What, in your opinion, are the biggest political travesties of our time?

Forgive them Frank

The extreme left wing and Obama apologists are at wit's end...

No only has Papa Obama repeatedly lied to the US people, so how can anyone ever trust him again but
Papa Obama has exposed them for what they really are...... reactionary leftists

Furthermore, no wonders Papa Obama is so slow to release this information.
It exposes him as the incompetent he is, of course.

But the fact that By Wednesday afternoon, enrollments were up to "approximately 100." By the end of Wednesday, the notes reflect "248 enrollments" nationwide.
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Out of compassion for Conservatives, I'm going to save Tea Potty posters from wear and tear on their fingers by summarizing their lists of the Crimes of the Century:

1. Obama did this.
2. Obama did that.
3. Obama didn't do this.
4. Obama didn't do that.
5. Obama did too much.
6. Obama did too little.

See how easy that was? Now all you have to do to get Reps from the Right Club is post the reply DITTO.

He once said it was partly cloudy when it was obviously partly sunny. And I think I caught him using a full colon when a semi-colon would have worked just fine; talk about waste.

We all know you libtards are going kiss this dictators ass till Mooshell finally admits she is Obama's Dominatrix (well, some of you might like them even more, lol) but really, getting a fucking Obamaphone isn't all that, ya know?
Out of compassion for Conservatives, I'm going to save Tea Potty posters from wear and tear on their fingers by summarizing their lists of the Crimes of the Century:

1. Obama did this.
2. Obama did that.
3. Obama didn't do this.
4. Obama didn't do that.
5. Obama did too much.
6. Obama did too little.

See how easy that was? Now all you have to do to get Reps from the Right Club is post the reply DITTO.

He once said it was partly cloudy when it was obviously partly sunny. And I think I caught him using a full colon when a semi-colon would have worked just fine; talk about waste.

Lol, o'Bama is ripping people off, giving $85 billion a month to Wall Street banksters, protecting people guilty of murdering US servicemen, and is the biggest liar of any President we have EVER had to include Nixon, and all you libtards can do is make stupid lame sarcastic blathering dumbass remarks.

No wonder you voted for this fucking clown.
Out of compassion for Conservatives, I'm going to save Tea Potty posters from wear and tear on their fingers by summarizing their lists of the Crimes of the Century:

1. Obama did this.
2. Obama did that.
3. Obama didn't do this.
4. Obama didn't do that.
5. Obama did too much.
6. Obama did too little.

See how easy that was? Now all you have to do to get Reps from the Right Club is post the reply DITTO.

He once said it was partly cloudy when it was obviously partly sunny. And I think I caught him using a full colon when a semi-colon would have worked just fine; talk about waste.

An even more costly waste of tax-payer financed punctuation was the fact that a Powell colon endorsed him! I am grammatically outraged!
Forgive them Frank

The extreme left wing and Obama apologists are at wit's end...

No only has Papa Obama repeatedly lied to the US people, so how can anyone ever trust him again but
Papa Obama has exposed them for what they really are...... reactionary leftists

Furthermore, no wonders Papa Obama is so slow to release this information.
It exposes him as the incompetent he is, of course.

But the fact that By Wednesday afternoon, enrollments were up to "approximately 100." By the end of Wednesday, the notes reflect "248 enrollments" nationwide.

In order to get more of your kind to vote GOPer, I offer this text for your next campaign commercial:

I'm a little teapot,
Short and stout.
Here is my handle,
Here is my spout.

But no doubt, the opening fiasco Of Papa ObamaCare
is all the help the GOP will need
What, in your opinion, are the biggest political travesties of our time?

The Democrats were taken over by the extreme left
The Man Who Warned Us About the NSA 38 years ago

If this government ever became a tyrant, if a dictator ever took charge in this country, the technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know. “
Yeah, those radical kooks want to shrink government, let people keep money they've earned, and leave everyone alone.
The nerve. What society ever became great without an overwhelming and expensive government??

