What, in your opinion, are the biggest political travesties of our time?

I said it before, in different context, but let me repeat that in my opinion the greatest travesty in American politics is the sad and tragic lack of term limits for elected offices. The wisdom of the American electorate inexplicably stopped at limiting ONLY the President, but allows the likes of Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Charlie Rangel, John McCain etc. etc. to run and run and run way past the point when they are certifiably senile.

And the second greatest travesty is the lack of line item veto for the President which would allow the President to nullify pork loaded on important bills by worthless freeloaders.

And let us not forget passing Obamacare in order to find out what's in it.

Term limits prevent the voters from electing the candidate of their choice

Line item vetoes give the President too much power

When Obamacare finally passed, everyone knew what was in it

"When Obamacare finally passed, everyone knew what was in it."

You are a travesty yourself, rightwinger! Every sane person on this board knows that Congress did not have that bill in their hands long enough to read it! That is why Pelosi said, "We have to pass it to see what is in it!

You have no credibility, just like your leader.
Obviously, the worst political travesty of our lives was the Bush v. Gore decision. Nothing else comes close. That decision sucked so bad, the Supreme Court itself said the decision sucked so bad it should never be used as precedent.

Basically, there was that very interesting standard that the case should be decided on the basis of what injured George W. Bush, instead of being decided by the law. Very banana-republic-like.

And there was their willingness to override state's rights, solely because the state decision -- which said all legal ballots should be counted according to a single uniform standard -- injured George W. Bush. The SC reasoned "Bush will lose if legal ballots get counted, hence legal ballots may not be counted."

Anyone approving of that decision really hates democracy. They demanded that legal votes be tossed solely so their guy could win, and only the most depraved partisan shills try to defend a position that immoral. Supporting Bush v. Gore is like screaming "I LOVE ELECTION RIGGING!".
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1.) West Coast Hotel v. Parrish
2.) Income Tax Withholding from paychecks
3.) Media failing to report govt abuses and violaions from the 1960s onward
4.) Social Security
5.) Welfare
6.) Obamacare
7.) Govt failing to prosecute employer abuses during Industrial Revolution and after
8.) US v. Miller
1: Bush's foreign policy
2: Bush's economic policy

3: Obama's expansion of the Bush era Foreign policy
4: Obama's expansion of the Bush era economic polices.

5: The Division from Obama

6: Welfare as a whole
1) roe vs wade

2) repeal of the Glass-Steagall

3) obamacare

since almost everybody is adding more than 3 then in no particular order:

zero tolerance policies which abolish Constitutional rights
mandatory sentencing
misdemeanors made crimes and as a result - ruin of many young lives
lying media and media taking leftard skew
NSA spying on Americans
dumbing down Americans through leftard indoctrination starting from kindergarten
the dissolution of the family unit through taxpayers handouts - especially by non-stop of the illegitimate children birth with no boundaries and responsibility
militant atheism
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Yea, but is that person wrong? Hmmmm, you didn't seem to think so.

What a silly assumption...but predictable coming from you.:D

If you thought the person was wrong, you would have said so instead of some weird, "Someone here is certainly full of hate" for just pointing out the obvious.

I can mock the little fucktard if I choose without responding to his drivel...dude, people do it to your pathetic ass all the time.:lol:
1: Bush's foreign policy
2: Bush's economic policy

3: Obama's expansion of the Bush era Foreign policy
4: Obama's expansion of the Bush era economic polices.

5: The Division from Obama

6: Welfare as a whole

3: Obama's expansion of the Bush era Foreign policy
4: Obama's expansion of the Bush era economic polices. Huh?

The Republican party is 90% white. They were before Obama was elected. The country is divided along racial and religious lines. The whites that belong to the Democrats are gays and feminists and college professors and scientists and poor people who figured out the GOP is screwing the country. All the whites not welcome in the GOP.

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Republicans have substituted a war on poverty with a war on the poor

What have the Democrats done to help the poor get out of poverty? We all know they will increase food stamps and various forms of government assistance but all that does is make poverty more tolerable it does not get you out of it.

