What if a Jewish baker refused to create a Hitler cake?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
But that's DIFFERENT:

" Opponents of the new law in Indiana clearly have no problem with a Christian business owner being forced to provide a product or service which is directly in conflict with their religious beliefs, but what if there were other religions involved? For one example, let’s say that a small family farmer has slaughtered one of his hogs but his usual butcher has either passed on or retired from business. Selecting a new butcher from the yellow pages, the farmer loads up his truck and heads down to a different shop. If that butcher turns out to be a Muslim, can he refuse to take the farmer’s business because it goes against his beliefs? This can’t be too far fetched of a story since Target has had to make accommodations for Muslim cashiers who don’t want to ring up purchases of pork products. If laws allowing for religious objections are so wrong, should the government come in and force the workers to handle and ring up the bacon? Should the Muslim butcher be sued and have his business shut down for not cutting up the hog?
"The second example isn’t specifically based on one religion, but speaks more to the freedom of a vendor to refuse service which they find objectionable regardless of the free speech rights of each party involved. It’s more interesting, though, because it is based on such an exact parallel to the gay wedding cake orders which are at the heart of the RFRA debate. What if the baker is Jewish, not Christian, and the customer in question wants to order a specialty “face cake” depicting Hitler?"

How would RFRA opponents deal with the Hitler cake Hot Air
"It’s very easy to stomp on the rights of a class of citizens – Christians, in this case – who draw no popular support in the media. And painting anyone as “hating the Gays” is the easiest thing in the world. But how far will you extend the reach of the government in making sure they don’t “discriminate” against anyone? "

How would RFRA opponents deal with the Hitler cake Hot Air
religion or politics?

the difference is soooooooooooo confusing to RW's.
I can think of many hundreds of millions of people who wouldn't want to put Hitler's face on a cake, not just Jews, but if that's what you do for a living, make the cake. Problem solved.
religion or politics?

the difference is soooooooooooo confusing to RW's.

It's political. Apparently you're confused:
noun: politics
  1. the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.
Oh, we have heard this bullshit before.

Somehow, not being allowed to discriminate against people you don't like now equals Hitler, Hitler, Hitler in the eyes of the crazy-assed Rightie loons.

Tell me, exactly what verse in the Christian Bible prohibits Christians from doing business with "undesirables"? Cuz that's how many Christians view gays: as "undesirables".

Didn't Jesus actually go and visit with prostitutes and tend to them? Didn't hé actually go to one and tell her to go and sin no more?

"In the world but not of this world" is not a free get-out-of-jail card that allows a Christian to do whatever the hell he wants to do.

But, what the fuck, let 'em discriminate, and when all of their businesses go bankrupt, it's not my fault. Because if this divisive shit continues, it's only a matter of time before Americans in droves will simply stop visiting "Christian" businesses altogether.

What in the world has happened to Christianity?

It used to be about the Love of the Almighty, about a blood covenant, about redemption through grace and about unbounding love.

Now, it's about "get the fuck off my lawn".


Today I feel luckier than ever that I am NOT a Christian. I sure as hell would not want to raise my family in such a poisonous environment. Gross.
Minus religious freedom laws, could not a Black Southern Baptist owned caterer be forced to cater a KKK event, at night, in a clearing in the woods, by the light of a burning cross?
But that's DIFFERENT:

