What If We Actually Had Poor People In This Country?

You seem to have a reading comprehension problem.
And you are a brainwashed functional moron. Read something

There is no poverty in this nation, merely that propaganda you swallow, and regurgitate here daily.
Read the links, brainwashed functional moron. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. And it just keeps getting worse until the Democrats get in with a landslide.

Over half a century of Democrats feeding the fake welfare system, $22 trillion, the poverty rate is almost the exact same as it was at the start.
  1. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.

The single, solitary aim of the Liberal tax-and-give-away program is to accrue votes.
Yet when Republicans are in power they do not take away welfare but also hand it out...Republicans are just as complicit at being kind to the needy, just like Jesus said should be done.Just because you are another fake Christian doesn't give you the right to judge.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

When Mexico was considering war with the United States on the side of the Germans a military commission was tasked by the Mexican government with investigating the possibilities. They concluded in part that..

"Even if by some chance Mexico had the military means to win a conflict against the United States and reclaim the territories in question, Mexico would have severe difficulty accommodating and pacifying a large English-speaking population that was better supplied with arms than most civilian populations."

Zimmermann Telegram - Wikipedia

I love it when someone comes along who has actually studied history.

George Santayana would be so proud of you, as I am.

Mexico sided with Germany against us in WWI

Mexico was the platform for the KGB all throughout the Cold War

For the last 40-50 years, anyone heading North through Mexico, saying that they were going to the United States, was given free transport on Mexican public transportation.
Another disparaging thread from a foreign alien that seeks to sow discord and lies.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

When Mexico was considering war with the United States on the side of the Germans a military commission was tasked by the Mexican government with investigating the possibilities. They concluded in part that..

"Even if by some chance Mexico had the military means to win a conflict against the United States and reclaim the territories in question, Mexico would have severe difficulty accommodating and pacifying a large English-speaking population that was better supplied with arms than most civilian populations."

Zimmermann Telegram - Wikipedia

I love it when someone comes along who has actually studied history.

George Santayana would be so proud of you, as I am.

Mexico sided with Germany against us in WWI

Mexico was the platform for the KGB all throughout the Cold War

For the last 40-50 years, anyone heading North through Mexico, saying that they were going to the United States, was given free transport on Mexican public transportation.
I doubt just anyone was given a free ride North.
There are no "poor" people in this country. Even the homeless have clean water and edible food.
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You seem to have a reading comprehension problem.
And you are a brainwashed functional moron. Read something

There is no poverty in this nation, merely that propaganda you swallow, and regurgitate here daily.
Read the links, brainwashed functional moron. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. And it just keeps getting worse until the Democrats get in with a landslide.

Over half a century of Democrats feeding the fake welfare system, $22 trillion, the poverty rate is almost the exact same as it was at the start.
  1. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.

The single, solitary aim of the Liberal tax-and-give-away program is to accrue votes.
only right wing fantasy works in a vacuum of special pleading.

you cannot have it both ways, right wingers.

we have the richest poor in the world and our poverty programs work, or they don't.
You seem to have a reading comprehension problem.
And you are a brainwashed functional moron. Read something

There is no poverty in this nation, merely that propaganda you swallow, and regurgitate here daily.
Read the links, brainwashed functional moron. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. And it just keeps getting worse until the Democrats get in with a landslide.

Over half a century of Democrats feeding the fake welfare system, $22 trillion, the poverty rate is almost the exact same as it was at the start.
  1. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.

The single, solitary aim of the Liberal tax-and-give-away program is to accrue votes.
Actually, it's to prevent revolt. When people get miserable enough, they will cause trouble. It is not just Democrats who know this.
You seem to have a reading comprehension problem.
And you are a brainwashed functional moron. Read something

There is no poverty in this nation, merely that propaganda you swallow, and regurgitate here daily.
Read the links, brainwashed functional moron. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. And it just keeps getting worse until the Democrats get in with a landslide.

Over half a century of Democrats feeding the fake welfare system, $22 trillion, the poverty rate is almost the exact same as it was at the start.
  1. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.

