What If Jesus Never Rose From The Dead?

Good morning. I'm am one with God as I said. What you don't understand is you are one with God also, you just don't know it. So is everyone else on this planet, and the majority, the vast majority of people don't know it either. Jesus was unable to explain the kingdom of God because the concepts to explain it weren't available yet, he did a good job with what he had. For example, they did not know we live on a planet in a solar system in a galaxy within a universe. They do not know that parallel universes is existed. They did not know that the Universe of Light ( Kingdom of God ) was a parallel universe. And lastly they did not know that facets of the universe of light ( spirits ) were able to overcome the barrier between the universes and coexist within the human form on this planet. That's what makes us human. These physical forms we exist in have expiration dates. When a person dies, the spirit within most cross back over the barrier to replenish it's energy source before returning to Earth to live again in another physical form. As far as I know this process is not unique to Earth. It is unique to the human race on this planet, but the same process happens on at least 14 other worlds. Not all physical forms are compatible but it is felt that this will be enough to facilitate the end game plan. Combining the two universes, stopping the seemingly endless cycle of growth followed by death, in essence creating " Heaven on Earth " to put it simply, but it's much more than that just human words cannot encompass the Truth of that new reality. Hope that helped you in some way. Now, do you want to hear an interesting story about " silphium ", final offer. Have a good day. Living is easier with eyes and ears closed, but it's not as much fun. Remember fun, that's what God wants for us most of all, simple peace of mind. Life was never meant to be this hard.

What evidence do you have for any of this
It’s your choice to believe or not, however in today’s Wok revisionist secular world apparently there are those that fear others based on spiritual belief. Why is it so important, what have you to fear? Is it not prudent to just walk the other way? People have been attempting to destroy Christianity from the very beginning. I choose to believe in the resurrection so does that make me somehow weaker than others?
Belief systems make us stronger in general, when they do not, they should be shed and replaced with new ones that do. Good luck in whatever you believe.
What evidence do you have for any of this
I was just telling you my story, whether you want to believe it or not is your business. And as I said before, there's no proof either way about the existence of God. It is only known to the heart, the core of one's being.
Now, do you want to hear an interesting story about " silphium "
Are you speaking of the the extinct Roman herb? The one that apparently sprouted after a "black rain" (whatever that signifies)? If I don't have my herbs mixed (and I could) it is considered the first oral contraceptive. Romans never could find another place that herb would sprout, only that original site. Kind of unusual for an herb. Know the herb lore, but never heard any interesting stories outside the one that apparently Nero had the last bite of the last stalk in existence.

By the way, I don't agree I am "one with God". I believe God is unique and that I am unique. We may have the same perspective on a few things, as I try to immerse myself in His perspective, but I am not one with Him--or, at least I don't see myself in that light.
It’s your choice to believe or not, however in today’s Wok revisionist secular world apparently there are those that fear others based on spiritual belief. Why is it so important, what have you to fear? Is it not prudent to just walk the other way? People have been attempting to destroy Christianity from the very beginning. I choose to believe in the resurrection so does that make me somehow weaker than others?

did the itinerant - walk the other way ...


are you saying they gave her, her chance to follow your advice - (even though) she was trying to destroy christianity - according to "revisionist" secular wok denunciation and attribution of the christian community.

... she got what she deserved. staidhup: . . of course. she had her chance.

Mark 9:31

31 For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day.

Jesus would have been a liar and a false prophet if he did not rise from the dead. Here is Paul's testimony

1 Corinthians 15:4-8
4 And that he was buried, and that he arose again the third day according to the scriptures:

5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:

6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.

7 After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles.

8 And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time.

This doesn't speak of Mary Magdalene who was the first to see the risen Lord:

John 20:15-18
15 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.

16 Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.

17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.

18 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken these things unto her.
Are you speaking of the the extinct Roman herb? The one that apparently sprouted after a "black rain" (whatever that signifies)? If I don't have my herbs mixed (and I could) it is considered the first oral contraceptive. Romans never could find another place that herb would sprout, only that original site. Kind of unusual for an herb. Know the herb lore, but never heard any interesting stories outside the one that apparently Nero had the last bite of the last stalk in existence.

By the way, I don't agree I am "one with God". I believe God is unique and that I am unique. We may have the same perspective on a few things, as I try to immerse myself in His perspective, but I am not one with Him--or, at least I don't see myself in that light.
I am fine with that. I just like telling stories, you don't have to believe them; but if someday, you think about all of the stories and they overwhelm you with do feelings of goodness and peace you will finally understand why I told them. I do not know much about the black rain other than what one of the town's elders said in a story he told. Essentially it came from out of the desert in the south on the wings of Horus. After those torrential rains the hillsides all along our coast bloomed with the sacred plant turning the landscape into gold. The cattle and goats gave more milk, the meat of the sheep became the more delicious than ever before and our land became envied above all else. Horus chose to bless us as his chosen people, even favored over the people of the Nile. No one knows why for sure. Another tale later. Must get ready for work.
Would Christianity still exist? (Thank the Lord He did btw.) I know it's kind of late after Easter to be asking this question, I'm just curious.
Jesus did arise from the grave (1 Cor. 15:20-23)
If Jesus was not the Christ of prophecy and there was no actual resurrection, its obvious what the results would have been.

