What have you done?!

I am currently serving as the valiant guardian of the two refuges of peace left on the boards. I serve as USMB's resident knight.

But no seriously. I've been to Cadillac Ranch.
Camped in the Kalahari with no one else nearer than forty miles. Fell asleep listening to the roar of lions - which is actually more like a very deep, very loud grunt.

Went to a party with Nelson Mandela. (OK, so it was along with two or three hundred other people in the garden of the President of Botswana).
When I was working as Liaison Officer in the Munich Consulate, I was tasked with entertaining the director of the CIA's wife while they were in town. I arranged a personal, closed showing of a Faberge exhibit that was in town at the time, escorted the Secret Service to all proposed sites, including the restaurant we suggested for lunch, including a drive-through. Bitch cancelled at the last minute.

I know the feeling. Arranged a lunch party of Icelandic notables at our home in Reykjavik for a visiting British Minister of Defence. He did not show, having stayed on a the US base in Keflavik, where he had landed, mishandling an emergency involving a BA 747. Lunch went ahead probably all the more enjoyable for his absence.
Camped in the Kalahari with no one else nearer than forty miles. Fell asleep listening to the roar of lions - which is actually more like a very deep, very loud grunt.

Went to a party with Nelson Mandela. (OK, so it was along with two or three hundred other people in the garden of the President of Botswana).

Still pretty cool!

As a young lad of no more than 12 years or so, I shook hands with Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr.
Trained twelve weeks at Ft. Jackson, SC. Two weeks at Great Lakes Naval Training Center, IL. Eight weeks at Lowry AFB, CO. And sixteen weeks at MCRD, San Diego.

Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps.
I have been on the roof of the Potala Palace. Nice view.
Ooh!!! Did you take pics? How long ago was it? What was it like? I am envious!

No pics allowed inside. It was claustrophobic. And it stunk to high heaven. Imagine the mustiest basement you have ever smelt and take that to the power of 100. Stunk like nothing I've ever smelled. I've wondered if this disease I have could have been a parasite from Egypt, but I have also wondered if that air was poisonous to destroy my lungs. Not sure if any others in the group got sick.

It could very well have been a factor. Maybe [MENTION=44192]Vox[/MENTION] can give some input on whether that is possible? It would not surprise me if she said yes, it can.

There have been numerous stories about the spells of the pharaos and diseases plaguing people who disturbed their peace.
adult onset PHTN might be caused by infectious process - it is a microcirculation problem so it is possible. not that I can think about any bug of top of my head ( I am at work) but theoretically - yes.
Had carnal knowledge of my room mate's Mom in a Dodge Caravan conversion on the dealer's showroom floor, one slow Tuesday evening.

Wanted to learn to sail.

Bought a special issue of Sailing magazine devoted exclusively to learning to sail. I think that was it's actual cover title.

Read it from cover to cover.

Went to Lake Merritt in Oakland, rented a sailboat and learned to sail at a very novice level, but I did what I intended to do. Practice could come later.

Wanted to learn to ice skate.

Read book on how to do the basics.

Went to rink.

Rented skates.

Learned to skate at a very basic level but practice could take place later if I wanted to.

Wanted to learn to fly.

Getting the idea yet?

Went to the library, read a book on the best way to learn to fly.

I took its advice.

I went to a reputable ground school, studied then took 10 hours of instruction.

I can take off and I can land.

If I wanted to do it some more I could.

very cool i soloed after 8 hours
Had my arm pinned on Hillary Clinton's chest.

Night she won the NH primary a friend wanted to go to the rally as election returns were coming in. I was next to a state senator in the front of the crowd.

She, Bill and Chelsea come in and worked the exuberant crowd (she had just been declared winner.)

Hillary sees the state senator and goes to give him a long extended hug -- at that exact moment, I was handing my camera to my girlfriend who was on the other side of the two.

My arm is now pinned between the senator and Hillary - and both seem oblivious as they talk while hugging.

I'm looking at the Secret Service giving them a *what do I do???* look

He said: remove it sloooowly. LOLOL.

I'm not a huge Hillary fan, but that was a pretty funny night.
I pretended to be a guy by tucking my butt length hair up into a baseball cap, wrapped a scarf around my neck, binded my bodacious boobs and wore a seamans slicker just to get a job on a tuna fishing boat.!
Oh come on. That's got joke written all over it.
I've told this before but some may not have read it....

