What If Scenario: 2014 Dems Take House and 60+ Seats in Senate?


Apr 22, 2007
If Obama gets a filibustering breaking senate and a House majority, I expect:
(1) A Tax Increase on everyone making ove $250k
(2) A high regulations on coal and natural gase = increase in utility costs
(3) Increase in the tax credit for the electric car from $7,500 to $12K
(4) Amnesty gets passed, but no border security, no border fence, no hit to sanctuary cities, no EVerify and immigration as we know it is still here.
(5) Welfare, food stamps and section 8 increase to create a dependent but large Democratic voting class.
(6) Dodd/Frank gets enhanced pushing out more of the midtier banks and strenghtens the ones at the top.
(7) The push for electric and the clamp down on oil has oil finally go over $5 as the bottom and peaks at $8
(8) Gun Control gets a boost in federal regulation. Expect a fed tax on guns, expect and excessive tax on ammo and other bad laws.

I don't think the Dems will take the house or reach 60 votes, but it's very scary prospect!
If that scenario happens by 2016 we'll be in deep Depression
And this happens:

What If Scenario: 2014 Dems Take House and 60+ Seats in Senate?

The first order of business will be for the dems to thank the TPM.

The second order of business will be what the GOP does to the TPM: won't be pretty.
USMB rw'ers will be even worse than they are now IF thats possible. If you think they're butt hurt now, wait until you see them after Nancy gets the gavel back :)
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You stupid fuckers seem to think that Democrats and Republicans act differently when elected. Let me give you a clue:

(1) Both parties are corporate tools;
(2) Neither give a rat's ass about American workers;
(3) They will give just enough social welfare assistance to keep the poor powerless and avoid riots;
(4) They will assuage right wing voters by continuing social security and "disability" programs;
(5) And they will pretend to quarrel over "social issues" of little or no real consequence.
I doubt it happens, but if it does it'll be because the TPM shut down the govt or defaulted on the debt. If is does, the first thing the dems do is pass a law making Obamacare defundable unless there's a supermaj, and that would be bad for the county in the longterm.
I doubt it happens, but if it does it'll be because the TPM shut down the govt or defaulted on the debt. If is does, the first thing the dems do is pass a law making Obamacare defundable unless there's a supermaj, and that would be bad for the county in the longterm.
I hope Rafael (Cruz) & his TPM buddies in the House shut down the gov't :eusa_drool:
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Me too. A US default would probably start the snowball to destroying our monetary position. Which would inturn force the snake to eat itself and them we'll go back to barter and free exchange. Oh, and the federal government will be powerless over the rest of the country without revenue.

I doubt it happens, but if it does it'll be because the TPM shut down the govt or defaulted on the debt. If is does, the first thing the dems do is pass a law making Obamacare defundable unless there's a supermaj, and that would be bad for the county in the longterm.
I hope Rafael (Cruz) & his TPM buddies in the House shut down the gov't :eusa_drool:

So, you right wingers are good with having your social security, V.A., and disability benefits cut off? Because I certainly am.
What If Scenario: 2014 Dems Take House and 60+ Seats in Senate?

The first order of business will be for the dems to thank the TPM.

The second order of business will be what the GOP does to the TPM: won't be pretty.

Look moron, you have no idea what the Tea Party is even about or you wouldn't be spouting off the nonsense that you do.

You claim to be conservative. Start acting like one or stop making that claim.
I doubt it happens, but if it does it'll be because the TPM shut down the govt or defaulted on the debt. If is does, the first thing the dems do is pass a law making Obamacare defundable unless there's a supermaj, and that would be bad for the county in the longterm.
I hope Rafael (Cruz) & his TPM buddies in the House shut down the gov't :eusa_drool:

If the government shuts down it will be because of Obama and Reid.
1. correct

the rest they might do something about, but certainly NOT what you've been fear mongered into thinking...
I doubt it happens, but if it does it'll be because the TPM shut down the govt or defaulted on the debt. If is does, the first thing the dems do is pass a law making Obamacare defundable unless there's a supermaj, and that would be bad for the county in the longterm.
I hope Rafael (Cruz) & his TPM buddies in the House shut down the gov't :eusa_drool:

So, you right wingers are good with having your social security, V.A., and disability benefits cut off? Because I certainly am.

