Zone1 What is a Jew?

I would appreciate it if commenters who present theological arguments take a moment to identify which religious tradition they belong to, assuming they belong to, or broadly identify with, some religious tradition. For example, a Jewish rabbi can be Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, etc. A Christian can be Catholic, Orthodox, or one of many different Protestant churches.

Of course nobody need respond in this way, but I think it would help clarify the discussion and help educate folks a little about important religious differences that underlay at least some commenters’ theological — and other — views.


I myself do not belong to or broadly identify with any specific religious tradition or Church … though I have tried to pay attention to religious & spiritual questions and controversies, modern and historical.
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I would appreciate it if commenters who present theological arguments take a moment to identify which religious tradition they belong to, assuming they belong to, or broadly identify with, some religious tradition. For example, a Jewish rabbi can be Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, etc. A Christian can be Catholic, Orthodox, or one of many different Protestant churches.

Of course nobody need respond in this way, but I think it would help clarify the discussion and help educate folks a little about important religious differences that underlay at least some commenters’ theological … and other views.
A fair request and strong point.

I am an Orthodox Jew and am a rabbi. Being a rabbi is not my occupation (usually); it is just a marker of having studied certain things and receiving ordination.
I find myself asking this question a lot lately.

There are lots of so-called Jews around, people claiming to be Jewish, yet they seem to be pretty ignorant of passages from the Hebrew Bible.
That's pretty funny. I find a lot of people on this forum espousing Christian principles and yet have no knowledge of the Bible. They even turn a very blind eye to violations of the Ten Commandments by their Dear Leader.

"Wonton killing." :auiqs.jpg:

Many of them today also promote Satanic lies and values, such as transgenderism, homosexuality, and abortion. How can one support these things and still call themselves a person of God? To be fair there are plenty of Christians doing this, and I call them out on that.

So what really is a Jew? What do they believe in? The modern day Jews don’t seem to have the same beliefs and rituals as they had over two thousand years ago. What changed? What is their belief about the afterlife and what happens when we die?

Firstly, they worship “the God of Abraham“, God who made a covenant with Abraham. Before that was the covenant with Noah. Also of course was those with Moses and David.

But what has changed since then?

Obviously someone did come along that radically changed things. He said their temple would be destroyed, and it was. But the Jews labeled him a heretic and blasphemer. The Jews called the followers of the one that did this a “cult”. When it became obvious this “cult” wasn’t going to just fade away, they supposedly had a council to “re-edit” the Hebrew Bible. Also later on the Jews came up with the Talmud, another “revision” of the religion.

So if any Jew is interested in talking about these things, let me know. I’d like to hear from you.
The JOOS kilt Christ! Burn them!
They even turn a very blind eye to violations of the Ten Commandments by their Dear Leader.
You know you are incapable of having any coherent discussion because you must make everything about Orange Man.

As if we should be voting for someone else because he isn’t perfect. As if I am supposed to vote for someone like Biden in order to demonstrate my Christian values, because he does? He claims to be a Catholic yet we all know he is all about abortion on demand. Am I supposed to turn a blind eye to that? Along with all the other stuff he does like taking showers with his 11 year old, marrying his babysitter? His sexual assault of Tara Reade? His long history of bribes and corruption? His long history of supporting every stupid war? His promoting of homosexual and transgender Agenda? This is “more Christian” than President Trump’s policies which are the exact opposite and in line with Christian beliefs?
So your underlying position (which I'm gleaning from your barely decipherable pidgin) is that Judaism is a fake religion. Your opinion of it is not really important to me and I don't put any weight on your judgment of religions. So, again, beyond your personal opinion about Judaism, do you have anything constructive to contribute?
what is irrefutable by you for - heredity idolatry, that is not rendered a cancer throughout history ... including your phony religion.

the position is restated above for which you have yet to respond to -

- everyone knows all 3 desert religions are phony, yours no different than the others - that is not they are not extracts from the original heavenly religion of antiquity they all three have abandoned.
the position is restated above for which you have yet to respond to -

- everyone knows all 3 desert religions are phony, yours no different than the others - that is not they are not extracts from the original heavenly religion of antiquity they all three have abandoned.
again, this is your opinion. How should one react or respond to your personal position on something. How about, "gee, your vision of the world sure is entertaining!"
"Bible based religion should comport with the Bible story."

what story is that ... a&e chose wisely to join those already in paradise as equals through self determination granted to them as necessary for their remission upon a successful conclusion to their journey per heavenly judgement.

* moses was an egomaniac and needs help and begs to be let free from the cauldron they presently are entrapped and will be till their sin is resolved ... just trying to help. someone in need.
again, this is your opinion. How should one react or respond to your personal position on something. How about, "gee, your vision of the world sure is entertaining!"
what is irrefutable by you for - heredity idolatry, that is not rendered a cancer throughout history ... including your phony religion.

- heredity idolatry, that is not rendered a cancer throughout history ...

history is not an opinion, what has been stated is your lack of response to the specific subject matter - hereditary idolatry - that renders your "religion" no more than a despotic fantasy for juveniles and adolescents.
- heredity idolatry, that is not rendered a cancer throughout history ...

history is not an opinion, what has been stated is your lack of response to the specific subject matter - hereditary idolatry - that renders your "religion" no more than a despotic fantasy for juveniles and adolescents.
calling something idolatry is an opinion
calling something a cancer (when it is not the medical definition of cancer) is an opinion

you have invented a term and are throwing it around like it has any weight or value. It doesn't. It is the coinage of your brain and has no influence beyond the edges of your personal mind. Calling something a "despotic fantasy" is, similarly, your labeling of something based on your bias and feelings. Useless.
calling something idolatry is an opinion

really - (wasn't that a moses tantrum, the golden calf) - or


is that just for jews ...

what is irrefutable by you for - heredity idolatry, that is not rendered a cancer throughout history ...

whenever has monarchical associations ever not been refuted throughout history as no less than a plague for any society that has had to suffer its existence - much less its aplication for a religious order. need to bury that one, the sooner the better.
Begins with Genesis, ends with Revelation.

is that in the archives they used and left for posterity the source for their 4th century book ... or anything written by the jews - like their phony 10 commandments.

... a&e chose wisely to join those already in paradise as equals through self determination granted to them as necessary for their remission upon a successful conclusion to their journey per heavenly judgement.

- how is it the religion of antiquity has a different version than the desert books ...
You got that from this?

"Bible based religion should comport with the Bible story."

You sound a little hysterical. ;)
Is that your "diagnosis"? Do you understand the word
HYSTERIA? Could you define the term "the Bible story"

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