What is a Homosexual?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
It has been posted on this board that "homosexuality" is an immutable trait, and thus it should be accorded the same status as, for example, gender or race. Are these people "homosexuals"?

A man who is sexually attracted to other men but for religious reasons chooses a lifetime of celibacy?

A man who is incarcerated and regularly and enthusiastically engages in oral and anal sodomy with one or more of his fellow prisoners?

A man who is occasionally attracted to other men, but has never acted on those impulses, and is married with children?

A man who is effeminate and is perceived to be homosexual, but is either asexual or heterosexual?

A woman who is asexual but chooses to live with another woman in a celibate relationship for social reasons - and decides to get "married" by the local state, which permits such things, in order to have a legitimate child?

A woman who is so profoundly unattractive (physically or otherwise) that she has no hope of ever entering into a successful relationship with a man, so she resorts to occasonal trysts of joint-masturbation with other women?

Which of these individuals, if any, would you consider to be "homosexual"?

Is it any wonder why estimates of the "homosexual" population have such a wide range? But even so, the self-identified homosexual population is less than 2%, any way you slice it.
What is a homosexual? Well, it depends. A homosexual can be many things:

A neighbor
A son
A friend
A coworker
A Marine
A police officer
A doctor
A teacher
A construction worker
A homeless man
A prisoner
A preacher
A pilot
A pro athlete
A journalist

A homosexual can be a lot of things......except married I guess.
It has been posted on this board that "homosexuality" is an immutable trait, and thus it should be accorded the same status as, for example, gender or race. Are these people "homosexuals"?

A man who is sexually attracted to other men but for religious reasons chooses a lifetime of celibacy?

A man who is incarcerated and regularly and enthusiastically engages in oral and anal sodomy with one or more of his fellow prisoners?

A man who is occasionally attracted to other men, but has never acted on those impulses, and is married with children?

A man who is effeminate and is perceived to be homosexual, but is either asexual or heterosexual?

A woman who is asexual but chooses to live with another woman in a celibate relationship for social reasons - and decides to get "married" by the local state, which permits such things, in order to have a legitimate child?

A woman who is so profoundly unattractive (physically or otherwise) that she has no hope of ever entering into a successful relationship with a man, so she resorts to occasonal trysts of joint-masturbation with other women?

Which of these individuals, if any, would you consider to be "homosexual"?

Is it any wonder why estimates of the "homosexual" population have such a wide range? But even so, the self-identified homosexual population is less than 2%, any way you slice it.

What is a heterosexual?

A man who is sexually attracted to women but for religious reasons chooses a lifetime of celibacy?

A man who is incarcerated and regularly and enthusiastically engages in oral and anal sodomy with one or more of his fellow prisoners?

A man who is occasionally attracted to women, but has never acted on those impulses?

A woman who is so profoundly unattractive (physically or otherwise) that she has no hope of ever entering into a successful relationship with a man, so she resorts to frantic masturbation while surfing internet porn sites?

A man who is masculine and is perceived to be heterosexual, but is either asexual or homosexual?

Which of these individuals, if any, would you consider to be "heterosexual"?

Is it any wonder why estimates of the "heterosexual" population have such a wide range?
It has been posted on this board that "homosexuality" is an immutable trait, and thus it should be accorded the same status as, for example, gender or race. Are these people "homosexuals"?

A man who is sexually attracted to other men but for religious reasons chooses a lifetime of celibacy?

Yes, homosexuality is about the gender one is attracted to, not whether you have consummated an intimate act.

A man who is incarcerated and regularly and enthusiastically engages in oral and anal sodomy with one or more of his fellow prisoners?

Yes - if it's done out of sexual attraction.

No - if it's done either as a power trip or simple as a means of simulation while thinking about women.

A man who is occasionally attracted to other men, but has never acted on those impulses, and is married with children?

Yes - if the man has no sexual attraction to his wife and is thinking about men while having intercourse to result in children.

No - If he his truly sexually attracted to his wife and is also attracted to men, that is not homosexuality, that is bisexuality.

A man who is effeminate and is perceived to be homosexual, but is either asexual or heterosexual?

No, you yourself said he's not attracted to other men, therefore by definition he's not homosexual.

