Zone1 What is a Jew?

actually, the Jews to whom the Exodus occurred and who were commanded to observe the festival understand it way better than the johnny-come-latelies who have decided that it means something different to validate their own separate theology.

Can you imagine what you would say if a Muslim commented that Christians don't understand Easter and get all the wrong messages from it because they think it has to do with Jesus and resurrection? Or how an American would feel if a Russian said "your constitution doesn't mean what you think it does because it is actually supporting the Russian system"? This is the saddest form of attempted arrogance.
Then why don’t you explain why Jews sacrificed a lamb, but now they don’t? What changed?
Then why don’t you explain why Jews sacrificed a lamb, but now they don’t? What changed?
the laws of sacrifices required two important things -- 1, that we perform the sacrifice in a state of ritual purity, a state that we are not in now, and 2, that we perform it in a place that God commands us to, and not anywhere else. That place shifted over time, from the tabernacle in the desert to the temporary one in Shiloh and eventually to the temple in Jerusalem. As the temple has been destroyed, we don't have access to the only place where we are allowed to sacrifice.

Just a side note, the lamb sacrifice of Passover had nothing to do with sin.
the laws of sacrifices required two important things -- 1, that we perform the sacrifice in a state of ritual purity, a state that we are not in now, and 2, that we perform it in a place that God commands us to, and not anywhere else. That place shifted over time, from the tabernacle in the desert to the temporary one in Shiloh and eventually to the temple in Jerusalem. As the temple has been destroyed, we don't have access to the only place where we are allowed to sacrifice.

Just a side note, the lamb sacrifice of Passover had nothing to do with sin.
So why did God allow the temple to be destroyed?
On one level we can always say "God has a plan" but that seems like a cop out.

The traditional answer is that the first temple was destroyed because the three cardinal sins were committed and the second, because of baseless hatred.

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Doesn’t sound like there is any consensus on why it was destroyed.

Odd that they don‘t have a straight answer for such an important thing without some biblical reason.

From the Christian point of view it is pretty obvious why.
Jesus said the temple would be destroyed, and it was. He rebuilt it in three days just as he said he would. Not a physical building, but his body.
Doesn’t sound like there is any consensus on why it was destroyed.

Odd that they don‘t have a straight answer for such an important thing without some biblical reason.

From the Christian point of view it is pretty obvious why.
Jesus said the temple would be destroyed, and it was. He rebuilt it in three days just as he said he would. Not a physical building, but his body.
There is discussion but also an understanding that it is wrong to think that we can definitively understand the mind of God. Citing what Jesus might or might not have said is useless. One temple had been destroyed well before he existed and others said the temple would be destroyed but that doesn't make them God. And that statement about his body is just plain weird.
On one level we can always say "God has a plan" but that seems like a cop out.

The traditional answer is that the first temple was destroyed because the three cardinal sins were committed and the second, because of baseless hatred.

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This is what confuses me. I suppose I can understand why religious people might want to find explanations for bad things that happen to them in terms of God “punishing” them, but what is wrong with just attributing the destruction of the Second Temple to the Roman determination to teach the Jews a lesson after their uprising in 66 CE? From the Roman point of view, and the modern historical point of view, that certainly makes the most sense.

For that matter, how does “theological” Judaism generally explain the Holocaust? Surely they don’t blame themselves, do they?
This is what confuses me. I suppose I can understand why religious people might want to find explanations for bad things that happen to them in terms of God “punishing” them, but what is wrong with just attributing the destruction of the Second Temple to the Roman determination to teach the Jews a lesson after their uprising in 66 CE? From the Roman point of view, and the modern historical point of view, that certainly makes the most sense.

For that matter, how does “theological” Judaism generally explain the Holocaust? Surely they don’t blame themselves, do they?
There is incredible tension in Jewish discussions between trying to find reasons for things that happen or commandments given (positive or negative) and espousing a purer belief in the overall plan without trying to explain.

In terms of the Holocaust, you can find thinkers who opine that it was the fault of us and our sins and another sage who will say the opposite.

And everything in between, including "it isn't for us to know."
So if people do not need to convert to Judaism, how can they be saved? Do Jews just not care about the eternal souls of others?
First, we don't believe in the Christian concept of "being saved". Also, Judaism teaches how to live ethically, and that anybody that lives a good life will get in Olam Haba, regardless of their religion, or lack of.
Jeremiah 33 is interesting in this regard. There is but one legitimate throne for all of Israel. If God be true there is a descendant of David sitting on it now, 'ruling' over the house of Israel, not the Jews.

