What If We Actually Had Poor People In This Country?

I agree with PC to a point. The poverty line income level is a calculation that moves up as America becomes richer.

Shouldn't that tell you that it is a manipulation by the Left, and not actual poverty?

It's as though the voters they keep in line via the public fisc were a union, entitled to yearly raises.
I have made the argument in other threads that what we call poor today would be considered rich a hundred or more years ago. However, I lack the authority to force the rest of the world to adhere to definitions that I simply make up, even if I believe my definitions are better than the definitions commonly used.

I can't imagine anyone arguing with you about global poverty.....my thread is about how ignorant Americans are of the confidence game being played here.

The failed 'welfare system' is simply a keep-Demcorats-in-office scam.

Real poverty should be addressed; the scam poverty should not be rewarded.

I recommend:
The Tragedy of American Compassion
by Marvin Olasky

Last edited:
You seem to have a reading comprehension problem.
And you are a brainwashed functional moron. Read something

There is no poverty in this nation, merely that propaganda you swallow, and regurgitate here daily.
Read the links, brainwashed functional moron. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. And it just keeps getting worse until the Democrats get in with a landslide.

Over half a century of Democrats feeding the fake welfare system, $22 trillion, the poverty rate is almost the exact same as it was at the start.
  1. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.

The single, solitary aim of the Liberal tax-and-give-away program is to accrue votes.

I love it when you reveal your abject ignorance and stupidity. I’ll use small words so your merger intellect isn’t challenged.

In a capitalistic society, the economy is subject to periods of expansion and contraction. We call the periods of contraction “recessions”. These recessions disproportionately affect low income workers the hardest. A strong social safety net is a requirement in a capitalistic society to protect low income and poor workers from these recessions and down periods.

Perhaps you should read up on Ancient Rome. The rich provided a measure of wheat for every Roman citizen because if the “headcount” was hungry, they tend to get angry and take it out on the rich. And they provided entertainments at the Circus Maximus, paid for out of their own pockets, so that the poor would think kindly of the elites, hence the term “bread and circuses”.

The food was to keep the peace. The games were for the votes.
There are people in America that are poor and some are homeless. That being said, these people are rich compared to the poverty experienced in third world nations.

Poverty is NoHome, NoHeat, NoFood
The only individuals who fit into this category are mentally ill.

Not true - not in California. The Communist regime here is waging war on the middle class and has driven hundreds of thousands into NoHome, NoHeat, NoFood. When Southern California Edison, a government monopoly, fired all of the American IT workers and brought in labor from India to replace them, these people were taken from the middle class into no income. Some bounced back, others didn't. This sort of warfare against middle class America is a daily event in California. The ruling Communist party has driven all industry except Silicone Valley. When, not IF, but WHEN China displaces Silicone Valley the single source of wealth in the Peoples Republic will be gone.

We are just like Venezuela. The elite depend on a single source of wealth. In Venezuela it was oil, here it is technology. But we have transferred our technology to China for decades, they already make all of our chips. It won't take much for them to take over the rest. When that happens, California will fall. The once great manufacturing sector has been deliberately destroyed. The Imperial Valley is a desert now with Chile providing the produce that once came from there. The oil fields are abandoned to rust.

We depend on a single source of income that the democrats have treasonously undercut for decades.

If they had no food, they'd be dead.

It's a simple test for mental capacity.

They rely on churches and relief organizations to feed them.

I live here, this is horribly real. It's new, it started about the time Obama came into office. The Communist rulers here in California became emboldened in their attack on the middle class. This may not be where you are, but it will be.

C'mon....you know I live in the People's Republic of NYC

In 10 years you'll be just as bad as we are...

I'm in Orange County, we were once the "Republican" enclave.

There is no poverty in this nation, merely that propaganda you swallow, and regurgitate here daily.
Read the links, brainwashed functional moron. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. And it just keeps getting worse until the Democrats get in with a landslide.

Over half a century of Democrats feeding the fake welfare system, $22 trillion, the poverty rate is almost the exact same as it was at the start.
  1. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.

The single, solitary aim of the Liberal tax-and-give-away program is to accrue votes.

I love it when you reveal your abject ignorance and stupidity. I’ll use small words so your merger intellect isn’t challenged.

