Zone1 What is a Jew?

they are one in the same ... identical histories as their accomplices - paine - per pretentious religious precepts.

rather true heavenly objectives as the 1st century and those that gave their lives for just cause - than lies ...
The "fertile crescent" was hardly a desert.

garden earth ...


and where are those that gave their lives found in the middle east today - the holy lands.
I get that the question “What is a Jew?” or “Who is a Jew?” can be answered in lots of ways and mostly refers to how people view the issue today. You know well the Orthodox Jewish perspective and also the other non-Orthodox views.

I was wondering what you think of the very speculative but not really unreasonable view that the rise of Hebrew monotheism and the story of the Exodus itself had historical origins in the interactions between tribal Canaanite peoples who were part of the Hyksos “invasion” or migrations to Egypt, their linking up with Egyptian monotheism and their being subsequently expelled.

I’m sure you’ve heard of these theories of Moses being a high-placed Egyptian follower of monotheism, whose faction made an alliance with mostly tribal people (“Hyksos”) being driven out of power in Egypt after ruling parts of it for over a century. Freud’s famous — or infamous — Moses & Monotheism essays went so far as attempting to give a psychoanalytic examination of Exodus, claiming to uncover signs in the Hebrew Bible story of a history of collective trauma and “guilt” to explain the unique tribal monotheism that arose (and was reinforced later by many other events) among the early Hebrew monotheists.

I don’t so much put credence in Freudian imaginations as I do not believe in an actual personal or theistic “God” who stands behind this history.

I provide a few articles on these themes just to stimulate people’s imagination and desire to pursue different ways to look at what are — after all — still powerful myths and stories close to the heart of Judeo-Christian culture & civilization.

Akhenaten: The Forgotten Pioneer of Atenism and Monotheism

9 Facts About the Enigmatic Hyksos Invaders of Ancient Egypt

Moses and Monotheism - Wikipedia
There are plenty of archeological and historical theories regarding the accuracy of the biblical characters, places and events, some attempting to correlate and connect to events as recorded in other sources. Other theories attempt to explain the development of (for example) monotheism. The Jewish view is not to worry too much about those theories. Some things are not going to get definitvely proven or disproven and if we rely on history to validate our beliefs then our beliefs are similarly subject to "disproof" when a new piece of historical data shows up.
I get that the question “What is a Jew?” or “Who is a Jew?” can be answered in lots of ways and mostly refers to how people view the issue today. You know well the Orthodox Jewish perspective and also the other non-Orthodox views.
Actually, not really. All agree that is Jew is someone born of a Jewish mother, or one who has converted. The American Reform movement adds kids of a Jewish father who were raised with Judaism (Hebrew school, regular shul attendance, Judaism prevalent in the home). What constitute a proper conversion is debated between movements, but the mechanics of it (study, beit din, mikvah, and milah for males) is pretty standard.
All agree that is Jew is someone born of a Jewish mother, or one who has converted.

converted to what, hereditary idolatry as a religious order ... no such conversion is possible any more than a complicity at birth for the newly born would even be possible whether in future agreement or not.
converted to what, hereditary idolatry as a religious order ... no such conversion is possible any more than a complicity at birth for the newly born would even be possible whether in future agreement or not.
breezie, have you ever met a person who has converted TO JUDAISM? Do you live
under a rock?
converted to what, hereditary idolatry as a religious order ... no such conversion is possible any more than a complicity at birth for the newly born would even be possible whether in future agreement or not.
breezie, have you ever met a person who has converted TO JUDAISM? Do you live
under a rock?

judaism does not exist as a religion, try the political forum, im sure those conversions are in ample supply among the maga - as a momentary guess. for that attraction.
judaism does not exist as a religion, try the political forum, im sure those conversions are in ample supply among the maga - as a momentary guess. for that attraction.
Then you know even less than I thought you did.
converted to what, hereditary idolatry as a religious order ...
Then you know even less than I thought you did.

your own moses ...

  • You shall have no other God's before me.
  • Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images. ...

those phony 10 commandments, all of them ... could it mean paterfamilias, the bedrock for ... the craven.

Take your son to the land of Moriah and kill your son there as a sacrifice for me. This must be Isaac, your only son, the one you love. Use him ...

- heartwarming the jews took their advice.
your own moses ...

those phony 10 commandments, all of them ... could it mean paterfamilias, the bedrock for ... the craven.

- heartwarming the jews took their advice.
posting random statements and unrelated comments does not make for a persuasive argument. Maybe try again.
posting random statements and unrelated comments does not make for a persuasive argument. Maybe try again.

you have yet to explain either hereditary idolatry or the existence claimed by the liar moses the etched tablets from the heavens w/ 10 commandments ...


What is a Jew?​

you have yet to explain either hereditary idolatry or the existence claimed by the liar moses the etched tablets from the heavens w/ 10 commandments ...

View attachment 795925

What is a Jew?​

what needs to be explained? Your fantasies or your linguistic invention that has no value? Why should I have to explain your crazy?
you have yet to explain either hereditary idolatry or the existence claimed by the liar moses the etched tablets from the heavens w/ 10 commandments ...
what needs to be explained?

could the highlite help your vision - you can read american ... surly

the basis for your corrupt religion as stated above, why jews, romans (christians) persecuted and victimized the innocent in the 1st century and since that time to the present day. the crucifixion of jesus and those others that gave their lives for liberation theology, self determination.

provide the etched tablets from the heavens w/ 10 commandments or remove them from your documents than as the work of a single individual moses or the conclave they represent.
could the highlite help your vision - you can read american ... surly

the basis for your corrupt religion as stated above, why jews, romans (christians) persecuted and victimized the innocent in the 1st century and since that time to the present day. the crucifixion of jesus and those others that gave their lives for liberation theology, self determination.

provide the etched tablets from the heavens w/ 10 commandments or remove them from your documents than as the work of a single individual moses or the conclave they represent.
Making your weird statements red doesn't make them more rational.

How can I explain your invented phrase about hereditary idolatry? I can't -- you made it up and it makes no sense to me. So what should I explain?

And you want the physical presence of the original tablets? They were hidden away. I guess that means to you that they never existed. We also have no handwritten playtexts by Shakespeare so I guess they never existed either.

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