What if a Jewish baker refused to create a Hitler cake?

Gay bakers are already refusing to make christian cakes, hypocrite much? look up your own fucking links, they are out there.
Oh, we have heard this bullshit before.

Somehow, not being allowed to discriminate against people you don't like now equals Hitler, Hitler, Hitler in the eyes of the crazy-assed Rightie loons.

Tell me, exactly what verse in the Christian Bible prohibits Christians from doing business with "undesirables"? Cuz that's how many Christians view gays: as "undesirables".

Didn't Jesus actually go and visit with prostitutes and tend to them? Didn't hé actually go to one and tell her to go and sin no more?

"In the world but not of this world" is not a free get-out-of-jail card that allows a Christian to do whatever the hell he wants to do.

But, what the fuck, let 'em discriminate, and when all of their businesses go bankrupt, it's not my fault. Because if this divisive shit continues, it's only a matter of time before Americans in droves will simply stop visiting "Christian" businesses altogether.

What in the world has happened to Christianity?

It used to be about the Love of the Almighty, about a blood covenant, about redemption through grace and about unbounding love.

Now, it's about "get the fuck off my lawn".


Today I feel luckier than ever that I am NOT a Christian. I sure as hell would not want to raise my family in such a poisonous environment. Gross.

How wonderful of you to (at this time of the year) to become so "Christian" in your stance. Outstanding. Well, sir, since you are so forgiving, I bring you Matthew 10:34 "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

And let us not forget the ever popular Luke 12:53

They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law."

Or how about 1 Corinthians 6:9

Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men

Can't have it both ways partner. You either believe or you do not. So you go ahead and celebrate the perverted. As for me and mine? We will serve the Lord.
I've never seen any laws against discriminating against Hitler

But if koshergrl wants to pass one, she is welcome to try

should jewish deli's be forced to sell to members of the aryan nation?
Yes, as long as the Nazis do not ask the deli to sell them something the deli has never sold to anyone else before.

This is where you retards fail to see the difference. A wedding cake maker makes wedding cakes. Refusing to sell a wedding cake to someone you don't like is a lot different than refusing to sell something you have never sold to anyone else before.

a deli sells meat, bread, cheese, etc. Bakers bake cakes, bread, cookies, etc. Its the same thing.
should jewish deli's be forced to sell to members of the aryan nation?

As long as they are behaving themselves, why not?

If they refuse on religious grounds, should they be FORCED?

You should have to serve anyone who comes into your place of business.....even conservatives

so, "no shoes, no shirt, no service" should be illegal?

Of course not

Health Department requires it

Not in most places. you fail again.
Putting Hitler on the cake falls under free speech. Anyone can refuse. Now if a KKK member walks in and wants a regular cake, you cannot refuse. It's really that simple.

So you think that a black bakery would be forced to make a KKK cake????????????? Don't be foolish.
They'd be forced to make a cake. Not a cake that had anything about the KKK on it.

so a baker should not be forced to put a bride and groom of the same sex on a wedding cake? you libs are getting all twisted on your asses on this one.
The supermarket bakery refused to put the kid's name on the birthday cake.

Where was all the hoopla over this? Where were those shouting 'discrimination' over this?

Child named after Adolf Hitler is refused cake request NJ.com

The parents went to Wal-Mart and got their cake.

My point exactly. This is not about "the cake", contrary to the gay stance. It is about an agenda being forwarded at any and all cost. They go into these places PRAYING that the owner will refuse so they can then run, at full speed to the media and the ACLU. Bottom line? These private businesses are whipping boys for a movement.
The supermarket bakery refused to put the kid's name on the birthday cake.

Where was all the hoopla over this? Where were those shouting 'discrimination' over this?

Child named after Adolf Hitler is refused cake request NJ.com

The parents went to Wal-Mart and got their cake.

My point exactly. This is not about "the cake", contrary to the gay stance. It is about an agenda being forwarded at any and all cost. They go into these places PRAYING that the owner will refuse so they can then run, at full speed to the media and the ACLU. Bottom line? These private businesses are whipping boys for a movement.

And it isn't about discrimination, either. Because these vendors didn't discriminate against homosexuals..they served them and employed them and never had a problem with the gays themselves.

But they opted OUT of participating in/providing goods for what they consider sacrilegious ceremonies...and what the fascist homos are squawking about isn't that they're being discriminated against...it's that they want to be able to FORCE Christians to endorse their sacrilegious practices.
The supermarket bakery refused to put the kid's name on the birthday cake.

Where was all the hoopla over this? Where were those shouting 'discrimination' over this?