The single, solitary aim of the Liberal tax-and-give-away program is to accrue votes.
In 2016, 40.6 million people lived in Poverty USA. That means the poverty rate for 2016 was 12.7%. Use our interactive map to take a closer look at poverty statistics in the United States.

Who lives in Poverty USA?
All those who make less than the Federal government’s official poverty threshold... which for a family of four is about $24,000.00. People working at minimum wage, even holding down several jobs. Seniors living on fixed incomes. Wage earners suddenly out of work. Millions of families everywhere from our cities to rural communities.


Poverty does not strike all demographics equally. For example, in 2016, 13.8% of men, and 16.3% of women lived in Poverty USA. Along the same lines, the poverty rate for married couples in 2016 was only 5.1% - but the poverty rate for single-parent families with no wife present was 13.1%, and for single-parent families with no husband present was 26.6%.

In 2016, the poverty rate for people living with a disability was 21.0%. That’s more than 4 million people living with a disability—in poverty.

Poverty by Age


Children in Poverty
In 2016, 21.2% of all children (15.3 million kids) lived in Poverty USA—that’s almost 1 in every 5 children.

In 2014, the National Center on Family Homelessness analyzed state-level data and found that nationwide, 2.5 million children experience homelessness in a year.


Seniors in Poverty
Though the official census data gives seniors a 2016 poverty rate of only 9.3%, the Supplemental Poverty Measure, which accounts for expenses such as the rising costs of health care, raises the senior poverty rate to 14.5%.

Poverty by Ethnicity
According to 2016 US Census Data, the highest poverty rate by race is found among Native Americans (27.6%), with Blacks (26.2%) having the second highest poverty rate, and Hispanics (of any race) having the third highest poverty rate (23.4%). Whites had a poverty rate of 12.4%, while Asians had a poverty rate at 12.3%.


The Economics of Poverty
Poverty thresholds are determined by the US government, and vary according to the size of a family, and the ages of its members. In 2016, the poverty threshold—also known as the poverty line—for an individual was $12,228. For two people, the weighted average threshold was $15,569.

Poverty Thresholds
Three people


Four people


Five people


Six people


Seven people


Eight people


Nine or more people


For more details about poverty thresholds, visit the US Census Bureau. Poverty thresholds are intended for use as a statistical yardstick, not a complete description of what people and/or families actually need to live.

What’s worse, 6.7% of the population—or 21.3 million people—live in deep poverty, with incomes below 50% of their poverty thresholds.

And 29.8% of the population—or 95 million—live close to poverty, with incomes less than two times that of their poverty thresholds. To learn more about poverty thresholds and what it is like to live at the poverty line, take a look at the statistics.

Sources: How the US Census Measures Poverty, US Census Bureau; Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2016, US Census Bureau (p. 17).


According to the most recent Census data, median household incomes have increased by 3.2% since 2015. This is only the second annual increase in median household income since 2007. In 2016, the median income for family households was $75,062, while the median income for nonfamily households was $35,761.

In 2016, an estimated 74.8% of men with earnings and 62.2% of women with earnings worked full time, year-round. However, in 2016, the earnings of women who worked full time, year-round were only 80.5% of that for men working full time, year-round.

Source: US Census Bureau; Income and Poverty in the United States: 2016

Food Insecurity
The USDA estimated that 12.3% of US households were food insecure in 2016. This means that approximately 15.6 million households had difficulty providing enough food for all their members due to a lack of resources. Rates of food insecurity were substantially higher than the national average for households with incomes near or below the Federal poverty line.

There are programs that help.
61% of food-insecure households in the USDA survey reported that in the previous month, they had participated in one or more of the three largest Federal food and nutrition assistance programs. One of these programs is known as SNAP, or the Supplemental Nutrition Program. Learn more about policies that help.

