What If Scenario: 2014 Dems Take House and 60+ Seats in Senate?

So, you right wingers are good with having your social security, V.A., and disability benefits cut off? Because I certainly am.

ummmm..... I'm a patriotic Progressive veteran. :eusa_eh: You did get the part about the V.A. right. I stop by there once every 5 yrs or so.

Sorry, man. I misread you.

Nearly all the right wingers and Tea Partiers I know around here are on the government dole in one form or another.

that is correct ;)
So, you right wingers are good with having your social security, V.A., and disability benefits cut off? Because I certainly am.

ummmm..... I'm a patriotic Progressive veteran. :eusa_eh: You did get the part about the V.A. right. I stop by there once every 5 yrs or so.

Sorry, man. I misread you.

Nearly all the right wingers and Tea Partiers I know around here are on the government dole in one form or another.

The Maxwell Poll has detailed information about welfare use. The data is from 2004-2007. During this period in these polls a plurality of voters supported Democrats. I will graph the two-party vote, more data is at the end.

Hardly surprising, we see that in a two-party split, 60-80% of welfare recipients are Democrats, while full time Workers are evenly divided between parties.

You have similar results in this recent NPR-Poll. Among the Long Term Unemployed, 72% of the two-party support goes to Democrats.

From the Gellman-paradox we know that the low-income voters who drag down the Red States average tend to vote disproportionally for Democrats. Republican voters earn significantly more than Democrats, even though Red state earn less than Blue states.
I doubt it happens, but if it does it'll be because the TPM shut down the govt or defaulted on the debt. If is does, the first thing the dems do is pass a law making Obamacare defundable unless there's a supermaj, and that would be bad for the county in the longterm.
I hope Rafael (Cruz) & his TPM buddies in the House shut down the gov't :eusa_drool:

So, you right wingers are good with having your social security, V.A., and disability benefits cut off? Because I certainly am.

On October 1, many retired veterans (possibly millions) are going to be losing their Tricare Prime medical insurance coverage and will be forced onto a more expensive Tricare Standard program.

I am one of them.

Hence, I discourage any young person from joining the military and serving a full 20 years. You'd be a total sucker to do so. Retiree benefits have been slowly eroded in the past 20 years. The total really adds up now. So don't make a career out of the military, kids. You would be better off serving one enlistment, acquiring a skill, and then making a killing in the corporate world.

Serving 20 years and earning a pension and health insurance coverage is not being "on the dole". Those benefits were bought and paid for, oftentimes with blood.

And now we are being fucked.

But you know what? I would not mind at all if I knew that everyone was taking a bite of the $16 trillion shit sandwich we have to eat.

That means EVERYONE. Not just "the rich". Everyone ran up that bill.


Every time you take a tax deduction, you are "on the dole". You are adding to the debt. So be very careful with the self-righteous "on the dole" bullshit.
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ummmm..... I'm a patriotic Progressive veteran. :eusa_eh: You did get the part about the V.A. right. I stop by there once every 5 yrs or so.

Sorry, man. I misread you.

Nearly all the right wingers and Tea Partiers I know around here are on the government dole in one form or another.

The Maxwell Poll has detailed information about welfare use. The data is from 2004-2007. During this period in these polls a plurality of voters supported Democrats. I will graph the two-party vote, more data is at the end.

Hardly surprising, we see that in a two-party split, 60-80% of welfare recipients are Democrats, while full time Workers are evenly divided between parties.

You have similar results in this recent NPR-Poll. Among the Long Term Unemployed, 72% of the two-party support goes to Democrats.

From the Gellman-paradox we know that the low-income voters who drag down the Red States average tend to vote disproportionally for Democrats. Republican voters earn significantly more than Democrats, even though Red state earn less than Blue states.

What in the world is a "Democrat Two-Party vote share?" I don't see any useful information in those graphs at all. So you're saying that most rich people vote Republican? Duh.
If Republicans threaten to take us over the cliff and shutdown gov't, and if Obama allows them to without caving like he always does, the Democrats would have a shot at taking back the House, but I'm not sure they could get back 60 in the Senate. Really hard to do.

I think shutting the gov't down and forcing Republican reps to have to face the wrath of the people in their districts just might be the perfect remedy for extinguishing some of the extremist douchebags who've overrun that party.

The debt shall go unquestioned. Says so in our own constitution, a document Republicans pretend to be "strict contructionists" about.