This is interesting that everyone on this thread has made a legitimate post to the OP for the conversation, minus you and your buttbuddy S.J. that are doing nothing but dumping BS that you are told by your propaganda masters like the ignorant sheep you are. "Iz da libs fault 4 everything!" :cuckoo:

Have you ever thought about thinking for yourself? Or has Hannity's pee-wee football got you too intrigued?

Ironic post is ironic.

Wow - Obama and the tea part are the WORST that ever happened?

How about the bay of pigs?

President Bush's decision to invade Iraq?

The decision to de-regulate (or was it OVER-regulate) finantual institutions AKA the housing buble.

The Internment of the Japanese.

The Vietnam War.

The inefectual responses to the Great Depression, by both Hoover and FDR.

The early 20th century amendments - like the Federal Income Tax.

Helping to oust the Shah of Iran.

We can do a lot better than "Obamacare" and acting like the Tea Party is the devil's spawn for Christ's sake!

Don't forget

Clinton getting BJ's on gov't time and property
then lying about in court
Then having to take a plea bargain before leaving office
Don't forget

Clinton getting BJ's on gov't time and property
then lying about in court
Then having to take a plea bargain before leaving office

^^^ No, that hardly counts, unless you are some kind of partisan Hack.

Sorry, stuff like that is garbage unless you are a fan of AM radio.

Maybe a bad decision career-wise, but how did it affect the people?
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President committing crimes while in office
is pretty big

We can put it up there with Watergate
happy now

Of course, Nixon was never convicted of anything
and did the honorable thing by resigning
Don't forget

Clinton getting BJ's on gov't time and property
then lying about in court
Then having to take a plea bargain before leaving office

^^^ No, that hardly counts, unless you are some kind of partisan Hack.

Sorry, stuff like that is garbage unless you are a fan of AM radio.

Maybe a bad dicission career-wise, but how did it afect the people?

Lying under oath is a big deal. He shouldn't have been asked about the blow job, but once he was he shouldn't have lied about it. People go to prison for lying under oath all the time. Why shouldn't the president be held to the same standard?
President committing crimes while in office
is pretty big

We can put it up there with Watergate
happy now

Of course, Nixon was never convicted of anything
and did the honorable thing by resigning

Hw wasn't "convicted?" So he didn't do anything???

I like Nixon - he was a smart man, but he scewed up.

Obama committed crimes, eh?

Maybe we should start up the Ken Star mobile and see what we can come up with?

Don't forget

Clinton getting BJ's on gov't time and property
then lying about in court
Then having to take a plea bargain before leaving office

^^^ No, that hardly counts, unless you are some kind of partisan Hack.

Sorry, stuff like that is garbage unless you are a fan of AM radio.

Maybe a bad dicission career-wise, but how did it afect the people?

Lying under oath is a big deal. He shouldn't have been asked about the blow job, but once he was he shouldn't have lied about it. People go to prison for lying under oath all the time. Why shouldn't the president be held to the same standard?

Not saying that what he did was OK ... just that it hardly counts as one of the worst political blunders in history.
Here's a good one for ya ... and it doesn't even involve "speculation."

We actually KNOW that it happened!

Hoover’s Attack on the Bonus Army

The Great Depression was three years old in 1932. Perhaps as many as 25 percent of American workers were unemployed. Two million were homeless wanderers, most of them sharecroppers or farmers who had lost their land, or members of the lower middle class who had lost their jobs and could no longer pay rent. It is impossible to estimate how many Americans suffered from malnutrition or whose health was seriously impaired because they could not afford a doctor much less a stay in a hospital (although according to historian William Manchester, nine years later when America was gearing up for World War II, John Kelly, FDR’s National Physical Fitness Director, found that about 40 percent of all men of draft age suffered from some kind of physical impairment such as stunted growth or rotten teeth). Hoover’s Attack on the Bonus Army

President Hoover was not insensitive to the crisis, but he rejected the idea that direct financial assistance from the federal government would be helpful. And the men he turned to for advice only reinforced Hoover’s ideas.

