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What If A Country Was Based On Critical Race Theory.

Still nothing to rebut the fact that most of the signers of the DOI owned slaves.

See what I mean....you did it again.
A perfect post for my purposes.

Here we go:

Those same folks instituted a poison pill to slavery, in the very Constitution.

You know how the lying propagandists love to claim that the Founders didn't acknowledge the humanity of the slaves, and counted them as only 3/5 of a person for the census?

Of course, the truth is that the anti-slavers knew that the slave owners wanted to use the numbers to increase their political power in the Congress, and the abolitionists knew that if they did, slavery would never be abolished. So....the 3/5 compromise to get the union formed.

"Just three years after ratification, in the census of 1790, the numbers were determined according to the Constitution proscription of “adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years…three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Rather than this representing racial animus, this compromise prevented the South from having the representation to always outvote the North on the issue of slavery.

In 1790, the slave population of South Carolina was 77% of the white population. By 1820, slaves outnumbered whites, 265,000 to 237,000, and by 1860, 412,000 to 291,000. Georgia and Virginia, similarly."
Full text of "Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790 .."

I await, breathlessly,, your next post providing a part of the truth....'

...so I can fill in what you purposely omit.

Hurry back, y'hear!!!
Those same folks instituted a poison pill to slavery, in the very Constitution.
It was the Declaration of Independence, that Life and Liberty stuff, that was under discussion, not their second attempt at forming a functional federal government. It was signed mostly by slave holders.
It was the Declaration of Independence, that Life and Liberty stuff, that was under discussion, not their second attempt at forming a functional federal government. It was signed mostly by slave holders.

" It was signed mostly by slave holders."

....who found a way to fool the Democrats of the South into a plan to end slavery.

See....you're not the only stupid one.

It's a characteristic of your party.
Of course.....when they realized they'd been hoodwinked......the Democrats started a war to maintain slavery.

And you vote for 'em.
" It was signed mostly by slave holders."

....who found a way to fool the Democrats of the South into a plan to end slavery.

See....you're not the only stupid one.

It's a characteristic of your party.

There was no plan as you described in 1776 when they signed the document.

You just can't help yourself with those petty insult huh?
There was no plan as you described in 1776 when they signed the document.

You just can't help yourself with those petty insult huh?

"There was no plan as you described in 1776 when they signed the document."

Ending slavery was already planned.

"You just can't help yourself with those petty insult huh?"

'Cause I'm really good at it.

You're not even good at a rolling out the propaganda.....although at your girth, you're probably good at rolling in general.
And you don’t seem capable of the sort of thought processes one should expect in an upright biped hominid.
There were no Democrats in 1776 when the document was signed.

The forces of evil have operated under various names.

Your sort have always been with us.

Remember when you called yourselves the Socialist Party, then Communist John Dewey had you change it to Liberal?

What always remains is your allegiance to your true master:

Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah

Rolling Stones, Sympathy For The Devil

Amazing how accurate that is, huh?
Last edited:
Every word of every post I construct belongs to me.

I understand those, you, who are not as well-read, educated, or able, are chagrinned at not being able to do the same, would post this dodge: "copy and paste more mumbo jumbo I’m not going to read it FYI. Answer in your own words. Try and show you have a brain for a change."

You should simply admit what we both know to be the truth: you cannot compete on the same level.
Politichic is infamous for just spamming responses and flooding the zone. Nearly impossible to get a straight forward discussion with her but I try every once in a while to see if she has evolved any
As long as there are supporting texts and excerpts, other readers have a way to go back, read, then judge for themselves the falsehood of anyone’s claim or CRT claims.
As long as there are supporting texts and excerpts, other readers have a way to go back, read, then judge for themselves the falsehood of anyone’s claim or CRT claims.


Of course, lots of government school grads are cowed and fear confronting their masters.
12. “Nobody wanted South Africa to fail. It would have been nice if the hamhanded affirmative action and redistribution policies of the “Rainbow Nation” had quickly created a successful, wealthy, safe multiracial democracy. But they did not, because those policies are fundamentally not based in reality.

A nation cannot raise up the weak by tearing down and ruining the strong. It does not become prosperous by despoiling the rich to simply hand their wealth to the poor (or by extorting them to give politicians a cut). It cannot achieve peace by letting the mob rampage, loot, burn, and kill at will.

For three decades, South Africa has avoided the calamitous implosion suffered by Zimbabwe. But because it has accepted the same basic assumptions about reality, it will soon suffer the same fate. And if America continues down the same path, the path demanded by anti-white doctrines such as Critical Race Theory and other identity politics hustlers, it too will collapse in turn.

The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice.”

South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. “
The forces of evil have operated under various names.

Your sort have always been with us.

Remember when you called yourselves the Socialist Party, then Communist John Dewey had you change it to Liberal?

What always remains is your allegiance to your true master:

Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah

Rolling Stones, Sympathy For The Devil

Amazing how accurate that is, huh?

It is a good song. Not sure how it relates to the number of slave owners who signed the DOI. But what ever floats yer boat.

How many people have anti-racists hanged, burned crosses to or even threatened with death?

You white supremacists are truly walking POS.

Wow, a racist POS such as yourself, talking about racism, what a shock.
As long as there are supporting texts and excerpts, other readers have a way to go back, read, then judge for themselves the falsehood of anyone’s claim or CRT claims.
I agree... You obviously don't know Politichic... Just wait till you see the same rant copy and pasted for the 10th time in response to a direct question.
”Without this indulgence
" It was signed mostly by slave holders."

....who found a way to fool the Democrats of the South into a plan to end slavery.

See....you're not the only stupid one.

It's a characteristic of your party.
On the 3/5 compromise:
”Without this indulgence, no union could have possibly been formed.”
(Alexander Hamilton)

Yes, founder several years before he said that, of the New York Manumission Society, and his devoutly religious widow lived in Harlem and established an orphanage. Hamilton may have purchased humans, though these people were no doubt transitioning in a society that we did not live in.

Congrats Hawk… you win dumbest statement of the day!! Get yourself a cookie
What’s “dumb” about it? Negroes like MarxATL choose to stay in America and complain about “racism”, when they could just move to an all black nation. Why don’t they?
What’s “dumb” about it? Negroes like MarxATL choose to stay in America and complain about “racism”, when they could just move to an all black nation. Why don’t they?
If you don't understand the dumb in that statement then you are a lost cause. Me explaining it to you is only going to confuse you more.
If you don't understand the dumb in that statement then you are a lost cause. Me explaining it to you is only going to confuse you more.
In other words you can’t counter what I said. Negroes like him scream about racism yet they can’t live without white people and the first world civilization we created and let them be a part of. Blacks like him are proof that white culture is superior to African culture. Immigration is all one way, third world shitholes full of brown skinned people wanting to get into white countries.

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