What, in your opinion, are the biggest political travesties of our time?

The GOP's control of the House.

It's based on the 2010 election in which less than half of eligible voters participated. The gerrymandering after that helped them keep the House again. Granted, that's Democrats fault for not voting in greater numbers in 2010. But tens of millions of more voters took part in the 2008 and 2012 elections, and they are for that reason the more legitimate elections.

The GOP's control of the House isn't quite as fraudulent as Dumbya's first term, which was illegal and phony, but it's close.

Much of the right is no longer American. They are traitors and the rw's voters are desperately hanging on to their ignorance.

Is it weird that at first glance I read the topic title as "political transvestites"?:eusa_shifty:
The War on Poverty aspect of The Great Society, which just furthered the welfare state initiated during The New Deal.

Republicans have substituted a war on poverty with a war on the poor

What have the Democrats done to help the poor get out of poverty? We all know they will increase food stamps and various forms of government assistance but all that does is make poverty more tolerable it does not get you out of it.

Good question

Other than the safety net programs that you hate, they have instituted jobs training programs, jobs placement, urban development programs, child care programs, head start programs, economic incentives to hire the poor

Now, what have Republicans done other than move jobs out of urban areas?
Abortion on demand.

Political correctness


Congress and our President pissing all over the Constitution, all in the guise of safety
1) W's false war with Iraq costing the american people trillions and countless american hero's lives.
2) The GOP shitting all over the constitution and freedom to implement their huge government patriot act
3) The W/GOP tax cuts to the rich which tanked the economy on epic proportions.
4) The Koch's hijacking the tea party and turning it into a radical right wing fascist extension of their daddy's John Birch Society dream for the nation.
5) The GOP letting their big banker cronies run wild creating the housing nightmare.
6) To add insult to injury, W and the GOP bailed out their big banker cronies on taxpayer dime while telling everyone they screwed over to go to hell.
7) Reagan making illegal arms deals with terrorists in Iran/Contra
8) Reagan essentially creating the taliban, brought them to the white house, and called them the moral equivalents to america's founding fathers.
9) Trickle down economics
10) Bush 1's all out war on the first amendment with musical artists.

and I could go on and on,...Simply put, the greatest travesty to modern politics is the modern fascist party, once known as the republicans.

Good list which I'll add to.

11) Fox News RW propaganda machine manufacturing an army of useful idiots.
12) MSM abandoning hardcore investigative journalism in favor of 24 hour fluff.
The GOP's control of the House.

It's based on the 2010 election in which less than half of eligible voters participated. The gerrymandering after that helped them keep the House again. Granted, that's Democrats fault for not voting in greater numbers in 2010. But tens of millions of more voters took part in the 2008 and 2012 elections, and they are for that reason the more legitimate elections.

The GOP's control of the House isn't quite as fraudulent as Dumbya's first term, which was illegal and phony, but it's close.

Much of the right is no longer American. They are traitors and the rw's voters are desperately hanging on to their ignorance.


What has any Republican done to "destroy the country?"

1) The Bush tax cuts
2) Citizens United
3).The Iraq War

1)Nafta, WTO and other "free trade" pacts

2)Obama not siccing his attorney general on bush/cheney for war crimes

3)Obama for not siccing his attorney general on wall street criminals

3)Obama for trying to reach across the aisle to republicans and be bipartisan even though these scumbags declared war on him from day one.
The GOP's control of the House.

It's based on the 2010 election in which less than half of eligible voters participated. The gerrymandering after that helped them keep the House again. Granted, that's Democrats fault for not voting in greater numbers in 2010. But tens of millions of more voters took part in the 2008 and 2012 elections, and they are for that reason the more legitimate elections.

The GOP's control of the House isn't quite as fraudulent as Dumbya's first term, which was illegal and phony, but it's close.

Much of the right is no longer American. They are traitors and the rw's voters are desperately hanging on to their ignorance.


