What if a Jewish baker refused to create a Hitler cake?

As I plainly stated earlier, if a bakery offers birthday name cakes to the general public, then they would have to make one for the inbred Nazi dad who wanted one for his Adolf Hitler son.

A cake for Adolf Hitler himself would equally required to be made.

But a cake in the shape of a swastika is not part of a bakery's public fare, and so would not have to be made.
So, Muslims should make cakes that mock their god? Gays should make cakes with anti-gay messages on them?

If a bakery does not offer derogatory cakes to the general public, then no, and no.

What if the cake is just a cake, but they have to prepare it for a celebration of the death of Mohommed? Should they be forced to create, and deliver, that cake?

We all know where you're going with this. But that's okay, I like to see you loons get caught out.
I can think of many hundreds of millions of people who wouldn't want to put Hitler's face on a cake, not just Jews, but if that's what you do for a living, make the cake. Problem solved.

So, Muslims should make cakes that mock their god? Gays should make cakes with anti-gay messages on them? Everyone gives up their beliefs and self-respect when they open a business.

Muslims must be forced to cater events where the theme is to ridicule Mohommed.
No one can commit to performing what amounts to hate speech.

Gay weddings aren't hate speech, no matter how much of a bible thumper you are.
Hitler aka, Nazis, Neo-Nazi, rabid right wing hate groups, are not a protected classes.

Little Adolf Hitler s unhappy birthday News The Guardian

The radical homosexual anarchist group known as "Bash Back! planned for over a month the assault on the Mt. Hope Church in Lansing, Michigan. November 9, 2008 a band of about 30 homosexuals stormed the church during services shouting “Jesus was a homo” on a megaphone and carrying an upside-down pink cross. They distributed fliers to passersby, threw condoms at parishioners and set off the fire alarms. [5] Catholic League president Bill Donohue responded, “This is urban fascism come to America’s heartland."

Mass Resistance has compiled a list of militant gay actions in the wake of California's successful Proposition 8 campaign. [6]

More than 200 protesters screamed and chanted in front of the Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles during Sunday services, intimidating families.

Street preacher gets physically assaulted at a gay pride event in Seattle. [7]
In Palm Springs, an enraged crowd of homosexual activists attacked an elderly woman carrying a cross.
Pastor Rick Warren's Saddleback Church was targeted, a swastika constructed. Same situation occurred targeting parishioners at a Catholic church in Riverside, Ca.
A disgusting anti-Mormon TV ad was broadcast across California, portraying LDS missionaries invading a home of lesbians.
Several thousand homosexual activists rioted at a Mormon temple in the Los Angeles
Lesbians parked a van with a big sign "Bigots" in front of a Mormon family's house (parents and five kids) near San Francisco.
A Mormon church near Sacramento was spray-painted with "No on 8" .
A Sacramento theater director was forced to resign from his job after it was revealed that he had given a $1000 donation to the Yes on Prop 8 committee.
There were instances of cars vandalized with Hate 8 engraved with a knife.
Gay activists have disrupted and viciously vandalized churches nationwide for their stances against gay "marriage."[8]
Militant gays - Conservapedia

I don't think they should be forced to bake a "Hitler" cake for those militant gays either.
Putting Hitler on the cake falls under free speech. Anyone can refuse. Now if a KKK member walks in and wants a regular cake, you cannot refuse. It's really that simple.
What if the local KKK chapter wants you to cater an event in a clearing in the woods, at night?
Well unless you're catering company normally caters events in clearings in the woods at night you shouldn't have a problem. :cool:
According to the law, can such a thing happen? I think so. If a Christian business owner is forced to do something to celebrate a lifestyle he/she opposes, why could not a Black Southern Baptist be forced to cater a KKK gathering?
If a member of the KKK walks in to your store and says "I want a cake with a brown person hanging from a tree on it for my KKK party" you can say no. Because that falls under free speech. If he then says "okay then can I just get a regular cake for my party," then you have to bake him a cake.
So a gay couple that requests a wedding cake that has two men on top of it can be denied service, but if they just request a cake off the shelf, they cannot? Somehow, I don't think that's going to fly.
That's ABSOLUTELY going to fly. The bakers in Colorado and Washington refused to bake regular cakes. The Gay couples did not ask them to write anything pro-gay on them.
As I plainly stated earlier, if a bakery offers birthday name cakes to the general public, then they would have to make one for the inbred Nazi dad who wanted one for his Adolf Hitler son.

A cake for Adolf Hitler himself is equally protected.


