What In The World Is He Talking About?

lol ... pointing out the very thing YOU are attacking biden for is... ATTACKING?

LOL!!!!! how utterly ironic.

First of all I already know that Trump has said stupid stuff in the past and I can admit it. Although I will defend him when lies are being spread about him. When have you ever defended Biden with anything else besides attacks on Trump? :rolleyes:

Yeah,.. that's what I thought. You can't because this puppet doesn't have any good traits for you lunatics except he's not Trump. Hence, attacking Trump is the only comeback you have, it's never about what a good president you think Biden is,.. it's always insults about Trump, because you can never deny anything we say about Biden. Sucks to be you. ;)
First of all I already know that Trump has said stupid stuff in the past and I can admit it. Although I will defend him when lies are being spread about him. When have you ever defended Biden with anything else besides attacks on Trump? :rolleyes:

Yeah,.. that's what I thought. You can't because this puppet doesn't have any good traits for you lunatics except he's not Trump. Hence, attacking Trump is the only comeback you have, it's never about what a good president you think Biden is,.. it's always insults about Trump, because you can never deny anything we say about Biden. Sucks to be you. ;)

lol .... sucks to be willfully ignorant & easily manipulated.

Is Biden’s Stutter Being Mistaken for “Cognitive Decline”?

Biden’s verbal stumbles may be explained not by cognitive problems but by his lifelong battle with stuttering. Journalists should provide that context​

Is Biden’s Stutter Being Mistaken for “Cognitive Decline”? - Nieman Reports

THIS is joe biden....

& this is your chosen one:

see the difference?

Blows my mind how you kids think I'm the stupid one but you can't figure out a single letter typo from context.

You're an idiot, just like the rest of them.
I’d be satisfied if you just posted substantive posts instead of constant personal attacks.
The Doctor's Wife
I doubt the walking talking disaster even knows what he says. Never mind anyone listening to his blabbering. Good Lord. Just think we have three more years of this incompetent boob to get through.
Another one that can't defend the President so is now trying to change the subject. Nice spin there!

LOL! is biden an ideal prez? nope.

but considering he's only had the job 11 months that began with freeze out of intel well after he was elected, & has 4 years of shit & 11 months of shit that can't shut up - i say at least i can breathe a little & not wonder what orange shaded shit show would be waiting for me as i turn on my pc.

so there is that.
Yup three more years to be the walking talking disaster he is. Guess you don't mind another million illegals in the country. Illegals that cost us billions each year. Oh and the border is wide open. Guess you don't mind that either.

Trump had the border very secure and the fully funded wall would have added to that security. Once Bidung took over he stopped construction on the wall. Handcuffed ICE and BP and opened the border to every illegal, many with the Chinese virus, that wanted in.

I'm wondering if we tax payers can survive another three years of the incompetent boob you voted for. Congrats.
Once Bidung took over he stopped construction on the wall

lol... yer chosen one pardoned the human sausage casing that had stolen & defrauded his deplorable base outa their hard earned cash for a 'build the wall' scam & you still support him.


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