What if a Jewish baker refused to create a Hitler cake?

What part of his religion conflicts with doing business with those listed? What part conflicts with doing business with gays? Some Christians bakers are objecting to one thing ... the baking of cakes for ss weddings. Not because they hate gays but because of their religious convictions on the ss marriage part.

Ah...but therein lies the rub. You see, they are not allowed to have those "beliefs". They must put them away and do WHATEVER their clientele asks of them. They are Christian - they are not allowed to have and hold beliefs.

Ah...but therein lies the rub.

All business's are expected to follow the same rules- even business's run by Christians.

There is no special religious exemption for Christians.

Nope. As far as I know, the businesses in these cases didn't have same sex wedding toppers for sale in their stores. Sorry - we don't carry them and we don't put them on our cakes. And no, you can NOT provide your own to place on the cake. Now, if you wish to purchase a cake and do whatever the hell you want to when you get it out of the store, then fine. But under no circumstances am I going to place that thing on top of one of my wedding cakes. Period.

And once again:

Ah...but therein lies the rub.

All business's are expected to follow the same rules- even business's run by Christians.

There is no special religious exemption for Christians.

Again - if it ain't in my inventory (those same sex wedding cake toppers) you are SOL. go somewhere else. Or can I go into a Walmart and demand that they begin carrying Ralph Lauren shirts? Get your act together, sonny.

I demand that Starbucks carry a full line of AFR heads and Kook Headers... OR ELSE! They're clearly discriminating against Gear Heads!
This whole kerfuffel is a made up pile of crap. It's just another political ploy on the part of the liberal left to intimidate and dwestroy anyone who dares not kowtow to the radical left wing agenda.
And of course this has hypocrisy written all over it..
Libs have been bashing "wall Street", "Corporations", The NCAA and many other institutions as evel, racist, unfair and greedy...
Now that some companies, the NCAA, NASCAR( the libs favorite whipping boy) have come out in one way or another against the Indiana law, the libs are happy to jump on board with these once hated organizations.
Lastly, the hypocrisy lies in the fact that 24 other states have similar or even the SAME law( Illinois for example) and the federal government also has on it's list of laws the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.A law that received near unanimous support in the House and Senate and was SIGNED by none other than President William Jefferson Clinton..The various state laws almost mirror the federal law.
Furthermore. Libs go running around saying how they support the religious freedom of Muslims. And why is that? Because the Left has taken under it's wing the Islamist terrorists and the rest of Islam as it's latest PC Protected Class of people....
The Left's message is so blatantly anti Christian it has gotten to the point where it is completely acceptable to discriminate and destroy all things Christian.
And when these liberals are asked "how is what your doing not discrimination", they have nothing except excuses deflection and obfuscation.
Keep it up lefties. This will come back to bite you in 2016...
Here is the text of the RFRA...
Oh when you libs read this, use a suppository. Because after you've read it, there will be a knock at your door. The person on the other side is going to ram it up your stupid hypocritical ass.
The supermarket bakery refused to put the kid's name on the birthday cake.

Where was all the hoopla over this? Where were those shouting 'discrimination' over this?

Child named after Adolf Hitler is refused cake request NJ.com

The parents went to Wal-Mart and got their cake.

My point exactly. This is not about "the cake", contrary to the gay stance. It is about an agenda being forwarded at any and all cost. They go into these places PRAYING that the owner will refuse so they can then run, at full speed to the media and the ACLU. Bottom line? These private businesses are whipping boys for a movement.

And it isn't about discrimination, either. Because these vendors didn't discriminate against homosexuals..they served them and employed them and never had a problem with the gays themselves.

But they opted OUT of participating in/providing goods for what they consider sacrilegious ceremonies...and what the fascist homos are squawking about isn't that they're being discriminated against...it's that they want to be able to FORCE Christians to endorse their sacrilegious practices.

Indeed. It's about (once again) using "the law" to bend people's wills to an agenda. This is nothing more than yet another step in America becoming a tyranny.

We're already there, bro. The government believes its authorized to do whatever it likes.
It's a legitimate question. Do you think a Black Southern Baptist run caterer can be force to cater a KKK event?

And these are legitimate questions:

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?


And so it goes. Around and around. You fucktards made it perfectly clear what you thought of freedom of religion and freedom of speech with the ridiculous queer marriage and hate speech legislations. At this point, I think we should just go to war.

And these are legitimate questions for you fucktards- especially the 'brave' fucktwards as yourself who volunteer others to go kill homosexuals...

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?

If he claims to be a Christian, he would need to show where Christian belief can be construed to make those people sinful for being black, female, or a veteran. I don't think he could.