In a capitalistic society, the economy is subject to periods of expansion and contraction. We call the periods of contraction “recessions”. These recessions disproportionately affect low income workers the hardest. A strong social safety net is a requirement in a capitalistic society to protect low income and poor workers from these recessions and down periods.

Perhaps you should read up on Ancient Rome. The rich provided a measure of wheat for every Roman citizen because if the “headcount” was hungry, they tend to get angry and take it out on the rich. And they provided entertainments at the Circus Maximus, paid for out of their own pockets, so that the poor would think kindly of the elites, hence the term “bread and circuses”.

The food was to keep the peace. The games were for the votes.

There is nothing more amusing than a moron trying to insult their better, but spells it wrong.

"I love it when you reveal your abject ignorance and stupidity. I’ll use small words so your merger (sic) intellect isn’t challenged."

English is my second language.....do you have a first one?
Last edited:
Poverty is NoHome, NoHeat, NoFood
The only individuals who fit into this category are mentally ill.

Not true - not in California. The Communist regime here is waging war on the middle class and has driven hundreds of thousands into NoHome, NoHeat, NoFood. When Southern California Edison, a government monopoly, fired all of the American IT workers and brought in labor from India to replace them, these people were taken from the middle class into no income. Some bounced back, others didn't. This sort of warfare against middle class America is a daily event in California. The ruling Communist party has driven all industry except Silicone Valley. When, not IF, but WHEN China displaces Silicone Valley the single source of wealth in the Peoples Republic will be gone.

We are just like Venezuela. The elite depend on a single source of wealth. In Venezuela it was oil, here it is technology. But we have transferred our technology to China for decades, they already make all of our chips. It won't take much for them to take over the rest. When that happens, California will fall. The once great manufacturing sector has been deliberately destroyed. The Imperial Valley is a desert now with Chile providing the produce that once came from there. The oil fields are abandoned to rust.

We depend on a single source of income that the democrats have treasonously undercut for decades.

If they had no food, they'd be dead.

It's a simple test for mental capacity.

They rely on churches and relief organizations to feed them.

I live here, this is horribly real. It's new, it started about the time Obama came into office. The Communist rulers here in California became emboldened in their attack on the middle class. This may not be where you are, but it will be.

C'mon....you know I live in the People's Republic of NYC

In 10 years you'll be just as bad as we are...

I'm in Orange County, we were once the "Republican" enclave.

"California Considering Tax On Breathing


SACRAMENTO, CA—The California legislature unveiled plans last week for a new tax on the privilege of breathing.

The "Check Your Oxygen Privilege Act" will be voted on later this week. If passed into law, Californians will pay a progressive tax on inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, with wealthier residents paying as much as 40% of their income for every breath they take. The poorest tax bracket may receive a subsidy for their breaths under the new model.

"Once again, California is at the forefront of progress," Jerry Brown said in a press conference Monday. "We've talked about taxing text messages, vehicle mileage, sneezing, sleeping, and your very existence, and this was the logical next step." The government has reportedly developed special breathing meters to help implement the bill, should it pass. Californians will be forced to purchase the meters from the state and wear them at all times to ensure accurate measurement of the amount of air they're using.

At publishing time, California had unveiled a tax on taxes, charging residents a luxury tax for the privilege of being taxed."
California Considering Tax On Breathing
Poverty is NoHome, NoHeat, NoFood
The only individuals who fit into this category are mentally ill.

Not true - not in California. The Communist regime here is waging war on the middle class and has driven hundreds of thousands into NoHome, NoHeat, NoFood. When Southern California Edison, a government monopoly, fired all of the American IT workers and brought in labor from India to replace them, these people were taken from the middle class into no income. Some bounced back, others didn't. This sort of warfare against middle class America is a daily event in California. The ruling Communist party has driven all industry except Silicone Valley. When, not IF, but WHEN China displaces Silicone Valley the single source of wealth in the Peoples Republic will be gone.

We are just like Venezuela. The elite depend on a single source of wealth. In Venezuela it was oil, here it is technology. But we have transferred our technology to China for decades, they already make all of our chips. It won't take much for them to take over the rest. When that happens, California will fall. The once great manufacturing sector has been deliberately destroyed. The Imperial Valley is a desert now with Chile providing the produce that once came from there. The oil fields are abandoned to rust.

