What, in your opinion, are the biggest political travesties of our time?

1, Congress passing a bill they never read, ACA...

2. The Supreme Court declaring the ACA was legal by what was argued, not by what was written in the ACA law...

3. Eric Holder not arresting the Black Panthers for violations of Voter Intimidation in Philadelphia; declaring he would look out for "MY people..."

4. Not having a federal budget...

5. The IRS Scandals, Benghazi Scandals, Fast and Furious Scandals and the Main Stream Media lets these scandals go without repercussions!

6. The incredible expense Michelle Obama as incurred on this administration for her own personal needs and the cost of the vacations for the family when the country is in deficit mode!

7. The No Bid Contract for the problematic ACA Website went to Michelle's college friend without vetting...

8. The president involving himself in racial issues when it is not appropriate Trayvon Martin case and Professor Gate case.

9. The Obamas belonging to an anti white church, under Jeremiah Wright and saying he wasn't in church when the anti white and anti American sermons were being given:eusa_eh:

Why is he still in office? :eek:
Reagan Supply Side economics
Failure to do anything on global warming
Failure to address national healthcare
Allowing our infrastructure to crumble
Liberalism in general. It's the cancer that's destroying everything that made us great.

Yet another "intelligent" post from the plague that is destroying america. The brainwashed, ignorant, radical right. :cuckoo:

hummm ! another "intelligent" and informative post from the plague that is destroying America...., the brainwashed, ignorant, vapid, stupid radical LEFT !!

lefties are purebred genuine :asshole: S
1) W's false war with Iraq costing the american people trillions and countless american hero's lives.
2) The GOP shitting all over the constitution and freedom to implement their huge government patriot act
3) The W/GOP tax cuts to the rich which tanked the economy on epic proportions.
4) The Koch's hijacking the tea party and turning it into a radical right wing fascist extension of their daddy's John Birch Society dream for the nation.
5) The GOP letting their big banker cronies run wild creating the housing nightmare.
6) To add insult to injury, W and the GOP bailed out their big banker cronies on taxpayer dime while telling everyone they screwed over to go to hell.
7) Reagan making illegal arms deals with terrorists in Iran/Contra
8) Reagan essentially creating the taliban, brought them to the white house, and called them the moral equivalents to america's founding fathers.
9) Trickle down economics
10) Bush 1's all out war on the first amendment with musical artists.

and I could go on and on,...Simply put, the greatest travesty to modern politics is the modern fascist party, once known as the republicans.

My, my. Such envy.
Reagan Supply Side economics
Failure to do anything on global warming
Failure to address national healthcare
Allowing our infrastructure to crumble

Vietnam-AQ Democrat project
Iraq-A success in ousting Saddam and enforcing UN treaties
Global warming-a man-made hoax
National healthcare-a man made disaster
Our infrastructre is not crumbling.
1) W's false war with Iraq costing the american people trillions and countless american hero's lives.
2) The GOP shitting all over the constitution and freedom to implement their huge government patriot act
3) The W/GOP tax cuts to the rich which tanked the economy on epic proportions.
4) The Koch's hijacking the tea party and turning it into a radical right wing fascist extension of their daddy's John Birch Society dream for the nation.
5) The GOP letting their big banker cronies run wild creating the housing nightmare.
6) To add insult to injury, W and the GOP bailed out their big banker cronies on taxpayer dime while telling everyone they screwed over to go to hell.
7) Reagan making illegal arms deals with terrorists in Iran/Contra
8) Reagan essentially creating the taliban, brought them to the white house, and called them the moral equivalents to america's founding fathers.
9) Trickle down economics
10) Bush 1's all out war on the first amendment with musical artists.

and I could go on and on,...Simply put, the greatest travesty to modern politics is the modern fascist party, once known as the republicans.

I have questions on a few of those but number 10 seem to pop out at me. Coul you explain that one?
Reagan Supply Side economics
Failure to do anything on global warming
Failure to address national healthcare
Allowing our infrastructure to crumble

viet nam---agree
supply side----worked, created jobs and prosperity
national healthcare---there was and is no healthcare crisis that mandates nationalizing medicine
crumbling infrastructure----can you spell Detroit? can you say run by liberals and unions?
AGW--the biggest hoax of all time.
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1, Congress passing a bill they never read, ACA...

2. The Supreme Court declaring the ACA was legal by what was argued, not by what was written in the ACA law...

3. Eric Holder not arresting the Black Panthers for violations of Voter Intimidation in Philadelphia; declaring he would look out for "MY people..."

4. Not having a federal budget...

5. The IRS Scandals, Benghazi Scandals, Fast and Furious Scandals and the Main Stream Media lets these scandals go without repercussions!

6. The incredible expense Michelle Obama as incurred on this administration for her own personal needs and the cost of the vacations for the family when the country is in deficit mode!

7. The No Bid Contract for the problematic ACA Website went to Michelle's college friend without vetting...
8. The president involving himself in racial issues when it is not appropriate Trayvon Martin case and Professor Gate case.

9. The Obamas belonging to an anti white church, under Jeremiah Wright and saying he wasn't in church when the anti white and anti American sermons were being given:eusa_eh:

Why is he still in office? :eek:

The Daily Caller reports that Toni Townes-Whitley, a former Princeton classmate of Michelle Obama is a top executive at the company that was gifted with the no-bid contract to build what has become the failed Obamacare/Affordable Care Act (ACA) website.

