What if black lives really mattered?

Wow, the fear in this thread is palpable!

Don't worry, the blacks aren't coming for you, LMAO.

Oh, I KNOW they aren't "coming" for me...Not worried in the LEAST about that.

...but innocent, weak, unaware, elderly and the naive young white people are suffering horrifically....murdered/raped/robbed/carjacked at massively disproportionate levels.

You sound tough. Are you a tough guy? Should we all be impressed and a little bit scared of you?

I couldn't care less..do you have anything of substance regarding the topic that you'd like to add?

Yes. I've already posted it. Now....I'm way more interested in how much of a tough guy you are. You KNOW that the blacks aren't coming for you.....you aren't worried in THE LEAST! So rugged. Tell the class what will happen if they try anything. Go ahead. Make our day.

Aw come on.... quit being a dip head!
It makes no difference to any of us whether he is a 'tough" guy... it seems you are the only one that is bothered!
Grow up. Make some salient comments rather then playground puffery!
Wow, the fear in this thread is palpable!

Don't worry, the blacks aren't coming for you, LMAO.

Oh, I KNOW they aren't "coming" for me...Not worried in the LEAST about that.

...but innocent, weak, unaware, elderly and the naive young white people are suffering horrifically....murdered/raped/robbed/carjacked at massively disproportionate levels.

You sound tough. Are you a tough guy? Should we all be impressed and a little bit scared of you?

I couldn't care less..do you have anything of substance regarding the topic that you'd like to add?

Yes. I've already posted it. Now....I'm way more interested in how much of a tough guy you are. You KNOW that the blacks aren't coming for you.....you aren't worried in THE LEAST! So rugged. Tell the class what will happen if they try anything. Go ahead. Make our day.

Aw come on.... quit being a dip head!
It makes no difference to any of us whether he is a 'tough" guy... it seems you are the only one that is bothered!
Grow up. Make some salient comments rather then playground puffery!

Salient comments? You ask for salient comments? You?
What if black lives really mattered?

The truth is that they don't matter and neither would anyone's life matter if the RWers had their way.

All that matters to some folks is the accumulation of personal wealth and screw any human being that comes between you and $.
Wow, the fear in this thread is palpable!

Don't worry, the blacks aren't coming for you, LMAO.

Oh, I KNOW they aren't "coming" for me...Not worried in the LEAST about that.

...but innocent, weak, unaware, elderly and the naive young white people are suffering horrifically....murdered/raped/robbed/carjacked at massively disproportionate levels.

You sound tough. Are you a tough guy? Should we all be impressed and a little bit scared of you?

I couldn't care less..do you have anything of substance regarding the topic that you'd like to add?

Yes. I've already posted it. Now....I'm way more interested in how much of a tough guy you are. You KNOW that the blacks aren't coming for you.....you aren't worried in THE LEAST! So rugged. Tell the class what will happen if they try anything. Go ahead. Make our day.

Aw come on.... quit being a dip head!
It makes no difference to any of us whether he is a 'tough" guy... it seems you are the only one that is bothered!
Grow up. Make some salient comments rather then playground puffery!

I don't know who said what..apparently someone I have on ignore is taking shots at me...whatever..

I never said or implied that I was "tough".
I said I wasn't the least bit worried about negroes "coming to get me", as someone else said they were earlier.
What if black lives really mattered?

The truth is that they don't matter and neither would anyone's life matter if the RWers had their way.

All that matters to some folks is the accumulation of personal wealth and screw any human being that comes between you and $.

You know the OPERATIVE word in your statement was "some folks".
How many millions of people fit into that category of "some folks"?

How about this guy? He funded black lives matter...

KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
SOROS: Yes. Yes.
KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from your fellow Jews, friends and neighbors.
SOROS: Yes. That’s right. Yes.
KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many, years. Was it difficult?
SOROS: No, not at all. Not at all, I rather enjoyed it.
KROFT: No feelings of guilt?
SOROS: No, only feelings of absolute power.
The REAL George Soros: An evil, despicable excuse for a human being. No wonder the libs love the POS › 2.0: The Blogmocracy

In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations.

The financial tether from Mr. Soros to the activist groups gave rise to a combustible protest movement that transformed a one-day criminal event in Missouri into a 24-hour-a-day national cause celebre.