We depend on a single source of income that the democrats have treasonously undercut for decades.

If they had no food, they'd be dead.

It's a simple test for mental capacity.

They rely on churches and relief organizations to feed them.

I live here, this is horribly real. It's new, it started about the time Obama came into office. The Communist rulers here in California became emboldened in their attack on the middle class. This may not be where you are, but it will be.
increasing our minimum wage will help improve conditions for those who make more than the minimum wage.

No stupid fuck, it wouldn't.

You lack the intellect to grasp that currency is just a marker for value. Manipulating fiat currency only changes the scale of the marker, value remains static. I've explained this to you before, but you lack the education, intellect, and sobriety to understand it.
a cost of living adjustment, that is all. why so much drama queenery in our Republic, right winger?
You seem to have a reading comprehension problem.
And you are a brainwashed functional moron. Read something

There is no poverty in this nation, merely that propaganda you swallow, and regurgitate here daily.
Read the links, brainwashed functional moron. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. And it just keeps getting worse until the Democrats get in with a landslide.

Over half a century of Democrats feeding the fake welfare system, $22 trillion, the poverty rate is almost the exact same as it was at the start.
  1. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.

The single, solitary aim of the Liberal tax-and-give-away program is to accrue votes.
The trend we have of greater and greater inequality and less upward Mobility started with Reagan tax rates giveaway to the rich and screwing everyone else. It won't change until Democrats get a landslide.
Not true - not in California. The Communist regime here is waging war on the middle class and has driven hundreds of thousands into NoHome, NoHeat, NoFood. When Southern California Edison, a government monopoly, fired all of the American IT workers and brought in labor from India to replace them, these people were taken from the middle class into no income. Some bounced back, others didn't. This sort of warfare against middle class America is a daily event in California. The ruling Communist party has driven all industry except Silicone Valley. When, not IF, but WHEN China displaces Silicone Valley the single source of wealth in the Peoples Republic will be gone.

We are just like Venezuela. The elite depend on a single source of wealth. In Venezuela it was oil, here it is technology. But we have transferred our technology to China for decades, they already make all of our chips. It won't take much for them to take over the rest. When that happens, California will fall. The once great manufacturing sector has been deliberately destroyed. The Imperial Valley is a desert now with Chile providing the produce that once came from there. The oil fields are abandoned to rust.

We depend on a single source of income that the democrats have treasonously undercut for decades.

If they had no food, they'd be dead.

It's a simple test for mental capacity.

They rely on churches and relief organizations to feed them.

I live here, this is horribly real. It's new, it started about the time Obama came into office. The Communist rulers here in California became emboldened in their attack on the middle class. This may not be where you are, but it will be.

C'mon....you know I live in the People's Republic of NYC

In 10 years you'll be just as bad as we are...

I'm in Orange County, we were once the "Republican" enclave.

"California Considering Tax On Breathing


SACRAMENTO, CA—The California legislature unveiled plans last week for a new tax on the privilege of breathing.

The "Check Your Oxygen Privilege Act" will be voted on later this week. If passed into law, Californians will pay a progressive tax on inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, with wealthier residents paying as much as 40% of their income for every breath they take. The poorest tax bracket may receive a subsidy for their breaths under the new model.

"Once again, California is at the forefront of progress," Jerry Brown said in a press conference Monday. "We've talked about taxing text messages, vehicle mileage, sneezing, sleeping, and your very existence, and this was the logical next step." The government has reportedly developed special breathing meters to help implement the bill, should it pass. Californians will be forced to purchase the meters from the state and wear them at all times to ensure accurate measurement of the amount of air they're using.

At publishing time, California had unveiled a tax on taxes, charging residents a luxury tax for the privilege of being taxed."
California Considering Tax On Breathing
The great success Governor Brown has had is mainly due to his to his taxing the rich more like their fair share, since our GOP obstruction government won't do it

There is no poverty in this nation, merely that propaganda you swallow, and regurgitate here daily.
Read the links, brainwashed functional moron. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. And it just keeps getting worse until the Democrats get in with a landslide.

Over half a century of Democrats feeding the fake welfare system, $22 trillion, the poverty rate is almost the exact same as it was at the start.
  1. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.