Source: United States Department of Agriculture, Food Security Status of US Households in 2016

In addition, every day, thousands of people—working with their neighbors and community—are finding ways out of Poverty USA by strengthening families, creating jobs, and improving neighborhoods. For nearly five decades, CCHD has supported nearly 11,000 community-based projects led by low-income people through our grant program. Read some of their stories.
Poverty USA
As generous as I am, my present today for our Democrat voters, is to remove any necessity for that hand-wringing, or living in that crisis-mode your masters keep you in.

Democrat voters….be prepared to be shocked: there is neither racism nor poverty in this country!
Yup…you’ve been double-lied to….and you bought it like it was on sale.

The thread will concentrate on the latter lie.

There's no poverty, you have no need to either prepare to step over dead bodies due to starvation.....nor to ever vote Democrat again.

1. There is no poverty, no need for you to fork over a third or more of your income to the bosses.
Not the sham perpetuated by the Left to manipulate the soft-hearted/soft-headed to vote Democrat. I mean actual poverty.

Here’s the real definition, not one that is based on some folks having a slightly smaller house than you, or only a 50inch TV….

No Home, No Heat, No Food…..real poverty. If there is such a category in America, it is no more than a rounding error.

2. If you have cable TV….you’re not poor.

3. If you don’t clip the coupons and shop at several grocery stores for the best prices….you know you’re not really poor.

4. If you live in the city, and you have a car….you’re not poor.

5.If you spend more time signing up for government welfare programs rather than looking for creative ways to make some money,….you’re not poor- there are other words to describe you, and they aren't compliments.

You are poor???
Here....let me help:

Some plans if you need some extra bucks: (When Money is Tight, These 9 Resources Can Help You)

6. Make a Little Extra Money While You Watch TV
Surveys aren’t the quickest way to make money, but they’re a great way to cash in on your downtime and pad your pockets for the next rainy day. Fill them out while you’re watching TV, riding the bus or waiting in line.

One survey site we love is called InboxDollars. It offers several short, daily surveys. You earn cash, so you don’t have to worry about exchanging points. It also offers more ways to earn, such as watching videos, playing scratch-off games and searching the internet.

Bonus: You’ll get a free $5 just for signing up!

7. Sell Your Stuff
When you’re short on cash, look to the back of your closet and in the depths of your attic or basement. You’ll almost certainly find a bunch of stuff you don’t use anymore.

A lot of people see this clutter and start plotting a garage sale to earn extra money. The prospect is tempting — but a garage sale might not be worth your time.

Try some alternatives, like selling your stuff online or in town to earn more money with less hassle than hosting a full-blown garage sale. Apps like Letgo and Decluttr make it super easy to sell your stuff without sitting in the front yard and dealing with strangers all day.

More ways to get money without putting your hand in your neighbor’s pocket….next.

Spoken like a true elite who has never known hunger or deprivation in her life and cannot fathom life beyond her bubble.

Saying that if someone has cable TV they’re not poor, shows a level of ignorance seldom seen in adult humans.

You have no idea what you're talkin about. 40% of our country are poor and having a free phone with 250 minutes, a car off the road, and an old TV that is worth nothing does not mean you're not poor, brainwashed functional moron. If a person on welfare has cable they are criminal of some sort. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. You right wing zombies live on an imaginary planet.
You seem to have a reading comprehension problem.
And you are a brainwashed functional moron. Read something

There is no poverty in this nation, merely that propaganda you swallow, and regurgitate here daily.
Show me where any of that link is "propaganda," Political Chic. Unfortunately, it's true, even though it is uncomfortable for someone trying to convince us that there is no poverty in America.

1. Show me where anything I have posted isn't true.

The only way there is poverty in this nation is if you make up a bogus definition of poverty.

Control of the language allows the Liberals to inject a Charles Dickens image of poverty...., complete with orphanages and poor houses.

It is false, as I have proven throughout this thread.”

Stick with an accurate definition....no home, no heat, no food.....and it doesn't exist.

