What if a Jewish baker refused to create a Hitler cake?

Who the hell is driving this bus? Please. The Adults, or the kids? . All this Indiana thing comes down is to a bunch of maladjusted immature adults that can't get over that life isn't fair chanting "I WANNA I WANNA". No one is being being hurt here. Non essential business owners or anyone else shouldn't be forced to pander to anyone, period. For religious reasons or otherwise. There is another thread, called "Boycotts are discriminatory too". This is like a O. Henry Novella. Lighten up people.
They don't know how...
Ah...but therein lies the rub. You see, they are not allowed to have those "beliefs". They must put them away and do WHATEVER their clientele asks of them. They are Christian - they are not allowed to have and hold beliefs.

Ah...but therein lies the rub.

All business's are expected to follow the same rules- even business's run by Christians.

There is no special religious exemption for Christians.

Nope. As far as I know, the businesses in these cases didn't have same sex wedding toppers for sale in their stores. Sorry - we don't carry them and we don't put them on our cakes. And no, you can NOT provide your own to place on the cake. Now, if you wish to purchase a cake and do whatever the hell you want to when you get it out of the store, then fine. But under no circumstances am I going to place that thing on top of one of my wedding cakes. Period.

And once again:

Ah...but therein lies the rub.

All business's are expected to follow the same rules- even business's run by Christians.

There is no special religious exemption for Christians.

Again - if it ain't in my inventory (those same sex wedding cake toppers) you are SOL. go somewhere else. Or can I go into a Walmart and demand that they begin carrying Ralph Lauren shirts? Get your act together, sonny.

I demand that Starbucks carry a full line of AFR heads and Kook Headers... OR ELSE! They're clearly discriminating against Gear Heads!

Agreed. I think Starbucks is discriminating against me because they refuse to sell Krispy Kreme coffee!!! I have my rights you know!!!
What if a Nazi refused to bake a Jew in an oven?

Would he be unpatriotic?

The other Nazis would murder him.

We need look no further than Leftists who departed the cult, and the subsequent public mauling they have endured. Now in the US, the left hasn't often murdered them... but fascism, along with all variant strains of leftism have been tempered by the Americans, who have historically had little patients with those promoting foreign ideas hostile to American Principle... an example of which would be one David Horowitz.

Who has suffered under a longstanding Leftist fatwah, since he came to understand that what animates the Left, is evil.
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I've never seen any laws against discriminating against Hitler

But if koshergrl wants to pass one, she is welcome to try

should jewish deli's be forced to sell to members of the aryan nation?
Yes, as long as the Nazis do not ask the deli to sell them something the deli has never sold to anyone else before.

This is where you retards fail to see the difference. A wedding cake maker makes wedding cakes. Refusing to sell a wedding cake to someone you don't like is a lot different than refusing to sell something you have never sold to anyone else before.
no..Youy miss the point. Any business owner has the right to refuse to enter an agreement with anyone soliciting his business.
For example....I own a business. I am a devout 3 day per week church attending individual....A person selling ad space in his weekly magazine which is called "out" on the town...it is a gay publication that advocates the gay agenda. On those grounds alone, I refuse his business. According to you people, that magazine sales person has the right to sue me based on anti discrimination laws.
Now, you explain to me where the justice is in that?
Let's take this a step further.
I have an in home business. During my visit to the prospect's residence, he or she begins to explain and inform me how the heterosexual people are ruinng his or her life because heterosexuals are hateful...With that I politely decline to continue the transaction.
Under your agenda, that person now can claim he or she is the victim of discrimination then use the force of government and the courts in an attempt to ruin my business and my family's health and financial well being.
You explain to me how that is just
What if a Nazi refused to bake a Jew in an oven?

Would he be unpatriotic?

The other Nazis would murder him.

We need look no further than Leftists who departed the cult, and the subsequent public mauling they have endured. Now in the US, the left hasn't often murdered them... but fascism, along with all variant strains of leftism have been tempered by the Americans, who have historically had little patients with those promoting foreign ideas hostile to American Principle... an example of which would be one David Horowitz.

Who has suffered under a longstanding Leftist fatwah, since he came to understand that whats manimates the Left, is evil.

Speak English.
Well, you kind of have to question the sanity of a person who thinks that the discomfort of a baker is somehow related to the mass murder of 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews at the hands of the Nazis in WWII and somehow, this is all very important to make the point that gays are really, really bad,or something like that.

We have an OP that deals in a fallacy of the highest order, but in typical KG fashion, with all the insults and viciousness, as usual.

My, how Christianity has changed...

The nastiest insults, hysteria and viciousness in this thread have come from you, statist.

Meanwhile, do you still believe that jewish bakers must be forced to provide goodies for Nazi celebrations, when it's demanded of them?

Forced labour under German rule during World War II - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Do you think Christian bakers should be forced to identify themselves on their storefronts, so that everybody knows they won't be attending homo weddings?

What if a Nazi refused to bake a Jew in an oven?

Would he be unpatriotic?

The other Nazis would murder him.