Good question

Other than the safety net programs that you hate, they have instituted jobs training programs, jobs placement, urban development programs, child care programs, head start programs, economic incentives to hire the poor

Now, what have Republicans done other than move jobs out of urban areas?

and yet the poverty level has always seemed to stay the same and in some respects is getting worse.....
When the Republicans moved Clinton to work on welfare reform, it was a step in the right direction...a hand up, rather than a hand out. Bush working to get the community/churches involved to reach out and help their neighbors was a further move to show that government doesn't have to be the only savior. If it makes you feel better to think that the right hates helping people, then that's your sad state of mind.


Most of Catholic Charities money comes from the government. Bush just moved money to the churches so they could decide who was worthy and who isn't. Terrible politics.

That's the problem with Republicans today. They decide who is American. Who is worthy. Who deserves to be helped. Dirty ass fuckers.

kind of like what Luddy does.....he decides who is American and who isnt....how come you did not say that to him Dean?....oh and Dean....in the thread where i said Gov Brown has passed a budget fucking over the poor,Handicapped,Kids and Education.....you said ...your link seems to have disappeared.....so the next post i gave you like 5 of them....then YOU disappeared.....as usual....
What have the Democrats done to help the poor get out of poverty? We all know they will increase food stamps and various forms of government assistance but all that does is make poverty more tolerable it does not get you out of it.

Good question

Other than the safety net programs that you hate, they have instituted jobs training programs, jobs placement, urban development programs, child care programs, head start programs, economic incentives to hire the poor

Now, what have Republicans done other than move jobs out of urban areas?

When have I ever stated I hate safety net programs? As for everything else you listed I have never seen anyone on the right oppose them what I have seen is them question the effectiveness of them which is not unreasonable given the poverty rate especially among minorities. The difference here is I want programs that actually make a difference and help people not some ineffective programs that do nothing other than make those who support them feel good about themselves.

Great to hear that

Let's get real jobs bills and jobs training in impoverished areas. I'd like to see Republicans take the lead. Show minorities that they got their jobs because of REPUBLICAN programs.
If you do that, you wouldn't have minorities vote for you in single digits
Obviously, the worst political travesty of our lives was the Bush v. Gore decision. Nothing else comes close. That decision sucked so bad, the Supreme Court itself said the decision sucked so bad it should never be used as precedent.

Basically, there was that very interesting standard that the case should be decided on the basis of what injured George W. Bush, instead of being decided by the law. Very banana-republic-like.

And there was their willingness to override state's rights, solely because the state decision -- which said all legal ballots should be counted according to a single uniform standard -- injured George W. Bush. The SC reasoned "Bush will lose if legal ballots get counted, hence legal ballots may not be counted."

Anyone approving of that decision really hates democracy. They demanded that legal votes be tossed solely so their guy could win, and only the most depraved partisan shills try to defend a position that immoral. Supporting Bush v. Gore is like screaming "I LOVE ELECTION RIGGING!".

We would be a different country today if Gore was elected. No other president would have abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq
Obviously, the worst political travesty of our lives was the Bush v. Gore decision. Nothing else comes close. That decision sucked so bad, the Supreme Court itself said the decision sucked so bad it should never be used as precedent.

Basically, there was that very interesting standard that the case should be decided on the basis of what injured George W. Bush, instead of being decided by the law. Very banana-republic-like.

And there was their willingness to override state's rights, solely because the state decision -- which said all legal ballots should be counted according to a single uniform standard -- injured George W. Bush. The SC reasoned "Bush will lose if legal ballots get counted, hence legal ballots may not be counted."

Anyone approving of that decision really hates democracy. They demanded that legal votes be tossed solely so their guy could win, and only the most depraved partisan shills try to defend a position that immoral. Supporting Bush v. Gore is like screaming "I LOVE ELECTION RIGGING!".

We would be a different country today if Gore was elected. No other president would have abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq

:lol::lol::lol::lol: that is some funny shit, RW. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Obviously, the worst political travesty of our lives was the Bush v. Gore decision. Nothing else comes close. That decision sucked so bad, the Supreme Court itself said the decision sucked so bad it should never be used as precedent.