Obamacare is the law. It's been held up by the Supreme Court. If Republicans seriously think that Obama would sign off on defunding it, they're a special kind of stupid.
It's Obama Tax, and the constitution is also extremely specific about what is, and what is not money. Therefore, what is and what is not debt.
Even when repubs aren't being victimized they dream up scenarios where they will be, like the OP
If Republicans threaten to take us over the cliff and shutdown gov't, and if Obama allows them to without caving like he always does, the Democrats would have a shot at taking back the House, but I'm not sure they could get back 60 in the Senate. Really hard to do.

I think shutting the gov't down and forcing Republican reps to have to face the wrath of the people in their districts just might be the perfect remedy for extinguishing some of the extremist douchebags who've overrun that party.

The debt shall go unquestioned. Says so in our own constitution, a document Republicans pretend to be "strict contructionists" about.

Obamacare is the law. It's been held up by the Supreme Court. If Republicans seriously think that Obama would sign off on defunding it, they're a special kind of stupid.

nothing that the republicans are talking about would shut down the govt, NOTHING.

they will fund every function of govt except obamacare. If the dems and obama refuse to go along with that then THEY will be shutting down the govt against the will of the people since a vast majority of americans do not want obamacare.

The fact that the SCOTUS deemed it constitutional does not mandate that congress fund it. Infrastructure and military projects are all constitutional, but congress does not fund all of them.

your argument is flawed-------you must be a liberal
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Back to the OP. If the dems happen to take control of both houses of congress in 2014 then this country as a free democratic republic is over, done, finished.

We will become a large copy of failed european socialism. The USA will become Detroit.

What is really sickening is that half of the country is too stupid to realize that.
Sorry, man. I misread you.

Nearly all the right wingers and Tea Partiers I know around here are on the government dole in one form or another.

The Maxwell Poll has detailed information about welfare use. The data is from 2004-2007. During this period in these polls a plurality of voters supported Democrats. I will graph the two-party vote, more data is at the end.

Hardly surprising, we see that in a two-party split, 60-80% of welfare recipients are Democrats, while full time Workers are evenly divided between parties.

You have similar results in this recent NPR-Poll. Among the Long Term Unemployed, 72% of the two-party support goes to Democrats.

From the Gellman-paradox we know that the low-income voters who drag down the Red States average tend to vote disproportionally for Democrats. Republican voters earn significantly more than Democrats, even though Red state earn less than Blue states.

What in the world is a "Democrat Two-Party vote share?" I don't see any useful information in those graphs at all. So you're saying that most rich people vote Republican? Duh.

Go to the link provided and educate yourself.
I hope Rafael (Cruz) & his TPM buddies in the House shut down the gov't :eusa_drool:

So, you right wingers are good with having your social security, V.A., and disability benefits cut off? Because I certainly am.

On October 1, many retired veterans (possibly millions) are going to be losing their Tricare Prime medical insurance coverage and will be forced onto a more expensive Tricare Standard program.

I am one of them.

Hence, I discourage any young person from joining the military and serving a full 20 years. You'd be a total sucker to do so. Retiree benefits have been slowly eroded in the past 20 years. The total really adds up now. So don't make a career out of the military, kids. You would be better off serving one enlistment, acquiring a skill, and then making a killing in the corporate world.

Serving 20 years and earning a pension and health insurance coverage is not being "on the dole". Those benefits were bought and paid for, oftentimes with blood.

And now we are being fucked.

But you know what? I would not mind at all if I knew that everyone was taking a bite of the $16 trillion shit sandwich we have to eat.

That means EVERYONE. Not just "the rich". Everyone ran up that bill.


Every time you take a tax deduction, you are "on the dole". You are adding to the debt. So be very careful with the self-righteous "on the dole" bullshit.

It isn't like a credit card debt. It is an expansion of the money supply that is essential to keep up with economic growth. Without debt creation, we have no way of expanding the money supply.

So NO, "future generations" will not need to pay it off. Even if they did--they would pay themselves.

It's thinking like this that prevents progress, and keeps the American workers living in poverty.
If Republicans threaten to take us over the cliff and shutdown gov't, and if Obama allows them to without caving like he always does, the Democrats would have a shot at taking back the House, but I'm not sure they could get back 60 in the Senate. Really hard to do.

I think shutting the gov't down and forcing Republican reps to have to face the wrath of the people in their districts just might be the perfect remedy for extinguishing some of the extremist douchebags who've overrun that party.

The debt shall go unquestioned. Says so in our own constitution, a document Republicans pretend to be "strict contructionists" about.

