What is a Good Moniker for COVID19?

what would be a good name for COVID19?

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How about calling the virus the "Dems. last chance". The DNC, MSM, deep state establishment and education system are all hoping for a long protracted pandemic and economic downturn. That's the only way America hating Democrats will ever be able to connive their way into power.
The Name COVID19 lends itself to mispronunciation and opaque in terms of information. 200 yeas from now, I doubt anyone will know this as COVID19 except for professionals in the medical community.

The 'street name' should be something more easily remembered by regular people who dont really get what 'corona' means, other than beer, nor what COVID stands for, and what the hell happened to COVID1-18?

So some people refer to COVID19 as the Wuhan Flu, which is inaccurate since it isnt a flu. But most protesting the use of that term feel like it is racist or demeaning to Chinese people. Joe Biden, who has his head firmly up Xi's ass defending the Chicom propaganda stance instead of his own President.

So what would be a good name for COVID19?
Lala la, la, lalalala! Lala la, la, lalalala!

I think the Chinese Gummint would like this disease to be the horse with no name.​
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I don't know what it should be called, I just want someone to explain to me how I explain it to my grandson that a Chinaman eating a raw bat is the root of the toilet paper shortage here.
I heard AIPAC Virus. It makes sense since all of the major clusters in the US and many in Europe originated from attendees at the AIPAC conference.
Jew Flu? Perhaps?
The Name COVID19 lends itself to mispronunciation and opaque in terms of information. 200 yeas from now, I doubt anyone will know this as COVID19 except for professionals in the medical community.

The 'street name' should be something more easily remembered by regular people who dont really get what 'corona' means, other than beer, nor what COVID stands for, and what the hell happened to COVID1-18?

So some people refer to COVID19 as the Wuhan Flu, which is inaccurate since it isnt a flu. But most protesting the use of that term feel like it is racist or demeaning to Chinese people. Joe Biden, who has his head firmly up Xi's ass defending the Chicom propaganda stance instead of his own President.

So what would be a good name for COVID19?

- Trumpitis

- the Orange Scourge
The Name COVID19 lends itself to mispronunciation and opaque in terms of information. 200 yeas from now, I doubt anyone will know this as COVID19 except for professionals in the medical community.

The 'street name' should be something more easily remembered by regular people who dont really get what 'corona' means, other than beer, nor what COVID stands for, and what the hell happened to COVID1-18?

So some people refer to COVID19 as the Wuhan Flu, which is inaccurate since it isnt a flu. But most protesting the use of that term feel like it is racist or demeaning to Chinese people. Joe Biden, who has his head firmly up Xi's ass defending the Chicom propaganda stance instead of his own President.

So what would be a good name for COVID19?

The virus that won Trump the White House.....
The millennials are calling it the Boomer remover...lol kind of funny...

Perhaps we could get a Biolab to develop a strain of something that would ONLY remove SJWs. As the majority of them are Vegan psychos, we could feed them it by putting it in their Vegan Plant Based Food or whatever.
The Wuhan Virus is deadliest in cities. So it kinda does this.
Corporations are betraying America and no one gives a flying Fark about it. Hell, the Dimocrat nominee is a bought and paid for Chicom shill.
Jim, I disagree with that.... mainly because they are doing the right thing by shutting down venues, which will slow the spread of the virus, which allows our gvt time to get a grip on the lack of testing hopefully, and allows our hospitals more time to prepare for the health crisis they are going to face, and by slowing the rate it will not overwhelm our infrastructure in the medical arena as quickly as it could, and they won't be faced with who should they let die, when there are not enough breathing machines to go around....

Do you think corporations wanted to see their stocks take a dive...

We are BLIND right now, because everyone, yes... damn near everyone, is not being tested.... WE CANT SEE ANYTHING, that could guide us.... regions or cities or towns more concentrated with the virus should have shut down already, to contain it.... but what towns? what cities? what regions? we are BLIND....

So the whole damn country is being shut down... not having these tests distributed to every town and state, is the biggest medical mistake in our history...

we can't even see when and if we have reached our peak, or when and if we are improving, or the real mortality rate.... again, WE ARE BLIND.....

China beat this sucker.... their numbers of cases and deaths are dropping drastically.... same with south korea, they are beyond peak and are dropping in numbers.

These two countries beat this virus through testing testing testing, and isolation of the sick, and quarantining everyone else...

in our land of the free, that's harder for us to do.... not the testing.... we simply F'd up on that and missed a huge opportunity to nip this in the bud early on, but the martial law of shutting us all down like Italy and China did in specific regions, is harder for us....

the corporations doing whatever they can to put ''people first'' helps, and in the end will help themselves in the future, and all of us with a retirement portfolio that has recently hit skid row too. imo
Hmm, I think I am seeing a monicker now.

'Virus' or 'flu' is not strong enough. This thing is at least ten times worse than the average flu and could repeat the Spanish Flu at double or triple death rates.

The Communist chinese government did not handle this with transparency or honesty, hiding embarrassing stats to make itself look better and now is actually accusing the USA of having started it all.

So how about the 'Chicom Plague'?
Why do most of your names seem to imply Chinese responsibility?
They don't imply responsibility at all.

Who is responsible for the German measles?