Basically, there was that very interesting standard that the case should be decided on the basis of what injured George W. Bush, instead of being decided by the law. Very banana-republic-like.

And there was their willingness to override state's rights, solely because the state decision -- which said all legal ballots should be counted according to a single uniform standard -- injured George W. Bush. The SC reasoned "Bush will lose if legal ballots get counted, hence legal ballots may not be counted."

Anyone approving of that decision really hates democracy. They demanded that legal votes be tossed solely so their guy could win, and only the most depraved partisan shills try to defend a position that immoral. Supporting Bush v. Gore is like screaming "I LOVE ELECTION RIGGING!".

We would be a different country today if Gore was elected. No other president would have abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq

he would have abandoned it to tell us about the qualities of the curly q light bulbs....
Obviously, the worst political travesty of our lives was the Bush v. Gore decision. Nothing else comes close. That decision sucked so bad, the Supreme Court itself said the decision sucked so bad it should never be used as precedent.

Basically, there was that very interesting standard that the case should be decided on the basis of what injured George W. Bush, instead of being decided by the law. Very banana-republic-like.

And there was their willingness to override state's rights, solely because the state decision -- which said all legal ballots should be counted according to a single uniform standard -- injured George W. Bush. The SC reasoned "Bush will lose if legal ballots get counted, hence legal ballots may not be counted."

Anyone approving of that decision really hates democracy. They demanded that legal votes be tossed solely so their guy could win, and only the most depraved partisan shills try to defend a position that immoral. Supporting Bush v. Gore is like screaming "I LOVE ELECTION RIGGING!".

We would be a different country today if Gore was elected. No other president would have abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq

he would have abandoned it to tell us about the qualities of the curly q light bulbs....

Yea....and Bush could push the virtues of BetaMax
The price of Papa Obama care
LA Times: Some health insurance gets pricier as Obamacare rolls out

Thousands of Californians are discovering what Obamacare will cost them — and many don't like what they see.

These middle-class consumers are staring at hefty increases on their insurance bills as the overhaul remakes the healthcare market. Their rates are rising in large part to help offset the higher costs of covering sicker, poorer people who have been shut out of the system for years.

Fullerton resident Jennifer Harris thought she had a great deal, paying $98 a month for an individual plan through Health Net Inc.

Now Harris, a self-employed lawyer, must shop for replacement insurance. The cheapest plan she has found will cost her $238 a month. She and her husband don't qualify for federal premium subsidies because they earn too much money, about $80,000 a year combined.

Pam Kehaly, president of Anthem Blue Cross in California, said she received a recent letter from a young woman complaining about a 50% rate hike related to the healthcare law.

"She said, 'I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it,'" Kehaly said.

Nearly 2 million Californians have individual insurance, and several hundred thousand of them are losing their health plans in a matter of weeks.

Blue Shield of California sent termination letters to 119,000 customers last month whose plans don't meet the new federal requirements. About two-thirds of those people will experience a rate increase from switching to a new health plan, according to the company.

1) The Bush tax cuts
2) Citizens United
3).The Iraq War

Small potatoes.

The biggest political travesties of our time is the American public's "let the other guy worry about it" syndrome.

Every 2-3 months, some dipshit posts Will MaCavoy's diatribe about this not being the greatest country on earth; it's the first scene of the first episode from HBO's series The Newsroom. I'll post it below for those who have not seen it (at the 3:18 mark):

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zqOYBabXmA]The Newsroom - Opening Scene (Wow!) - YouTube[/ame]

I always want to ask the guys who think the country is fucked and use this video as proof, "If we're not the "greatest country" on earth, then who is and tell us why?" I have asked a few...nobody has an answer.

Anyway, the reason I post it is because the answer MaCavoy gives is very good while it doesn't answer the question that was asked.

