What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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Shouldn't the question be rather : What is the human cost of not controlling immigration? Americans losing jobs , for starters. Americans losing homes, for the other.These are not rich white intellectuals, these are hard working lower income not so intellectual Americans of all stripes that did blue collar jobs jobs 25 years ago we so eagerly hand over to wetbacks. Why is that OK all of a sudden? Want to be humanitarian? For starters, stop legitimizing hiring illegal aliens, because that is plainly about exploitation and profit, stop pretending cynically it's about "humanitarianism". Far from it. Humanitarianism is the last thing about illegal aliens that is the issue.

Texas judge hears arguments on DACA challenge

By Tal Kopan and Jason Morris, CNN

Updated 5:15 PM ET, Wed August 8, 2018

District Judge Andrew Hanen, a George W. Bush appointee, heard arguments from 10 states that say DACA, a program that protects from deportation young undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children, is unconstitutional. Their arguments rely heavily on a previous court ruling from Hanen that blocked an expansion of the program and the creation of a similar program for immigrant parents in 2014 from going into effect.
Hanen did not rule Wednesday and said he would hold off ruling on the constitutionality of DACA for now and consider only the request to immediately stop it.

DACA was created by executive action during the Obama administration, but opponents of President Donald Trump's decision to end it have convinced multiple federal judges this year that doing so violates the Administrative Procedure Act, a federal law that dictates how the government can create or change regulations. Hanen asked for responses from both sides by Monday on whether DACA itself also runs afoul of the act.

The Trump administration decided to end DACA last September, in part due to a threat from Texas and other states to sue if it didn't. But in the months since, three federal judges around the country have ruled that decision was not adequately justified, and have ordered the program to remain.
Texas sued, in the end, to argue that the original program was unconstitutional so it could be wiped off the books. The administration has decided to not defend DACA in Hanen's court, so pro-immigrant groups and New Jersey stepped in to defend the program instead.

The Trump administration has argued to Hanen that if he decides to issue an immediate stoppage of the program, he should limit any ruling to recipients in the states that have sued and should delay his order's effectiveness to give the administration time to appeal. A Justice Department attorney reiterated that position Wednesday in court.

Attorneys for the immigration advocacy group MALDEF argued that a key issue facing Hanen is whether Texas and other states can legally bring the case to begin with and are suffering irreparable harm from DACA, which has existed for five years.
"In addition to the legality of DACA, one of the more important topics of today's hearing was whether Texas was suffering any kind of injury whatsoever from having DACA recipients living and working in the state," said MALDEF attorney Nina Perales. "Texas was not able to point to evidence that DACA recipients are costing the state anything."

Multiple cases
The Trump administration is already preparing to appeal a different order from a Washington, DC, district judge, which would require it to reopen the program to new applications and restore it in full. Previous courts had merely ordered the government to continue renewing permits. That judge postponed the implementation of his decision 20 days to allow for the appeal. Other cases are pending before appellate courts in California and New York.

Hanen is widely seen as unfriendly to DACA, given his previous ruling on its sister program, Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents.
"Issues in front of the court are issues that have already been decided," the lead attorney for the states challenging DACA, Todd Disher, said in court Wednesday. "This is not a close case."
Obama's move was a "direct defiance" of the law, Disher added.

If Hanen were to rule DACA should be ended, that would conflict with the court rulings that the program should be reopened -- likely setting the stage for a fast track to the Supreme Court by this fall.
Texas judge hears arguments on DACA challenge @CNNPolitics Texas judge hears arguments on DACA challenge - CNNPolitics
Shouldn't the question be rather : What is the human cost of not controlling immigration? Americans losing jobs , for starters. Americans losing homes, for the other.These are not rich white intellectuals, these are hard working lower income not so intellectual Americans of all stripes that did blue collar jobs jobs 25 years ago we so eagerly hand over to wetbacks. Why is that OK all of a sudden? Want to be humanitarian? For starters, stop legitimizing hiring illegal aliens, because that is plainly about exploitation and profit, stop pretending cynically it's about "humanitarianism". Far from it. Humanitarianism is the last thing about illegal aliens that is the issue.
Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists.

