What have you done?!

One of these things is NOT true about me

1. I was at Parliament when Margaret Thatcher resigned.
2. I was drafted by a team in the NHL.
3. I testified in front of a Congressional committee. John McCain asked me questions.
4. I was at the 1986 World Cup final in Mexico City.
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I have been a personal tutor for a princess and a shieka in the royal family in one of the ME countries. I was picked up by a private driver, taken to their palaces to work with them, offered cakes and juices while we worked, and then taken home by the private driver. After the work was done, I was paid well and given gold and crystal thank you gifts.
Reading this thread it occurs to me l have lived a really dull life :)
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I have been a personal tutor for a princess and a shieka in the royal family in one of the ME countries. I was picked up by a private driver, taken to their palaces to work with them, offered cakes and juices while we worked, and then taken home by the private driver. After the work was done, I was paid well and given gold and crystal parting gifts.

That sounds really neat Esmeralda! :razz:
When I was working as Liaison Officer in the Munich Consulate, I was tasked with entertaining the director of the CIA's wife while they were in town. I arranged a personal, closed showing of a Faberge exhibit that was in town at the time, escorted the Secret Service to all proposed sites, including the restaurant we suggested for lunch, including a drive-through. Bitch cancelled at the last minute.

I know the feeling. Arranged a lunch party of Icelandic notables at our home in Reykjavik for a visiting British Minister of Defence. He did not show, having stayed on a the US base in Keflavik, where he had landed, mishandling an emergency involving a BA 747. Lunch went ahead probably all the more enjoyable for his absence.

I was most disappointed about that Faberge exhibit. The leading expert in all things Faberge happened to be in town doing an interview with Sueddeutsche TV. I was able to arrange for him to be our guide through the exhibit. And our director's wife did the same thing your notable did, stayed for lunch on one of the local military installations. Since he was there for some kind of meeting about terrorism, maybe she felt too threatened out in the general population.
I helped my mother choke down a very large 9 month old colt that had never been handled, then sat on his head and put a halter on him while he was trying to get up.

Lol..in my circle growing up, I wasn't the only person to have done that.
I have traveled in at least 35 countries, many of them more than once. I've lived and worked in five different countries, plus the US. I've hitchhiked across the US at 19. I've been to Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Asia Minor and Europe. In 45 years I've lived in more than 45 different homes/houses, apartments. Something about a rolling stone.
I also showed a weanling that had never, before that day, had a halter on him.

But first we shaved off his baby coat!

If you're the only thing a baby horse knows, even if he doesn't know you very well, he will follow you very nicely in the show ring!
one of these things is not true about me

1. I was at parliament when margaret thatcher resigned.
2. I was drafted by a team in the nhl.
3. I testified in front of a congressional committee. John mccain asked me questions.
4. I was at the 1986 world cup final in mexico city.

I've travelled a lot and led a very active life but taking a walk in the Metropark here was kind of an experience one day.

I used to walk by myself in the mornings and one day it happened to be snowing, kind of a warm snow that made it wet and slippery. This metropark is very hilly and going downhill, I fell. Everything ok but then I fell again and not ok. I had tennis shoes on but my foot kind of turned inward and my lower leg snapped. They called it a tree twig snap of the bone.

I couldn't stand back up so I scooted over to the side hoping someone would come along soon. I didn't have a coat on just a hoodie and I was sitting on a tree stump. A couple came by, older people from England. They wanted to help me get out of the remote area but I was afraid to try because it was so slippery and they were pretty old.

He ran to get a park ranger, she stayed with me. The park rangers came but couldn't get their car far enough in so the ranger carried me out, just like a hero! He took me to the ER and left.

I was sitting there by myself and there was a phone just out of my reach so of course I started crying. The nurse came and was asking what's wrong and hugging me. I said I want to call my daughter... She ran and got me her phone and asked me are you on any medications? :lol:

Only partial broken bone I ever had.
I have traveled in at least 35 countries, many of them more than once. I've lived and worked in five different countries, plus the US. I've hitchhiked across the US at 19. I've been to Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Asia Minor and Europe. In 45 years I've lived in more than 45 different homes/houses, apartments. Something about a rolling stone.

Or a hooker.

I'm curious...what exactly did you teach the sheik's daughters?
I've travelled a lot and led a very active life but taking a walk in the Metropark here was kind of an experience one day.

I used to walk by myself in the mornings and one day it happened to be snowing, kind of a warm snow that made it wet and slippery. This metropark is very hilly and going downhill, I fell. Everything ok but then I fell again and not ok. I had tennis shoes on but my foot kind of turned inward and my lower leg snapped. They called it a tree twig snap of the bone.

I couldn't stand back up so I scooted over to the side hoping someone would come along soon. I didn't have a coat on just a hoodie and I was sitting on a tree stump. A couple came by, older people from England. They wanted to help me get out of the remote area but I was afraid to try because it was so slippery and they were pretty old.

He ran to get a park ranger, she stayed with me. The park rangers came but couldn't get their car far enough in so the ranger carried me out, just like a hero! He took me to the ER and left.

I was sitting there by myself and there was a phone just out of my reach so of course I started crying. The nurse came and was asking what's wrong and hugging me. I said I want to call my daughter... She ran and got me her phone and asked me are you on any medications? :lol:

Only partial broken bone I ever had.

Before my last TKR, I fell, rearranged that knee and broke my big toe. I was working under contract with 2 months left on the contract, so I had to suck it up and keep working. The knee didn't really work, and I didn't want them to know, so that was a feat.
I was motorcycle camping in Canada. Pulled in the campground at dusk, payed, got the map and pulled over next to some brush to find my spot. The brush moved and a very big moose popped out. Antlers as wide as the bike or more. I was warned it was mating season and they were unpredictable, definitely stay away. I was wearing leathers. I was scared. I dropped the map and make my escape, manhood intact!
Dove hunting season. One was shot by someone and it was floundering in the lake. The hunter didn't bother to go fetch it so I ran out to the edge and jumped in. The dove was further from the shore than I thought...and the lake was deeper than I thought. Oops. I got to the dove finally...but was so exhausted, I couldn't hold it and paddle with one arm. So I stuck it on my head where it clamped on tight to my hair and scalp. I almost drowned. Hubby came running and swam out to meet me, took the dove and I floated awhile to catch my breath, then swam to shore.
We doctored the dove and it flew away.
That was a close one. I almost didn't make it.

Yes it's important to carefully gauge distances when rescuing non-water fowl from the water. I have no idea how the dove stayed on the surface of the water. They can't swim, lol.

It flapped a lot.
I have traveled in at least 35 countries, many of them more than once. I've lived and worked in five different countries, plus the US. I've hitchhiked across the US at 19. I've been to Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Asia Minor and Europe. In 45 years I've lived in more than 45 different homes/houses, apartments. Something about a rolling stone.

Or a hooker.

I'm curious...what exactly did you teach the sheik's daughters?


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