Child named after Adolf Hitler is refused cake request NJ.com

The parents went to Wal-Mart and got their cake.

My point exactly. This is not about "the cake", contrary to the gay stance. It is about an agenda being forwarded at any and all cost. They go into these places PRAYING that the owner will refuse so they can then run, at full speed to the media and the ACLU. Bottom line? These private businesses are whipping boys for a movement.

And it isn't about discrimination, either. Because these vendors didn't discriminate against homosexuals..they served them and employed them and never had a problem with the gays themselves.

But they opted OUT of participating in/providing goods for what they consider sacrilegious ceremonies...and what the fascist homos are squawking about isn't that they're being discriminated against...it's that they want to be able to FORCE Christians to endorse their sacrilegious practices.

Indeed. It's about (once again) using "the law" to bend people's wills to an agenda. This is nothing more than yet another step in America becoming a tyranny.
If a group of animal sacrificing worshipers wanted a Christian baker to bake them a cake depicting the killing and worshiping of the sacrificial animal, should the baker be allowed to refuse this particular service based on their religious convictions?
The homophobes are all in a twitter over being able to talk about gays and hitler.

If you are speaking of Public Accommodation laws, then the person who is denied service has to be part of an identifiable group.

A Jewish Baker who normally provides customs cakes but refuses to sell a cake that says "Jesus Saves" would be breaking the law.
A Jewish Baker who normally provides custom cakes but refuses to sell to Germans because the law forbids discrimination based upon national origin.
A Jewish Baker who normally provides custom cakes but refuses to make and sell a cake that says "Jews are Evil" would not be discriminating against any identified group
A Jewish Baker who normally provides customs cakes but refuses to make a "Adolf Hitler" cake would not be discriminating against any group identified in the law.

A Christian Baker who normally provides custom cakes but refuses to sell a cake to a mixed race couple because of their races, would be breaking the law.

A Muslim Bakery supply provider who sells cake flower, but refuses to sell to Christian bakeries would be breaking the law.

And in states that have protection for LGBT people, a business that refuses to sell a wedding cake to a LGBT couple would be breaking the law- but not in anyplace that doesn't have such laws.

Yes, we know what they do in Nazi run states. Now explain why it's justified.

And why do you consider the United States to be 'Nazi run"?
If a group of animal sacrificing worshipers wanted a Christian baker to bake them a cake depicting the killing and worshiping of the sacrificial animal, should the baker be allowed to refuse this particular service based on their religious convictions?
Not on religious grounds but they could make an obscenity case. If you went to Cakes For Cats for that cake, then you'd have a better "caring for animals is my religion" claim.
The supermarket bakery refused to put the kid's name on the birthday cake.

Where was all the hoopla over this? Where were those shouting 'discrimination' over this?

Child named after Adolf Hitler is refused cake request NJ.com

The parents went to Wal-Mart and got their cake.

My point exactly. This is not about "the cake", contrary to the gay stance. It is about an agenda being forwarded at any and all cost. They go into these places PRAYING that the owner will refuse so they can then run, at full speed to the media and the ACLU. Bottom line? These private businesses are whipping boys for a movement.

And it isn't about discrimination, either. Because these vendors didn't discriminate against homosexuals..they served them and employed them and never had a problem with the gays themselves.

But they opted OUT of participating in/providing goods for what they consider sacrilegious ceremonies...and what the fascist homos are squawking about isn't that they're being discriminated against...it's that they want to be able to FORCE Christians to endorse their sacrilegious practices.

Yet the one squawking is you.

Squawking about the 'poor victimized' Christians- being told that they have to follow the same laws as everyone else.

The very same laws that protect Christians from being discrimination for being Christian.
Show us please where Christianity says not to serve sinners.
That's irrelevant. What's in play here is defining the circumstances under which a vendor can refuse to enter into a contract with a customer, if there are any. Thus, it is legitimate to ask, if Christian run businesses can be forced to do business with those whose lives they oppose (something I disagree with, BTW), can we not then force, say, a black owned catering business to cater a KKK event, should the local KKK group wish to seriously mess with them? I mean, that's really what's going on here. Some gay people want to be refused service so they can squeal loudly and pretend to be offended.

Of course you think it is 'irrelevant'.

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?

Some Christians want to be able to refuse service, and that is why they are squeling loudly and pretending to be offended.
It's a legitimate question. Do you think a Black Southern Baptist run caterer can be force to cater a KKK event?

And these are legitimate questions:

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?