Show to who?

Who is going to be judging what is a 'Christian belief'?

There were ministers in the 1960's who actively preached that God commanded that Blacks and Whites were to be seperated- and going back to the slavery days, there were ministers who preached that slavery of blacks was right out of the Bible.

This is the thing with saying that anyone can refuse to do anything because of 'their closely held religious belief'- who decides what is a genuine closely held religious belief- and which is just an excuse for discrimination?
And?....What does that have to do with anything?
religion or politics?

the difference is soooooooooooo confusing to RW's.

It's political. Apparently you're confused:
noun: politics
  1. the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.

first paragraph of YOUR article ..
Opponents of the new law in Indiana clearly have no problem with a Christian business owner being forced to provide a product or service which is directly in conflict with their religious beliefs, but what if there were other religions involved?

^^^^^^^^ what does THAT word mean ...... ^^^^^^^^^ and THAT word ?

here's a clue ... DUUUUUUURRRRRRRRR.
What are you asking?
Are Episcopalians Christians? Seem to have zero issue with homosexuality, homosexual marriage, homosexual bishops and priests, etc.

3.5 million of them.

LGBT-affirming Christian denominations - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Gonna hard a bit of a time convincing a court of law Christianity has a huge problem with homosexuality when Christianity has a huge number of 'gay-friendly' denominations.

* Affirming Pentecostal Church International
* The Anthem Network
* Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists
* AXIOS - Eastern and Orthodox Gay and Lesbian Christians
* Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
* Community of Christ
* Ecclesia Gnostica
* Ecumenical Catholic Church
* Ecumenical Catholic Communion
* Episcopal Church (United States)
* Evangelical Anglican Church In America
* Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
* Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
* The Evangelical Network
* Friends General Conference
* Friends of Jesus Fellowship
* Global Alliance of Affirming Apostolic Pentecostals
* Inclusive Orthodox Church
* Metropolitan Community Church
* Old Catholic Church
* Presbyterian Church (USA)
* Progressive Christian Alliance
* Reformed Anglican Catholic Church
* Restoration Church of Jesus Christ (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA) — a Latter Day Saint denomination
* United Church of Christ
* United Church of Canada
* Unity Church

Those are just the North American ones.
Why did you waste your time and keystroke typing this?
It misses the point...
This entire issue is based on you lefties losing an arrow from your quiver of evil.
It is one less weapon you have with which to attack people with whom you disagree.
religion or politics?

the difference is soooooooooooo confusing to RW's.

They are conflicted, because there is just so much hate for them to spew, and yet so little time within the day to do it.

the hate is all coming from the left. If you believe that homosexualiy is abnormal then you are to be hated and denigrated. Freedom of thought and belief are foreign concepts to libtardians.

Nice display of butthurt! Low on facts, however.
No. You are WRONG.....Your side is displaying all of the angry hateful and vitriolic fury.
Putting Hitler on the cake falls under free speech. Anyone can refuse. Now if a KKK member walks in and wants a regular cake, you cannot refuse. It's really that simple.
I would be willing to wager $100 and pay up if one could find a black owned bake shop and present a proposal to make a KKK decorated cake and that owner could refuse with prejudice to make said cake. And do so with impunity.
The homophobes are all in a twitter over being able to talk about gays and hitler.

If you are speaking of Public Accommodation laws, then the person who is denied service has to be part of an identifiable group.

A Jewish Baker who normally provides customs cakes but refuses to sell a cake that says "Jesus Saves" would be breaking the law.
A Jewish Baker who normally provides custom cakes but refuses to sell to Germans because the law forbids discrimination based upon national origin.
A Jewish Baker who normally provides custom cakes but refuses to make and sell a cake that says "Jews are Evil" would not be discriminating against any identified group
A Jewish Baker who normally provides customs cakes but refuses to make a "Adolf Hitler" cake would not be discriminating against any group identified in the law.

A Christian Baker who normally provides custom cakes but refuses to sell a cake to a mixed race couple because of their races, would be breaking the law.

A Muslim Bakery supply provider who sells cake flower, but refuses to sell to Christian bakeries would be breaking the law.

And in states that have protection for LGBT people, a business that refuses to sell a wedding cake to a LGBT couple would be breaking the law- but not in anyplace that doesn't have such laws.

Yes, we know what they do in Nazi run states. Now explain why it's justified.

And why do you consider the United States to be 'Nazi run"?

Politicians believe there is absolutely no limit on what the government can do. The government already regulates every detail of our lives. There's nothing left of freedom in this country. We're all subjects of a fascist empire.
Of course you think it is 'irrelevant'.