Former president Calvin Coolidge proclaimed that America was a country of businessmen and it must conduct itself in a businesslike manner. Automobile tycoon Henry Ford said that if the government started paying unemployment insurance, loafers would quit their jobs to collect the checks and the level of unemployment would rise. Silas Strawn, president of the United States Chamber of Commerce, warned everyone that “the dole” would undermine the enterprising, can-do spirit of America. “If this country ever votes the dole,” Strawn said, “we’ve hit the toboggan as a nation.” Hoover believed these men, and so when the Democratic Congress passed a $2 billion relief bill, he vetoed it.

The arrival in Washington of perhaps as many as 20,000 World War I veterans and their families in spring 1932 was an embarrassment to Hoover and his administration, but it was not a conversion experience. The president remained unmoved, but Congress was more receptive.

In 1924 Congress had passed the Adjusted Compensation Act which promised World War I veterans a bonus of about $500 a piece. The legislation stipulated, however, that the payment would not be made until 1945. The thousands who had come to Washington in summer 1932—out of work, out of luck, hungry, and in many cases homeless—wanted Congress to dispense the bonus now. Newspaper writers christened the veterans “the Bonus Army,” although the veterans called themselves “the Bonus Expeditionary Force.”


On June 15 the House passed a bill to pay the veterans the promised $500 immediately. The bill was sent to the Senate, and on June 17, as 10,000 veterans and their families gathered around the Capitol building, the senators debated the question. After hours of tense anticipation Walter Waters, a former Army sergeant from Oregon and the leader of the Bonus Army, announced to a stunned, silent crowd that the Senate had defeated the bill by a vote of 62 to 18. “Sing ‘America,’” Waters said, “and go back to your billets.” And that’s what the 10,000 did.

Even the marchers’ response to this crushing disappointment did not persuade President Hoover that these thousands were peaceful, patriotic Americans; he was convinced that the Bonus Army was not a grassroots movement of impoverished veterans but a mass of communist agitators eagerly plotting a Bolshevik-style revolution for the United States. In fact, there were communists present in the camps, led by John T. Pace from Michigan. But if Pace believed that Bonus Army was a ready-made revolutionary cadre, he was mistaken. The marchers routinely expelled avowed communists from the camps. They destroyed communist leaflets and other literature. And among their other slogans the veterans adopted a motto directed at the communists, “Eyes front—not left!”

As the sweltering summer dragged on and the Bonus Army showed no signs of leaving town, Hoover decided to act. He ordered Major General Douglas MacArthur to clear out Bonus City, a ramshackle camp of huts and tents where the veterans and their families had been living. In the sweltering heat of a July night, 600 crack troops of the U.S. Army, supported by a detachment of cavalry and five Renault tanks—ungainly, seven-ton dinosaurs left over from World War I—marched across Washington, D.C.’s, 11th Street Bridge to the camp in Anacostia Flats.

The infantry and cavalry deployed through the camp, rousting out the inhabitants then setting fire to the shacks. Eugene King, seven years old, taxed a soldier’s patience when he stopped to rescue his pet rabbit; the trooper plunged his bayonet through the child’s leg. It was not an isolated incident—there would be more than one hundred casualties that night, including an infant whose body was found among the smoldering ruins the next morning.....

Click link for more...

#6: Hoover?s Attack on the Bonus Army (Top 10 Mistakes by U.S. Presidents) | Britannica Blog
President committing crimes while in office
is pretty big

We can put it up there with Watergate
happy now

Of course, Nixon was never convicted of anything
and did the honorable thing by resigning

Hw wasn't "convicted?" So he didn't do anything???

I like Nixon - he was a smart man, but he scewed up.

Obama committed crimes, eh?

Maybe we should start up the Ken Star mobile and see what we can come up with?


He took a plea bargain

He had to admit that he gave misleading testimony and accept the following terms:

He accepted a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license,
Had to cover $25,000 in legal fees related to disbarment proceedings
Disbarred from practicing law in front of the Supreme Court.

Papa Obama lying to the American people about their healthcare plans is
morally wrong, it is not legally a crime. Americans want to trust a president.
Since his lies impact millions, that trust is broken, forever.

Obama Lied
American Trust and Healthcare plans died
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