What is a Good Moniker for COVID19?

what would be a good name for COVID19?

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The Name COVID19 lends itself to mispronunciation and opaque in terms of information. 200 yeas from now, I doubt anyone will know this as COVID19 except for professionals in the medical community.

The 'street name' should be something more easily remembered by regular people who dont really get what 'corona' means, other than beer, nor what COVID stands for, and what the hell happened to COVID1-18?

So some people refer to COVID19 as the Wuhan Flu, which is inaccurate since it isnt a flu. But most protesting the use of that term feel like it is racist or demeaning to Chinese people. Joe Biden, who has his head firmly up Xi's ass defending the Chicom propaganda stance instead of his own President.

So what would be a good name for COVID19?
The flu.
Pelosi Virus. Democrats paid to have it developed
Prove it you worthless lying scum POS!
Is it Alzheimer's?

You seem to have forgotten that these days we're operating under The Pelosi House of Trembling Madness rules: Guilt by accusation. That's why it's up to YOU to prove she/they didn't pay to have it developed.
Ok, Nazi Don paid to have it developed and used the military to bring it to China just as the Chinese said, so now it's up to YOU to prove it wrong. :asshole:
Because it STARTED there, ya knucklehead.
The Chinese say it started in the good old USA and Nazi Don's military brought it to China.
Gee which pathological liar should I believe?????
Knowing how stupid you are you'll choose the dictators [PLURAL] propaganda for sure.
Thank you for admitting BOTH are dictators (PLURAL).

You fucking clown. If Trump were a dictator you would have been dead long ago.
tRump is a wannabe.

Wannabes are worse because they try harder.
There's an image for it:

The millennials are calling it the Boomer remover...lol kind of funny...

Perhaps we could get a Biolab to develop a strain of something that would ONLY remove SJWs. As the majority of them are Vegan psychos, we could feed them it by putting it in their Vegan Plant Based Food or whatever.

Left hand over heart instead of right? What kid that grew up in America does that?

Typical worthless lying scum POS Right-wing LIE.
First of all it wasn't the Pledge of Allegiance, it was Taps during the 9/11 8th anniversary.
Here is the undoctored by lying scum Trumpists AP photo.

In your photo the right hands replace the left hands. Their positions are switched.

However, the tent poles move to the right but his flag pin stays on the left lapel. The give-away is the wedding rings. Are they worn on the right or left hand.
Still lying after seeing the original photo, the worthless lying scum POS Right have no shame lying in the face of the truth!
You can easily photoshop the pin and add rings where they were not, but you knew that already!
Typical worthless lying scum POS Right-wing LIE.
First of all it wasn't the Pledge of Allegiance, it was Taps during the 9/11 8th anniversary.
Here is the undoctored by lying scum Trumpists AP photo.

In your photo the right hands replace the left hands. Their positions are switched.

However, the tent poles move to the right but his flag pin stays on the left lapel. The give-away is the wedding rings. Are they worn on the right or left hand.

I don't get it, Mr. Hossfly, but I'll take your word for it.

How come Michelle's wedding ring is there and then not? That's rather odd...

Looks like Barack is wearing one too in my photo. Say, doesn't he wear some kinda Communist ring he got from Bill Ayres or something?

No sign of that. Both could be wrong.
No only you worthless lying scum Trumpists are wrong, I linked to the original AP photo!!!
Typical worthless lying scum POS Right-wing LIE.
First of all it wasn't the Pledge of Allegiance, it was Taps during the 9/11 8th anniversary.
Here is the undoctored by lying scum Trumpists AP photo.

In your photo the right hands replace the left hands. Their positions are switched.

However, the tent poles move to the right but his flag pin stays on the left lapel. The give-away is the wedding rings. Are they worn on the right or left hand.

I don't get it, Mr. Hossfly, but I'll take your word for it.

How come Michelle's wedding ring is there and then not? That's rather odd...

Looks like Barack is wearing one too in my photo. Say, doesn't he wear some kinda Communist ring he got from Bill Ayres or something?

No sign of that. Both could be wrong.
No only you worthless lying scum Trumpists are wrong, I linked to the original AP photo!!!
every one you call scum is a compliment to those people ...i would view it as an insult if you liked me or anyone i know ! your leftwing communist ,killer of the unborn ,gender confused,treasonous ,Anti American, gender confused ,homosexual,disapproval of anyone is confirmation that said person you hate is a descent reasonable patriotic American !
It is obvious you are proud of being a worthless lying scum POS!
everything i said is true ! 1st you hate capitalism and this country and believe it has done more evil than good........ .2nd you believe abortion should be legal at any stage for any reason.......3rd your side believes their are dozens of different sexes instead of just 2.............4rth you are a feminine whiner and a homosexual .
Flu v2.00. If you are healthy and have had the flu, this isn't any big deal. The panic buying of toilet paper, seems like a thing businesses made up to drum up sales. Like black Friday for hypochondriacs.
Flu v2.00. If you are healthy and have had the flu, this isn't any big deal. The panic buying of toilet paper, seems like a thing businesses made up to drum up sales. Like black Friday for hypochondriacs.

I agree. Wednesday, before any panic, I went to Home Depot and all the wide aisles were full of dozens of pallets of toilet paper. I asked a guy working there why all the TP and he said, 'Damned if I know.' Now we know.

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