What, in your opinion, are the biggest political travesties of our time?


Hey you Dimocraps, you ass sore yet?
These are my two.

According to the data from the U.S. Department of Defense, the United States suffered 33,686 battle deaths, along with 2,830 non-battle deaths during the Korean War and 8,176 missing in action

Vietnam war 58,286 US KIA or non-combat deaths (including the missing & deaths in captivity

Yeah, because fighting communists dictators was such a waste of time seeing how one has actually taken over here as well.

1) The Presidential Elections of 2008 and 2012.
2) Obama spending us nearly $6 trillion into debt.
3) Obamacare
4) The Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare
5) The Welfare state
6) The IRS, NSA, and DOJ scandals
7) Our President lying about all three
8) The treatment of our veterans at their own memorials
9) Social justice
10) Affirmative action
11) Our treatment of Israel
12) Anthropogenic Global Warming
13) The American Mainstream Media
14) Benghazi

Yessirreee, everything just went to hell in 2008......Uh-huh. Right.

60,000 people die so that the U.S. can fulfill Eisenhower's warning of a military industrial base build up.

There's about 45,000 people who returned from Iraq and Afghanistan trying to adjust to leg and arm prosthetics...fuck them. They don't count.

Nixon cuts a deal with Kaiser Permanente 40 years ago and the result is a health care system that ranks 38th in the world. But who cares about that.

SCOTUS says it's OK for large corporations to give any amount they want to a political campaign but that hasn't been a problem. Hell no.

Big banks were given the green light to acquire and incorporate insurance services into their mortgage lending and crashed the economy so badly that it's compared to the depression of 1929, but again that wasn't on Obama's watch...So who cares?
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The effort to impeach President Clinton was a total waste of time and money, a product of one element of the political spectrum so pissed off that it had lost the White House that years were wasted chasing down phantom scandals. Many of those hunting had laundry dirtier than President Clinton, yet with unabashed self righteous vigor accomplished nothing but chaos.

Sadly, this same element has spent four and one half years doing nothing but making accusations and holding hearings of zero import, hoping to 'get' President Obama, in their mind another interloper who captured the prize they cherish.

What we've learned, or should have learned, is this: The Republican Party, and in particular its right wing fringe, do not believe in democratically elected government and cannot be trusted.
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The TPM has been the biggest travesty and waste of time, emotion, and money since the days of Clinton's impeachment.
When the Republicans moved Clinton to work on welfare reform, it was a step in the right direction...a hand up, rather than a hand out. Bush working to get the community/churches involved to reach out and help their neighbors was a further move to show that government doesn't have to be the only savior. If it makes you feel better to think that the right hates helping people, then that's your sad state of mind.


Most of Catholic Charities money comes from the government. Bush just moved money to the churches so they could decide who was worthy and who isn't. Terrible politics.

That's the problem with Republicans today. They decide who is American. Who is worthy. Who deserves to be helped. Dirty ass fuckers.

Yet the poster above supports the party that embraces NAMBLA as it's core.
The rise of politial talk radio and cable news. Two of the biggest reasons for misinformation and devisivness that plagues our country. Once upon a time the town loonies were isolated and no one paid attention to them. Now they have a forum.
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Since Papa Obama has lied about
-keep your doctor
-keep your plan
-save $2,500/year

It does not really matter what he says now
One can not trust trust this liar, again.

Yet, the extreme left and obama apologists will defend the lies,
such reactionary behavior from the extreme left.

Papa Obama Lied
Healthcare plans died
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Keeping the South in the Union might have been a mistake.

Of course, even if we kicked them out, the chances are pretty good that they would start a war with the USA again at some point since they can't seem to get along with anyone unless they've got them under their thumb in one way or another.
The reactionary filth to the far right are raving as they realize the rest of America is on to them.
Liberal/Nambla alliance.

That is the big one!!
The driving force behind obama(don't)care!

It's Official-Landrieu is racist or She proposes halting vanishing health plans

in one of the greatest betrayals against Papa Obama, Democrat and former supporter of PapaOBama Care has taken a dark turn....

Sen. Mary Landrieu said Wednesday she would propose legislation to ensure all Americans could keep their existing insurance coverage under Obamacare, a fresh sign of the political problems the law’s rollout has created for congressional Democrats.

“The promise was made, and it should be kept,” Landrieu said in the Capitol Wednesday. “And it was our understanding when we voted for that bill that people when they have insurance could keep with what they had. So I’m going to be working on that fix.”

For shame senator!
Truth is not relevant to the greater socialist utopia we build for this nation.

Expect an IRS audit soon.
Keeping the South in the Union might have been a mistake.

Of course, even if we kicked them out, the chances are pretty good that they would start a war with the USA again at some point since they can't seem to get along with anyone unless they've got them under their thumb in one way or another.

Lol, oh please, tell another one, ass hole.
Out of compassion for Conservatives, I'm going to save Tea Potty posters from wear and tear on their fingers by summarizing their lists of the Crimes of the Century:

1. Obama did this.
2. Obama did that.
3. Obama didn't do this.
4. Obama didn't do that.
5. Obama did too much.
6. Obama did too little.

See how easy that was? Now all you have to do to get Reps from the Right Club is post the reply DITTO.
The GOP getting in bed with the God Squad and forgetting about small government in favor of deciding what consenting adults should be allowed to do in their homes.
Out of compassion for Conservatives, I'm going to save Tea Potty posters from wear and tear on their fingers by summarizing their lists of the Crimes of the Century:

1. Obama did this.
2. Obama did that.
3. Obama didn't do this.
4. Obama didn't do that.
5. Obama did too much.
6. Obama did too little.

See how easy that was? Now all you have to do to get Reps from the Right Club is post the reply DITTO.

He once said it was partly cloudy when it was obviously partly sunny. And I think I caught him using a full colon when a semi-colon would have worked just fine; talk about waste.

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