What If Scenario: 2014 Dems Take House and 60+ Seats in Senate?

If Obama gets a filibustering breaking senate and a House majority...

What an utterly ABSURD assumption. The dems are going to get an ass kicking like they've never seen before in HISTORY next year, so DREAM ON, because that's the ONLY thing they can do... DREAM.

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This is the biggest pipe dream I've ever read!

Better prepare for the exact opposite!
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Is anyone else not shocked that people who lost jobs in the recession and were having trouble getting new ones didn't vote for Mitt?

Had Perot - a right of center candidate from decades past - been on the ticket, I would have voted for him.

Perot wanted to make it harder for American corporations to ship production to Communist China. Problem is, the mainstream Republican party is beholden to business, which wants the kind of cheap labor that comes from freedom hating nation's like China.

Do you know how many products Walmart has manufactured in China? Starting with Reagan, the American Government became complicit in the death of middle class jobs. The government became beholden to wealthy investors who didn't want their profits eroded by "first world" labor costs. Point is: Nike, Apple and Walmart make more profits for investors when their products are made by workers who make less than $5 day and live in hovels beneath dictators. This is the dirty little secret of capitalism: it loves slave labor, and so do its investors who amass greater wealth when high wage American jobs are shipped to sweatshops.

To answer your question. Romney is stuck in the same Supply Side policies that have dominated economic policy since Reagan. These policies destroy the one thing that corporations would need to start adding jobs: demand.

Supply Siders believe that if you remove all the Government Policies that stimulated consumer demand and created a solvent middle class - and by so doing transferred all resources and capital to the wealthy - that the money would trickle down in the form of higher paying jobs and competitive pricing. This has proved false. Right after Reagan sold us this snake oil, the jobs were shipped to China and corporations were allowed to go on a mega-merger orgy which resulted in handing most U.S. sectors to large monopolies, which monopolies can raise prices and bankrupt the middle class because consumers are captive to one supplier. This is why people in 90% of Iowa only have one health care option, and it's why many Americans only have 1 option for internet and cable - because the lobbying state created by Reagan (who wanted to put business back in Government), devolved into non-competitive monopolies which fleece the middle class and destroy their ability to consume at the volume needed to sustain job growth. (Problem is: Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh don't teach this)

But it gets worse. Romney also supports a role for the Fed that is toxic to consumer spending. The Fed was created to maintain full employment - to stimulate demand during recessions. This is why all the recessions prior to the Bush Meltdown were relatively short. Granted, one downside of maintaining full employment is inflation, which itself eats away at purchasing power. Because of inflationary worries the GOP under Reagan changed the Fed's role from maintaining full employment to fighting inflation - austerity. [FYI: when Reagan needed to end his '81 recession, he became a vigorous Keynesian, and kept generous taxpayer funding to the states so they could maintain public employees, who themselves were also consumers, which consumers were needed to maintain the consumption levels to prevent a deflationary spiral and the resulting job loss. Obama, on the other hand, has been forced by Republicans to cut-off aid to the states, which is why we have seen massive layoffs to the state sector, and a huge loss in the needed consumer spending to get out of the recession. Of course, Republicans understand none of this because they've been educated by the a ruthlessly ideological information system designed to benefit the wealthy corporate elite that owns the American Government through lobbying and election funding]

But here's the point: the neoliberal austerity of Reaganomics (i.e., welfare to corporations but free market discipline for the middle class) can, like Keynesianism, be over-applied. After 30 years of withdrawing government policy support for middle class purchasing power (and 30 years of trying to fix weak demand by expanding credit/debt based consumption, and 30 years of letting large corporations form anti-consumer mergers (A.K.A. monopolies) over vital consumer sectors), is it any wonder that the consumer is finally too indebted to consume at the necessary levels for economic growth. There is a lesson: you can't fix disappearing jobs and stagnant wages by financializing the economy and handing out credit cards, but this is exactly what Reaganomics did to compensate for moving production to ultra cheap labor markets in Asia and the global south. Now we have the most indebted consumer class in history, and the consumer is too indebted to borrow sufficiently to maintain demand. Translation: our businesses lack enough consumers to justify adding jobs. Yes, the Fed is currently trying every easy money trick in the book to fuel demand - but it's too late. Middle Class purchasing power has been destroyed by having to compete with Chinese labor markets and having monopolized health care, which came by way of lobbying pressure on the GOP, who basically works for the drug companies before accepting lucrative lobbying positions.

