What if we aren't taking this as seriously as we should?

Wow, it's amazing how the RWNJs deflected this thread from it's OP!

Here's the deal...

D. Trump is very likely a Russian intelligence asset.
What if aliens really did crash at Roswell? What if Atlantis really does exist? What if the moon landing really was faked? All fun things to theorize about but basically zero chance any of them are true.
Seriously, have any if you looked at this not as a series of discreet events, but as a whole pattern?

An interesting and compelling look from NY Magazine
What If Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987?

A little snip from the opening. Read the rest at the link and discuss.
The unfolding of the Russia scandal has been like walking into a dark cavern. Every step reveals that the cave runs deeper than we thought, and after each one, as we wonder how far it goes, our imaginations are circumscribed by the steps we have already taken. The cavern might go just a little farther, we presume, but probably not much farther. And since trying to discern the size and shape of the scandal is an exercise in uncertainty, we focus our attention on the most likely outcome, which is that the story goes a little deeper than what we have already discovered. Say, that Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort told their candidate about the meeting they held at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer after they were promised dirt on Hillary Clinton; and that Trump and Kushner have some shady Russian investments; and that some of Trump’s advisers made some promises about lifting sanctions.

But what if that’s wrong? What if we’re still standing closer to the mouth of the cave than the end?

The media has treated the notion that Russia has personally compromised the president of the United States as something close to a kook theory. A minority of analysts, mostly but not exclusively on the right, have promoted aggressively exculpatory interpretations of the known facts, in which every suspicious piece of evidence turns out to have a surprisingly innocent explanation. And it is possible, though unlikely, that every trail between Trump Tower and the Kremlin extends no farther than its point of current visibility.

Its just a liberal rag op ed begging for this kabuki theater investigation to last forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.............
The world doesn't give a crap about the investigation.
I think some votes may be affected if evidence shows a compelling case of Trump actively seeking and getting Russian help.

But the dems have to win all the states they did last time and PA, Mich and Wisc. They have no hope for Fla barring some real game changer.

"I think the world would be very different if unicorns appeared and shit glittery rainbows everywhere."

No one's seen the slightest hint of a "compelling case" so far,
Certainly it is compelling to anyone who reads the papers
Seriously, have any if you looked at this not as a series of discreet events, but as a whole pattern?

An interesting and compelling look from NY Magazine
What If Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987?

A little snip from the opening. Read the rest at the link and discuss.
The unfolding of the Russia scandal has been like walking into a dark cavern. Every step reveals that the cave runs deeper than we thought, and after each one, as we wonder how far it goes, our imaginations are circumscribed by the steps we have already taken. The cavern might go just a little farther, we presume, but probably not much farther. And since trying to discern the size and shape of the scandal is an exercise in uncertainty, we focus our attention on the most likely outcome, which is that the story goes a little deeper than what we have already discovered. Say, that Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort told their candidate about the meeting they held at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer after they were promised dirt on Hillary Clinton; and that Trump and Kushner have some shady Russian investments; and that some of Trump’s advisers made some promises about lifting sanctions.

But what if that’s wrong? What if we’re still standing closer to the mouth of the cave than the end?

The media has treated the notion that Russia has personally compromised the president of the United States as something close to a kook theory. A minority of analysts, mostly but not exclusively on the right, have promoted aggressively exculpatory interpretations of the known facts, in which every suspicious piece of evidence turns out to have a surprisingly innocent explanation. And it is possible, though unlikely, that every trail between Trump Tower and the Kremlin extends no farther than its point of current visibility.
Trump said fuck no, I'm no racist and you guys don't know how to handle it. You've never had to prove you opponents were racist and now that Trump requires proof, you have some of the dumbest responses.

Just as long as blacks, browns, Asians and Native Americans KNOW that the scumbag,Trump is a racist.......It makes no difference if Trump ass lickers "defend" his blatant racism................LOL

Racism and Donald Trump: a common thread throughout his career ...

Trump branded racist over 'shit-hole' slur

Young voters will provide a counterweight to Trump's racism.
Donald Trump is a racist.

"Just as long as we can keep propagandizing the minorities, we don't need to worry about them thinking for themselves and finding out the truth."
Wow, it's amazing how the RWNJs deflected this thread from it's OP!

Here's the deal...

D. Trump is very likely a Russian intelligence asset.

Here's the deal . . .

Your word is worth less than the contents of my kitten's litter box. Prove it.
Seriously, have any if you looked at this not as a series of discreet events, but as a whole pattern?

An interesting and compelling look from NY Magazine
What If Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987?

A little snip from the opening. Read the rest at the link and discuss.

Its just a liberal rag op ed begging for this kabuki theater investigation to last forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.............
The world doesn't give a crap about the investigation.
I think some votes may be affected if evidence shows a compelling case of Trump actively seeking and getting Russian help.

But the dems have to win all the states they did last time and PA, Mich and Wisc. They have no hope for Fla barring some real game changer.

"I think the world would be very different if unicorns appeared and shit glittery rainbows everywhere."

No one's seen the slightest hint of a "compelling case" so far,
Certainly it is compelling to anyone who reads the papers

There's a large difference between "entertaining speculation" and "compelling case". If you had a compelling case, or even a case, you wouldn't be citing the fucking media as your "Gotcha!" point; you'd be citing me the actual charges being filed against him by the appropriate authorities.

I note with interest, however, that all you have is a lot of gassing on the op-ed pages, and nary a bit of actual evidence in sight, let alone any sort of prosecution. Persecution, yes; but not prosecution.
I think some people have watched The Manchurian Candidate one too many times.
I still believe in the concept of justice. Meaning, Trump was elected to be president and he should finish out his term until there's some type of evidence that proves he doesn't deserve to hold the post on legal grounds. If the Mueller turns out some evidence then great, let's impeach. If it doesn't, then he shouldn't be impeached, no matter how much you don't like him. Worst case: you'll get your chance to remove him from office in 2020.

Simple stuff really.

He can only be impeached if he commits a crime.

Let's say he DID collude with Russia to win the election. That's not a crime. There is no such crime as "collusion."

So millions of dollars are being wasted to investigate whether or not Trump did something that's not a crime. Um ok....sure money well spent.
Seriously, have any if you looked at this not as a series of discreet events, but as a whole pattern?

An interesting and compelling look from NY Magazine
What If Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987?

A little snip from the opening. Read the rest at the link and discuss.
The unfolding of the Russia scandal has been like walking into a dark cavern. Every step reveals that the cave runs deeper than we thought, and after each one, as we wonder how far it goes, our imaginations are circumscribed by the steps we have already taken. The cavern might go just a little farther, we presume, but probably not much farther. And since trying to discern the size and shape of the scandal is an exercise in uncertainty, we focus our attention on the most likely outcome, which is that the story goes a little deeper than what we have already discovered. Say, that Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort told their candidate about the meeting they held at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer after they were promised dirt on Hillary Clinton; and that Trump and Kushner have some shady Russian investments; and that some of Trump’s advisers made some promises about lifting sanctions.

But what if that’s wrong? What if we’re still standing closer to the mouth of the cave than the end?

The media has treated the notion that Russia has personally compromised the president of the United States as something close to a kook theory. A minority of analysts, mostly but not exclusively on the right, have promoted aggressively exculpatory interpretations of the known facts, in which every suspicious piece of evidence turns out to have a surprisingly innocent explanation. And it is possible, though unlikely, that every trail between Trump Tower and the Kremlin extends no farther than its point of current visibility.

Why should I take your paranoid delusions seriously? If I did I'd be depressed that we have untreated people as mentally ill as you are, sir.

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