“Our DNA includes a belief that having people participate in government is indispensable to living in a more just, inclusive, democratic society,” said Kenneth Zimmerman, director of Mr. SorosOpen Society Foundations’ U.S. programs, in an interview with The Washington Times. “Helping groups combine policy, research [and] data collection with community organizing feels very much the way our society becomes more accountable.”
George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action

Hired protesters with the Black Lives Matter movement have started a #CutTheCheck hashtag and held a sit-in at the offices for the successor group to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) in Missouri after the group allegedly stopped paying them.

FrontPage Magazine reports that Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) has been paying protesters $5,000 a month to demonstrate in Ferguson. Last week, hired protesters who haven’t been paid held a sit-in at MORE’s offices and posted a demand letter online. Hired Black Lives Matter protesters start #CutTheCheck after being stiffed by ACORN successor group - Washington Times
"What if black lives really mattered?"

That you and others on the right continue to not get it comes as no surprise.

And as long as you continue to refuse to enter in to good faith discussions with African-Americans about their concerns, whether you agree with those concerns or not, you'll never get it; you'll continue to only exhibit your ignorance and fear.
"What if black lives really mattered?"

That you and others on the right continue to not get it comes as no surprise.

And as long as you continue to refuse to enter in to good faith discussions with African-Americans about their concerns, whether you agree with those concerns or not, you'll never get it; you'll continue to only exhibit your ignorance and fear.

ON the RIGHT??? Bernie Sanders was booed off the stage as was O'malley!!!
I've not heard anything at any GOP sessions.
Maybe some of you "whiteys" better wake up to what a few of the blacks are considering!
The Hard Line | Diamond and Silk on their recent videos supporting Donald Trump going viral


But the rallies and the protests – not just in Ferguson, but in Baltimore, Cleveland and other places – seem to underscore a major irony. Black lives don’t seem to matter at all until they end up getting killed at the hands of police.

Until that time, even the black community seems to ignore the lives of these young people. The rates of marriage and two-parent headed households among black youths borders on a national tragedy. If black lives really mattered, it seems that instead of making isolated instances of police misconduct the focus of the movement, activists would instead concentrate on implementing actions to improve the state of the black family.

By protesting and disrupting mainstream Democratic candidates – such as the recent breakup of a Bernie Sanders campaign rally in Seattle – the movement is demonstrating that it does not have the organizational sophistication to form strategic alliances that would ultimately beget political power.

If black lives really mattered, so would black behavior. High school dropout rates, incarceration rates and teenage pregnancy rates are factors affecting black lives over which the black community has a great deal of control.

Read more at What if black lives really mattered?

This article says it all. (by Armstrong Williams)

I'd say step one should be, stop making excuses for police brutality.

guess what? police brutality would not happen if 1. dad stayed home and was working 2. his kids didnt drop out and join a gang 3. wasn't taught to hate the police.

But the rallies and the protests – not just in Ferguson, but in Baltimore, Cleveland and other places – seem to underscore a major irony. Black lives don’t seem to matter at all until they end up getting killed at the hands of police.

Until that time, even the black community seems to ignore the lives of these young people. The rates of marriage and two-parent headed households among black youths borders on a national tragedy. If black lives really mattered, it seems that instead of making isolated instances of police misconduct the focus of the movement, activists would instead concentrate on implementing actions to improve the state of the black family.

By protesting and disrupting mainstream Democratic candidates – such as the recent breakup of a Bernie Sanders campaign rally in Seattle – the movement is demonstrating that it does not have the organizational sophistication to form strategic alliances that would ultimately beget political power.

If black lives really mattered, so would black behavior. High school dropout rates, incarceration rates and teenage pregnancy rates are factors affecting black lives over which the black community has a great deal of control.

Read more at What if black lives really mattered?

This article says it all. (by Armstrong Williams)

I'd say step one should be, stop making excuses for police brutality.

guess what? police brutality would not happen if 1. dad stayed home and was working 2. his kids didnt drop out and join a gang 3. wasn't taught to hate the police.
When were you last Black? :laugh:
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"What if black lives really mattered?"

That you and others on the right continue to not get it comes as no surprise.

And as long as you continue to refuse to enter in to good faith discussions with African-Americans about their concerns, whether you agree with those concerns or not, you'll never get it; you'll continue to only exhibit your ignorance and fear.

