What if they’d had a nuke!

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
Conservatives are the only people who were genuinely appalled by Trump supporters storming the Capitol. The left’s consistent reaction has been: OK, what do we have to do to make it look bad? It must be awkward to have to work up a high dudgeon about the Capitol protest after spending half of 2020 saying “mostly peaceful” protests were OK, even if beyond the “mostly” there was a lot of arson and looting. See? A riot is not bad unless it can be denounced as “racist.”

Liberals were indignant with Sen. Tom Cotton for saying Trump should send in troops to restore order during the George Floyd riots. His New York Times op-ed making this point was slapped with a disclaimer from the editors that’s nearly as long as the original column.

Today, there are more troops on patrol in D.C. than in actual war zones. But, this time, instead of calling the militarization of our nation’s capital “fascist” — as the Times‘ Michelle Goldberg dubbed Cotton’s proposal — the very presence of troops is cited as proof of how awful the Jan. 6 riot was. Liberals have got to learn that their neuroses are not proof of their opponents’ perfidy. The hysterical deployment of more than 20,000 troops to Biden’s inauguration says something about them, not the rioters.

Similarly, cable news has been featuring Democrats giving long, emotional TV interviews describing their fears during the storming of the Capitol. I was afraid they’d kill us all! What if they’d started lynching senators? They could have taken hostages! I fully expected a mass shooting. I thought the building would collapse on top of us! What if they’d had a nuke?

Oh my gosh! What did they actually do? They broke four windows, took selfies and threw papers on the ground.

The “My Neurosis Proves Your Malfeasance” argument is a specialty of the feminists. If I wasn’t sexually harassed, then please explain why I gained 30 pounds? You want proof that Trump is a monster? I can’t sleep at night!

The winner of the “You want proof? My skin has broken out!” argument was this NBC headline last week: “Some Democrats in Congress are worried their colleagues might kill them.”

It's going to be a long four years.

Conservatives are the only people who were genuinely appalled by Trump supporters storming the Capitol. The left’s consistent reaction has been: OK, what do we have to do to make it look bad? It must be awkward to have to work up a high dudgeon about the Capitol protest after spending half of 2020 saying “mostly peaceful” protests were OK, even if beyond the “mostly” there was a lot of arson and looting. See? A riot is not bad unless it can be denounced as “racist.”

Liberals were indignant with Sen. Tom Cotton for saying Trump should send in troops to restore order during the George Floyd riots. His New York Times op-ed making this point was slapped with a disclaimer from the editors that’s nearly as long as the original column.

Today, there are more troops on patrol in D.C. than in actual war zones. But, this time, instead of calling the militarization of our nation’s capital “fascist” — as the Times‘ Michelle Goldberg dubbed Cotton’s proposal — the very presence of troops is cited as proof of how awful the Jan. 6 riot was. Liberals have got to learn that their neuroses are not proof of their opponents’ perfidy. The hysterical deployment of more than 20,000 troops to Biden’s inauguration says something about them, not the rioters.

Similarly, cable news has been featuring Democrats giving long, emotional TV interviews describing their fears during the storming of the Capitol. I was afraid they’d kill us all! What if they’d started lynching senators? They could have taken hostages! I fully expected a mass shooting. I thought the building would collapse on top of us! What if they’d had a nuke?

Oh my gosh! What did they actually do? They broke four windows, took selfies and threw papers on the ground.

The “My Neurosis Proves Your Malfeasance” argument is a specialty of the feminists. If I wasn’t sexually harassed, then please explain why I gained 30 pounds? You want proof that Trump is a monster? I can’t sleep at night!

The winner of the “You want proof? My skin has broken out!” argument was this NBC headline last week: “Some Democrats in Congress are worried their colleagues might kill them.”

It's going to be a long four years.

My Neurosis Proves Your Malfeasance

The deployment of troops and the closing of DC for the Inauguration served one main purpose.......

To cover for the FACT that NOONE was going to attend the ceremony despite the claim that more people voted for Biden than Obama.
Read my lips: YES....the election was a deception and We The People were cleverly deceived. The Left....willfully.
The media lapdog said 'Look over there" !!! and everyone was distracted as always away from the real crime and trickery.

In fact, the whole thing was a false flag event.
Conservatives are the only people who were genuinely appalled by Trump supporters storming the Capitol. The left’s consistent reaction has been: OK, what do we have to do to make it look bad? It must be awkward to have to work up a high dudgeon about the Capitol protest after spending half of 2020 saying “mostly peaceful” protests were OK, even if beyond the “mostly” there was a lot of arson and looting. See? A riot is not bad unless it can be denounced as “racist.”

Liberals were indignant with Sen. Tom Cotton for saying Trump should send in troops to restore order during the George Floyd riots. His New York Times op-ed making this point was slapped with a disclaimer from the editors that’s nearly as long as the original column.

