What, in your opinion, are the biggest political travesties of our time?


1) The Bush tax cuts
2) Citizens United
3).The Iraq War

I was going to say that it was the following statement which many members of the Bush administration repeated like some kind of advertising slogan meant to scare the bejesus out of everyone (which it probably did) in order to smooth the way toward an invasion of Iraq.
"We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."
But on more careful consideration, I think it was Bush v. Gore 2000 since all our current troubles started there.

1) The Bush tax cuts
2) Citizens United
3).The Iraq War

1) Continuing to allow OPEC, the greatest threat to world civilization, to exist. This is because the transnational traitors running the West's oil companies piggyback off the jihadis' price-gouging and own our foreign policy. We must seize control of our governments and partition OPEC's oilfields among the major powers. Let Islam dissolve in a sandstorm.
What, in your opinion, are the biggest political travesties of our time?

The media's partisanly-skewed abdication of their responsibility to hold leaders accountable.

1) The Bush tax cuts
2) Citizens United
3).The Iraq War

1) Continuing to allow OPEC, the greatest threat to world civilization, to exist. This is because the transnational traitors running the West's oil companies piggyback off the jihadis' price-gouging and own our foreign policy. We must seize control of our governments and partition OPEC's oilfields among the major powers. Let Islam dissolve in a sandstorm.

As fantasies go a war of imperial aggression to seize Arab and Iranian oil fields is not a bad one.. Good luck in lining up the 'major powers' in support of this initiative.

Please let us know just as soon as you have seized control of your government.
Is it weird that at first glance I read the topic title as "political transvestites"?:eusa_shifty:

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"We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."
But on more careful consideration, I think it was Bush v. Gore 2000 since all our current troubles started there.


Lincoln v. Douglas 1860


You consider 1860 to be a part of 'our time'?


All our evils can be easily traced to Lincoln's disrespect towards our Constitution and the States. He created the precedent that power could be concentrate in DC.


"We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."
But on more careful consideration, I think it was Bush v. Gore 2000 since all our current troubles started there.


Lincoln v. Douglas 1860


Err...you have either the wrong guy, the wrong year, or both.

in the November 1860 election, Lincoln again faced Douglas, who represented the Northern faction of a heavily divided Democratic Party,


Lincoln v. Douglas 1860


You consider 1860 to be a part of 'our time'?


All our evils can be easily traced to Lincoln's disrespect towards our Constitution and the States. He created the precedent that power could be concentrate in DC.



You know that is an interesting point.
Back in school, a professor use to say that Lincoln killed the Declaration of Independence as a legal document. He relegated it to a paper of historical importance
and legal 'impotence'.

Up until that point in time, legal scholars never really knew how to work the document.
The Civil War happens- it was legally determined that a territory could join the Union freely, but not leave it.

Strange way, it is like joining the mob
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Of my time? 9/11

So much bullshit has been done in the name of that event. NSA, DoHS, Iraq War, The Patriot Act.

Of course, it's more than likely that some of those things would have come to pass regardless of 9/11. But they wouldn't have happened yet, and Washington would have a hell of a time trying to sell it.

Republicans love complaining about the line "Never let a crisis go to waste". Well, Bush and the GOP milked 9/11 to its fullest.
Of my time? 9/11

So much bullshit has been done in the name of that event. NSA, DoHS, Iraq War, The Patriot Act.

Of course, it's more than likely that some of those things would have come to pass regardless of 9/11. But they wouldn't have happened yet, and Washington would have a hell of a time trying to sell it.

Republicans love complaining about the line "Never let a crisis go to waste". Well, Bush and the GOP milked 9/11 to its fullest.

ACLU: Papa Obama Has Quadrupled Warrantless Wiretaps

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