Is Lou Gehrig responsible for ALS?

Put your race card away. Your desperate flailing is only embarrassing you.
Jim, I disagree with that.... mainly because they are doing the right thing by shutting down venues, which will slow the spread of the virus, which allows our gvt time to get a grip on the lack of testing hopefully, and allows our hospitals more time to prepare for the health crisis they are going to face, and by slowing the rate it will not overwhelm our infrastructure in the medical arena as quickly as it could, and they won't be faced with who should they let die, when there are not enough breathing machines to go around....

Do you think corporations wanted to see their stocks take a dive...

Well, firstly I am speaking m ore about multinational corporations that have a huge presence in China, like Walmart, Apple, Nike, etc.

And no, I dont think they want their stocks to take a dive, which is why so many of their shills are down playing this thing and blaming Trump.

But I dont know that we are seeing a peak in China so much as a peak in Wuhan, and that with Draconian measures taking place. Once Xi sends everyone back to work it is likely to rebound there. But yes, South Korea is handling this well in their very small, highly militarized single ethnic nation.

We are BLIND right now, because everyone, yes... damn near everyone, is not being tested.... WE CANT SEE ANYTHING, that could guide us.... regions or cities or towns more concentrated with the virus should have shut down already, to contain it.... but what towns? what cities? what regions? we are BLIND....

So the whole damn country is being shut down... not having these tests distributed to every town and state, is the biggest medical mistake in our history...

The tests are availabe to anyone that has symptoms, but not to everyone that simply wants one. We do h ave a fast test coming that can return results in like 6 hours wth 500k of these tests anticipated to be available next week.

we can't even see when and if we have reached our peak, or when and if we are improving, or the real mortality rate.... again, WE ARE BLIND.....

No, we have NOT reached peak cases, and are probably at least a month away from that.

China beat this sucker.... their numbers of cases and deaths are dropping drastically.... same with south korea, they are beyond peak and are dropping in numbers.

These two countries beat this virus through testing testing testing, and isolation of the sick, and quarantining everyone else...

While I agree ab out South Korea, I have strong doubts about China, but we shall see. I hope they have beaten this thing. The Chinese people need a break. I am just wondering what will happen when they try to return to 'normal operations'.

in our land of the free, that's harder for us to do.... not the testing.... we simply F'd up on that and missed a huge opportunity to nip this in the bud early on, but the martial law of shutting us all down like Italy and China did in specific regions, is harder for us....

Without a doubt. We had a fuck up early on with a bad test that the FDA caught and so they had to start over. Now we are buying tests from Switzerland and other nations.

the corporations doing whatever they can to put ''people first'' helps, and in the end will help themselves in the future, and all of us with a retirement portfolio that has recently hit skid row too. imo

Well, corporations based here should be that way, multinationals not so much, which is one of my beefs with Global trade.
I agree that COVID19 is too much...technical... maybe Wuhan virus would be better.
Anyways the name doesn't really matter. I can't wait to hear some scientists find the way to defeat this virus!
I agree that COVID19 is too much...technical... maybe Wuhan virus would be better.
Anyways the name doesn't really matter. I can't wait to hear some scientists find the way to defeat this virus!
they will find a way... eventually.... even with AIDS they found a solution, it took 10 years, they did not find a cure, but they found a way with drugs, for the evil cells, not to duplicate so rapidly, allowing their own immune systems to fight back kind of thing....
The Name COVID19 lends itself to mispronunciation and opaque in terms of information. 200 yeas from now, I doubt anyone will know this as COVID19 except for professionals in the medical community.

The 'street name' should be something more easily remembered by regular people who dont really get what 'corona' means, other than beer, nor what COVID stands for, and what the hell happened to COVID1-18?

So some people refer to COVID19 as the Wuhan Flu, which is inaccurate since it isnt a flu. But most protesting the use of that term feel like it is racist or demeaning to Chinese people. Joe Biden, who has his head firmly up Xi's ass defending the Chicom propaganda stance instead of his own President.

So what would be a good name for COVID19?
Why do most of your names seem to imply Chinese responsibility?
Because it STARTED there, ya knucklehead.
The Chinese say it started in the good old USA and Nazi Don's military brought it to China.
Gee which pathological liar should I believe?????

Knowing how stupid you are you'll choose the dictators propaganda for sure.
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The Name COVID19 lends itself to mispronunciation and opaque in terms of information. 200 yeas from now, I doubt anyone will know this as COVID19 except for professionals in the medical community.

The 'street name' should be something more easily remembered by regular people who dont really get what 'corona' means, other than beer, nor what COVID stands for, and what the hell happened to COVID1-18?

So some people refer to COVID19 as the Wuhan Flu, which is inaccurate since it isnt a flu. But most protesting the use of that term feel like it is racist or demeaning to Chinese people. Joe Biden, who has his head firmly up Xi's ass defending the Chicom propaganda stance instead of his own President.

So what would be a good name for COVID19?
Why do most of your names seem to imply Chinese responsibility?
Because it STARTED there, ya knucklehead.
The Chinese say it started in the good old USA and Nazi Don's military brought it to China.
Gee which pathological liar should I believe?????

Knowing how stupid you are you'll choose thg he dictators propaganda for sure.

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