So negro crime hinges on whether or not white people "enter into discussions" with them?....if only we had known!
"What if black lives really mattered?"

That you and others on the right continue to not get it comes as no surprise.

And as long as you continue to refuse to enter in to good faith discussions with African-Americans about their concerns, whether you agree with those concerns or not, you'll never get it; you'll continue to only exhibit your ignorance and fear.

So negro crime hinges on whether or not white people "enter into discussions" with them?....if only we had known!
I think the key phrase was "you will never get it."
Activists will always bring drama to their slogans for diverting attention and even a harsher position while aroused by the people backing them - a well known cause for riots.
#BlackLivesMatter is more of a #WeTalkAboutBlackLives ..as if black lives didn't matter to anyone before so that THEY bother to remind us - and this is also the provocative stage where the followers actually come to think that black lives don't matter to other people who doesn't seem to agree with them;
How Students React to College President Saying 'All Lives Matter' Has People Scratching Their Heads
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But the rallies and the protests – not just in Ferguson, but in Baltimore, Cleveland and other places – seem to underscore a major irony. Black lives don’t seem to matter at all until they end up getting killed at the hands of police.

Until that time, even the black community seems to ignore the lives of these young people. The rates of marriage and two-parent headed households among black youths borders on a national tragedy. If black lives really mattered, it seems that instead of making isolated instances of police misconduct the focus of the movement, activists would instead concentrate on implementing actions to improve the state of the black family.

By protesting and disrupting mainstream Democratic candidates – such as the recent breakup of a Bernie Sanders campaign rally in Seattle – the movement is demonstrating that it does not have the organizational sophistication to form strategic alliances that would ultimately beget political power.

If black lives really mattered, so would black behavior. High school dropout rates, incarceration rates and teenage pregnancy rates are factors affecting black lives over which the black community has a great deal of control.

Read more at What if black lives really mattered?

This article says it all. (by Armstrong Williams)

I'd say step one should be, stop making excuses for police brutality.

guess what? police brutality would not happen if 1. dad stayed home and was working 2. his kids didnt drop out and join a gang 3. wasn't taught to hate the police.
When were you last Black? :laugh:
So is it your belief that non-blacks can't understand blacks....only blacks can understand blacks?

Do you apply that illogical belief to everything?

But the rallies and the protests – not just in Ferguson, but in Baltimore, Cleveland and other places – seem to underscore a major irony. Black lives don’t seem to matter at all until they end up getting killed at the hands of police.

Until that time, even the black community seems to ignore the lives of these young people. The rates of marriage and two-parent headed households among black youths borders on a national tragedy. If black lives really mattered, it seems that instead of making isolated instances of police misconduct the focus of the movement, activists would instead concentrate on implementing actions to improve the state of the black family.

By protesting and disrupting mainstream Democratic candidates – such as the recent breakup of a Bernie Sanders campaign rally in Seattle – the movement is demonstrating that it does not have the organizational sophistication to form strategic alliances that would ultimately beget political power.

If black lives really mattered, so would black behavior. High school dropout rates, incarceration rates and teenage pregnancy rates are factors affecting black lives over which the black community has a great deal of control.

Read more at What if black lives really mattered?

This article says it all. (by Armstrong Williams)

I'd say step one should be, stop making excuses for police brutality.

guess what? police brutality would not happen if 1. dad stayed home and was working 2. his kids didnt drop out and join a gang 3. wasn't taught to hate the police.

what gets me is all of these kids have some sort of record and is out roaming the streets. as we see to these phonies called BLM. Only CERTAIN black lives means anything to them . If all black lives mattered they be in the neighborhoods trying to clear them up of gangs, hoodlums and such. but as we they are COWARDS who prefers to stir it up and then LEAVE

But the rallies and the protests – not just in Ferguson, but in Baltimore, Cleveland and other places – seem to underscore a major irony. Black lives don’t seem to matter at all until they end up getting killed at the hands of police.

Until that time, even the black community seems to ignore the lives of these young people. The rates of marriage and two-parent headed households among black youths borders on a national tragedy. If black lives really mattered, it seems that instead of making isolated instances of police misconduct the focus of the movement, activists would instead concentrate on implementing actions to improve the state of the black family.