We used to solve problems, not run from them. The republicans only care about making you afraid of any change from their Leave It To Beaver existence. The Democrats, on the other hand, love to assist the poor in every endeavor but I would suggest after a generation of welfare, you cut off the family... I would also suggest that we assist those who are demonstrating wanting to get ahead and solve problems both big and small; not those who, after a generation of welfare, still can't produce an ID to freaking vote; or...worse still...refuse to.

"Worst. Generation. Ever" is what MaCavoy just said.

If you really want to see who the people who are interested in solving problems as opposed to just here to belittle and sling mud; check out the sources they cite.... It's amusing to think that these people actually believe anyone is going to look at their sources and say, "Gee whiz...she did her homework." Yet you see it daily.
The government went off the rails at the turn of the Progressive era.

1. Creation of the Fed and it's printing press.
2. Creation of Federal income tax that was declared Unconstitutional by SCOTUS, so they amended the Constitution to have it be Constitutional.
(Both of these fiasco's helped create a collectivist state and world dominating war machine that we have now. They helped to fight off the collectivist war machines in Europe)
3. Social Security. FDR was told it was Unconstitutional, so he threatened SCOTUS with the "Court Packing Scheme". Although his plan failed, they fell in line shortly thereafter. The government steals from social security as they do to this day leaving worthless IOU's in place of money.
4. Medicare. The US now has set up two massive entitlements that are irrevocable. This led to Obamacare which will lead to socialized medicine. There is no stopping that now.
5. Vietnam. After the US had become a collectivist state, they did what Nazi Germany did. They used the power and might of the collectivist model to wage war across the globe and quell anti war sentiments at home through entitlement programs. In fact, Germany was the first to mandate health insurance.
6. Going off the Gold standard. Now the US was able to not pay for what it could not afford, namely the massive entitlement state and military conquests that persist even today. Not even Hitler had troops in over 70 countries around the world. Nazi Germany learned to get off the gold standard early as they ran massive debts and so did the US. In fact, after 1935 Hitler forbad budgets from being passed so as not to arouse the ire of the public. Sound familiar?
7. Patriot Act. The left hate it because of Bush.
8. The NDAA. The right hate it because of Obama.
(Retards on both sides should hate both)
9. Obamacare. So they try to pass a massive legislation that was unpopular with the public and bought off Congressmen to do it. Obama promised not to raise taxes, so he presents it as something other than a tax. Then Kennedy becomes ill and realizes he will have to vacate his seat. However, if a Republican takes the seat then it will kill Obamacare. To stop this, Kennedy tries to have the laws changed, in vain, to prevent an election that might destroy the legislation. However, despite the continued attempt to destroy the democratic process, Scott Walker was elected after Kennedy died. Keep in mind that Scot had ran on the premise of killing the legislation and was sent there to do just that by the people. However, those who hate democracy were not done, they used an Unconstitutional gimmick called Reconciliation to pass the unpopular legislation, thus bypassing Scott Walker and the will of the people. However, this meant that Congress could not know what they were voting for and had to pass it to find out what was in it. Undaunted by critics who were worried about the Constitutionality of the legislation, those in Congress mocked critics who said it may not be Constitutional. Low and behold, SCOTUS says that it was not Constitutional. So SCOTUS changes the wording and declares it to be a tax so it can be passed. However, this means that Obama just passed the largest tax increase in US history when he promised not to raise taxes. Oh, and did I mention that corporate America now sets our tax rates?

There, now I feel a little better. :death:
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Most of Catholic Charities money comes from the government. Bush just moved money to the churches so they could decide who was worthy and who isn't. Terrible politics.

That's the problem with Republicans today. They decide who is American. Who is worthy. Who deserves to be helped. Dirty ass fuckers.

kind of like what Luddy does.....he decides who is American and who isnt....how come you did not say that to him Dean?....oh and Dean....in the thread where i said Gov Brown has passed a budget fucking over the poor,Handicapped,Kids and Education.....you said ...your link seems to have disappeared.....so the next post i gave you like 5 of them....then YOU disappeared.....as usual....

Please, neither right wingers nor Republicans care about the poor, the handicapped or education. So spare me.

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