Townes-Whitley is senior vice president at CGI Federal, which constructed the failed $678 million Obamacare enrollment website at Healthcare.gov. CGI Federal is the U.S. arm of a Canadian company.

Coincidences abound. Townes-Whitley and her Princeton classmate Michelle Robinson Obama are also both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni.

Michelle O?s college pal given no-bid ACA contract | Seeing Red AZ

Couldn't let it go to a white or even Asian run company. That would be TOTALLY racist, dontchaknow!

Jimmy Carter.

The Patriot Act.

The Iraq war.

Bailing out the banks at taxpayer expense.

Bailing out the auto industry at taxpayer expense.

The renewal and expansion of The Patriot Act under Obama.

The spying on American citizens under Bush and its expansion under Obama.

The ACA as it is currently structured.

The House of Representatives.

The Senate.

The media.

The failure of the previous three to hold the administration accountable.

The failure oh the last one, the media, to hold a flame to the feet of both the administration and congress.

Democrats & Republicans, both the politicians and their sycophantic supporters.
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Reagan Supply Side economics
Failure to do anything on global warming
Failure to address national healthcare
Allowing our infrastructure to crumble

viet nam---agree
supply side----worked, created jobs and prosperity
national healthcare---there was and is no healthcare crisis that mandates nationalizing medicine
crumbling infrastructure----can you spell Detroit? can you say run by liberals and unions?

I never claimed anything about either party

Vietnam and Iraq were disasters leading to a needless taking of life
Reagan economic policies led to the demise of the middle class
Healthcare is still a disaster and Obamacare didn't fix it
Global warming is a ticking time bomb
Our infrastructure is a disaster in and out of cities. Roads, bridges, power grid, communications, water, sewer
The biggest political debacle ever in the US is the election of a president not raised in the US, who was schooled to be a communist, who apologizes to terrorists, and who is costing us every ally we had.
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1, Congress passing a bill they never read, ACA...

2. The Supreme Court declaring the ACA was legal by what was argued, not by what was written in the ACA law...

3. Eric Holder not arresting the Black Panthers for violations of Voter Intimidation in Philadelphia; declaring he would look out for "MY people..."

4. Not having a federal budget...

5. The IRS Scandals, Benghazi Scandals, Fast and Furious Scandals and the Main Stream Media lets these scandals go without repercussions!

6. The incredible expense Michelle Obama as incurred on this administration for her own personal needs and the cost of the vacations for the family when the country is in deficit mode!

7. The No Bid Contract for the problematic ACA Website went to Michelle's college friend without vetting...
8. The president involving himself in racial issues when it is not appropriate Trayvon Martin case and Professor Gate case.

9. The Obamas belonging to an anti white church, under Jeremiah Wright and saying he wasn't in church when the anti white and anti American sermons were being given:eusa_eh:

Why is he still in office? :eek:

The Daily Caller reports that Toni Townes-Whitley, a former Princeton classmate of Michelle Obama is a top executive at the company that was gifted with the no-bid contract to build what has become the failed Obamacare/Affordable Care Act (ACA) website.

Townes-Whitley is senior vice president at CGI Federal, which constructed the failed $678 million Obamacare enrollment website at Healthcare.gov. CGI Federal is the U.S. arm of a Canadian company.

Coincidences abound. Townes-Whitley and her Princeton classmate Michelle Robinson Obama are also both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni.

Michelle O?s college pal given no-bid ACA contract | Seeing Red AZ

Couldn't let it go to a white or even Asian run company. That would be TOTALLY racist, dontchaknow!

Or an American company...too patriotic, or a competent company....too smart.
I said it before, in different context, but let me repeat that in my opinion the greatest travesty in American politics is the sad and tragic lack of term limits for elected offices. The wisdom of the American electorate inexplicably stopped at limiting ONLY the President, but allows the likes of Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Charlie Rangel, John McCain etc. etc. to run and run and run way past the point when they are certifiably senile.

And the second greatest travesty is the lack of line item veto for the President which would allow the President to nullify pork loaded on important bills by worthless freeloaders.

And let us not forget passing Obamacare in order to find out what's in it.
I said it before, in different context, but let me repeat that in my opinion the greatest travesty in American politics is the sad and tragic lack of term limits for elected offices. The wisdom of the American electorate inexplicably stopped at limiting ONLY the President, but allows the likes of Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Charlie Rangel, John McCain etc. etc. to run and run and run way past the point when they are certifiably senile.

And the second greatest travesty is the lack of line item veto for the President which would allow the President to nullify pork loaded on important bills by worthless freeloaders.

And let us not forget passing Obamacare in order to find out what's in it.

Term limits prevent the voters from electing the candidate of their choice

Line item vetoes give the President too much power

When Obamacare finally passed, everyone knew what was in it
The Biggest Political Travesties of our times are:

1. The MSM's sponsorship of Obama's presidential campaign in 2008, acting as an extension of his campaign organization and refusing to vet his background and (lack of) accomplishments.

2. The hyper-politicization of the Executive Branch bureaucracies, in particular the IRS, which acted as shock troops for the Obama re-election campaign by engaging in a campaign to disenfranchise conservatives and suppress the vote.
The biggest political debacle ever in the US is the election of a president not raised in the US, who was schooled to be a communist, who apologizes to terrorists, and who is costing us every ally we had.

I am afraid that your less devoted allies will simply remark that a people get's the government it deserves. A cruel observation but -alas! - one with an element of truth.

Don't despair; the US may well recover, even from two Obama administrations.

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