" Opponents of the new law in Indiana clearly have no problem with a Christian business owner being forced to provide a product or service which is directly in conflict with their religious beliefs, but what if there were other religions involved? For one example, let’s say that a small family farmer has slaughtered one of his hogs but his usual butcher has either passed on or retired from business. Selecting a new butcher from the yellow pages, the farmer loads up his truck and heads down to a different shop. If that butcher turns out to be a Muslim, can he refuse to take the farmer’s business because it goes against his beliefs? This can’t be too far fetched of a story since Target has had to make accommodations for Muslim cashiers who don’t want to ring up purchases of pork products. If laws allowing for religious objections are so wrong, should the government come in and force the workers to handle and ring up the bacon? Should the Muslim butcher be sued and have his business shut down for not cutting up the hog?
"The second example isn’t specifically based on one religion, but speaks more to the freedom of a vendor to refuse service which they find objectionable regardless of the free speech rights of each party involved. It’s more interesting, though, because it is based on such an exact parallel to the gay wedding cake orders which are at the heart of the RFRA debate. What if the baker is Jewish, not Christian, and the customer in question wants to order a specialty “face cake” depicting Hitler?"

How would RFRA opponents deal with the Hitler cake Hot Air

Show us please where Christianity says not to serve sinners.
Oh, we have heard this bullshit before.

Somehow, not being allowed to discriminate against people you don't like now equals Hitler, Hitler, Hitler in the eyes of the crazy-assed Rightie loons.

Tell me, exactly what verse in the Christian Bible prohibits Christians from doing business with "undesirables"? Cuz that's how many Christians view gays: as "undesirables".

Didn't Jesus actually go and visit with prostitutes and tend to them? Didn't hé actually go to one and tell her to go and sin no more?

"In the world but not of this world" is not a free get-out-of-jail card that allows a Christian to do whatever the hell he wants to do.

But, what the fuck, let 'em discriminate, and when all of their businesses go bankrupt, it's not my fault. Because if this divisive shit continues, it's only a matter of time before Americans in droves will simply stop visiting "Christian" businesses altogether.

What in the world has happened to Christianity?

It used to be about the Love of the Almighty, about a blood covenant, about redemption through grace and about unbounding love.

Now, it's about "get the fuck off my lawn".


Today I feel luckier than ever that I am NOT a Christian. I sure as hell would not want to raise my family in such a poisonous environment. Gross.

You're projecting again....
religion or politics?

the difference is soooooooooooo confusing to RW's.

It's political. Apparently you're confused:
noun: politics
  1. the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.

first paragraph of YOUR article ..
Opponents of the new law in Indiana clearly have no problem with a Christian business owner being forced to provide a product or service which is directly in conflict with their religious beliefs, but what if there were other religions involved?

^^^^^^^^ what does THAT word mean ...... ^^^^^^^^^ and THAT word ?

here's a clue ... DUUUUUUURRRRRRRRR.
I demand that our local jewish deli cater my pork Barbeque. We want pig ribs, hams, and pork roast. We demand it. If they refuse we will sue for discrimination. :beer: We also want some jewish beer, the deli owner, He-brews it.
religion or politics?

the difference is soooooooooooo confusing to RW's.

They are conflicted, because there is just so much hate for them to spew, and yet so little time within the day to do it.

the hate is all coming from the left. If you believe that homosexualiy is abnormal then you are to be hated and denigrated. Freedom of thought and belief are foreign concepts to libtardians.
But that's DIFFERENT:

" Opponents of the new law in Indiana clearly have no problem with a Christian business owner being forced to provide a product or service which is directly in conflict with their religious beliefs, but what if there were other religions involved? For one example, let’s say that a small family farmer has slaughtered one of his hogs but his usual butcher has either passed on or retired from business. Selecting a new butcher from the yellow pages, the farmer loads up his truck and heads down to a different shop. If that butcher turns out to be a Muslim, can he refuse to take the farmer’s business because it goes against his beliefs? This can’t be too far fetched of a story since Target has had to make accommodations for Muslim cashiers who don’t want to ring up purchases of pork products. If laws allowing for religious objections are so wrong, should the government come in and force the workers to handle and ring up the bacon? Should the Muslim butcher be sued and have his business shut down for not cutting up the hog?
"The second example isn’t specifically based on one religion, but speaks more to the freedom of a vendor to refuse service which they find objectionable regardless of the free speech rights of each party involved. It’s more interesting, though, because it is based on such an exact parallel to the gay wedding cake orders which are at the heart of the RFRA debate. What if the baker is Jewish, not Christian, and the customer in question wants to order a specialty “face cake” depicting Hitler?"