The single, solitary aim of the Liberal tax-and-give-away program is to accrue votes.
The trend we have of greater and greater inequality and less upward Mobility started with Reagan tax rates giveaway to the rich and screwing everyone else. It won't change until Democrats get a landslide.

1. " ...greater and greater inequality and less upward Mobility ..."
It takes an immense lack of understanding of the purpose of government to believe (I almost said 'think') that government is responsible to alter this.

2. "... individuals move between income categories all the time. If someone who makes $70,000 a year and sells their $200,000 house in a given year, the snapshot of that given year will show much higher income. The same goes for a wealthy investor whose income could drop after losing a large investment. These categories create the illusion that those who fill each bracket actually remain fixed there each year."

The Myth of Income Inequality - TheCollegeConservative.com

3. "It won't change until Democrats get a landslide."

You mean 'Bolsheviks,' don't you.

How'd that work out last time?
If they had no food, they'd be dead.

It's a simple test for mental capacity.

They rely on churches and relief organizations to feed them.

I live here, this is horribly real. It's new, it started about the time Obama came into office. The Communist rulers here in California became emboldened in their attack on the middle class. This may not be where you are, but it will be.

C'mon....you know I live in the People's Republic of NYC

In 10 years you'll be just as bad as we are...

I'm in Orange County, we were once the "Republican" enclave.

"California Considering Tax On Breathing


SACRAMENTO, CA—The California legislature unveiled plans last week for a new tax on the privilege of breathing.

The "Check Your Oxygen Privilege Act" will be voted on later this week. If passed into law, Californians will pay a progressive tax on inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, with wealthier residents paying as much as 40% of their income for every breath they take. The poorest tax bracket may receive a subsidy for their breaths under the new model.

"Once again, California is at the forefront of progress," Jerry Brown said in a press conference Monday. "We've talked about taxing text messages, vehicle mileage, sneezing, sleeping, and your very existence, and this was the logical next step." The government has reportedly developed special breathing meters to help implement the bill, should it pass. Californians will be forced to purchase the meters from the state and wear them at all times to ensure accurate measurement of the amount of air they're using.

At publishing time, California had unveiled a tax on taxes, charging residents a luxury tax for the privilege of being taxed."
California Considering Tax On Breathing
The great success Governor Brown has had is mainly due to his to his taxing the rich more like their fair share, since our GOP obstruction government won't do it

"The great success Governor Brown has had..."

. "Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?"
Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?

That's the LATimes....
Why just the other day I saw a guy with a sign that said....”Will work for food”

So I had him come over, seal my driveway, clean my gutters and clean my garbage cans.......I gave him a Cheeseburger

That is the way America should work
Wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised you would only give him a cheeseburger...
TRUE: California has the nation’s highest poverty rate
Doesn’t seem to be working....

If they had no food, they'd be dead.

It's a simple test for mental capacity.

They rely on churches and relief organizations to feed them.

I live here, this is horribly real. It's new, it started about the time Obama came into office. The Communist rulers here in California became emboldened in their attack on the middle class. This may not be where you are, but it will be.

C'mon....you know I live in the People's Republic of NYC

In 10 years you'll be just as bad as we are...

I'm in Orange County, we were once the "Republican" enclave.

"California Considering Tax On Breathing


SACRAMENTO, CA—The California legislature unveiled plans last week for a new tax on the privilege of breathing.

The "Check Your Oxygen Privilege Act" will be voted on later this week. If passed into law, Californians will pay a progressive tax on inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, with wealthier residents paying as much as 40% of their income for every breath they take. The poorest tax bracket may receive a subsidy for their breaths under the new model.

"Once again, California is at the forefront of progress," Jerry Brown said in a press conference Monday. "We've talked about taxing text messages, vehicle mileage, sneezing, sleeping, and your very existence, and this was the logical next step." The government has reportedly developed special breathing meters to help implement the bill, should it pass. Californians will be forced to purchase the meters from the state and wear them at all times to ensure accurate measurement of the amount of air they're using.