Regardless, Mitt would have been a disaster because he brought no new thinking. There are some Republicans who would have been great for the economy, but they would never be allowed near the nomination. Perot is an example of a Republican who wanted American corporations NOT to partner with Communist China against the American worker. Perot didn't want us to send Jobs to sweatshops, but the GOP and the wealthy 1% whom they represent craved ultra cheap labor from freedom hating nations.


1945-1973: Americans have high wages and consume vigorously, which gave capital an incentive to add jobs (so they could capture all the money sitting in middle class wallets). The American economy, during years of postwar Keynesianism and strong unions, sees its greatest growth ever.

1980: Business funds the Reagan ascendancy partly because they are sick of paying American wages. They get Reagan to weaken Labor and trade laws so corporations can slash wages/benefits and ship jobs to cheap labor markets, so corporations can realize higher profits by lowering the cost of production.

1983-2008: to compensate for shipping jobs to China and repealing programs that protected middle class solvency and purchasing power, the Reagan Revolution radically expands credit to American consumers. Domestic consumption is now funded by debt. Check it for yourself. Starting in 1980 American families accumulated unprecedented debt in order to keep pace with disappearing jobs, monopolized health care and slashed benefits/entitlements/programs.

2008: Wall Street and the financial sector creates a conveyor belt that turns the mortgages of the poor into bogus securities and derivatives. Wall Street makes trillions on the way up, then they make trillions hedging the bubble's bursting. Then they get bailed out as the American Middle Class in foreclosed upon.

The Meltdown leads to the death of main street and the final nail in the coffin of middle class purchasing power BUT... [wait for it] the government bails out Wall Street (A.K.A the wealthy private sector) which staffs government through election funding and writes policy through lobbying pressure.

Now the middle class, jobs destroyed and homes turned into casino chips for the wealthy, doesn't have the ability to borrow enough to consume. Demand is dead. Corporations do not have enough consumers to justify adding jobs.

Game over.

In your whole diatribe you didn't mention one Democrat, especially CLINTON. The worse president for the middle class ever. HE is the one that pushed for the free trade agreements like not other. What HE did and the result was predicted THEN and is coming true. Perot, whom I voted for, predicted the large sucking sound of jobs fleeing the country and he was right. It was all Clinton pushing for these trade agreements harder then he pushed for anything before or since.
"Today most Americans want cradle to grave nanny-state entitlements.... "

Actually, more than that:

From womb to tomb.

And the REAL leftist loons, from erection to resurrection.
If Obama gets a filibustering breaking senate and a House majority, I expect:
(1) A Tax Increase on everyone making ove $250k Slow down the widening income gap
(2) A high regulations on coal and natural gase = increase in utility costs Gas is not gase. We want coal plants to be switched to gas because of the abundance and how much cleaner it is. Use Google.
(3) Increase in the tax credit for the electric car from $7,500 to $12K Good idea
(4) Amnesty gets passed, but no border security, no border fence, no hit to sanctuary cities, no EVerify and immigration as we know it is still here. Ridiculous into stupid
(5) Welfare, food stamps and section 8 increase to create a dependent but large Democratic voting class. Most of those on welfare are right wing whites in Red States. 85% are children, vets on disability and seniors, groups the GOP wants to hurt the most, the mean dirty bastards.
(6) Dodd/Frank gets enhanced pushing out more of the midtier banks and strenghtens the ones at the top. That would be the right wing.
(7) The push for electric and the clamp down on oil has oil finally go over $5 as the bottom and peaks at $8 Actually, the push is for natural gas. We have so much, we are running out of places to store it.
(8) Gun Control gets a boost in federal regulation. Expect a fed tax on guns, expect and excessive tax on ammo and other bad laws. This will never happen. Bobby Jindal just fought for the rights of felons, muderers and rapists rights to own guns with zero restrictions and won. His state is only the beginning.