I'm going to find a queer bakery and force them to create a "death to gays" cake for me, and make them deliver it to a party that celebrates the humiliation of homos.
What if the local KKK chapter wants you to cater an event in a clearing in the woods, at night?
Well unless you're catering company normally caters events in clearings in the woods at night you shouldn't have a problem. :cool:
According to the law, can such a thing happen? I think so. If a Christian business owner is forced to do something to celebrate a lifestyle he/she opposes, why could not a Black Southern Baptist be forced to cater a KKK gathering?
If a member of the KKK walks in to your store and says "I want a cake with a brown person hanging from a tree on it for my KKK party" you can say no. Because that falls under free speech. If he then says "okay then can I just get a regular cake for my party," then you have to bake him a cake.
So a gay couple that requests a wedding cake that has two men on top of it can be denied service, but if they just request a cake off the shelf, they cannot? Somehow, I don't think that's going to fly.
That's ABSOLUTELY going to fly. The bakers in Colorado and Washington refused to bake regular cakes. The Gay couples did not ask them to write anything pro-gay on them.
They were going to be displayed prominently at an event that Christians see as sacrilegious. That in itself is a pro-gay display..and an endorsement of the event, which in this case, was sacrilege.
I demand that our local jewish deli cater my pork Barbeque. We want pig ribs, hams, and pork roast. We demand it. If they refuse we will sue for discrimination. :beer: We also want some jewish beer, the deli owner, He-brews it.
Does your local jewish deli provide pork products for anyone? Or are you demanding they carry something they have never carried for ANYONE before.

Rightwingers sure suck at analogies. :lol:
Well unless you're catering company normally caters events in clearings in the woods at night you shouldn't have a problem. :cool:
According to the law, can such a thing happen? I think so. If a Christian business owner is forced to do something to celebrate a lifestyle he/she opposes, why could not a Black Southern Baptist be forced to cater a KKK gathering?
If a member of the KKK walks in to your store and says "I want a cake with a brown person hanging from a tree on it for my KKK party" you can say no. Because that falls under free speech. If he then says "okay then can I just get a regular cake for my party," then you have to bake him a cake.
So a gay couple that requests a wedding cake that has two men on top of it can be denied service, but if they just request a cake off the shelf, they cannot? Somehow, I don't think that's going to fly.
That's ABSOLUTELY going to fly. The bakers in Colorado and Washington refused to bake regular cakes. The Gay couples did not ask them to write anything pro-gay on them.
They were going to be displayed prominently at an event that Christians see as sacrilegious. That in itself is a pro-gay display..and an endorsement of the event, which in this case, was sacrilege.
Well you may feel that way, but in the United States you are wrong. I'm sure Saudi Arabia or Iran will take you in. I promise you won't have to bake any gay cakes there.
I can think of many hundreds of millions of people who wouldn't want to put Hitler's face on a cake, not just Jews, but if that's what you do for a living, make the cake. Problem solved.

So, Muslims should make cakes that mock their god? Gays should make cakes with anti-gay messages on them? Everyone gives up their beliefs and self-respect when they open a business.

Muslims must be forced to cater events where the theme is to ridicule Mohommed.
No one can commit to performing what amounts to hate speech.

Gay weddings aren't hate speech, no matter how much of a bible thumper you are.

Make sense, ravtard.
According to the law, can such a thing happen? I think so. If a Christian business owner is forced to do something to celebrate a lifestyle he/she opposes, why could not a Black Southern Baptist be forced to cater a KKK gathering?
If a member of the KKK walks in to your store and says "I want a cake with a brown person hanging from a tree on it for my KKK party" you can say no. Because that falls under free speech. If he then says "okay then can I just get a regular cake for my party," then you have to bake him a cake.
So a gay couple that requests a wedding cake that has two men on top of it can be denied service, but if they just request a cake off the shelf, they cannot? Somehow, I don't think that's going to fly.
That's ABSOLUTELY going to fly. The bakers in Colorado and Washington refused to bake regular cakes. The Gay couples did not ask them to write anything pro-gay on them.
They were going to be displayed prominently at an event that Christians see as sacrilegious. That in itself is a pro-gay display..and an endorsement of the event, which in this case, was sacrilege.
Well you may feel that way, but in the United States you are wrong. I'm sure Saudi Arabia or Iran will take you in. I promise you won't have to bake any gay cakes there.

So you maintain that Jewish bakers must acquiesce to Nazi demands that they bake cakes for their anti-Jewish celebrations.

Got it.
As I plainly stated earlier, if a bakery offers birthday name cakes to the general public, then they would have to make one for the inbred Nazi dad who wanted one for his Adolf Hitler son.

A cake for Adolf Hitler himself is equally protected.


I'm going to find a queer bakery and force them to create a "death to gays" cake for me, and make them deliver it to a party that celebrates the humiliation of homos.
Will you hold a gun to their heads? Please, oh please, post it on youtube under the name of averageGOPsupporter.
As I plainly stated earlier, if a bakery offers birthday name cakes to the general public, then they would have to make one for the inbred Nazi dad who wanted one for his Adolf Hitler son.

A cake for Adolf Hitler himself is equally protected.


I'm going to find a queer bakery and force them to create a "death to gays" cake for me, and make them deliver it to a party that celebrates the humiliation of homos.
Will you hold a gun to their heads? Please, oh please, post it on youtube under the name of averageGOPsupporter.

So insisting a bakery create a cake to celebrate an event the baker finds offensive is *holding a gun to their heads*?