Today, there are more troops on patrol in D.C. than in actual war zones. But, this time, instead of calling the militarization of our nation’s capital “fascist” — as the Times‘ Michelle Goldberg dubbed Cotton’s proposal — the very presence of troops is cited as proof of how awful the Jan. 6 riot was. Liberals have got to learn that their neuroses are not proof of their opponents’ perfidy. The hysterical deployment of more than 20,000 troops to Biden’s inauguration says something about them, not the rioters.

Similarly, cable news has been featuring Democrats giving long, emotional TV interviews describing their fears during the storming of the Capitol. I was afraid they’d kill us all! What if they’d started lynching senators? They could have taken hostages! I fully expected a mass shooting. I thought the building would collapse on top of us! What if they’d had a nuke?

Oh my gosh! What did they actually do? They broke four windows, took selfies and threw papers on the ground.

The “My Neurosis Proves Your Malfeasance” argument is a specialty of the feminists. If I wasn’t sexually harassed, then please explain why I gained 30 pounds? You want proof that Trump is a monster? I can’t sleep at night!

The winner of the “You want proof? My skin has broken out!” argument was this NBC headline last week: “Some Democrats in Congress are worried their colleagues might kill them.”

It's going to be a long four years.

You need a hug, snowflake?
If them Key stone cops, had a Nuke...just the thought is funny....that's how stupid and clumsey they are....just the thought....priceless. And poor Trump, would be done....as would 40 million losers...the visual, is simply priceless.
Conservatives are the only people who were genuinely appalled by Trump supporters storming the Capitol
I have yet to hear any conservatives here acting "appalled" about it. Most are quite defensive if they aren't belligerent.
The deployment of troops and the closing of DC for the Inauguration served one main purpose.......

To cover for the FACT that NOONE was going to attend the ceremony despite the claim that more people voted for Biden than Obama.
Read my lips: YES....the election was a deception and We The People were cleverly deceived. The Left....willfully.
The media lapdog said 'Look over there" !!! and everyone was distracted as always away from the real crime and trickery.

In fact, the whole thing was a false flag event.
Conservatives are the only people who were genuinely appalled by Trump supporters storming the Capitol. The left’s consistent reaction has been: OK, what do we have to do to make it look bad? It must be awkward to have to work up a high dudgeon about the Capitol protest after spending half of 2020 saying “mostly peaceful” protests were OK, even if beyond the “mostly” there was a lot of arson and looting. See? A riot is not bad unless it can be denounced as “racist.”

Liberals were indignant with Sen. Tom Cotton for saying Trump should send in troops to restore order during the George Floyd riots. His New York Times op-ed making this point was slapped with a disclaimer from the editors that’s nearly as long as the original column.

Today, there are more troops on patrol in D.C. than in actual war zones. But, this time, instead of calling the militarization of our nation’s capital “fascist” — as the Times‘ Michelle Goldberg dubbed Cotton’s proposal — the very presence of troops is cited as proof of how awful the Jan. 6 riot was. Liberals have got to learn that their neuroses are not proof of their opponents’ perfidy. The hysterical deployment of more than 20,000 troops to Biden’s inauguration says something about them, not the rioters.

Similarly, cable news has been featuring Democrats giving long, emotional TV interviews describing their fears during the storming of the Capitol. I was afraid they’d kill us all! What if they’d started lynching senators? They could have taken hostages! I fully expected a mass shooting. I thought the building would collapse on top of us! What if they’d had a nuke?

Oh my gosh! What did they actually do? They broke four windows, took selfies and threw papers on the ground.

The “My Neurosis Proves Your Malfeasance” argument is a specialty of the feminists. If I wasn’t sexually harassed, then please explain why I gained 30 pounds? You want proof that Trump is a monster? I can’t sleep at night!

The winner of the “You want proof? My skin has broken out!” argument was this NBC headline last week: “Some Democrats in Congress are worried their colleagues might kill them.”

It's going to be a long four years.

You need a hug, snowflake?
Yeah, bitch. A lip hug. On your knees.
Conservatives are the only people who were genuinely appalled by Trump supporters storming the Capitol
I have yet to hear any conservatives here acting "appalled" about it. Most are quite defensive if they aren't belligerent.

blah blah blah......

And we have yet to hear of any liberals acting "appalled" about the election fraud. Most are quite defensive if they aren't belligerent.
Conservatives are the only people who were genuinely appalled by Trump supporters storming the Capitol
I have yet to hear any conservatives here acting "appalled" about it. Most are quite defensive if they aren't belligerent.

blah blah blah......

And we have yet to hear of any liberals acting "appalled" about the election fraud. Most are quite defensive if they aren't belligerent.
There is no election fraud you friggin' moron.