We need look no further than Leftists who departed the cult, and the subsequent public mauling they have endured. Now in the US, the left hasn't often murdered them... but fascism, along with all variant strains of leftism have been tempered by the Americans, who have historically had little patients with those promoting foreign ideas hostile to American Principle... an example of which would be one David Horowitz.

Who has suffered under a longstanding Leftist fatwah, since he came to understand that what animates the Left, is evil.

Speak English.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
no..You miss the point. Any business owner has the right to refuse to enter an agreement with anyone soliciting his business.
For example....I own a business. I am a devout 3 day per week church attending individual....A person selling ad space in his weekly magazine which is called "out" on the town...it is a gay publication that advocates the gay agenda. On those grounds alone, I refuse his business. According to you people, that magazine sales person has the right to sue me based on anti discrimination laws.
Now, you explain to me where the justice is in that?
Let's take this a step further.
I have an in home business. During my visit to the prospect's residence, he or she begins to explain and inform me how the heterosexual people are ruinng his or her life because heterosexuals are hateful...With that I politely decline to continue the transaction.
Under your agenda, that person now can claim he or she is the victim of discrimination then use the force of government and the courts in an attempt to ruin my business and my family's health and financial well being.
You explain to me how that is just

Well said!
Why was this bakery within its rights to refuse to make a child's birthday cake?

Child named after Adolf Hitler is refused cake request NJ.com

Hitler is not a protected class
And the reply is....There should be NO SUCH THING as a protected class.
Everyone should under the law have the same rights. and those rights should be exercised and protected equally without passion or prejudice.
You lefties violate that millions of times a day.
Well, you kind of have to question the sanity of a person who thinks that the discomfort of a baker is somehow related to the mass murder of 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews at the hands of the Nazis in WWII and somehow, this is all very important to make the point that gays are really, really bad,or something like that.

We have an OP that deals in a fallacy of the highest order, but in typical KG fashion, with all the insults and viciousness, as usual.

My, how Christianity has changed...

The nastiest insults, hysteria and viciousness in this thread have come from you, statist.

Meanwhile, do you still believe that jewish bakers must be forced to provide goodies for Nazi celebrations, when it's demanded of them?

Forced labour under German rule during World War II - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Do you think Christian bakers should be forced to identify themselves on their storefronts, so that everybody knows they won't be attending homo weddings?


Well in fairness... according to the Left, those Jewish pastries are made with the blood of the children of those Nazis... SOOoooo.... it wouldn't be cool to feed Nazi kids to Nazis.

And the Jew gets that... .
Why was this bakery within its rights to refuse to make a child's birthday cake?

Child named after Adolf Hitler is refused cake request NJ.com
Do you believe the father of little Adolf Hitler Campbell and JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell* when he says he is not a racist?

Because he sounds as disingenuous as these assholes around here who pretend the Indiana law has nothing to do with discriminating against homosexuals at STRAIGHT ONLY bakeries.

*Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie was the sister of Adolf Hitler.
There are gay people who do not hide their hatred for heterosexual.
There are libs who do not hide their hate for Christians.
Both hate groups are excused from being punished by anti discrimination laws
Why was this bakery within its rights to refuse to make a child's birthday cake?

Child named after Adolf Hitler is refused cake request NJ.com

Hitler is not a protected class
And the reply is....There should be NO SUCH THING as a protected class.
Everyone should under the law have the same rights. and those rights should be exercised and protected equally without passion or prejudice.
You lefties violate that millions of times a day.

What the Left is quite literally demanding is that Mental Disorder which presents with Sexual abnormality be NORMALIZED! Which is to say that they want to make mental disorder that presents with Sexual Abnormality a protected class of citizenship.

Which in and of itself, is a presentation of collective mental disorder.

Now another really cool part of this, is that the same disorder that presents with sexual abnormality, also presents with the lowered means to reason objectively.

The COOLEST part of THAT is that the inability to reason objectively... is the fundamental basis for ALL EVIL!
Indeed. It's coming to an America near you soon....

And just between you and me... I can't wait.

I hate to see the end of America.....but it is coming.

No... I disagree. America is a concept, not a place.

The looming war will be fought to determine which set of ideas rules the geographic area OKA: The United States. Those competing ideas will be the irrational drivel known as Left-think (Evil) and the ideas which stem from the recognition and defense of, respect for and adherence to the natural principles that define America.
I can go in a STRAIGHTS ONLY bakery and order a wedding cake. Every single time I get married. No matter how many times that is.

But we cannot allow homos to do that. Not even once. Because that would be against God and the Bible.


Self-righteous high five!

It's up to the baker, asshole. The insinuation that queers can't buy a wedding cake unless we force Christian bakers to provide them with one is beyond ludicrous.
Well, you kind of have to question the sanity of a person who thinks that the discomfort of a baker is somehow related to the mass murder of 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews at the hands of the Nazis in WWII and somehow, this is all very important to make the point that gays are really, really bad,or something like that.

We have an OP that deals in a fallacy of the highest order, but in typical KG fashion, with all the insults and viciousness, as usual.

My, how Christianity has changed...

The nastiest insults, hysteria and viciousness in this thread have come from you, statist.

Says the person who insults all who she disagrees with by calling them 'fucktards'......lol....

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