You almost gotta laugh. Gerrymandering has been around since the Revolution and lefties still whine about it. The voter turnout in mid term elections is relatively stable but lefties have invented a new excuse. Anything is better than defending the Hussein administration. What a pathetic bunch.
The War on Poverty aspect of The Great Society, which just furthered the welfare state initiated during The New Deal.

Republicans have substituted a war on poverty with a war on the poor

When the Republicans moved Clinton to work on welfare reform, it was a step in the right direction...a hand up, rather than a hand out. Bush working to get the community/churches involved to reach out and help their neighbors was a further move to show that government doesn't have to be the only savior. If it makes you feel better to think that the right hates helping people, then that's your sad state of mind.

You right wingers hate the poor and you know it. That's all these never ending complaints are about from the right..food stamps and how people spend it and on and on.I never, ever, see anyone on the right complain about corporate welfare because you people worship money and anyone who has it.
The War on Poverty aspect of The Great Society, which just furthered the welfare state initiated during The New Deal.

Republicans have substituted a war on poverty with a war on the poor

When the Republicans moved Clinton to work on welfare reform, it was a step in the right direction...a hand up, rather than a hand out. Bush working to get the community/churches involved to reach out and help their neighbors was a further move to show that government doesn't have to be the only savior. If it makes you feel better to think that the right hates helping people, then that's your sad state of mind.

Obama and his reelection.

Ohh and the fact the main Stream press gives the Democrats a pass on a total lack of leadership and failure to pass a budget in 5 years.

Obama's re-election is worse than Iraq, the Bush tax cuts, the deficit, letting the auto industry go bankrupt, the tens of thousands maimed in Iraq, the thousands of American needlessly killed in Iraq, the 1800 who died after Katrina while Brownie was doing a "good job", the carcinogenic trailers given to Katrina survives, the voter suppression, the.......

You're an idiot.
Republicans have substituted a war on poverty with a war on the poor

When the Republicans moved Clinton to work on welfare reform, it was a step in the right direction...a hand up, rather than a hand out. Bush working to get the community/churches involved to reach out and help their neighbors was a further move to show that government doesn't have to be the only savior. If it makes you feel better to think that the right hates helping people, then that's your sad state of mind.

You right wingers hate the poor and you know it. That's all these never ending complaints are about from the right..food stamps and how people spend it and on and on.I never, ever, see anyone on the right complain about corporate welfare because you people worship money and anyone who has it.

:lol: Someone here is certainly full of hate.:eusa_whistle:
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Republicans have substituted a war on poverty with a war on the poor

When the Republicans moved Clinton to work on welfare reform, it was a step in the right direction...a hand up, rather than a hand out. Bush working to get the community/churches involved to reach out and help their neighbors was a further move to show that government doesn't have to be the only savior. If it makes you feel better to think that the right hates helping people, then that's your sad state of mind.


Most of Catholic Charities money comes from the government. Bush just moved money to the churches so they could decide who was worthy and who isn't. Terrible politics.

That's the problem with Republicans today. They decide who is American. Who is worthy. Who deserves to be helped. Dirty ass fuckers.
When the Republicans moved Clinton to work on welfare reform, it was a step in the right direction...a hand up, rather than a hand out. Bush working to get the community/churches involved to reach out and help their neighbors was a further move to show that government doesn't have to be the only savior. If it makes you feel better to think that the right hates helping people, then that's your sad state of mind.

You right wingers hate the poor and you know it. That's all these never ending complaints are about from the right..food stamps and how people spend it and on and on.I never, ever, see anyone on the right complain about corporate welfare because you people worship money and anyone who has it.

:lol: Someone here is certainly full of hate.:eusa_whistle:

Yea, but is that person wrong? Hmmmm, you didn't seem to think so.
The GOP's control of the House.

It's based on the 2010 election in which less than half of eligible voters participated. The gerrymandering after that helped them keep the House again. Granted, that's Democrats fault for not voting in greater numbers in 2010. But tens of millions of more voters took part in the 2008 and 2012 elections, and they are for that reason the more legitimate elections.

The GOP's control of the House isn't quite as fraudulent as Dumbya's first term, which was illegal and phony, but it's close.

