What If Hamas were hiding in Israel?

I actually admire the brilliance of James’ question, exposing pro Israel’s double standards and hypocrisy, leaving that pro-Israel guy sweating and stuttering!

If Hamas were hiding in Israel, would Israel use the same tactics they used with the Palestinians?? bombarding gaza and flattening it to the ground? Killing 8000 children, women and civilians??

Anyone has an answer? We’d LOVE to hear it 🤨

If the people living over their tunnels had voted for them, and continued to stay in the area where the tunnels were after exhaustive measures were taken to get them to leave prior to the bombing Im not sure what other course they could take.

What do you want Israel to do? Just take it? Because Hamas the terrorist group hides itself amongst a population of civilians that willingly allows it they get a pass? Provide a solution to the problem not just complaints.
Hamas is a Palestinians organization. It consists of Palestinians.

Unarmed Palestinians accompanied the armed Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 and brutalized and murdered unarmed Israelis. Crowds of Gaza Palestinians - including women & children - surrounded Israeli hostages, beat them, raped them and murdered them in the streets of Gaza. Hamas has published the videos.

Hamas and the Palestinians are one people. They are all guilty.
So you think that collective punishment is acceptable...

So you think that US enemies should be allowed to do that as well?
I actually admire the brilliance of James’ question, exposing pro Israel’s double standards and hypocrisy, leaving that pro-Israel guy sweating and stuttering!

If Hamas were hiding in Israel, would Israel use the same tactics they used with the Palestinians?? bombarding gaza and flattening it to the ground? Killing 8000 children, women and civilians??

Anyone has an answer? We’d LOVE to hear it 🤨

Israel is doing just fine.

Never again is now.
The only stupid thing here is ur logic!
So 80,000 Hamas “fighters” hiding in Gaza which is monitored 24/7 by highest techs and checkpoints; These include 49 checkpoints constantly staffed by Israeli forces or private security companies, 139 occasionally staffed checkpoints, 304 roadblocks, earth-mounds and road gates, and 73 earth walls, road barriers and trenches, still Israel couldn’t spot them however when they took hostages on Oct 9th, Israel spotted them right away? Smh…
Are you a member of the Manson family?
I’d love to see that video you talking about! Post it here bow or you’re a f liar!
Most of the original Hamas videos have been taken offline - by civilized people.

But here ya go. You can find more yourself if you're actually interested in the truth - which I'm sure you are not.

Then raise an army and have at it. Israel has nukes, Hamas?
Speaking of which, Israel snuck secretly behind Mama America’s back with the help of the french government to have nukes and stupid US just got furious and ordered to stop it stat, but Israeli’s played the elections card that’s why ur 50 shades of lemon hero trump and biden are making their ass cheeks doormats for zionists! Omg u r so oblivious!
Probably watching Godzilla a lot!
Democrats are stuck at the mental maturity level of an average 18 year old. They never seem to gain knowledge from experiences and their judgment remains suspect their entire lives. I have said it many times before, I would be very concerned if my ideas were aligned with those of most middle-schoolers. That doesn't seem to bother these Democrats.
100% true!
I actually admire the brilliance of James’ question, exposing pro Israel’s double standards and hypocrisy, leaving that pro-Israel guy sweating and stuttering!

If Hamas were hiding in Israel, would Israel use the same tactics they used with the Palestinians?? bombarding gaza and flattening it to the ground? Killing 8000 children, women and civilians??

Anyone has an answer? We’d LOVE to hear it 🤨

All religions and races live in peace inside Israel.

Still doesn’t give u the right to bomb the hospital moron!! What r u!!!! R u even educated or civilized to utter such crap!!!

If they’re under the hospital they should send ground invasion troops! Not bomb the hospital u insidious people!
Wow! You are really pushing the propganda, darling. A hamas rocket hit the hospital...just because it wasn't
on purpose doesn't mean they get to blame that on Israel.
If the people living over their tunnels had voted for them, and continued to stay in the area where the tunnels were after exhaustive measures were taken to get them to leave prior to the bombing Im not sure what other course they could take.

What do you want Israel to do? Just take it? Because Hamas the terrorist group hides itself amongst a population of civilians that willingly allows it they get a pass? Provide a solution to the problem not just complaints.
You really don't know the area... It is one of the most crowed areas in the world... How would even know that someone is Hamas?

Let's be clear, Isreal can say there is Hamas in this building or the next in real-time... But didin't know over a 1000 where planning an attack for weeks...

Here's a question: How many Hamas fighters have been killed so far since the attack?

This why the victims families on the 7th October are saying this is just revenege and has no millitary objective... We can see a massacre when we see one...
All religions and races live in peace inside Israel.
Anti-Zionists Jewishs aren’t living peacefully in israel and are barbarically attacked by the israeli police


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Speaking of which, Israel snuck secretly behind Mama America’s back with the help of the french government to have nukes and stupid US just got furious and ordered to stop it stat, but Israeli’s played the elections card that’s why ur 50 shades of lemon hero trump and biden are making their ass cheeks doormats for zionists! Omg u r so oblivious!
Probably watching Godzilla a lot!
Sounds pathetic. This just in from the US and Israel, if you don't like it tough shit. You wanted war, you got war.
Lemme get this straight! You don’t want us to believe our US in field journalists, the videos and pictures we see and believe Israeli officials and their accomplices who hostages families don’t even trust nor believe??? What world u live at???

See a photo for the “few buildings”!!! How many human lives and destruction is ok for you freakin genocidal maniacs!!

Every "Palestinian" should be eliminated.
So all civilians are fair game in your book...

So you think enemies of US should be able to kill US Citizens without being War Crimes?

Hamas committed massive war crimes. Israel HAS to respond. Hamas has chosen to hide among unarmed Palestinians.

Hamas is responsible for the deaths of these Palestinians.

And yes, if my government committed massive war crimes, and I did nothing to stop them, I would be guilty.

I've opposed the invasion of Iraq, and did everything in reason to convince my fellow American that it was wrong.

I strongly support Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeild being tried for war crimes.
Wow! You are really pushing the propganda, darling. A hamas rocket hit the hospital...just because it wasn't
on purpose doesn't mean they get to blame that on Israel.
Israel warned to evacuate the hospital 2 days before THEY bomb it!

Notice I’m attaching resources ha!


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