2.The official poverty rate is 12.3 percent, based on the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2017 estimates. That year, an estimated 39.7 million Americans lived in poverty according to the official measure. According to supplemental poverty measure, the poverty rate was 13.9 percent. What Is Poverty? Definition and Measurement - UC Davis Center for Poverty Research

When LBJ began the ‘War on Poverty’ “In 1964, the poverty rate was 19 percent.” Poverty in the 50 years since ‘The Other America,’ in five charts

3. “In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution. Yet progress against poverty, as measured by the U.S. Census Bureau, has been minimal, and in terms of President Johnson’s main goal of reducing the “causes” rather than the mere “consequences” of poverty, the War on Poverty has failed completely. “https://www.heritage.org/poverty-and-inequality/report/the-war-poverty-after-50-years

Effectively, it has been a war on the US Treasury
There are not "poor" people in this country. Even the homeless have clean water and edible food.
Lucky them

You forgot to mention they have Obamaphones

Lucky compared to 80% in the world. What do you think about entitlement?
We are the wealthiest nation on earth

Still we complain our poor do not suffer enough

Agreed. But our poor do not suffer in comparison. And, many of our poor choose to be poor. Do you disagree?
What bullshit.

Compared to the poor around the rest of the world...the lower middle class in this county making $40K is rich.

Do you think someone making $40K is rich?

Of course not.

Just stop
As generous as I am, my present today for our Democrat voters, is to remove any necessity for that hand-wringing, or living in that crisis-mode your masters keep you in.

Democrat voters….be prepared to be shocked: there is neither racism nor poverty in this country!
Yup…you’ve been double-lied to….and you bought it like it was on sale.

The thread will concentrate on the latter lie.

There's no poverty, you have no need to either prepare to step over dead bodies due to starvation.....nor to ever vote Democrat again.

1. There is no poverty, no need for you to fork over a third or more of your income to the bosses.
Not the sham perpetuated by the Left to manipulate the soft-hearted/soft-headed to vote Democrat. I mean actual poverty.

Here’s the real definition, not one that is based on some folks having a slightly smaller house than you, or only a 50inch TV….

No Home, No Heat, No Food…..real poverty. If there is such a category in America, it is no more than a rounding error.

2. If you have cable TV….you’re not poor.

3. If you don’t clip the coupons and shop at several grocery stores for the best prices….you know you’re not really poor.

4. If you live in the city, and you have a car….you’re not poor.

5.If you spend more time signing up for government welfare programs rather than looking for creative ways to make some money,….you’re not poor- there are other words to describe you, and they aren't compliments.

You are poor???
Here....let me help:

Some plans if you need some extra bucks: (When Money is Tight, These 9 Resources Can Help You)

6. Make a Little Extra Money While You Watch TV
Surveys aren’t the quickest way to make money, but they’re a great way to cash in on your downtime and pad your pockets for the next rainy day. Fill them out while you’re watching TV, riding the bus or waiting in line.

One survey site we love is called InboxDollars. It offers several short, daily surveys. You earn cash, so you don’t have to worry about exchanging points. It also offers more ways to earn, such as watching videos, playing scratch-off games and searching the internet.

Bonus: You’ll get a free $5 just for signing up!

7. Sell Your Stuff
When you’re short on cash, look to the back of your closet and in the depths of your attic or basement. You’ll almost certainly find a bunch of stuff you don’t use anymore.

A lot of people see this clutter and start plotting a garage sale to earn extra money. The prospect is tempting — but a garage sale might not be worth your time.

Try some alternatives, like selling your stuff online or in town to earn more money with less hassle than hosting a full-blown garage sale. Apps like Letgo and Decluttr make it super easy to sell your stuff without sitting in the front yard and dealing with strangers all day.

More ways to get money without putting your hand in your neighbor’s pocket….next.[/QUOT
Spoken like a true elite who has never known hunger or deprivation in her life and cannot fathom life beyond her bubble.

Saying that if someone has cable TV they’re not poor, shows a level of ignorance seldom seen in adult humans.

Clearly you aren't capable of making distinctions that apply to this discussion, you dunce.

How about US taxpayers footing the bill for a Jacuzzi????