We have been preached to and taught falsehoods for over 2000 years. Faith in the truth contained in the Holy Scriptures would be made null and void......useless. Our hope of heaven and an eternal fellowship with God would be gone....because the Old Law would still be in effect, and none of us has the required strength to walk this life void of sin......and since the majority of Christians have never followed any of the tenets of the LAW, circumcision etc.,.....annual animal sacrifices etc, there would be no method for the remission of sin possible since the OLD LAW applied only to Biblical Israel and no gentile nation.

More? If Jesus was not raised from the dead, there is no eternal life.

But such is not the case..........some might claim that Jesus never actually died, but there were witnesses to His death, disciples and enemies alike (Mark 15:40-41, Luke 23:49). His death was even verified by Pilate (Mark 15:44-45). After verification He was "Embalmed" with over 75lbs of spices. (John 19:39,40).

His burial was witnessed, as there was a 2 ton stone rolled in front of His burial chamber (Mark 15:47, Luke 23:55, Matt. 27:61). It was a new tomb, no other bodies were ever buried there, Jesus was the only one in it when it was sealed with the massive stone. The stone then was sealed with a official government seal with guards overnight. If the seal had ever been found broken and removed the punishment for doing so would have been death by crucifixion (Matt. 27:62-66).

In fear..........the next day, after seeing the seal gone, the stone moved........the Roman guards fled in terror for 2 reasons......it was a supernatural act and they feared the punishment of death via means of crucifixion themselves. (Matt. 28:11-15)......they (Jewish leaders) attempted to bribe the guards when they went into the city to say that friends of Jesus carried Him away during the night.

It was the Jewish leaders that concocted this story in an attempt to discredit the event.......but the recorded facts don't add up. The first to witness the resurrection were women, anyone attempting to make up a story about a resurrection would have never used women to verify the event as the testimony of women did not hold as much weight as did the testimony of men. The 2 Mary's were first to see the empty tomb and noticed the burial clothing of Jesus was the only thing that remained neatly folded..........anyone attempting to fake their death would never go forward in the nude and draw attention. Mary Magdelene and another Mary witnessed the empty chamber (Matt. 28:1-7)

Mary told Peter and John (John 20:1-18)

Logic: For anyone to refute the resurrection all they needed to do is produce the dead body of Jesus.......it was never produced. If the disciples of Jesus were expecting Him to be gone.......why did they go and visit an empty grave chamber? (Mark 16:1-5). In fact the disciples were in fear of the Jews until they saw a resurrected Jesus (John 20:19-20)
Jesus did arise from the grave (1 Cor. 15:20-23)
If Jesus was not the Christ of prophecy and there was no actual resurrection, its obvious what the results would have been.

We have been preached to and taught falsehoods for over 2000 years. Faith in the truth contained in the Holy Scriptures would be made null and void......useless. Our hope of heaven and an eternal fellowship with God would be gone....because the Old Law would still be in effect, and none of us has the required strength to walk this life void of sin......and since the majority of Christians have never followed any of the tenets of the LAW, circumcision etc.,.....annual animal sacrifices etc, there would be no method for the remission of sin possible since the OLD LAW applied only to Biblical Israel and no gentile nation.

More? If Jesus was not raised from the dead, there is no eternal life.

But such is not the case..........some might claim that Jesus never actually died, but there were witnesses to His death, disciples and enemies alike (Mark 15:40-41, Luke 23:49). His death was even verified by Pilate (Mark 15:44-45). After verification He was "Embalmed" with over 75lbs of spices. (John 19:39,40).

His burial was witnessed, as there was a 2 ton stone rolled in front of His burial chamber (Mark 15:47, Luke 23:55, Matt. 27:61). It was a new tomb, no other bodies were ever buried there, Jesus was the only one in it when it was sealed with the massive stone. The stone then was sealed with a official government seal with guards overnight. If the seal had ever been found broken and removed the punishment for doing so would have been death by crucifixion (Matt. 27:62-66).

In fear..........the next day, after seeing the seal gone, the stone moved........the Roman guards fled in terror for 2 reasons......it was a supernatural act and they feared the punishment of death via means of crucifixion themselves. (Matt. 28:11-15)......they (Jewish leaders) attempted to bribe the guards when they went into the city to say that friends of Jesus carried Him away during the night.