By protesting and disrupting mainstream Democratic candidates – such as the recent breakup of a Bernie Sanders campaign rally in Seattle – the movement is demonstrating that it does not have the organizational sophistication to form strategic alliances that would ultimately beget political power.

If black lives really mattered, so would black behavior. High school dropout rates, incarceration rates and teenage pregnancy rates are factors affecting black lives over which the black community has a great deal of control.

Read more at What if black lives really mattered?

This article says it all. (by Armstrong Williams)

I'd say step one should be, stop making excuses for police brutality.

guess what? police brutality would not happen if 1. dad stayed home and was working 2. his kids didnt drop out and join a gang 3. wasn't taught to hate the police.

what gets me is all of these kids have some sort of record and is out roaming the streets. as we see to these phonies called BLM. Only CERTAIN black lives means anything to them . If all black lives mattered they be in the neighborhoods trying to clear them up of gangs, hoodlums and such. but as we they are COWARDS who prefers to stir it up and then LEAVE

All I know is this:
Even though Blacks constitute only 12% of the population, Blacks are charged with 27% of all crimes.
A) 44.7% of all abortions are performed on women with one or more abortions.
B) when blacks have 24% of all abortions killing off 250,000 a year,
C) when blacks murder 9,000 Blacks a year and
D) 40% or 1 million of the 2,266,800 adults were incarcerated in U.S. federal and state prisons, and county jails at year-end 2011 are black...


But the rallies and the protests – not just in Ferguson, but in Baltimore, Cleveland and other places – seem to underscore a major irony. Black lives don’t seem to matter at all until they end up getting killed at the hands of police.

Until that time, even the black community seems to ignore the lives of these young people. The rates of marriage and two-parent headed households among black youths borders on a national tragedy. If black lives really mattered, it seems that instead of making isolated instances of police misconduct the focus of the movement, activists would instead concentrate on implementing actions to improve the state of the black family.

By protesting and disrupting mainstream Democratic candidates – such as the recent breakup of a Bernie Sanders campaign rally in Seattle – the movement is demonstrating that it does not have the organizational sophistication to form strategic alliances that would ultimately beget political power.

If black lives really mattered, so would black behavior. High school dropout rates, incarceration rates and teenage pregnancy rates are factors affecting black lives over which the black community has a great deal of control.

Read more at What if black lives really mattered?

This article says it all. (by Armstrong Williams)

I'd say step one should be, stop making excuses for police brutality.

guess what? police brutality would not happen if 1. dad stayed home and was working 2. his kids didnt drop out and join a gang 3. wasn't taught to hate the police.
When were you last Black? :laugh:
So is it your belief that non-blacks can't understand blacks....only blacks can understand blacks?

Do you apply that illogical belief to everything?
You dont sound very intelligent. I've never been white so I have no clue about what motivates whites to do things like molest animals. Anyone with a brain knows you can empathize but unless you have had the same skin, experience and family history you simply cannot understand what it means to be Black.

But the rallies and the protests – not just in Ferguson, but in Baltimore, Cleveland and other places – seem to underscore a major irony. Black lives don’t seem to matter at all until they end up getting killed at the hands of police.

Until that time, even the black community seems to ignore the lives of these young people. The rates of marriage and two-parent headed households among black youths borders on a national tragedy. If black lives really mattered, it seems that instead of making isolated instances of police misconduct the focus of the movement, activists would instead concentrate on implementing actions to improve the state of the black family.

By protesting and disrupting mainstream Democratic candidates – such as the recent breakup of a Bernie Sanders campaign rally in Seattle – the movement is demonstrating that it does not have the organizational sophistication to form strategic alliances that would ultimately beget political power.

If black lives really mattered, so would black behavior. High school dropout rates, incarceration rates and teenage pregnancy rates are factors affecting black lives over which the black community has a great deal of control.

Read more at What if black lives really mattered?

This article says it all. (by Armstrong Williams)

I'd say step one should be, stop making excuses for police brutality.

guess what? police brutality would not happen if 1. dad stayed home and was working 2. his kids didnt drop out and join a gang 3. wasn't taught to hate the police.

what gets me is all of these kids have some sort of record and is out roaming the streets. as we see to these phonies called BLM. Only CERTAIN black lives means anything to them . If all black lives mattered they be in the neighborhoods trying to clear them up of gangs, hoodlums and such. but as we they are COWARDS who prefers to stir it up and then LEAVE

All I know is this:
Even though Blacks constitute only 12% of the population, Blacks are charged with 27% of all crimes.
A) 44.7% of all abortions are performed on women with one or more abortions.
B) when blacks have 24% of all abortions killing off 250,000 a year,
C) when blacks murder 9,000 Blacks a year and
D) 40% or 1 million of the 2,266,800 adults were incarcerated in U.S. federal and state prisons, and county jails at year-end 2011 are black...