Interesting that you'd admit that, loon.
As I plainly stated earlier, if a bakery offers birthday name cakes to the general public, then they would have to make one for the inbred Nazi dad who wanted one for his Adolf Hitler son.

A cake for Adolf Hitler himself is equally protected.


I'm going to find a queer bakery and force them to create a "death to gays" cake for me, and make them deliver it to a party that celebrates the humiliation of homos.
Will you hold a gun to their heads? Please, oh please, post it on youtube under the name of averageGOPsupporter.

So insisting a bakery create a cake to celebrate an event the baker finds offensive is *holding a gun to their heads*?

Interesting that you'd admit that, loon.
You said you were going to force them. Was that a lie?
If a member of the KKK walks in to your store and says "I want a cake with a brown person hanging from a tree on it for my KKK party" you can say no. Because that falls under free speech. If he then says "okay then can I just get a regular cake for my party," then you have to bake him a cake.
So a gay couple that requests a wedding cake that has two men on top of it can be denied service, but if they just request a cake off the shelf, they cannot? Somehow, I don't think that's going to fly.
That's ABSOLUTELY going to fly. The bakers in Colorado and Washington refused to bake regular cakes. The Gay couples did not ask them to write anything pro-gay on them.
They were going to be displayed prominently at an event that Christians see as sacrilegious. That in itself is a pro-gay display..and an endorsement of the event, which in this case, was sacrilege.
Well you may feel that way, but in the United States you are wrong. I'm sure Saudi Arabia or Iran will take you in. I promise you won't have to bake any gay cakes there.

So you maintain that Jewish bakers must acquiesce to Nazi demands that they bake cakes for their anti-Jewish celebrations.

Got it.

baking the cake is irrelevant, ingredients are the same regardless .. decorations/names/ornaments is the question here ... if a bakery sells cakes and advertises placing names on said cakes then they should name the cake with the name of the customers choice ..

go to Walmart ... the Waltons are Nazi's.
" Leftists ..are bigots. To them, it doesn’t matter if the rights of other people that get trampled on in the process. It only matters when the rights of people Leftists care about get trampled on.
"The Left is so very strident against discrimination – oh, but only gays, blacks, Hispanics, illegal immigrants, and Radical Islamists need apply for the victocracy.
"Yet they don’t care about discriminating against Christians, and will do anything they can to align themselves against the Jews and Israel, because Leftist philosophy is anti-freedom, anti-religion, and ultimately anti-human.
"The great irony is that these laws were passed because a gay couple decided to sue a bakery that wouldn’t make them a cake for their gay wedding. Instead of the couple just taking their business elsewhere, and doing everything they could to shame the business that turned them down, to put up awful reviews on Yelp, to protest in front of the store, and promote the more open-minded bakery, they chose to be vindictive.
"Which forced the very governmental action they are now decrying."

A Jew Walks Into A Nazi Bakery .
If a member of the KKK walks in to your store and says "I want a cake with a brown person hanging from a tree on it for my KKK party" you can say no. Because that falls under free speech. If he then says "okay then can I just get a regular cake for my party," then you have to bake him a cake.
So a gay couple that requests a wedding cake that has two men on top of it can be denied service, but if they just request a cake off the shelf, they cannot? Somehow, I don't think that's going to fly.
That's ABSOLUTELY going to fly. The bakers in Colorado and Washington refused to bake regular cakes. The Gay couples did not ask them to write anything pro-gay on them.
They were going to be displayed prominently at an event that Christians see as sacrilegious. That in itself is a pro-gay display..and an endorsement of the event, which in this case, was sacrilege.
Well you may feel that way, but in the United States you are wrong. I'm sure Saudi Arabia or Iran will take you in. I promise you won't have to bake any gay cakes there.

So you maintain that Jewish bakers must acquiesce to Nazi demands that they bake cakes for their anti-Jewish celebrations.

Got it.
Yup. As long as they don't ask the bakers to write anything on the cakes. Though I would question the Nazi's for wanting to give Jewish people their money. :cuckoo:

And if the Nazi's make any threatening remarks? Toss them out. That's perfectly legal too.
I can think of many hundreds of millions of people who wouldn't want to put Hitler's face on a cake, not just Jews, but if that's what you do for a living, make the cake. Problem solved.

So, Muslims should make cakes that mock their god? Gays should make cakes with anti-gay messages on them? Everyone gives up their beliefs and self-respect when they open a business.

Muslims must be forced to cater events where the theme is to ridicule Mohommed.
No one can commit to performing what amounts to hate speech.

Gay weddings aren't hate speech, no matter how much of a bible thumper you are.

Part of baking the cake is decorating it. Muslims likely wouldn't even bake a cake in the shape of a cross or a pig.
Yup. As long as they don't ask the bakers to write anything on the cakes. Though I would question the Nazi's for wanting to give Jewish people their money. :cuckoo:

And if the Nazi's make any threatening remarks? Toss them out. That's perfectly legal too.

Part of the service bakeries offer is completing the cakes and that means frosting and writing on them.

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