That's the whole thing here. How could you miss that?
Conservatives are the only people who were genuinely appalled by Trump supporters storming the Capitol. The left’s consistent reaction has been: OK, what do we have to do to make it look bad? It must be awkward to have to work up a high dudgeon about the Capitol protest after spending half of 2020 saying “mostly peaceful” protests were OK, even if beyond the “mostly” there was a lot of arson and looting. See? A riot is not bad unless it can be denounced as “racist.”

Liberals were indignant with Sen. Tom Cotton for saying Trump should send in troops to restore order during the George Floyd riots. His New York Times op-ed making this point was slapped with a disclaimer from the editors that’s nearly as long as the original column.

Today, there are more troops on patrol in D.C. than in actual war zones. But, this time, instead of calling the militarization of our nation’s capital “fascist” — as the Times‘ Michelle Goldberg dubbed Cotton’s proposal — the very presence of troops is cited as proof of how awful the Jan. 6 riot was. Liberals have got to learn that their neuroses are not proof of their opponents’ perfidy. The hysterical deployment of more than 20,000 troops to Biden’s inauguration says something about them, not the rioters.

Similarly, cable news has been featuring Democrats giving long, emotional TV interviews describing their fears during the storming of the Capitol. I was afraid they’d kill us all! What if they’d started lynching senators? They could have taken hostages! I fully expected a mass shooting. I thought the building would collapse on top of us! What if they’d had a nuke?

Oh my gosh! What did they actually do? They broke four windows, took selfies and threw papers on the ground.

The “My Neurosis Proves Your Malfeasance” argument is a specialty of the feminists. If I wasn’t sexually harassed, then please explain why I gained 30 pounds? You want proof that Trump is a monster? I can’t sleep at night!

The winner of the “You want proof? My skin has broken out!” argument was this NBC headline last week: “Some Democrats in Congress are worried their colleagues might kill them.”

It's going to be a long four years.

You need a hug, snowflake?

No, but AOC does.

I wish she would change her pissy panties - they're starting to REALLY reek.
Conservatives are the only people who were genuinely appalled by Trump supporters storming the Capitol
I have yet to hear any conservatives here acting "appalled" about it. Most are quite defensive if they aren't belligerent.

blah blah blah......

And we have yet to hear of any liberals acting "appalled" about the election fraud. Most are quite defensive if they aren't belligerent.
There is no election fraud you friggin' moron.

That's the whole thing here. How could you miss that?
"There is no election fraud you friggin' moron."
OK, dupe, you go right ahead and believe that. And whatever else your corporate masters tell you to believe. But me and any reasonably intelligent 10-year-old with a smattering of independent thinking left know that this election was stolen. The naked collusion between Twitter, FB, Google, and the Dems alone should give you a clue, for crying out loud.
I have yet to hear any conservatives here acting "appalled" about it. Most are quite defensive if they aren't belligerent.

Conservatives are the only people who were genuinely appalled by Trump supporters storming the Capitol
I have yet to hear any conservatives here acting "appalled" about it. Most are quite defensive if they aren't belligerent.

blah blah blah......

And we have yet to hear of any liberals acting "appalled" about the election fraud. Most are quite defensive if they aren't belligerent.
There is no election fraud you friggin' moron.

That's the whole thing here. How could you miss that?
"There is no election fraud you friggin' moron."
OK, dupe, you go right ahead and believe that. And whatever else your corporate masters tell you to believe. But me and any reasonably intelligent 10-year-old with a smattering of independent thinking left know that this election was stolen. The naked collusion between Twitter, FB, Google, and the Dems alone should give you a clue, for crying out loud.
Lol collision between twitter, facebook, georgia republicans, arizona republicans, pennsylvania republicans, the news media, bill barr, Mitch McConell, Mike pence, the FEC, the supreme court, shit, even fox news is in on it!

You're a conspiracy theorist whack-job.
I have yet to hear any conservatives here acting "appalled" about it. Most are quite defensive if they aren't belligerent.

Totally unrelated. Also a favorite tRump tactic.
Lol collision between twitter, facebook, georgia republicans, arizona republicans, pennsylvania republicans, the news media, bill barr, Mitch McConell, Mike pence, the FEC, the supreme court, shit, even fox news is in on it!

You're a conspiracy theorist whack-job.

Does your government, the CCP, deny that Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Google, and Amazon are involved in a trust? That they did indeed conspire to restrict interstate commerce by a competitor of one member of the trust and engaged in restraint of trade in order to put competition to the monopoly position of the trust out of business?

I read something about this on Parler...
I have yet to hear any conservatives here acting "appalled" about it. Most are quite defensive if they aren't belligerent.

Totally unrelated. Also a favorite tRump tactic.


You are gaslighting.

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