What If Hamas were hiding in Israel?

I actually admire the brilliance of James’ question, exposing pro Israel’s double standards and hypocrisy, leaving that pro-Israel guy sweating and stuttering!

If Hamas were hiding in Israel, would Israel use the same tactics they used with the Palestinians?? bombarding gaza and flattening it to the ground? Killing 8000 children, women and civilians??

Anyone has an answer? We’d LOVE to hear it 🤨

Hamas is the Gaza Palestinians, and the Gaza Palestinians are Hamas.

They are one, and they are guilty!
They strike building that have shown military activity, or firing from on Israel. They use targeted strikes and give civilians warning to leave the area, which they have done.
Oh yeah? A pro tip to anyone wanna destroy a
They strike building that have shown military activity, or firing from on Israel. They use targeted strikes and give civilians warning to leave the area, which they have done.
oh Israel has been asked zillion times to provide evidences for this and they didn’t come up with ONE evidence! So keep parroting their lies and dumb justifications that nobody is buying except for them and their douches!
No one should envy the IDF. This is a very difficult position to be in. So much more hangs in the balance than people realize for both Israel AND America their staunchest ally. Few in the world care if Hamas is ended, but the rising civilians death, even if unintentional; is causing major disagreements in Israel. America faced similar blowback.
I admire the stupidity

If Hamas was hiding, that means we don't know where they are, so there would be nothing done except for searching.
?? Rather simple answer, if Hamas were hiding in Hospitals, place of worship, schools, residential buildings ... in Israel, the civilian population would turn them in. Immediately
So people with 1 functioning brain cells actually understand that children and women and mere civilians don’t know where’s hamas as they’re underground! Of course shooting rockets at civilian buildings randomly killing 8000 humans 4500 children among them is a war crime and clear breach to the international laws! And you should be embarrassed to utter such a nasty statement! Imma screenshot this and show it to my friends to show’em how barbaric and atrocious you are!
would their hiding include their amassing arms and hiding them in fortified underground bunkers? Would they be hiding in rooms under hospitals? Would they be firing rockets from local neighborhoods? The question is ridiculous.
Still doesn’t give u the right to bomb the hospital moron!! What r u!!!! R u even educated or civilized to utter such crap!!!

If they’re under the hospital they should send ground invasion troops! Not bomb the hospital u insidious people!
That was a rant. It was not logic.
James O'Brien was spot on in the video and caller admitted that a Palestinian Life is worth less than a Israeli Life...

If Hamas Fighters were holed up in a Israeli School or Hospital, would they blow up the building and kill whoever inside?
So, you mean if 80,000 Hamas fighters were hiding in Israel? I doubt they would go unnoticed. If there were a handful of Hamas hiding in Israel, then I doubt heavy munitions would be needed. It is really a stupid question.
And the “dumbest answer/logic” Oscar goes to ☝🏼
The only stupid thing here is ur logic!
So 80,000 Hamas “fighters” hiding in Gaza which is monitored 24/7 by highest techs and checkpoints; These include 49 checkpoints constantly staffed by Israeli forces or private security companies, 139 occasionally staffed checkpoints, 304 roadblocks, earth-mounds and road gates, and 73 earth walls, road barriers and trenches, still Israel couldn’t spot them however when they took hostages on Oct 9th, Israel spotted them right away? Smh…
One thing you left out are the tunnels dug like rat holes all over Gaza and into Israel itself.
So people with 1 functioning brain cells actually understand that children and women and mere civilians don’t know where’s hamas as they’re underground!
Of course shooting rockets at civilian buildings randomly killing 8000 humans 4500 children among them is a war crime and clear breach to the international laws

Straight up ignorance? That's your explanation of how these terrorists can live among the civilian population?
! And you should be embarrassed to utter such a nasty statement! Imma screenshot this and show it to my friends to show’em how barbaric and atrocious you are!
Pardon me while I slowly back out of the room. You have a blessed life.
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Hamas is a Palestinians organization. It consists of Palestinians.

Unarmed Palestinians accompanied the armed Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 and brutalized and murdered unarmed Israelis. Crowds of Gaza Palestinians - including women & children - surrounded Israeli hostages, beat them, raped them and murdered them in the streets of Gaza. Hamas has published the videos.

Hamas and the Palestinians are one people. They are all guilty.

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