I know I'm not a right winger and I don't think dot.com is either. I'm actually hoping the TPM come to their senses. But I doubt it happens.

It's not really about Obamacare per se. The law may be more good than bad, though I'm not a fan. But the real issue is the TPM simply do not believe that revenue should be raised to provide healthcare to those who don't have it. That's not gonna win any natl elections. It makes the gop the defacto opposition party, with no ability to lead, and every intention of derailing anything the majority party does. It's unhealthy for society to have that inability to compromise.
I doubt it happens, but if it does it'll be because the TPM shut down the govt or defaulted on the debt. If is does, the first thing the dems do is pass a law making Obamacare defundable unless there's a supermaj, and that would be bad for the county in the longterm.
I hope Rafael (Cruz) & his TPM buddies in the House shut down the gov't :eusa_drool:

So, you right wingers are good with having your social security, V.A., and disability benefits cut off? Because I certainly am.

ummmm..... I'm a patriotic Progressive veteran. :eusa_eh: You did get the part about the V.A. right. I stop by there once every 5 yrs or so.
I hope Rafael (Cruz) & his TPM buddies in the House shut down the gov't :eusa_drool:

So, you right wingers are good with having your social security, V.A., and disability benefits cut off? Because I certainly am.

ummmm..... I'm a patriotic Progressive veteran. :eusa_eh: You did get the part about the V.A. right. I stop by there once every 5 yrs or so.

According to the way the 14th Amendment has been warped the fed has no choice but to pay retirees and the VA, As for Social Security they have to pay that as well. FIRST,
If the Dems take the House and get 60 seats in the Senate, you can expect another assault weapons ban, tighter than the last one. But you must keep in mind that there are conservative democrats who are not automatically in the gun control column.

You can expect Ruth Bader Ginsburg to retire and be replaced by Dianne Wood.

ObamaCare will become firmly entrenched and be well on its way to bankrupting the states and the federal budget.

A carbon tax will be back on the table. Federal contractors will have to prove they are green. New coal plants will have to have strict emission controls.
I hope Rafael (Cruz) & his TPM buddies in the House shut down the gov't :eusa_drool:

So, you right wingers are good with having your social security, V.A., and disability benefits cut off? Because I certainly am.

ummmm..... I'm a patriotic Progressive veteran. :eusa_eh: You did get the part about the V.A. right. I stop by there once every 5 yrs or so.

Sorry, man. I misread you.

Nearly all the right wingers and Tea Partiers I know around here are on the government dole in one form or another.
I know I'm not a right winger and I don't think dot.com is either. I'm actually hoping the TPM come to their senses. But I doubt it happens.

It's not really about Obamacare per se. The law may be more good than bad, though I'm not a fan. But the real issue is the TPM simply do not believe that revenue should be raised to provide healthcare to those who don't have it. That's not gonna win any natl elections. It makes the gop the defacto opposition party, with no ability to lead, and every intention of derailing anything the majority party does. It's unhealthy for society to have that inability to compromise.

Republicans want to defund Obamacare, all the rest of the government will be fully funded.

I wish you people would research the matter before you comment on it.

Obamacare can be defunded.

• Government funding through the Continuing Resolution (CR) will expire on September 30.
• The House should pass a CR to fund the entire federal government, except for Obamacare.
o To do so, the CR should include the Defund Obamacare Act (H.R. 2682/S.1292) to explicitly prohibit mandatory and discretionary Obamacare spending.
• If Republicans stand together, with 218 votes in the House and 41 in the Senate, we can win.
House Republicans should send the Senate a CR that fully funds the government without funding
Obamacare, and Senate Republicans should ensure that no CR providing Obamacare funding is
signed into law
• If Republicans do this, President Obama and Harry Reid will falsely accuse Republicans of threatening a government shutdown. But only they control whether to shut down the government just to implement their failed law. We must go straight to the American people and
win the argument to sustain the willpower to deny Obamacare funding.
• The only thing lacking to defund Obamacare is political will. This fight cannot be won if Americans do not rise up and demand it. Every member of Congress should hear from every concerned citizen he or she represents.

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