What is 1.5% of 327.2 Million?


May 23, 2014
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.
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This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.

Not 90%, but more as 99%. Covid-19 is a fake pandemy created by dems and China.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.

You seem to be missing a lot of the threads that discuss the fact that we could get back to work but not just ignore what is before us.

We need to protect the vulnerable.

The fact that our leaders can't see the difference is really disappointing.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.

You seem to be missing a lot of the threads that discuss the fact that we could get back to work but not just ignore what is before us.

We need to protect the vulnerable.

The fact that our leaders can't see the difference is really disappointing.
Reality is what is before us. The most vulnerable are gone anyway.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.

You seem to be missing a lot of the threads that discuss the fact that we could get back to work but not just ignore what is before us.

We need to protect the vulnerable.

The fact that our leaders can't see the difference is really disappointing.
Reality is what is before us. The most vulnerable are gone anyway.

They can be protected...but not like this.

You don't put your granny out in a snowstorm, but you likely don't move to a different climate either. You do what you can.

You don't shut down the country.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.

You seem to be missing a lot of the threads that discuss the fact that we could get back to work but not just ignore what is before us.

We need to protect the vulnerable.

The fact that our leaders can't see the difference is really disappointing.

Look for example Germany, the fatality rate is lower as 0,5%.
Because of the fair statistic
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.

You seem to be missing a lot of the threads that discuss the fact that we could get back to work but not just ignore what is before us.

We need to protect the vulnerable.

The fact that our leaders can't see the difference is really disappointing.
Reality is what is before us. The most vulnerable are gone anyway.

They can be protected...but not like this.

You don't put your granny out in a snowstorm, but you likely don't move to a different climate either. You do what you can.

You don't shut down the country.
That's what I am talking about. But you have to live a long time to get old. Reality sucks, but duty calls. Sometimes you have to cut the ropes.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.
I have a better idea. You, Trump and Britt Hume go back out and take you lumps. Donny can even go back to shaking hands, for all I care. 4,000,000 dead people (you predict) is a lot of dead people. I'll keep drawing and spending my retirements, stimulating the economy as I see fit, taking precautions and living the life I deserve for my lifelong hard work and fiscal conservatism. We need to listen to the science and medical experts now and pick up the pieces for your portfolio later.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.

Not 90%, but more as 99%. Covid-19 is a fake pandemy created by dems and China.
Yet the repub senate wants to spend 2 trillion dollars which will create a debt because of it.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.

Not 90%, but more as 99%. Covid-19 is a fake pandemy created by dems and China.
Yet the repub senate wants to spend 2 trillion dollars which will create a debt because of it.
Wage earners and businesses must be compensated for time lost our the economy is wrecked.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.

There is no reason at all to think that 1.35% of the American people are going to be clipped by this. First of all, that 1.35% is a fake statistic. Most CV cases are totally uncounted, totally under the radar. The numerator, the number of dead, that is pretty well known. I suppose a few cases might have slipped through uncounted and attributed to something else, but not many with the big public health push.

But the denominator is totally unknown. Many people weren't sick enough to visit a doctor. Some who were sick enough were sent home with compassionate /palliative Rx's , as there is no known cure and no real reason to confirm a precise diagnosis.
Not 90%, but more as 99%. Covid-19 is a fake pandemy created by dems and China.

A Russian mole is upon us !!!!
It's time for--

What is 1.5% of 327.2 Million?
0.01.5 X 32.2 = 4.908 million

and your point is--?
If the death rate holds at 1.5% out of a U.S. Population of 327 million that's over 4 million dead. More than all our wars combined.
Running around with one's hair on fire and accepting stat's unquestioningly is a sure recipe for panic and ensuing disaster.
Like real estate, location is everything when it comes analyzing broad national numbers!
What is 1.5% of 327.2 Million?
0.01.5 X 32.2 = 4.908 million

and your point is--?
If the death rate holds at 1.5% out of a U.S. Population of 327 million that's over 4 million dead. More than all our wars combined.

The real death rate is no where near 1.5% however. There is no way of knowing, because we don't have testing of large groups of random people yet.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.
I have a better idea. You, Trump and Britt Hume go back out and take you lumps. Donny can even go back to shaking hands, for all I care. 4,000,000 dead people (you predict) is a lot of dead people. I'll keep drawing and spending my retirements, stimulating the economy as I see fit, taking precautions and living the life I deserve for my lifelong hard work and fiscal conservatism. We need to listen to the science and medical experts now and pick up the pieces for your portfolio later.
That's exactly what I'm using...the scientific data on the death rate. What are you going to do, sit in the living room for the rest of your life? You just have to roll the dice and get on with life. If God wants to take us home that's on his terms and science won't do shit about it. I know I sound like a bad guy but reality is what it is.
This Coronavirus will go on forever if we just sit in place. There is no cure and we can't wait 2 years (best estimate of coming up with one)under siege while our nation dies as a whole. I am afraid we will just have to get back out in the world and take our lumps. The strong will survive with lifelong immunity and the weak shall perish from the earth. We must have to face the terrible reality. By the way the answer to the math problem is over 4 million. Our 2018 population was 327 million. But almost 90% infected will survive. We just have to hit the beach under a hail of gunfire and some won't make it. Our country is at stake.

What is 1.5% of 327.2 Million? Too Many!!!!!

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