I don't think the Dems will take the house or reach 60 votes, but it's very scary prospect!

Some good ideas. Some retarded. Right wingers are kind of bi-polar. They see sensible as crazy and the insane as "good ideas".
If Obama gets a filibustering breaking senate and a House majority, I expect:
(1) A Tax Increase on everyone making ove $250k
(2) A high regulations on coal and natural gase = increase in utility costs
(3) Increase in the tax credit for the electric car from $7,500 to $12K
(4) Amnesty gets passed, but no border security, no border fence, no hit to sanctuary cities, no EVerify and immigration as we know it is still here.
(5) Welfare, food stamps and section 8 increase to create a dependent but large Democratic voting class.
(6) Dodd/Frank gets enhanced pushing out more of the midtier banks and strenghtens the ones at the top.
(7) The push for electric and the clamp down on oil has oil finally go over $5 as the bottom and peaks at $8
(8) Gun Control gets a boost in federal regulation. Expect a fed tax on guns, expect and excessive tax on ammo and other bad laws.

I don't think the Dems will take the house or reach 60 votes, but it's very scary prospect!

you forgot ine thing .... jobs up the ass... more jos then their people to hire

When I have to translate English into English, then it's time you learned to use "spellcheck" Einstein.
2014? I don't think so

The Senate cycle favors the Republicans. In 2016 all the seats the Republicans picked up in 2010 are up for grabs.
They still have their filibustered House majority. But that majority can be eroded in 2014 and overrided in 2016 if Hillary can turn out the Democratic vote

What changes will we see if Democrats gain further control?

1. Improvements to Obamacare
2. Immigration reform with worker VISAs and a path to citizenship
3. More balanced energy policy
4. Global warming initiatives
5. A liberal Supreme Court
6. Reasonable gun controls

Hilary is a useless retread, reminiscent of former first time losers of a Presidential bid, like John McCain, but without any merit militarily or legislatively. America does not care for losers. If she had been OK in 2008, she would have been elected. Her subsequent performance added nothing of value to her resume.

Biden is a joke, noisy, error-prone loud mouth, enough said.

The Democrat field of potential presidential contenders is as dried up and barren as Hilary and Biden, themselves.

For the rest of your post:

1. You can put/smear/apply all the lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig.

2. Translation: Amnesty, made even sweeter with prepaid phones and VISA cards and guaranteed Spanish language school for their kids.

3. Translation: Bankrupt coal companies, oil companies, shut down nuclear power plants and rely solar panels on cloudy days and wind turbines on calm days.

4. More power to the EPA, you know, the Employment Prevention Agency.

5. Following the bastards who are responsible for Roe v Wade, this court would approve, authorize and sanction killing of inconvenient babies who were actually BORN.

6. Translation: Confiscation of guns, sling shots and bows and arrows.
You seem pretty sure that folks would vote for Hillary.

Me? I'm not so sure. She hasn't exactly covered herself in glory for her stint as SOS and her time as FL wasn't exactly glory time either. Woman sucks.

Hell. She might not even want to run. She and Bill might decide to retire.

If I were you I'd be thinking who else the DNC can run with. Nothing say Clinton will run and your wishing she did won't make it so.

The Democrats had the novelty of nominating the second black candidate for presidency. after all, the first black president was Bill Clinton.

They will not have the novelty of the first female for president, for reasons too numerous to mention.

And even if they did, by 2016 Americans will be wise to the utter failure of "novelties" governing the country. You know, fool me once.....
it shows that you are very young.

the revolution is the WORST case scenario.

All revolutions are conceived by idealists, implemented by fanatics, and its fruits are stolen by scoundrels.

Thomas Carlyle
So you'd prefer slavery to the Progressive/Neo-con hybrid under neo-feudalism, rather than attempting to use your 2nd Amendment right to Restore the Rule of Law?

