What If Republican Todd Akin Advocated Rape Whistles?


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
February 24, 2013

Gun Control: The silent media ignore a Colorado Democrat who says women don't need firearms to defend themselves from predators and a patronizing vice president who says women can't handle an AR-15 anyway.

On Monday, the Colorado House passed four gun control bills. Among them is HB13-1226. It would ban concealed weapons on college campuses, as if creating more gun-free zones, such as the one around the Aurora, Colo., theater, where 12 were killed and another 59 wounded, will prevent more massacres.

Colorado is a concealed-carry state, as was Virginia at the time of the Virginia Tech shootings. But like the Aurora theater, Virginia Tech had declared itself a gun-free zone. It's a lesson the Colorado House apparently didn't learn.

John Fund, writing in National Review, notes that the Aurora shooter had a choice, within a 20-minute drive from his home, of seven movie theaters that were showing the Batman movie with which he was obsessed.

The Cinemark Theater he chose wasn't the closest, but was the only one that banned customers from carrying their guns inside, allowed under Colorado law.

Supporting HB13-1226 was Colorado Democrat Rep. Joe Salazar. While arguing for the disarmament of college students, Salazar said that even if women feel like they're going to be raped, that's no justification for carrying a Glock in your purse or book bag.

"It's why we have call boxes; it's why we have safe zones; it's why we have the whistles," Salazar opined.

"Because you just don't know who you're gonna be shooting at. And you don't know if you feel like you're gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone's been following you around or if you feel like you're in trouble when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you pop ...


Read more:
Colorado Democrat Joe Salazar Promotes Blowing Whistle To Stop Rape - Investors.com

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