What if Obama gets his tax hike on the rich?


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
San Antonio, TX
In addition to all the other tax hikes I mean. So we get another 80 billion in annual revenue but we still have over a trillion in deficits every year. What then, will the democrats then cut spending? Don't think so. Some people think an extra 80 billion of revenue just means an extra 80 billion the democrats can spend. And how long will it be until the democrats want to raise taxes again? And again after that?
All we need to do is stop what got this nation into this mess in the first place. End the horrific Bush tax cuts to the rich, slash the ridiculously over-bloated military spending, and the deficit will turn around virtually overnight.
In addition to all the other tax hikes I mean. So we get another 80 billion in annual revenue but we still have over a trillion in deficits every year. What then, will the democrats then cut spending? Don't think so. Some people think an extra 80 billion of revenue just means an extra 80 billion the democrats can spend. And how long will it be until the democrats want to raise taxes again? And again after that?

Yes, this is all just about demonizing the rich and pleasing his base, who are envy of the rich and want revenge. Obama hates the rich too, except for his friends and campaign donors.

It makes no fiscal sense. He has to throw his base a bone every now and then for he knows in two years there will be a majority in the Senate, unless he keeps feeding his hungry followers with the Kool-Aid and candy.
90% was a top tax rate for some time.

The country did fine.

wake up and smell the facts.

You lost becuase you REFUSE to deal in facts
All we need to do is stop what got this nation into this mess in the first place. End the horrific Bush tax cuts to the rich, slash the ridiculously over-bloated military spending, and the deficit will turn around virtually overnight.

To recap: you get 80 billion a year in more revenue, but the deficits are over a trillion dollars. What are you gonna do, delete all defense spending? How many jobs do you think would be lost then? And even then, you're still short several hundred billion. And you're going to do this overnight? You are one totally fucking idiot.
from arround 1940 to 1970 this country had a top tax rate of 80% or above.

Those were GREAT economic years.

Stop lying to yourselves at the order of Fox news
Boehner doesn't have the votes.

But that's OK. Kicking the can down the road won't help.

Let's go over the fiscal cliff and see how that shakes out.
from arround 1940 to 1970 this country had a top tax rate of 80% or above.

Those were GREAT economic years.

Stop lying to yourselves at the order of Fox news

The host often starts with plenty of blood until the parasite sucks it dry.

You should know all about this from your upbringing, entitlement babe.
All we need to do is stop what got this nation into this mess in the first place. End the horrific Bush tax cuts to the rich, slash the ridiculously over-bloated military spending, and the deficit will turn around virtually overnight.

To recap: you get 80 billion a year in more revenue, but the deficits are over a trillion dollars. What are you gonna do, delete all defense spending? How many jobs do you think would be lost then? And even then, you're still short several hundred billion. And you're going to do this overnight? You are one totally fucking idiot.

You noticed that, did you? Boy when Obama finds a sucker they're his for life.:D
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All we need to do is stop what got this nation into this mess in the first place. End the horrific Bush tax cuts to the rich, slash the ridiculously over-bloated military spending, and the deficit will turn around virtually overnight.

You mentioned nothing about spending. Your analysis is completely wrong. The tech boom was occurring during the Clinton years. We have no such boom or revenues in the form of taxes that could possibly offset our expenditures, debt servicing, entitlements, social programs.
All we need to do is stop what got this nation into this mess in the first place. End the horrific Bush tax cuts to the rich, slash the ridiculously over-bloated military spending, and the deficit will turn around virtually overnight.

To recap: you get 80 billion a year in more revenue, but the deficits are over a trillion dollars. What are you gonna do, delete all defense spending? How many jobs do you think would be lost then? And even then, you're still short several hundred billion. And you're going to do this overnight? You are one totally fucking idiot.

You noticed that, did you? Boy when Obama finds a sucker they're his for life.:D

o knows his parasites need a host and he will always find ways to feed them.
Top Marginal Tax Rates 1916-2010 — Visualizing Economics

tax rates in the top bracket are lower than they have been in about a hundered years guys.

Jesus why dont you people EVER deal in facts?

Tax rates are lower for the rest of the income levels too. You know what the tax rates were in 1950? 17.40% for the 1st $4000, 20% for $4000-$8000, and higher after that. You wanna go back to that?

I notice you didn't answer the questions in the OP, none of them. Instead you change the subject or obfuscate, the typical democrat response.

On close examination, we find the people who are not paying their 'fair share' are the poor and the working class - who consume an ever increasing amount of the Federal coffers via direct redistribution.
All we need to do is stop what got this nation into this mess in the first place. End the horrific Bush tax cuts to the rich, slash the ridiculously over-bloated military spending, and the deficit will turn around virtually overnight.

Your suggestion wouldn't even solve half of our deficit spending. So what's next?
from arround 1940 to 1970 this country had a top tax rate of 80% or above.

Those were GREAT economic years.

Stop lying to yourselves at the order of Fox news

The host often starts with plenty of blood until the parasite sucks it dry.

You should know all about this from your upbringing, entitlement babe.

Poor thing. What is it with Truth Matters and Fox news?? She accuses EVERYBODY of watching those talking heads. It's like a sickness.

Does she know that the blow back is going to hit her and hers too? Bet she hasn't a clue.

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