My friend and I formed a company and secured a license from the 1982 World's Fair committee to market various solar-powered novelties both on and off-site.

The day before the Fair opened, the Today show was broadcasting live from the Fairgrounds. So we grabbed a box of solar beanies, pinned our season passes to our lapels in the hopes of looking "official", and strode right past security to where they were broadcasting. We met Jane Pauley, Willard Scott, Bryant Gumbel. Handed out all our hats to cast and crew.

The real kicker was when Bryant and Willard stepped back into the sunlight with a couple of our hats, propellers spinning, and proceeded to show them off before they went to a commercial break.

That right there was tens of thousands of $$$ advertising... for nothing. LOL

Using a double-gloved finger to extradite a fecal impaction from an elderly client.

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Rather than checking off a list, what about this?

What have you done that you believe no one else on this forum has ever done? One point for each thing you post that no one else here can also claim to have done (honor system).

I don't know if anyone has dived off a huge sailing vessel into the middle of those frigid, choppy waters of Lake Michigan, then hanging onto the vessel's rope while it pulled them. :lol:

Would not to that today....:cuckoo:
Rather than checking off a list, what about this?

What have you done that you believe no one else on this forum has ever done? One point for each thing you post that no one else here can also claim to have done (honor system).

I don't know if anyone has dived off a huge sailing vessel into the middle of those frigid, choppy waters of Lake Michigan, then hanging onto the vessel's rope while it pulled them. :lol:

Would not to that today....:cuckoo:

That sounds very exciting.
Dove hunting season. One was shot by someone and it was floundering in the lake. The hunter didn't bother to go fetch it so I ran out to the edge and jumped in. The dove was further from the shore than I thought...and the lake was deeper than I thought. Oops. I got to the dove finally...but was so exhausted, I couldn't hold it and paddle with one arm. So I stuck it on my head where it clamped on tight to my hair and scalp. I almost drowned. Hubby came running and swam out to meet me, took the dove and I floated awhile to catch my breath, then swam to shore.
We doctored the dove and it flew away.
That was a close one. I almost didn't make it.

Yes it's important to carefully gauge distances when rescuing non-water fowl from the water. I have no idea how the dove stayed on the surface of the water. They can't swim, lol.

Using a double-gloved finger to extradite a fecal impaction from an elderly client.


lol, no, you don't.

There are at least a couple others on this board who have shared that experience with you hahaha.

And there are multitudes of others on this board who have done that to themselves.
Dove hunting season. One was shot by someone and it was floundering in the lake. The hunter didn't bother to go fetch it so I ran out to the edge and jumped in. The dove was further from the shore than I thought...and the lake was deeper than I thought. Oops. I got to the dove finally...but was so exhausted, I couldn't hold it and paddle with one arm. So I stuck it on my head where it clamped on tight to my hair and scalp. I almost drowned. Hubby came running and swam out to meet me, took the dove and I floated awhile to catch my breath, then swam to shore.
We doctored the dove and it flew away.
That was a close one. I almost didn't make it.

That takes a lot of guts and passion. Not to mention a love for animals. I admire that a lot.

Had carnal knowledge of my room mate's Mom in a Dodge Caravan conversion on the dealer's showroom floor, one slow Tuesday evening.

Wanted to learn to sail.

Bought a special issue of Sailing magazine devoted exclusively to learning to sail. I think that was it's actual cover title.

Read it from cover to cover.

Went to Lake Merritt in Oakland, rented a sailboat and learned to sail at a very novice level, but I did what I intended to do. Practice could come later.

Wanted to learn to ice skate.

Read book on how to do the basics.

Went to rink.

Rented skates.

Learned to skate at a very basic level but practice could take place later if I wanted to.

Wanted to learn to fly.

Getting the idea yet?

Went to the library, read a book on the best way to learn to fly.

I took its advice.

I went to a reputable ground school, studied then took 10 hours of instruction.

I can take off and I can land.

If I wanted to do it some more I could.

very cool i soloed after 8 hours

One of the reasons I stopped was because my instructor, an Army pilot, was a LOT more bold in the cockpit than I.

I wanted to take things a bit less aggressively than he.

It was good that I stopped before I became bold like him.

You've probably heard there are "no old bold pilots."

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