The religion of the "house of Israel" is Christianity, not Judaism.
As stated in the scriptures, The Old Law is still useful today, and should be studied for our education as The Law of Moses and the Old Testament contain revelations from God by the prophets that prove that Jesus Christ is the Messiah of prophecy. But as far as doctrine goes..........God speaks only through the revelations of Jesus Christ today (Hebrews 1:1)

"Wherefore the Law (of Moses) was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith (Gal.3:24). (the belief, based upon that which is written in the Old Law.. that the coming of Jesus as Messiah is foretold in the Old Testament). But....after that faith has come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster (the scriptures prove that Jesus is the Messiah). FOR YOU ARE ALL (Jew and Greek alike, women and men, slaves and free...) THE CHILDREN OF GOD BY FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST.

For as many of you that have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed (offspring), and heirs according to the promise (made to changing his name from Abram to Abraham....meaning the father of many nations). (Gal. 3:28-29) the eyes of God, There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek/Gentiles, as Jesus commanded His disciples to evangelize all the Nations on Earth ...........baptizing them in the Name of the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:18-19)

Can the modern Jew be saved? Of course...........all that is required is to remove the blindness from their eyes and accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah, as Paul the apostle stated, because they are part of the original vine, there will be a place reserved for them, as it is much easier to graft the original branch back into place, but as far as the Gospel goes, the Jews who refuse to accept Jesus are enemies of the gospel faith but they are to be loved for the father's sake (the Jewish ancestral lineage) as this history documents the prophecy of Christ Jesus (Romans 11:28-36)

There is no different path to eternal fellowship with the God of Creation......all paths to salvation and fellowship with God go through Christ Jesus (John 14:6)
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actually, the Jews to whom the Exodus occurred and who were commanded to observe the festival understand it way better than the johnny-come-latelies who have decided that it means something different to validate their own separate theology.
The 'separate theology' is that of the Jews.
I find myself asking this question a lot lately.

There are lots of so-called Jews around, people claiming to be Jewish, yet they seem to be pretty ignorant of passages from the Hebrew Bible. Many of them today also promote Satanic lies and values, such as transgenderism, homosexuality, and abortion. How can one support these things and still call themselves a person of God? To be fair there are plenty of Christians doing this, and I call them out on that.

So what really is a Jew? What do they believe in? The modern day Jews don’t seem to have the same beliefs and rituals as they had over two thousand years ago. What changed? What is their belief about the afterlife and what happens when we die?

Firstly, they worship “the God of Abraham“, God who made a covenant with Abraham. Before that was the covenant with Noah. Also of course was those with Moses and David.

But what has changed since then?

Obviously someone did come along that radically changed things. He said their temple would be destroyed, and it was. But the Jews labeled him a heretic and blasphemer. The Jews called the followers of the one that did this a “cult”. When it became obvious this “cult” wasn’t going to just fade away, they supposedly had a council to “re-edit” the Hebrew Bible. Also later on the Jews came up with the Talmud, another “revision” of the religion.

So if any Jew is interested in talking about these things, let me know. I’d like to hear from you.

Rabbinic Judaism isn't biblical Judaism or the religion of the ancient Israelites. Notice how the more mystical Jews are, as in like in their "Kabbalah" or other mystical works, the more Christian they sound. The Hebrew Bible is incomplete without the New Testament. Religious Jews think the Messiah, is just a political leader who will somehow convince the world that YHWH is God and that the Jews are inherently and magically "awesome" and worth becoming the masters and teachers of the world (by virtue of their privileged, special Jewish divinely bestowed nature).
  1. In the messianic age, the Jews will teach the world their secret gefilte fish recipes and a miracle will occur - everyone will actually start to like it.
  2. In the messianic age, the Jews will unleash the real power of dreidels. They'll spin so perfectly, physicists worldwide will question the laws of gravity.
  3. In the messianic age, the Jews will introduce the ultimate weight loss strategy: 'The Manna Diet.' The miraculous food from the heavens is gluten-free, calorie-free, yet fills you up for forty years.
  4. In the messianic age, the Jews will reveal their secret to walking through deserts without getting lost. Google Maps? No, thank you. We've got Moses Maps, with parting sea routes included.
  5. In the messianic age, the Jews will host a grand worldwide tournament of gelt poker every Hanukkah. The ultimate high-stakes game - with chocolate.
All of the above will cause the world to believe in YHWH and follow their unmiraculous, mundane Messiah, submitting themselves to their Jewish masters.