There are not "poor" people in this country. Even the homeless have clean water and edible food.
Lucky them

You forgot to mention they have Obamaphones

Lucky compared to 80% in the world. What do you think about entitlement?
We are the wealthiest nation on earth

Still we complain our poor do not suffer enough

Agreed. But our poor do not suffer in comparison. And, many of our poor choose to be poor. Do you disagree?

What does that mean?
Are you setting the bar at Somalia?

I think the poor in our country have very few venues to escape poverty. No, I do not blame them
What bullshit.

Compared to the poor around the rest of the world...the lower middle class in this county making $40K is rich.

Do you think someone making $40K is rich?

Of course not.

Just stop
These good Christians are admonishing the poor for the Devil..Since they do not follow the words of Christ on the matter.
That was fiction.....this is truth:


  1. For a real-world perspective on the American ethic, find the Alan Shepard book, “Scratch Beginnings, in which the author recounts his own social experiment, at age 24, starting out at the lowest rung of the economic ladder. The question: could he conquer poverty in one year at his best efforts?
  2. He left his home with nothing but a tarp, sleeping bag, an empty gym bag, the clothes on his back, and $25. The went to Charleston, South Carolina…a city where he had never been before, and where he knew nobody. He didn’t use his college education as a resume, nor any family or other contacts.
  3. The first night he finds the Crisis Ministries homeless shelter, and, next morning, begins working odd jobs. Within a few weeks, he gets a regular job with a moving company. He moonlights on weekends to make extra money.
  4. He makes friends and contacts, and these help him to find jobs and housing…Within five months, he gets a raise from the moving company to $10/ hour. And another, to $11/hour in less than nine months.
  5. Progress was retarded by breaking his foot on the job, yet by three months he was able to move out of the homeless shelter and rent a room in a large house in an upscale part of town. (It was owned by a friend he met while working a second job on weekends.) Then, just a month later, he moved into a two-bedroom duplex with the cousin of one of his co-workers. It was a bit rundown, so the two of them spent a week-end making it like new. (His share was $325 because he took the master bedroom.)
  6. After just ten months he was living in his own furnished apartment, with his own car, and he had $5,300 in savings.
You so don't get it. Poverty is a defeating cycle, Political Chic, that starts before birth a lot of times. The young man you cite having done this social experiment can't be compared to a kid raised poor. For one thing, a poor kid isn't going to have a college education--a lot of times they don't even make it through high school for a lot of different reasons.
It's complex and it's a goddamned waste of human life.

Tell me, are you as willing to make excuses for yourself....?

I bet not.

"...they don't even make it through high school for a lot of different reasons."

And a major reason is Liberals telling them they can't do it, compete with all sorts of excuses.
I knew you would say that, even as I typed it. You know all those evictions I talked about? That means a move, and a lot of times a different school. Try that a couple times a year--or even more--starting in first grade. That and wearing old clothes that the kids laugh at and being too hungry to think about ABC's. Thank goodness almost every school now has free breakfast. That's REAL. And so are snotty teachers with your type of attitude who look at the poor kids as nuisances or worse. THAT's a good part of why they don't care about school and will drop out in order to take some temporary poorly paid job just to put a buck in their pockets, which is a whole lot more important than learning about Ancient Rome or Algebra.

You sure do come equipped with lots of excuses.

It's almost as though you see these others as some sort of
German word meaning subhumans...they're just not as capable as you, eh?

You Liberals are like that, huh?

"It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived."

Why were they evicted?
You are the one viewing them as subhuman.

Looks like I hit you were it hurts....in the truth.

You claimed that the 'poor' weren't capable of doing what you do.....

....looks like I really nailed you, huh?

If you ever get around to reading....


Murray uses a phrase that incorporates the wisdom of traditional morality:
"The elites must preach what they practice."

That means not only epitomize traditional morality in their own behaviors....but have the courage to criticize the aberrant behaviors that are the cause of poverty and crime.

Yup....be judgmental.

And stop calling the poor 'subhumans.'

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