What, in your opinion, are the biggest political travesties of our time?

President committing crimes while in office
is pretty big

We can put it up there with Watergate
happy now

Of course, Nixon was never convicted of anything
and did the honorable thing by resigning

Hw wasn't "convicted?" So he didn't do anything???

I like Nixon - he was a smart man, but he scewed up.

Obama committed crimes, eh?

Maybe we should start up the Ken Star mobile and see what we can come up with?


He took a plea bargain

He had to admit that he gave misleading testimony and accept the following terms:

He accepted a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license,
Had to cover $25,000 in legal fees related to disbarment proceedings
Disbarred from practicing law in front of the Supreme Court.

I was talking about Nixon - you stated that he wasn't convicted, no?

It was even in the same sentence.
Well we were augmenting your list of "travesties"

I spoke of crimes, you are the first to mention "penis"

So, apparently your mind was on the subject.
I have no doubt that if you asked Clinton, he would show it to you.
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Well we were augmenting your list of "travesties"

I spoke of crimes, you are the first to mention "penis"

So, apparently your mind was on the subject.
I have no doubt that if you asked Clinton, he would show it to you.


Like I said - are you going to talk about this forever?

It's a stupid partisan issue, taylor made for hacks.

All the horible political decisions in post #219 and this is the one that REALLY gets your goat?

How terrible for you.
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Time to move on. I'm a pole smoker if that's what you want me to be.

Please stop derailing every thread you participate in, thanks.
You should be true to yourself, whatever it is

but if you don't want to banter insults back/forth or
can't handle it
don't start it

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No doubt a confusion for some of the Progressives

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DIETlxquzY]Stuart Smalley's famous quote - YouTube[/ame]
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Okay, dragging the train back onto the tracks. . . .

I generally take a more big picture view of these kinds of questions, but the OP iteself is provocative and interesting for those who have ability to focus on a concept apart from trashing the other guy.

So. . . .my list

1. Teddy Roosevelt's decision that the government can do whatever the Constitution does not expressly prohibit rather than the classical concept that the government is restricted to what the Constitution assigns or allows.

2. FDR's using that concept to begin the snowball of government entitlements rolling.

3. LBJ's Great Society massive push to increase the size, mass, and speed of that snowball.

4. The takeover of the government, education, and the mainstream media by the cultural revolutionists evolving from the 1960's.

5. The rise of the AGW religion that may contribute to world hunger and loss of our liberties, choices, options, and opportunities as no other single human-devised initiative has ever done.

6. Obamacare that not only further destroys our liberties, choices, options, and opportunities, but could easily become the death knell for a government of the people, by the people, for the people as it further shifts us into a totlly authoritarian, even totalitarian government system.
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