The Jewish soul comes from the higher realms and is different than the soul of non-Jews. I once had an Israeli who I worked with tell me that the goyim/gentiles, don't have a neshema, only a nephesh (dogs and cats just have nephesh). Since I am half-Jewish, he felt he could disclose this highly classified information to me. The Jewish religion is very ethnocentric, and tribalistic, suffering from a religious triumphalist view of the world that narcissistically gravitates around them. Pedigree is important, unlike in other religions that are based upon a person's convictions and character.

That's why you can be a psychopath serial killer, and still be identified as a Jew destined to inherit the world to come (eternal life in YHWH's Kingdom). If his mother is Jewish, he's Jewish. Many orthodox rabbis believe every Jew will eventually be redeemed (will inherit the world to come by virtue of being a Jew).

Rather than basing a nation's leadership role on the basis of its character, and how it behaves, it is all based on lineage and having a special Jewish soul. In Christianity and Islam, you're not born superior to anyone else, with a "Christian soul" or a "Muslim soul", or with any other divinely bestowed element that makes one superior to those who don't have it. What makes you better than others in God's eyes, is your commitment to Him and your character, not you being born with a "special Jewish soul".

In reality, the purpose of the ancient nation of Israel was to create a holy place for the incarnation of the heavenly Sar Gadol or "High Prince" (Daniel 12:1-3), who is the Son of YHWH. The highest ranking living being in YHWH's creation, bearing His Name and sitting upon His throne in heaven. The Jewish rabbis claimed this position belonged to an angel (holy spirit) called "Metatron", who is supposedly superior to the Son of YHWH, but that's an invention of the rabbis.

The biblical "Metatron" or highest being in heaven apart from YHWH Himself (The Father), is the ArchSpirit or ArchAngel, whose name before His incarnation was a question "WHO IS LIKE GOD?"/ Michael, and the answer to that question isn't NO ONE IS LIKE GOD. That's not the answer..The answer is YOU ARE LIKE GOD TO US. He proved that through his incarnation, in the 1st century. The only perfect human being, the human life, death had no legal authority to keep in the grave.

If you as a Jew want to glory and be proud of your Jewishness, well then be proud that Israel delivered its promise to the world, creating a holy place for the heavenly Sar Gadol to incarnate and redeem the human soul. In that, we find Israel worthy of our love, respect, and admiration, not in virtue of anything else. In Messiah, all will rise from the dead, both the righteous and the wicked, and will have their day in court. Without him, all would be lost in the grave.


The one who the whole world identifies as the JEW WHO SPLIT TIME. The one who guides the mixed multitude into the promised land of milk and honey (the higher worlds, the world to come, immortality, the holy Kingdom of YHWH). The one who baptizes His Talmidim/His Disciples, with the Fire of The Holy Spirit/Ruach Ha'Kodesh. For that Jew, I will prostrate, flat on my face before Him, and serve Him. He is the glory of Israel and the savior of my soul, worthy of my worship and allegiance.



Keep Torah but know that all that is in Torah finds its substance in Moshiach. Moshiach is the true sabbath of the soul.​
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hereditary idolatry not only is beyond illogical, religiously is a cancer within that society as all monarchical latitudes throughout histories varying societies has proven including its subliminal presence within all three desert religions.
That certainly is your opinion. Good luck with that.
that's your opinion - not the results rendered when stepping in front of a freight train ...

What is my opinion? That what you said is your opinion? Or did you have something more significant to contribute? As to the Hebrew, did you want to continue this in Hebrew?

what is irrefuitable by you for - hereditay idolitry, that is not renderd a cancer throughout history ... including your phony religion.
what is irrefuitable by you for - hereditay idolitry, that is not renderd a cancer throughout history ... including your phony religion.
So your underlying position (which I'm gleaning from your barely decipherable pidgin) is that Judaism is a fake religion. Your opinion of it is not really important to me and I don't put any weight on your judgment of religions. So, again, beyond your personal opinion about Judaism, do you have anything constructive to contribute?

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