Obamacare is the law. It's been held up by the Supreme Court. If Republicans seriously think that Obama would sign off on defunding it, they're a special kind of stupid.

Another moron that thinks the Republicans are threatening to shutdown the government.

I swear you people are the dumbest on the planet.
I think I'm beginning to understand how Regis felt on that milionaire show when he'd ask if the contestant wanted to use a lifeline.
ummmm..... I'm a patriotic Progressive veteran. :eusa_eh: You did get the part about the V.A. right. I stop by there once every 5 yrs or so.

Sorry, man. I misread you.

Nearly all the right wingers and Tea Partiers I know around here are on the government dole in one form or another.

The Maxwell Poll has detailed information about welfare use. The data is from 2004-2007. During this period in these polls a plurality of voters supported Democrats. I will graph the two-party vote, more data is at the end.

Hardly surprising, we see that in a two-party split, 60-80% of welfare recipients are Democrats, while full time Workers are evenly divided between parties.

You have similar results in this recent NPR-Poll. Among the Long Term Unemployed, 72% of the two-party support goes to Democrats.

From the Gellman-paradox we know that the low-income voters who drag down the Red States average tend to vote disproportionally for Democrats. Republican voters earn significantly more than Democrats, even though Red state earn less than Blue states.
Read the npr link....its not 72%
Lean to the left does not mean they are dems.
Therefore we can ignore your assessment.
Sorry, man. I misread you.

Nearly all the right wingers and Tea Partiers I know around here are on the government dole in one form or another.

The Maxwell Poll has detailed information about welfare use. The data is from 2004-2007. During this period in these polls a plurality of voters supported Democrats. I will graph the two-party vote, more data is at the end.

Hardly surprising, we see that in a two-party split, 60-80% of welfare recipients are Democrats, while full time Workers are evenly divided between parties.

You have similar results in this recent NPR-Poll. Among the Long Term Unemployed, 72% of the two-party support goes to Democrats.

From the Gellman-paradox we know that the low-income voters who drag down the Red States average tend to vote disproportionally for Democrats. Republican voters earn significantly more than Democrats, even though Red state earn less than Blue states.
Read the npr link....its not 72%
Lean to the left does not mean they are dems.
Therefore we can ignore your assessment.

Go look up the word "similar".


Political “Left” and “Right” Properly Defined
I doubt it happens, but if it does it'll be because the TPM shut down the govt or defaulted on the debt. If is does, the first thing the dems do is pass a law making Obamacare defundable unless there's a supermaj, and that would be bad for the county in the longterm.
I hope Rafael (Cruz) & his TPM buddies in the House shut down the gov't :eusa_drool:

Me too. I lived though it back under Clinton, guess what? The sun came up the next day and nothing bad happened, including the much predicted backlash against the GOP.
If the Dems take the House and get 60 seats in the Senate, you can expect another assault weapons ban, tighter than the last one. But you must keep in mind that there are conservative democrats who are not automatically in the gun control column.

The House has been so effectively gerrymandered that the Democrats will not win it back for a long time, and certainly not during a cycle when Obama or Clinton isn't on the ticket.

The Senate is projected by EVERYONE to go Red.

Lastly, as you stated, there are too many Dems who are afraid of being targeted by NRA money.

This is why everyone knows that gun legislation isn't going anywhere. The same problem exists on the Right with killing Medicare. The political upside isn't there, especially if you want to win Florida.

Let me teach you something. Both parties merely pander to their respective bases on most issues. HOWEVER they have no real incentive to change anything.

You are being manipulated by your leaders to think your guns will be confiscated. They use these issues to drive low-information voters to the voting booth.

You're not alone. On the other side of the aisle a stupid liberal is being manipulated by his leaders to believe that the Democrats will pass sensible gun legislation before the next mental retard legally buys an assault weapon and slaughters children. Here's the rub: I know the Democrats lack the courage to do this, but it doesn't matter to Dear Leader because the issue brings morons to the voting booth.

In both cases our respective leaders are lying to their stupid base. Friend, don't be stupid. Turn off talk radio. Your guns are totally safe. The leadership on the Left has nothing to gain by taking away your guns. They're just acting like they care to pacify their stupid base.

Turn off Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and FOX News. PleaseLearn politics.
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Is anyone else not shocked that people who lost jobs in the recession and were having trouble getting new ones didn't vote for Mitt?
The sillies from the far reactionary right, the koshergrls and the others, will soon be shut out completely from GOP decision making.
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