A woman who is asexual but chooses to live with another woman in a celibate relationship for social reasons - and decides to get "married" by the local state, which permits such things, in order to have a legitimate child?

This one make no sense, the "legitimate child" has nothing to do with determining sexual orientation.

But if she is asexual, therefore not attracted to other women she is not a homosexual which by definition is based on sexual attraction to someone of the same gender.

A woman who is so profoundly unattractive (physically or otherwise) that she has no hope of ever entering into a successful relationship with a man, so she resorts to occasonal trysts of joint-masturbation with other women?

If she's sexually attacked to the other women, then that is what a homosexual is.

If she is attacked to men but using the masturbation for stimulation while thinking of men, then that is not homosexual.

Which of these individuals, if any, would you consider to be "homosexual"?

Is it any wonder why estimates of the "homosexual" population have such a wide range? But even so, the self-identified homosexual population is less than 2%, any way you slice it.

In the past coming out as a homosexual could end up with you in a mental institution, in jail, an ended career, and/or ostracized by family and friends. To this day ended careers and loss of family can results in some parts of the country and some cultures, so the fact that "self-identified" is a condition to the low number is not that surprising.

When you add bisexuals the number of the LGBT community go up to 3.5%

How Many People are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender? | Williams Institute

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Lets just call it for what it is, a social and natural abnormality resulting from profound decadence.
Lets just call it for what it is, a social and natural abnormality resulting from profound decadence.

Right...so if I take it easy today and drink a little wine I might turn gay? Is this something you have experienced sometimes?

I have no idea at all why some people are gay and some people are not. I can not imagine what it might be like to be gay myself. And you know what - I don't care.

It is of no interest to me who my neighbours or friends choose to sleep with or love. They can decide for themselves if they want to be with a man or a woman or a black person or a Jew or a singer or an accountant.

This is called 'freedom'.
It has been posted on this board that "homosexuality" is an immutable trait, and thus it should be accorded the same status as, for example, gender or race. Are these people "homosexuals"?

A man who is sexually attracted to other men but for religious reasons chooses a lifetime of celibacy?

A man who is incarcerated and regularly and enthusiastically engages in oral and anal sodomy with one or more of his fellow prisoners?

A man who is occasionally attracted to other men, but has never acted on those impulses, and is married with children?

A man who is effeminate and is perceived to be homosexual, but is either asexual or heterosexual?

A woman who is asexual but chooses to live with another woman in a celibate relationship for social reasons - and decides to get "married" by the local state, which permits such things, in order to have a legitimate child?

Which of these individuals, if any, would you consider to be "homosexual"?

Is it any wonder why estimates of the "homosexual" population have such a wide range? But even so, the self-identified homosexual population is less than 2%, any way you slice it.

Oh, I love this one:

A woman who is so profoundly unattractive (physically or otherwise) that she has no hope of ever entering into a successful relationship with a man, so she resorts to occasonal trysts of joint-masturbation with other women?
As if there aren't men who are 'profoundly unattractive.' LOL I see very 'unattractive' people all the time, with a partner, in a relationship. Seems to me, attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder and there is nothing to the idea of someone being too physically unattractive to find love. Boy, sometimes some men are really stupid.
I have a nephew who has recently 'come out' via his FB page. He is the oldest son of the eldest of my two sisters. I've known him his entire life. I took him to and picked him up from school and community functions. I helped raise him. I attended his wedding, and I know his wife and each and every one of his 4 kids.
I knew he and his wife were having problems, but I kept my nose out of it because it's none of my business.
When I saw his fb page, complete with a pic of him kissing this other man, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I was that surprised.
I'm not going to give my approval or disapproval because he's an adult and able to make his own decisions in life. I'm not going to judge him because again, it's none of my concern and certainly not my place to judge anyone else.
His wife is asking "Why?", and I have no answer to offer. That is something she's going to have to ask him. He's the only one who can answer.
A mentally ill person with gender identity confusion disorder.

The 1950s called, they want their DSM back.

The truth called, and it wants you to lay off the absurd political correctness.

G5000 is absolutely right - anyone who still pretends to think that gay people suffer from some kind of disorder is living in 1950 - if not 1850.

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