Were the fruits of the American Revolution stolen by scoundrels (not including Alexander Hamilton)?
Was 1776 fought by fanatics?
Was 1776 conceived by ordinary honest men, or ivory tower intellectuals?

This quote only applies to NWO orchestrated revolutions, like Lenin/Stalin/Mao and the like.

If there's ever going to by a time to Restore the Rule of Law, the sooner the better.

What would this boy do if not for his tin foil hat?

He is really hitting on all cylinders

I am surprised that as a liberal Democrat you use that language to talk about your president.
2014? I don't think so

The Senate cycle favors the Republicans. In 2016 all the seats the Republicans picked up in 2010 are up for grabs.
They still have their filibustered House majority. But that majority can be eroded in 2014 and overrided in 2016 if Hillary can turn out the Democratic vote

What changes will we see if Democrats gain further control?

1. Improvements to Obamacare
2. Immigration reform with worker VISAs and a path to citizenship
3. More balanced energy policy
4. Global warming initiatives
5. A liberal Supreme Court
6. Reasonable gun controls

Hilary is a useless retread, reminiscent of former first time losers of a Presidential bid, like John McCain, but without any merit militarily or legislatively. America does not care for losers. If she had been OK in 2008, she would have been elected. Her subsequent performance added nothing of value to her resume.

Biden is a joke, noisy, error-prone loud mouth, enough said.

The Democrat field of potential presidential contenders is as dried up and barren as Hilary and Biden, themselves.

For the rest of your post:

1. You can put/smear/apply all the lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig.

2. Translation: Amnesty, made even sweeter with prepaid phones and VISA cards and guaranteed Spanish language school for their kids.

3. Translation: Bankrupt coal companies, oil companies, shut down nuclear power plants and rely solar panels on cloudy days and wind turbines on calm days.

4. More power to the EPA, you know, the Employment Prevention Agency.

5. Following the bastards who are responsible for Roe v Wade, this court would approve, authorize and sanction killing of inconvenient babies who were actually BORN.

6. Translation: Confiscation of guns, sling shots and bows and arrows.

Gee....Republicans oppose those changes. Whoda thunk it?

Sad fact is......your continued opposition is the reason Democrats will gain more control

Want to talk some more immigration?
If Obama gets a filibustering breaking senate and a House majority, I expect:
(1) A Tax Increase on everyone making ove $250k
(2) A high regulations on coal and natural gase = increase in utility costs
(3) Increase in the tax credit for the electric car from $7,500 to $12K
(4) Amnesty gets passed, but no border security, no border fence, no hit to sanctuary cities, no EVerify and immigration as we know it is still here.
(5) Welfare, food stamps and section 8 increase to create a dependent but large Democratic voting class.
(6) Dodd/Frank gets enhanced pushing out more of the midtier banks and strenghtens the ones at the top.
(7) The push for electric and the clamp down on oil has oil finally go over $5 as the bottom and peaks at $8
(8) Gun Control gets a boost in federal regulation. Expect a fed tax on guns, expect and excessive tax on ammo and other bad laws.

I don't think the Dems will take the house or reach 60 votes, but it's very scary prospect!

you forgot ine thing .... jobs up the ass... more jos then their people to hire

When I have to translate English into English, then it's time you learned to use "spellcheck" Einstein.

PKB alert!:lol:
In your whole diatribe you didn't mention one Democrat, especially CLINTON. The worse president for the middle class ever. HE is the one that pushed for the free trade agreements like not other. What HE did and the result was predicted THEN and is coming true. Perot, whom I voted for, predicted the large sucking sound of jobs fleeing the country and he was right. It was all Clinton pushing for these trade agreements harder then he pushed for anything before or since.

Agreed, but you misrepresent who gave birth to NAFTA and why.

With the passage of NAFTA, Clinton abandoned Labor for Business. (You realize why this is ironic, right? Republicans tell us every day that the Dems are in the pocket of Labor Unions. But Clinton, through his completion of the NAFTA super highway, FUCKED Labor hard and gave business a massive gift. Point is, our large corporations - the pinnacle of the capitalist business class - wanted NAFTA; they wanted to ditch the labor costs associated with the American Middle Class for the much cheaper labor costs found in freedom hating nations. Walmart, our largest retailer, wants/craves cheap Chinese labor - cheap Communist Chinese labor. Where do you think Walmart gets over 20% of its stuff manufactured? Answer: from freedom hating communist China and nations of their ilk.)