It was the Jewish leaders that concocted this story in an attempt to discredit the event.......but the recorded facts don't add up. The first to witness the resurrection were women, anyone attempting to make up a story about a resurrection would have never used women to verify the event as the testimony of women did not hold as much weight as did the testimony of men. The 2 Mary's were first to see the empty tomb and noticed the burial clothing of Jesus was the only thing that remained neatly folded..........anyone attempting to fake their death would never go forward in the nude and draw attention. Mary Magdelene and another Mary witnessed the empty chamber (Matt. 28:1-7)

Mary told Peter and John (John 20:1-18)

Logic: For anyone to refute the resurrection all they needed to do is produce the dead body of Jesus.......it was never produced. If the disciples of Jesus were expecting Him to be gone.......why did they go and visit an empty grave chamber? (Mark 16:1-5). In fact the disciples were in fear of the Jews until they saw a resurrected Jesus (John 20:19-20)
My grandparents from Poland told me a story of a funeral at a church there a man rose up out of the coffin. Everybody ran out of the church thinking him possessed by evil. But Christ's rising is good. Wonder how they really reacted to Christ's rising from the grave. Doesn't figure .
I am fine with that. I just like telling stories, you don't have to believe them; but if someday, you think about all of the stories and they overwhelm you with do feelings of goodness and peace you will finally understand why I told them. I do not know much about the black rain other than what one of the town's elders said in a story he told. Essentially it came from out of the desert in the south on the wings of Horus. After those torrential rains the hillsides all along our coast bloomed with the sacred plant turning the landscape into gold. The cattle and goats gave more milk, the meat of the sheep became the more delicious than ever before and our land became envied above all else. Horus chose to bless us as his chosen people, even favored over the people of the Nile. No one knows why for sure. Another tale later. Must get ready for work.

So the stories you tell should overwhelm us with feelings of goodness and peace. God complex much?
Are you speaking of the the extinct Roman herb? The one that apparently sprouted after a "black rain" (whatever that signifies)? If I don't have my herbs mixed (and I could) it is considered the first oral contraceptive. Romans never could find another place that herb would sprout, only that original site. Kind of unusual for an herb. Know the herb lore, but never heard any interesting stories outside the one that apparently Nero had the last bite of the last stalk in existence.

By the way, I don't agree I am "one with God". I believe God is unique and that I am unique. We may have the same perspective on a few things, as I try to immerse myself in His perspective, but I am not one with Him--or, at least I don't see myself in that light.
Yes we are " unique " in this physical world but our essence is ONE with the CREATOR.
So the stories you tell should overwhelm us with feelings of goodness and peace. God complex much?
Back to cynical nasty Sue, good luck with that. I really don't take offense. Sorry you seem to.
In a different form. Politicians needed religion to subjugate the people. The main idea of the Christian resurrection is the victory over the idea of the spirit (in the flesh). Comes from the myth of Ishtar's ascent (hence Happy Ester) from the kingdom of underground, intermediate was the apocryphal version of Christ's descent into Hell
Back to cynical nasty Sue, good luck with that. I really don't take offense. Sorry you seem to.

You make claims about my Savior that are ludicrous, but at your words we are to feel "goodness and peace". Really? You should be confronted about this. It's not cynical and nasty. It's confronting you on your own claims.

I post Bible verses quite frequently. I believe these are the very Words of God and even *I* do not post them and tell people they should be filled with "goodness and peace" when they read them. Stann. You're not God.
I am fine with that. I just like telling stories, you don't have to believe them; but if someday, you think about all of the stories and they overwhelm you with do feelings of goodness and peace you will finally understand why I told them. I do not know much about the black rain other than what one of the town's elders said in a story he told. Essentially it came from out of the desert in the south on the wings of Horus. After those torrential rains the hillsides all along our coast bloomed with the sacred plant turning the landscape into gold. The cattle and goats gave more milk, the meat of the sheep became the more delicious than ever before and our land became envied above all else. Horus chose to bless us as his chosen people, even favored over the people of the Nile. No one knows why for sure. Another tale later. Must get ready for work.
Long, long ago as a child in a past life I enjoyed playing by the great sea most of all. The lands of Cyrenica were much greener then and full of color. My family raised livestock and grew crops. The most valuable of all was Silphium, more valuable than gold, so many uses, such a blessing. When I became of age I became a trader of the herb, travelling near and far. I was of impressive size and stature and formidable in the use of the sword, handy if one meets up with bandits. On a journey to Jerusalem I happened to witness a procession in the streets, being curious I looked on. To my dismay the Roman soldiers were escorting a man carrying a cross through the streets. He weakened and collapsed to the ground almost dead in front of me. the soldiers eyed me and commanded me to assist, and not wishing the same fate I did so. Afterwards I felt unclean and being helpless to change the man's fate I fled the scene never to go back to that city again.
Wrong. We are not holy, perfect, sinless, omniscient, omnipresent. For starters.
Those are the demands placed upon the god men create. Fear ruled the day, and who in their right mind would question such a god. Fear does not translate into LOVE of GOD.
I cannot remember his name but there was another rabbi before Jesus who preached the same philosophy on life; Jesus' voice resonated better with the masses. It was very calming and peaceful, almost hypnotic.
I cannot remember his name but there was another rabbi before Jesus who preached the same philosophy on life; Jesus' voice resonated better with the masses. It was very calming and peaceful, almost hypnotic.

Cause you were there right?

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