How would RFRA opponents deal with the Hitler cake Hot Air

Show us please where Christianity says not to serve sinners.
That's irrelevant. What's in play here is defining the circumstances under which a vendor can refuse to enter into a contract with a customer, if there are any. Thus, it is legitimate to ask, if Christian run businesses can be forced to do business with those whose lives they oppose (something I disagree with, BTW), can we not then force, say, a black owned catering business to cater a KKK event, should the local KKK group wish to seriously mess with them? I mean, that's really what's going on here. Some gay people wanted to be refused service so they could squeal loudly and pretend to be offended. IOW, is this effort designed to make ALL vendors take ALL contract requests, or is it simply an attack on Christians?
Are Episcopalians Christians? Seem to have zero issue with homosexuality, homosexual marriage, homosexual bishops and priests, etc.

3.5 million of them.

LGBT-affirming Christian denominations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Gonna hard a bit of a time convincing a court of law Christianity has a huge problem with homosexuality when Christianity has a huge number of 'gay-friendly' denominations.

* Affirming Pentecostal Church International
* The Anthem Network
* Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists
* AXIOS - Eastern and Orthodox Gay and Lesbian Christians
* Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
* Community of Christ
* Ecclesia Gnostica
* Ecumenical Catholic Church
* Ecumenical Catholic Communion
* Episcopal Church (United States)
* Evangelical Anglican Church In America
* Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
* Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
* The Evangelical Network
* Friends General Conference
* Friends of Jesus Fellowship
* Global Alliance of Affirming Apostolic Pentecostals
* Inclusive Orthodox Church
* Metropolitan Community Church
* Old Catholic Church
* Presbyterian Church (USA)
* Progressive Christian Alliance
* Reformed Anglican Catholic Church
* Restoration Church of Jesus Christ (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA) — a Latter Day Saint denomination
* United Church of Christ
* United Church of Canada
* Unity Church

Those are just the North American ones.
religion or politics?

the difference is soooooooooooo confusing to RW's.

They are conflicted, because there is just so much hate for them to spew, and yet so little time within the day to do it.

the hate is all coming from the left. If you believe that homosexualiy is abnormal then you are to be hated and denigrated. Freedom of thought and belief are foreign concepts to libtardians.

Nice display of butthurt! Low on facts, however.
Just fucking do like Wal-Mart, they have a photo catalogue of cakes and decorations available, if it ain't in the catalogue, it can't be made.....
Are Episcopalians Christians? Seem to have zero issue with homosexuality, homosexual marriage, homosexual bishops and priests, etc.

3.5 million of them.

LGBT-affirming Christian denominations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Gonna hard a bit of a time convincing a court of law Christianity has a huge problem with homosexuality when Christianity has a huge number of 'gay-friendly' denominations.

* Affirming Pentecostal Church International
* The Anthem Network
* Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists
* AXIOS - Eastern and Orthodox Gay and Lesbian Christians
* Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
* Community of Christ
* Ecclesia Gnostica
* Ecumenical Catholic Church
* Ecumenical Catholic Communion
* Episcopal Church (United States)
* Evangelical Anglican Church In America
* Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
* Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
* The Evangelical Network
* Friends General Conference
* Friends of Jesus Fellowship
* Global Alliance of Affirming Apostolic Pentecostals
* Inclusive Orthodox Church
* Metropolitan Community Church
* Old Catholic Church
* Presbyterian Church (USA)
* Progressive Christian Alliance
* Reformed Anglican Catholic Church
* Restoration Church of Jesus Christ (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA) — a Latter Day Saint denomination
* United Church of Christ
* United Church of Canada
* Unity Church

Those are just the North American ones.
What's your point, that Christians are free thinkers? Because they are.

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