At publishing time, California had unveiled a tax on taxes, charging residents a luxury tax for the privilege of being taxed."
California Considering Tax On Breathing
The great success Governor Brown has had is mainly due to his to his taxing the rich more like their fair share, since our GOP obstruction government won't do it
Why just the other day I saw a guy with a sign that said....”Will work for food”

So I had him come over, seal my driveway, clean my gutters and clean my garbage cans.......I gave him a Cheeseburger

That is the way America should work
Wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised you would only give him a cheeseburger...

Cheeseburger is food

I tell ya bout the time I was at the Checkout counter in the supermarket an I was behind a woman with nine kids and she was buying Filet Mignon, Lobster and caviar and she paid for it with food stamps?

Our poor have it so good
Why just the other day I saw a guy with a sign that said....”Will work for food”

So I had him come over, seal my driveway, clean my gutters and clean my garbage cans.......I gave him a Cheeseburger

That is the way America should work
Wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised you would only give him a cheeseburger...

Cheeseburger is food

I tell ya bout the time I was at the Checkout counter in the supermarket an I was behind a woman with nine kids and she was buying Filet Mignon, Lobster and caviar and she paid for it with food stamps?

Our poor have it so good

Well, hell, you should have given your wife some cash.

There is no poverty in this nation, merely that propaganda you swallow, and regurgitate here daily.
Read the links, brainwashed functional moron. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. And it just keeps getting worse until the Democrats get in with a landslide.

Over half a century of Democrats feeding the fake welfare system, $22 trillion, the poverty rate is almost the exact same as it was at the start.
  1. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.

The single, solitary aim of the Liberal tax-and-give-away program is to accrue votes.
The trend we have of greater and greater inequality and less upward Mobility started with Reagan tax rates giveaway to the rich and screwing everyone else. It won't change until Democrats get a landslide.

1. " ...greater and greater inequality and less upward Mobility ..."
It takes an immense lack of understanding of the purpose of government to believe (I almost said 'think') that government is responsible to alter this.

2. "... individuals move between income categories all the time. If someone who makes $70,000 a year and sells their $200,000 house in a given year, the snapshot of that given year will show much higher income. The same goes for a wealthy investor whose income could drop after losing a large investment. These categories create the illusion that those who fill each bracket actually remain fixed there each year."

The Myth of Income Inequality - TheCollegeConservative.com

3. "It won't change until Democrats get a landslide."

You mean 'Bolsheviks,' don't you.

How'd that work out last time?
our story is, Labor needs a cost of living adjustment by increasing the minimum wage; and, raise more tax revenue and create more in demand in that market friendly process.
You so don't get it. Poverty is a defeating cycle, Political Chic, that starts before birth a lot of times. The young man you cite having done this social experiment can't be compared to a kid raised poor. For one thing, a poor kid isn't going to have a college education--a lot of times they don't even make it through high school for a lot of different reasons.
It's complex and it's a goddamned waste of human life.

Tell me, are you as willing to make excuses for yourself....?

I bet not.

"...they don't even make it through high school for a lot of different reasons."

And a major reason is Liberals telling them they can't do it, compete with all sorts of excuses.
I knew you would say that, even as I typed it. You know all those evictions I talked about? That means a move, and a lot of times a different school. Try that a couple times a year--or even more--starting in first grade. That and wearing old clothes that the kids laugh at and being too hungry to think about ABC's. Thank goodness almost every school now has free breakfast. That's REAL. And so are snotty teachers with your type of attitude who look at the poor kids as nuisances or worse. THAT's a good part of why they don't care about school and will drop out in order to take some temporary poorly paid job just to put a buck in their pockets, which is a whole lot more important than learning about Ancient Rome or Algebra.

You sure do come equipped with lots of excuses.

It's almost as though you see these others as some sort of
German word meaning subhumans...they're just not as capable as you, eh?

You Liberals are like that, huh?

"It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived."

Why were they evicted?
You are the one viewing them as subhuman.

Looks like I hit you were it hurts....in the truth.

You claimed that the 'poor' weren't capable of doing what you do.....

....looks like I really nailed you, huh?

If you ever get around to reading....


Murray uses a phrase that incorporates the wisdom of traditional morality:
"The elites must preach what they practice."

That means not only epitomize traditional morality in their own behaviors....but have the courage to criticize the aberrant behaviors that are the cause of poverty and crime.

Yup....be judgmental.

And stop calling the poor 'subhumans.'
You make me sick.
Tell me, are you as willing to make excuses for yourself....?