18. Litter.

19. Forest fires.
Mexican culture, some idolize it. The animal torture for fun (bull cock or dog fighting) aspect.
there's that. Undeniable. Even Hispanics have to admit, just how sadistic, misogynistic and male dominated Mexican culture Is. And the homophobic aspect. Everything liberals oppose, why do they support by allowing illegal aliens from Mexico? And the fact they are dispossessing poor Americans, that's the icing on the cake. And the cake is NOT a lie.
Shouldn't the question be rather : What is the human cost of not controlling immigration? Americans losing jobs , for starters. Americans losing homes, for the other.These are not rich white intellectuals, these are hard working lower income not so intellectual Americans of all stripes that did blue collar jobs jobs 25 years ago we so eagerly hand over to wetbacks. Why is that OK all of a sudden? Want to be humanitarian? For starters, stop legitimizing hiring illegal aliens, because that is plainly about exploitation and profit, stop pretending cynically it's about "humanitarianism". Far from it. Humanitarianism is the last thing about illegal aliens that is the issue.
Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists.

18. Litter.

19. Forest fires.
lousy public policy, right wingers. we should be Making capital not Losing capital on border policies. only capitalists with lousy capital intuition, do that.
Well, when it comes to capitalism, rich intellectual liberals know how to "capitalize" on them. Ever so subtly and cynically. Those poor witto Mexicans make great neo-slaves. And American workers are just trash because they want better lives...Yeah, like that.
Well, when it comes to capitalism, rich intellectual liberals know how to "capitalize" on them. Ever so subtly and cynically. Those poor witto Mexicans make great neo-slaves. And American workers are just trash because they want better... Yeah, like that.
it is you right wingers who prefer helping the rich get richer, at the expense of the poor.
Well, when it comes to capitalism, rich intellectual liberals know how to "capitalize" on them. Ever so subtly and cynically. Those poor witto Mexicans make great neo-slaves. And American workers are just trash because they want better... Yeah, like that.
it is you right wingers who prefer helping the rich get richer, at the expense of the poor.
Not a right winger. I am a poor American. Funny how people jump to conclusions, that doesn't burn off too many calories, buck a roo.
Well, when it comes to capitalism, rich intellectual liberals know how to "capitalize" on them. Ever so subtly and cynically. Those poor witto Mexicans make great neo-slaves. And American workers are just trash because they want better... Yeah, like that.
it is you right wingers who prefer helping the rich get richer, at the expense of the poor.
Not a right winger. I am a poor American. Funny how people jump to conclusions, that doesn't burn off too many calories, buck a roo.
lol. You Only seem to know right wing propaganda, down pat.
Why is it poor Americans are forgettable trash...just trying to preserve culture, or lower class jobs. that is characterized as "bad"? But Mexican illegal aliens can violate immigration law everyone else follows, suddenly Mexicans are poor victims and god's gift to mankind above immigration laws. How did that happen? Mexican culture is above all reproach because, well, because people that hire them say so. Well, do tell! We never noticed. Nobody else in American history has ever gotten this level of special treatment or entire cities given to "Sanctuary". Just Mexicans. Explain that to me. Please, do.
Explain this to me, HOW did Mexican illegals earn sanctuary cities? I have known plenty of real immigrants over 50 years, they ALL had to follow immigration laws. They all got visas, and so on. Why are people over valuing Mexican immigrants, and why can't they follow the same immigration laws everyone has in the last 100 years? What makes them so extra special?
New Jersey Real-Time News
ICE targets 75 N.J. businesses suspected of hiring unauthorized immigrants or other violations

By Kelly Heyboer
NJ Advance Media for NJ.com

Immigration officials have notified 75 New Jersey businesses that their hiring records will be audited to determine if they are employing unauthorized immigrants or violating other labor laws, federal officials said.
The New Jersey businesses targeted for inspections were among 2,738 flagged for audits last week during a four-day nationwide operation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency said.
How did sanctuary cities just for Mexicans become an issue? Whilst poor Americans are being pushed out, losing their jobs and living in squalor in tents. We have to help those poor witto illegal alien Mexicans, let's be humanitarian. And in the meantime screw American poor. They are trash and don't deserve special considerations. Nope, just Mexican illegals are human beings that want a better life, yep, Mexicans have a corner on the humanitarian market. Just Mexicans, nobody else. Yep, they are the only ones. And, apparently, they can do whatever they want to get that "better life". Beg barrow or steal.No matter. All the other millions of immigrants that followed the laws over the past 150 years? No sanctuary for THEM. Just Mexicans. Isn't that amazing?
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