And so it goes. Around and around. You fucktards made it perfectly clear what you thought of freedom of religion and freedom of speech with the ridiculous queer marriage and hate speech legislations. At this point, I think we should just go to war.

And these are legitimate questions for you fucktards- especially the 'brave' fucktwards as yourself who volunteer others to go kill homosexuals...

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?
So the way I see it, if an owner of a Religious Items store...one that sells items for all religions....is approached by an atheist who asks why he does not see atheist materials such as "there is no God" t-shirts...and he says it is not appropriate for his store...and that atheist opts to sue him for discrimination.....according to the left...that store owner can not use "religion" as part of his defense for not selling atheist friendly items?

Now, bear in mind....Atheism has been considered a religion in a court of law...so yes, the store owner can be cited for discriminating if he displays items from all other religions...

Putting Hitler on the cake falls under free speech. Anyone can refuse. Now if a KKK member walks in and wants a regular cake, you cannot refuse. It's really that simple.

So you think that a black bakery would be forced to make a KKK cake????????????? Don't be foolish.
They'd be forced to make a cake. Not a cake that had anything about the KKK on it.

so a baker should not be forced to put a bride and groom of the same sex on a wedding cake? you libs are getting all twisted on your asses on this one.
No and they were not asked to do that. Go untwist your own ass.
That's irrelevant. What's in play here is defining the circumstances under which a vendor can refuse to enter into a contract with a customer, if there are any. Thus, it is legitimate to ask, if Christian run businesses can be forced to do business with those whose lives they oppose (something I disagree with, BTW), can we not then force, say, a black owned catering business to cater a KKK event, should the local KKK group wish to seriously mess with them? I mean, that's really what's going on here. Some gay people want to be refused service so they can squeal loudly and pretend to be offended.

Of course you think it is 'irrelevant'.

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?

Some Christians want to be able to refuse service, and that is why they are squeling loudly and pretending to be offended.
It's a legitimate question. Do you think a Black Southern Baptist run caterer can be force to cater a KKK event?

And these are legitimate questions:

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?


And so it goes. Around and around. You fucktards made it perfectly clear what you thought of freedom of religion and freedom of speech with the ridiculous queer marriage and hate speech legislations. At this point, I think we should just go to war.

And these are legitimate questions for you fucktards- especially the 'brave' fucktwards as yourself who volunteer others to go kill homosexuals...

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?
no...because he will never be able to prove in a court of law that his religion forbids him from doing business with those people.

You are aware, I am sure, that the law strictly gives a business owner the right to use religion as his defense...which also means he would have to prove that religion was the reason?

Of course you think it is 'irrelevant'.

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?

Some Christians want to be able to refuse service, and that is why they are squeling loudly and pretending to be offended.
It's a legitimate question. Do you think a Black Southern Baptist run caterer can be force to cater a KKK event?

And these are legitimate questions:

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?


And so it goes. Around and around. You fucktards made it perfectly clear what you thought of freedom of religion and freedom of speech with the ridiculous queer marriage and hate speech legislations. At this point, I think we should just go to war.

And these are legitimate questions for you fucktards- especially the 'brave' fucktwards as yourself who volunteer others to go kill homosexuals...

If a Christian run business cannot be forced to do business because of the owners religious belief- can he refuse to do business with a Jew?
With an African American?
With a woman?
With a veteran?
no...because he will never be able to prove in a court of law that his religion forbids him from doing business with those people.

You are aware, I am sure, that the law strictly gives a business owner the right to use religion as his defense...which also means he would have to prove that religion was the reason?


That is premised on the idea that religion should be a legitimate reason in the first place. What if a guy just hates black people, and then decides that he 'religiously' hates black people and that they should be separated from white people,

and that is his God's will?

How do you defeat that argument?
So the way I see it, if an owner of a Religious Items store...one that sells items for all religions....is approached by an atheist who asks why he does not see atheist materials such as "there is no God" t-shirts...and he says it is not appropriate for his store...and that atheist opts to sue him for discrimination.....according to the left...that store owner can not use "religion" as part of his defense for not selling atheist friendly items?

Now, bear in mind....Atheism has been considered a religion in a court of law...so yes, the store owner can be cited for discriminating if he displays items from all other religions...


I see where you are heading and I agree. The first thing that MUST be understood is that the left doesn't really care. The point of this nonsense is to destroy religion (except, of course Islam). Christians are easy targets. You know, all that "Turn the other cheek stuff". So the left has made it their mission to exterminate religion in this country. The sad part? They WILL succeed. When you have the courts, the press and the power of the White House behind you - it is all but a done deal.

Think Bolshevik. It worked in Russia - it will work here.


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