What, in your opinion, are the biggest political travesties of our time?

Electing a racist black man who is more concerned with getting even with Whitey than he is in leading the nation.

Had to happen some day. It's not like white America gave those poor enslaved souls a break until recently.

White America gave far more breaks to blacks than South Africa and Zimbabwe and Sudan and Kenya and Tanzania and Nigeria and any and all the upstart African nations gave resident white folks, who made the lives of the new rulers in those countries more tolerable than those new rulers would ever have been able to achieve themselves.

And just for curiosity: What kept the Africans of 200-300-400 years ago from loading their ships and go set sails and discover and conquer Europe? And why did black tribes captured and sold into white slavery other black tribes? And why did not freed American black slaves grabbed the opportunity offered to them to return to Africa? And what happened to the black culture that Al Sharpton brags about?

I don't expect a valid answer, just accusations of being racist.

Obama may be a ******, but at least he's not a Republican!

Probably 80% of the Whites who voted for him could form an organization called Racists for Obama. As my racist aunt explained why she didn't vote for George Wallace in 1968, "I'm afraid he's also going to do to us what he wants to do to them."
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1) The Bush tax cuts
2) Citizens United
3).The Iraq War

Bush did enormous damage that we probably can never really recover from. But, Citizens United has made honest elections a thing of the past.

Long term, Citizens United.

OTOH, the right threw a lot of money at the election and they still failed.


How can you say that! Citizens United gave us the best government money can buy! If you can't afford to buy your own Congressman, it's because you didn't make the right choices. The right to bribe is a trophy awarded for making the right moves up the corporate ladder. If you want the Gubmint to do everything for you, you have to grease the right palms!

your chart is bogus. the national debt was 9 trillion when obama took over, its 17 trillion today-------he has almost doubled it in 5 years---------THAT IS FACT!

1) The Bush tax cuts
2) Citizens United
3).The Iraq War

1) Continuing to allow OPEC, the greatest threat to world civilization, to exist. This is because the transnational traitors running the West's oil companies piggyback off the jihadis' price-gouging and own our foreign policy. We must seize control of our governments and partition OPEC's oilfields among the major powers. Let Islam dissolve in a sandstorm.

As fantasies go a war of imperial aggression to seize Arab and Iranian oil fields is not a bad one.. Good luck in lining up the 'major powers' in support of this initiative.

Please let us know just as soon as you have seized control of your government.

China would go for it on its own, seizing the oil in Indonesia and Brunei. Putin would like the traditional Russian goal of warm-water ports on the Persian Gulf. If history repeats itself, partition will be no different from the colonization of the Americas, except that the conflict between England and France was unnecessary. By the way, they divied up Southeast Asia without going to war over it. There's plenty of territory presently occupied by the obsolete and unproductive races to go around for the evolved races to get back on track towards their destiny.
What, in your opinion, are the biggest political travesties of our time?

(1) Roe v. Wade's cheapening of human morality in a land founded by religious pilgrims whose only hope was that their posterity would be free to worship God in the manner that they saw fit, not knowing that in less than 400 years, 1.4 million American children would have their lives extinguished by killers invading American women's wombs.

(2) Popularization on television and theater screens glamorizing conceit, arrogance, poverty, theft, immodesty, lasciviousness, murder, revenge, deceit, hatred, deviance, unkindness, hazing, drunkenness, mayhem, heresy, and profanity.

(3) Society's marginalization of the Church, Christians, the founders, and those who labor.

(4) The election of puerile representatives and senators who think they should be governed by a different set of rules than other Americans and proffer a one-world mafia to govern everyone on the planet.

(5) The political communism of America.

(6) Tolerance of religion that invokes its celebrants to kill, murder, maim, and terrorize "infidels."

(7) Rewarding of multiple sex partner lifestyles by forcing duped taxpayers to pay for other people's multiple illegitimate children. This has sent STDs through the roof exponentially and subjugated working taxpayers to a slavery-like existence.

It is not a game. This is some serious stuff.

Democrats are screwed politically, but all Americans are screwed economically

The "screwing" is a matter of timing; there are more democratic seats to defend this go-round in the Senate than GOP held seats. Thanks to gerrymandering, both Parties will return 90+ of their members to the House.

Fairly standard stuff for the mid-terms.

As for Americans being screwed...we're more screwed now than when we were only $10T in hock?, $14T in hock?, $5T in hock? Seems as though the gloom and doom consortium has cried wolf on this before.
What, in your opinion, are the biggest political travesties of our time?

In 2011, the first time S&P bond downgrade because of Papa Obama's poor economic policy and performance
1) Executive Order 13603 that Obama used to claim the power to use by force any resource in this country, to include human labor without compensation IN PEACE TIME NON-EMERGENCIES.

2) Quantitative Easing which is GIVING AWAY $85,000,000,000 EACH MONTH to prop up the markets as part of an effort to both buy Wall Street support and to prop up the stock markets and spare Obama embarrassment with his biggest contributors.

3) The Benghazi fiasco where the Obama regime left four Americans to die at the hands of the enemy despite weeks of warnings and heightened appeals for aid and assistance in the days just before the fatal attacks. But what makes it even worse is how the investigation into this fiasco has been stonewalled by the executive branch to the point of hiding witnesses under the witness protection program and making threats to anyone that might agree to testify before Congress, AND all the Big Media, until recently, supported this suppression of information.

All of which demonstrate the crisis our Republic is in. The fascists in this Obama regime and that dominate the Big Media have laid the groundwork for a dictatorship, and most people have no idea at all.

What a fucking shame this is, to lose our country sitting on our couches in front of a mind-numbing tube while our country is stolen from us, right out from under our noses, literally.

1) The Presidential Elections of 2008 and 2012.
2) Obama spending us nearly $6 trillion into debt.
3) Obamacare
4) The Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare
5) The Welfare state
6) The IRS, NSA, and DOJ scandals
7) Our President lying about all three
8) The treatment of our veterans at their own memorials
9) Social justice
10) Affirmative action
11) Our treatment of Israel
12) Anthropogenic Global Warming
13) The American Mainstream Media
14) Benghazi

What, in your opinion, are the biggest political travesties of our time?

The 2007-2008 bailout in all its guises.

Folks, that was the largest transfer of wealth from the general public to political insiders in the history of mankind.

Most of you missed just how truly catastropic it was (and will continue to be) because you were do busy blaming the other team for it.
These are my two.

According to the data from the U.S. Department of Defense, the United States suffered 33,686 battle deaths, along with 2,830 non-battle deaths during the Korean War and 8,176 missing in action

Vietnam war 58,286 US KIA or non-combat deaths (including the missing & deaths in captivity

1) The Presidential Elections of 2008 and 2012.
2) Obama spending us nearly $6 trillion into debt.
3) Obamacare
4) The Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare
5) The Welfare state
6) The IRS, NSA, and DOJ scandals
7) Our President lying about all three
8) The treatment of our veterans at their own memorials
9) Social justice
10) Affirmative action
11) Our treatment of Israel
12) Anthropogenic Global Warming
13) The American Mainstream Media
14) Benghazi


No facts, just a blithering 'loser' accusation...yeah, you're a real wiener.

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