I bet not.

"...they don't even make it through high school for a lot of different reasons."

And a major reason is Liberals telling them they can't do it, compete with all sorts of excuses.
I knew you would say that, even as I typed it. You know all those evictions I talked about? That means a move, and a lot of times a different school. Try that a couple times a year--or even more--starting in first grade. That and wearing old clothes that the kids laugh at and being too hungry to think about ABC's. Thank goodness almost every school now has free breakfast. That's REAL. And so are snotty teachers with your type of attitude who look at the poor kids as nuisances or worse. THAT's a good part of why they don't care about school and will drop out in order to take some temporary poorly paid job just to put a buck in their pockets, which is a whole lot more important than learning about Ancient Rome or Algebra.

You sure do come equipped with lots of excuses.

It's almost as though you see these others as some sort of
German word meaning subhumans...they're just not as capable as you, eh?

You Liberals are like that, huh?

"It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived."

Why were they evicted?
You are the one viewing them as subhuman.

Looks like I hit you were it hurts....in the truth.

You claimed that the 'poor' weren't capable of doing what you do.....

....looks like I really nailed you, huh?

If you ever get around to reading....


Murray uses a phrase that incorporates the wisdom of traditional morality:
"The elites must preach what they practice."

That means not only epitomize traditional morality in their own behaviors....but have the courage to criticize the aberrant behaviors that are the cause of poverty and crime.

Yup....be judgmental.

And stop calling the poor 'subhumans.'
You make me sick.

I have found that sudden exposure to truth has that effect on Liberals.
I knew you would say that, even as I typed it. You know all those evictions I talked about? That means a move, and a lot of times a different school. Try that a couple times a year--or even more--starting in first grade. That and wearing old clothes that the kids laugh at and being too hungry to think about ABC's. Thank goodness almost every school now has free breakfast. That's REAL. And so are snotty teachers with your type of attitude who look at the poor kids as nuisances or worse. THAT's a good part of why they don't care about school and will drop out in order to take some temporary poorly paid job just to put a buck in their pockets, which is a whole lot more important than learning about Ancient Rome or Algebra.

You sure do come equipped with lots of excuses.

It's almost as though you see these others as some sort of
German word meaning subhumans...they're just not as capable as you, eh?

You Liberals are like that, huh?

"It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived."

Why were they evicted?
You are the one viewing them as subhuman.

Looks like I hit you were it hurts....in the truth.

You claimed that the 'poor' weren't capable of doing what you do.....

....looks like I really nailed you, huh?

If you ever get around to reading....


Murray uses a phrase that incorporates the wisdom of traditional morality:
"The elites must preach what they practice."

That means not only epitomize traditional morality in their own behaviors....but have the courage to criticize the aberrant behaviors that are the cause of poverty and crime.

Yup....be judgmental.

And stop calling the poor 'subhumans.'
You make me sick.

I have found that sudden exposure to truth has that effect on Liberals.


There is no poverty in this nation, merely that propaganda you swallow, and regurgitate here daily.
Read the links, brainwashed functional moron. After 35 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world. And it just keeps getting worse until the Democrats get in with a landslide.

Over half a century of Democrats feeding the fake welfare system, $22 trillion, the poverty rate is almost the exact same as it was at the start.
  1. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.

The single, solitary aim of the Liberal tax-and-give-away program is to accrue votes.
The trend we have of greater and greater inequality and less upward Mobility started with Reagan tax rates giveaway to the rich and screwing everyone else. It won't change until Democrats get a landslide.

1. " ...greater and greater inequality and less upward Mobility ..."
It takes an immense lack of understanding of the purpose of government to believe (I almost said 'think') that government is responsible to alter this.

2. "... individuals move between income categories all the time. If someone who makes $70,000 a year and sells their $200,000 house in a given year, the snapshot of that given year will show much higher income. The same goes for a wealthy investor whose income could drop after losing a large investment. These categories create the illusion that those who fill each bracket actually remain fixed there each year."

The Myth of Income Inequality - TheCollegeConservative.com

3. "It won't change until Democrats get a landslide."

You mean 'Bolsheviks,' don't you.

How'd that work out last time?
Medicare Medicaid the Great Society, dingbat.

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