What have you eaten the last 3 days

Dinner incoming! 20211017_170229.jpg
Thursday - 1/4 pound of salmon and 2 cookies

Fri - 3 grilled chicken sandwich’s

Sat - 2 Burritos
Gallo pinto,queso frito, fried plantains, 2 scrambled
No lunch
Home rolled alfredo pizza, chef salad(same chicken)

Barley, chick peas, 2 eggs mango
No lunch
Porterhouse-baked potato

Omelette--smoked sausage--pineapple
No Lunch
Homemade Potato soup---Tuna melt

No lunch
Working on it---- Ribs and scalloped potatoes coming up
goulash, or pork chops or roast and lots of veggies....every damn day for breakfast its bacon or sausage breakfast burritos or hash browns and gravy and biscuits, all washed down with Dr. Pepper...
For one week:
About 3 chickens -- 18 lb total. Broiled at 415 Fahrenheit for about 6 hours. Most water is evaporated, but not yet burned.

Also a lot of Teriyaki sauce and some pastry.
Relative Ethics
What’s interesting is that the temperate will stay at 212 the entire time no matter how much you crank up the heat until the water changes to vapor

I had some herring and a hummus all day
No wonder I only weight 158
Relative Ethics
What’s interesting is that the temperate will stay at 212 the entire time no matter how much you crank up the heat until the water changes to vapor

I had some herring and a hummus all day
No wonder I only weight 158
Definitely. Cooking chicken eve a little beyond the time water evaporates will burn it completely.

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