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?

Some Christians want to be able to refuse service, and that is why they are squeling loudly and pretending to be offended.
It's a legitimate question. Do you think a Black Southern Baptist run caterer can be force to cater a KKK event?

And these are legitimate questions:

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?


And so it goes. Around and around. You fucktards made it perfectly clear what you thought of freedom of religion and freedom of speech with the ridiculous queer marriage and hate speech legislations. At this point, I think we should just go to war.

And these are legitimate questions for you fucktards- especially the 'brave' fucktwards as yourself who volunteer others to go kill homosexuals...

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?

If he claims to be a Christian, he would need to show where Christian belief can be construed to make those people sinful for being black, female, or a veteran. I don't think he could.

He doesn't have to do anything of the sort. The government has no authority to judge whether your beliefs are valid or not. The very notion is fascist to the bone.
As for the "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler" cake, the supermarket should not be able to refuse. Not because the Nazi inbred idiot fuck of a father is a protected class. He isn't. But the supermarket offers happy birthday name greetings on their cakes to everyone, and so under the public accommodation scheme we live under they must provide the cake to these poor doomed kids.

Providing a service, no matter how distasteful the client, is not an endorsement of said client.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

So you maintain that Jewish bakers should be forced to make Hitler cakes.

Thanks! I already knew where you stood, but it's nice to see you own it.

And you still hold to a false fallacy because it's all you've got. Well, outside of being a vicious person.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Oh, we have heard this bullshit before.

Somehow, not being allowed to discriminate against people you don't like now equals Hitler, Hitler, Hitler in the eyes of the crazy-assed Rightie loons.

Tell me, exactly what verse in the Christian Bible prohibits Christians from doing business with "undesirables"? Cuz that's how many Christians view gays: as "undesirables".

Didn't Jesus actually go and visit with prostitutes and tend to them? Didn't hé actually go to one and tell her to go and sin no more?

"In the world but not of this world" is not a free get-out-of-jail card that allows a Christian to do whatever the hell he wants to do.

But, what the fuck, let 'em discriminate, and when all of their businesses go bankrupt, it's not my fault. Because if this divisive shit continues, it's only a matter of time before Americans in droves will simply stop visiting "Christian" businesses altogether.

What in the world has happened to Christianity?

It used to be about the Love of the Almighty, about a blood covenant, about redemption through grace and about unbounding love.

Now, it's about "get the fuck off my lawn".


Today I feel luckier than ever that I am NOT a Christian. I sure as hell would not want to raise my family in such a poisonous environment. Gross.

Nice anti-Christian, hate-filled, vituperative rant, statist, you Nazi.

Christians feel lucky that you're not one of them, too.
Nothing like a self-professing Christian calling a Jew a "Nazi". Bravo. Gotta say, your method of witnessing is, ääääh, unique. So full of Christian love and such....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

You're one of those Jews that helped the Nazis, Nazi.

Now make me a cake.

It's fun to watch you troll your own thread and write really stupid shit.

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But that's DIFFERENT:

" Opponents of the new law in Indiana clearly have no problem with a Christian business owner being forced to provide a product or service which is directly in conflict with their religious beliefs, but what if there were other religions involved? For one example, let’s say that a small family farmer has slaughtered one of his hogs but his usual butcher has either passed on or retired from business. Selecting a new butcher from the yellow pages, the farmer loads up his truck and heads down to a different shop. If that butcher turns out to be a Muslim, can he refuse to take the farmer’s business because it goes against his beliefs? This can’t be too far fetched of a story since Target has had to make accommodations for Muslim cashiers who don’t want to ring up purchases of pork products. If laws allowing for religious objections are so wrong, should the government come in and force the workers to handle and ring up the bacon? Should the Muslim butcher be sued and have his business shut down for not cutting up the hog?
"The second example isn’t specifically based on one religion, but speaks more to the freedom of a vendor to refuse service which they find objectionable regardless of the free speech rights of each party involved. It’s more interesting, though, because it is based on such an exact parallel to the gay wedding cake orders which are at the heart of the RFRA debate. What if the baker is Jewish, not Christian, and the customer in question wants to order a specialty “face cake” depicting Hitler?"