American corporations wanted the ability to shift production to cheap labor markets, which labor markets were found in freedom hating nations where exploited workers lived beneath brutal dictators making less than $5 a day. How ironic for Ayn Rand's persecuted business class to form such a deep partnership with Stalinist-level regimes. And how ironic that the Tea Party, which is supposed to have such a refined bullshit radar, has been kept so thoroughly in the dark about capitalism's dirty little secret. Post Reagan Global Capitalism doesn't thrive on freedom - to the contrary, it thrives on brutal regimes which give it the cheapest possible labor costs. Nike and Apple make more money when their products are manufactured by workers making less than $5 a day and sleeping on dirt floors.

But yes, Clinton gave business & the wealthy what they wanted: lower labor costs. Slick Willie realized tha business had more money than Labor, and he knew he Dems needed that money to compete against the GOP which was winning election after election because it was so well funded by business. So ol' Bill put the Democratic party back on the map by aligning itself with the deep pockets of business over the shrinking power of Labor.

The reason why Clinton was so dangerous to the GOP was because he started tapping into the policies and donors of the Republicans.

Perot and Pat Buchanan were the only popular voices on the Right who opposed NAFTA, whereas huge sub-sections of the Left never forgave Clinton for ditching Labor. Clinton, an opportunist if ever there was one, seized upon the consensus for Reaganomics and market solutions. And, as you know, markets, like capitalism itself, are known for creating incentives by cutting costs (e.g., cutting labor costs, environmental costs, etc. The market is necessarily amoral and sees only profit, as it cannot accurately price non-market factors. Meaning: if the capitalist has to get in bad with terrorist nations to get easier access to oil profits, than so be it. the capitalist is not paid to be moral or save the world; he is paid to get higher returns for investors. If he does otherwise, he will be removed. Please Read arch conservative Daniel Bell's "The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism" for an explanation of the markets drive for profits versus the conservative drive to place moral, social, cultural, traditional limits on market transactions. This book explains why there is such an uneasy fit between Reagan's coalition of Libertarians and Conservatives. Basically, Reagan was a Libertarian who used Conservatism, Religion and Patriotism to get poor people to vote for policies that disproportionately helped the wealthy.)

But make no mistake. Reagan was put into office partly to lower the operating costs of business - to reduce the high labor costs that had been secured by the liberals during the postwar years. Reagan declared war on unions (see Patco) and Clinton finished the deal with NAFTA, which was formalized under Bush 41.

Next time you hear tired talking points about the Democrats and Labor Unions, please remind them about Clinton and NAFTA, and all the Wall Street money the Dems continue to get by continually siding with business over Labor. If you do this - if you remind people of how terribly the Left has screwed Big Labor - you will draw a blank stare from your republican compatriots. For they are locked in Cold War era talking points fed to them in the Limbaugh/FOX bubble.

We agree though. Sigh.
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If Obama gets a filibustering breaking senate and a House majority, I expect:
(1) A Tax Increase on everyone making ove $250k
(2) A high regulations on coal and natural gase = increase in utility costs
(3) Increase in the tax credit for the electric car from $7,500 to $12K
(4) Amnesty gets passed, but no border security, no border fence, no hit to sanctuary cities, no EVerify and immigration as we know it is still here.
(5) Welfare, food stamps and section 8 increase to create a dependent but large Democratic voting class.
(6) Dodd/Frank gets enhanced pushing out more of the midtier banks and strenghtens the ones at the top.
(7) The push for electric and the clamp down on oil has oil finally go over $5 as the bottom and peaks at $8
(8) Gun Control gets a boost in federal regulation. Expect a fed tax on guns, expect and excessive tax on ammo and other bad laws.

I don't think the Dems will take the house or reach 60 votes, but it's very scary prospect!

Negged for the title alone

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