretty girl in the produce section. Chatted her up. In my cut offs, flip flops, long hair and dark lean body I was quite a sight. She took me home. We talked. She'd just arrived and had only a few nice pieces of furniture in her security building apartment.

We made do.

She was from back East somewhere and was out here to study acting at the Strasberg School.

Lottsa luck, honey.

Anyway, we dated a few more times until she met someone else to take my place.


Flash forward several years. I'm in a San Mateo record store and while waiting for the store owner to meet with my associate and I, I was leafing absent mindedly through the stacks.

Lo and behold I recognized the face on the cover of a record album to be that of the girl I'd dated in Hollywood.

I took the album to the counter to show my associate.

The clerk said, 'yeah, that's Roseanne Cash. Johnny Cash's daughter.'


She'd told me her name but that was before she;d become famous so I didn't put 2 and 2 together.

After all, if you met someone with the last name, Brooks, would you suspect they were related to Garth Brooks, for example?

Well, I didn't.

Anyway, I recently saw a CBS Sunday Morning segment on her and though still attractive now, she was much hotter when I met her.

Good time.

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Richard Dreyfuss once stopped me in Santa Monica as I was happily walking away from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf with my mocha frappachino and asked directions. Not being from the area, I said I had no clue but he might need a bigger boat to get there (he was driving a little red sports car). He laughed and thanked me and drove on.:lol:
When I was working as Liaison Officer in the Munich Consulate, I was tasked with entertaining the director of the CIA's wife while they were in town. I arranged a personal, closed showing of a Faberge exhibit that was in town at the time, escorted the Secret Service to all proposed sites, including the restaurant we suggested for lunch, including a drive-through. Bitch cancelled at the last minute.
Had carnal knowledge of my room mate's Mom in a Dodge Caravan conversion on the dealer's showroom floor, one slow Tuesday evening.

Wanted to learn to sail.

Bought a special issue of Sailing magazine devoted exclusively to learning to sail. I think that was it's actual cover title.

Read it from cover to cover.

Went to Lake Merritt in Oakland, rented a sailboat and learned to sail at a very novice level, but I did what I intended to do. Practice could come later.

Wanted to learn to ice skate.

Read book on how to do the basics.

Went to rink.

Rented skates.

Learned to skate at a very basic level but practice could take place later if I wanted to.

Wanted to learn to fly.

Getting the idea yet?

Went to the library, read a book on the best way to learn to fly.

I took its advice.

I went to a reputable ground school, studied then took 10 hours of instruction.

I can take off and I can land.

If I wanted to do it some more I could.
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