How would RFRA opponents deal with the Hitler cake Hot Air
I gave this a lot of thought. Nobody should be denied basic necessities (utilities, health care or food or shelter), period. But any business that provides non essential services should to be allowed to discriminate their clientele... Given that we live in an open and free economy, what is the big problem? If gays or Nazis or whatever group doesn't like a certain business, don't shop there. These business will either sink or swim. AND businesses that don't have a problem making money catering to gays or NAZIS or whatever group have a wide open shot at those groups, it's a win-win situation...All the theater and histrionics around this issue are so ridiculous and exaggerated, we have real problems in the world, this is just childish and petty.
And these are legitimate questions for you fucktards- especially the 'brave' fucktwards as yourself who volunteer others to go kill homosexuals...

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?

What part of his religion conflicts with doing business with those listed? What part conflicts with doing business with gays? Some Christians bakers are objecting to one thing ... the baking of cakes for ss weddings. Not because they hate gays but because of their religious convictions on the ss marriage part.

Ah...but therein lies the rub. You see, they are not allowed to have those "beliefs". They must put them away and do WHATEVER their clientele asks of them. They are Christian - they are not allowed to have and hold beliefs.

Ah...but therein lies the rub.

All business's are expected to follow the same rules- even business's run by Christians.

There is no special religious exemption for Christians.

Nope. As far as I know, the businesses in these cases didn't have same sex wedding toppers for sale in their stores. Sorry - we don't carry them and we don't put them on our cakes. And no, you can NOT provide your own to place on the cake. Now, if you wish to purchase a cake and do whatever the hell you want to when you get it out of the store, then fine. But under no circumstances am I going to place that thing on top of one of my wedding cakes. Period.

And once again:

Ah...but therein lies the rub.

All business's are expected to follow the same rules- even business's run by Christians.

There is no special religious exemption for Christians.

Wrong. The Supreme Court has already ruled on that issue.
religion or politics?

the difference is soooooooooooo confusing to RW's.

They are conflicted, because there is just so much hate for them to spew, and yet so little time within the day to do it.

the hate is all coming from the left. If you believe that homosexualiy is abnormal then you are to be hated and denigrated. Freedom of thought and belief are foreign concepts to libtardians.

Nice display of butthurt! Low on facts, however.
No. You are WRONG.....Your side is displaying all of the angry hateful and vitriolic fury.

calling their critics "angry" and "hateful" is just one of their propaganda memes. No one is as angry and hateful as a swarm of queers who want to force their lifestyle down everyone's throat.
Putting Hitler on the cake falls under free speech. Anyone can refuse. Now if a KKK member walks in and wants a regular cake, you cannot refuse. It's really that simple.
I would be willing to wager $100 and pay up if one could find a black owned bake shop and present a proposal to make a KKK decorated cake and that owner could refuse with prejudice to make said cake. And do so with impunity.
Here is an excerpt of the Judge's official statement on the case of the Colorado baker. I can't find the full statement I don't remember where it is. The Washington decision was for almost the same reason.

"Respondents argue that if they are compelled to make a cake for a same-sex wedding, then a black baker could not refuse to make a cake bearing a white-supremacist message for a member of the Aryan Nation; and an Islamic baker could not refuse to make a cake denigrating the Koran for the Westboro Baptist Church.

However, neither of these fanciful hypothetical situations proves Respondents’ point. In both cases, it is the explicit, unmistakable, offensive message that the bakers are asked to put on the cake that gives rise to the bakers’ free speech right to refuse. That, however, is not the case here, where Respondents refused to bake any cake for Complainants regardless of what was written on it or what it looked like."

This Colorado baker refused to put an anti-gay message on cakes. Now she is facing a civil rights complaint. - The Washington Post

Are you sure you still want to make that bet?
As for the "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler" cake, the supermarket should not be able to refuse. Not because the Nazi inbred idiot fuck of a father is a protected class. He isn't. But the supermarket offers happy birthday name greetings on their cakes to everyone, and so under the public accommodation scheme we live under they must provide the cake to these poor doomed kids.

Providing a service, no matter how distasteful the client, is not an endorsement of said client.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

So you maintain that Jewish bakers should be forced to make Hitler cakes.

Thanks! I already knew where you stood, but it's nice to see you own it.

And you still hold to a false fallacy because it's all you've got. Well, outside of being a vicious person.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

False fallacy = redundancy.

Poor statist. Still sounding hysterical there. Anyway, we have all noted and filed away your insistence that Jewish bakers should be forced to endorse pro-Nazi celebrations.
Can we have a show of hands from those who feel that the Advocacy to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents with Sexual Abnormality, is SO CRITICAL that it supersedes the means of Christians to exercise their God-given rights?

Show us the document that appointed you as the official legal authority to determine what is a mental disorder?

You're the guy who believes that humans are deviant if they have sex for any other reason than to reproduce.

That is as deviant as a sexual attitude can get.

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