Much of the right is no longer American. They are traitors and the rw's voters are desperately hanging on to their ignorance.


What has any Republican done to "destroy the country?"

Iraq war, deficits, voter suppression, moving the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, helping business move jobs to China, Republicans call all those things a "good start".
You right wingers hate the poor and you know it. That's all these never ending complaints are about from the right..food stamps and how people spend it and on and on.I never, ever, see anyone on the right complain about corporate welfare because you people worship money and anyone who has it.

:lol: Someone here is certainly full of hate.:eusa_whistle:

Yea, but is that person wrong? Hmmmm, you didn't seem to think so.

What a silly assumption...but predictable coming from you.:D
The low information left has a knack for selective memory episodes. LBJ led America into the quagmire of Vietnam and then he quit just when America needed leadership. The left managed to blame the whole thing on Nixon. LBJ's "great society" aka "war on poverty" was arguably the most expensive social program in history and it led to the collapse of the Black family and billions of wasted taxpayer dollars spent on poverty pimps and useless federal projects.
Republicans have substituted a war on poverty with a war on the poor

What have the Democrats done to help the poor get out of poverty? We all know they will increase food stamps and various forms of government assistance but all that does is make poverty more tolerable it does not get you out of it.

Good question

Other than the safety net programs that you hate, they have instituted jobs training programs, jobs placement, urban development programs, child care programs, head start programs, economic incentives to hire the poor

Now, what have Republicans done other than move jobs out of urban areas?

When have I ever stated I hate safety net programs? As for everything else you listed I have never seen anyone on the right oppose them what I have seen is them question the effectiveness of them which is not unreasonable given the poverty rate especially among minorities. The difference here is I want programs that actually make a difference and help people not some ineffective programs that do nothing other than make those who support them feel good about themselves.
1) roe vs wade

2) repeal of the Glass-Steagall

3) obamacare
What have the Democrats done to help the poor get out of poverty? We all know they will increase food stamps and various forms of government assistance but all that does is make poverty more tolerable it does not get you out of it.

Good question

Other than the safety net programs that you hate, they have instituted jobs training programs, jobs placement, urban development programs, child care programs, head start programs, economic incentives to hire the poor

Now, what have Republicans done other than move jobs out of urban areas?

When have I ever stated I hate safety net programs? As for everything else you listed I have never seen anyone on the right oppose them what I have seen is them question the effectiveness of them which is not unreasonable given the poverty rate especially among minorities. The difference here is I want programs that actually make a difference and help people not some ineffective programs that do nothing other than make those who support them feel good about themselves.

Every day, especially in the inner cities of America, Democrats and Republicans help the poor in their local communities. I have worked with both and found that people from both political parties genuinely care about the people they serve.

Yet every election cycle, Republican candidates are demonized as hating the poor. It is such a mischaracterization. The question is not who cares, but which approach is more beneficial to helping the poor succeed. And even that will be subject to differing opinions.

Democrats believe that the government should continue to use taxpayer money to help the poor, and when the problems escalate, their solution is often more money and additional programs.

Others, such as Republicans, would argue that many of the government’s well-meaning programs have hurt initiative, fostered increased fatherless homes and hurt the dignity of the individual.

Republican candidates see other ways of helping the poor. While retaining the necessary and successful government programs, they also focus on helping the private sector to be able to provide jobs and opportunities so that those who presently need assistance can become resilient and find a path to self-sufficiency when possible.

I have not heard that the Republican Party ever intends to do away with all Medicaid, food stamps, housing programs, Social Security, Medicare and other similar programs. They have voted to limit increases in the face of failures of some of the programs, mounting costs, debt, mismanagement, fraud in some cases and failed outcomes.

But if you listen to some in the media, you would think that Republicans want to cut off all services to the poor and send them out to the streets. This is simply untrue.

Clearly, it is a total mischaracterization to say that Republicans don’t care about the poor or disadvantaged. What we have are two different visions on how to help.

Republicans care about the poor, too | PennLive.com

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