View attachment 48151
The key word in your post is "All I know". Intelligent people understand and accept you lack the ability to understand cause and effect. They also understand that you are like most people that lack the ability to tackle complex issues. You are easily fooled by stats. Thanks for illustrating that concept vividly
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But the rallies and the protests – not just in Ferguson, but in Baltimore, Cleveland and other places – seem to underscore a major irony. Black lives don’t seem to matter at all until they end up getting killed at the hands of police.

Until that time, even the black community seems to ignore the lives of these young people. The rates of marriage and two-parent headed households among black youths borders on a national tragedy. If black lives really mattered, it seems that instead of making isolated instances of police misconduct the focus of the movement, activists would instead concentrate on implementing actions to improve the state of the black family.

By protesting and disrupting mainstream Democratic candidates – such as the recent breakup of a Bernie Sanders campaign rally in Seattle – the movement is demonstrating that it does not have the organizational sophistication to form strategic alliances that would ultimately beget political power.

If black lives really mattered, so would black behavior. High school dropout rates, incarceration rates and teenage pregnancy rates are factors affecting black lives over which the black community has a great deal of control.

Read more at What if black lives really mattered?

This article says it all. (by Armstrong Williams)

I'd say step one should be, stop making excuses for police brutality.

guess what? police brutality would not happen if 1. dad stayed home and was working 2. his kids didnt drop out and join a gang 3. wasn't taught to hate the police.

what gets me is all of these kids have some sort of record and is out roaming the streets. as we see to these phonies called BLM. Only CERTAIN black lives means anything to them . If all black lives mattered they be in the neighborhoods trying to clear them up of gangs, hoodlums and such. but as we they are COWARDS who prefers to stir it up and then LEAVE

All I know is this:
Even though Blacks constitute only 12% of the population, Blacks are charged with 27% of all crimes.
A) 44.7% of all abortions are performed on women with one or more abortions.
B) when blacks have 24% of all abortions killing off 250,000 a year,
C) when blacks murder 9,000 Blacks a year and
D) 40% or 1 million of the 2,266,800 adults were incarcerated in U.S. federal and state prisons, and county jails at year-end 2011 are black...

View attachment 48151

Those statistics are meaningless to law abiding black Americans. You are not 'guilty' of being part of a demographic.

But the rallies and the protests – not just in Ferguson, but in Baltimore, Cleveland and other places – seem to underscore a major irony. Black lives don’t seem to matter at all until they end up getting killed at the hands of police.

Until that time, even the black community seems to ignore the lives of these young people. The rates of marriage and two-parent headed households among black youths borders on a national tragedy. If black lives really mattered, it seems that instead of making isolated instances of police misconduct the focus of the movement, activists would instead concentrate on implementing actions to improve the state of the black family.

By protesting and disrupting mainstream Democratic candidates – such as the recent breakup of a Bernie Sanders campaign rally in Seattle – the movement is demonstrating that it does not have the organizational sophistication to form strategic alliances that would ultimately beget political power.

If black lives really mattered, so would black behavior. High school dropout rates, incarceration rates and teenage pregnancy rates are factors affecting black lives over which the black community has a great deal of control.

Read more at What if black lives really mattered?

This article says it all. (by Armstrong Williams)

I'd say step one should be, stop making excuses for police brutality.

guess what? police brutality would not happen if 1. dad stayed home and was working 2. his kids didnt drop out and join a gang 3. wasn't taught to hate the police.
When were you last Black? :laugh:
So is it your belief that non-blacks can't understand blacks....only blacks can understand blacks?

Do you apply that illogical belief to everything?
You dont sound very intelligent. I've never been white so I have no clue about what motivates whites to do things like molest animals. Anyone with a brain knows you can empathize but unless you have had the same skin, experience and family history you simply cannot understand what it means to be Black.

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