Zone1 What is a Jew?

I said, and meant, hysteria.

Bible story: What is written in the Bible.
"the bible" is not a term used by scholars of Judaism. "Hysteria" is a term
used in neuro-psychiatry SOMETIMES in diagnosis of some clinical states--
eg. conversion disorders. It is also a term used in the gutter that has virtually
no meaning
What's phony about the ten commandments?

face value, the claim they were etched in the heavens, monotheism - and everything else about them, the source for the desert religions -


to persecute and victimize the innocent. moses.
really - (wasn't that a moses tantrum, the golden calf) - or


is that just for jews ...
Can you show me where in the biblical text Moses uses the word "idolatry" when throwing that tantrum? And if you want to use the same word here, can you show me where Judaism worships a golden idol?
whenever has monarchical associations ever not been refuted throughout history as no less than a plague for any society that has had to suffer its existence - much less its aplication for a religious order. need to bury that one, the sooner the better.
so now you have a problem with all monarchies? I guess it isn't about religion at all then. Glad you cleared that up.
Can you show me where in the biblical text Moses uses the word "idolatry" when throwing that tantrum? And if you want to use the same word here, can you show me where Judaism worships a golden idol?

so now you have a problem with all monarchies? I guess it isn't about religion at all then. Glad you cleared that up.
you UNDERSTOOD breezie's post?
so now you have a problem with all monarchies? I guess it isn't about religion at all then. Glad you cleared that up.

hereditary idolatry has no place in any society or relevancy for heavenly participation than those madeup for their own personal, self absorbing and predatory interests.

the political side of judaism is irrelevant for whether jesus was a jew or not pertaining to being a heavenly messiah they obviously never claimed but in the minds of the criminals that crucified him.

and those in vain still waiting for their idolatory savior. that will never be.
hereditary idolatry has no place in any society or relevancy for heavenly participation than those madeup for their own personal, self absorbing and predatory interests.

the political side of judaism is irrelevant for whether jesus was a jew or not pertaining to being a heavenly messiah they obviously never claimed but in the minds of the criminals that crucified him.

and those in vain still waiting for their idolatory savior. that will never be.
you seem all over the place, moving from idea to idea in no particular order or pattern and following no discernable line of logic. Additionally, I do have to wonder if English is a language you are comfortable in.
you seem all over the place, moving from idea to idea in no particular order or pattern and following no discernable line of logic. Additionally, I do have to wonder if English is a language you are comfortable in.

you've never heard of american ... you will never speak religion as long as you are a jew. the liar moses.

it is you who has failed to either grasp the subject matter or refuse to comply to heavenly precepts than for your own nefarious self interest.
you've never heard of american ... you will never speak religion as long as you are a jew. the liar moses.

it is you who has failed to either grasp the subject matter or refuse to comply to heavenly precepts than for your own nefarious self interest.
Stop insulting people, asshole. Nobody here respects you.

Nobody can even understand your gibberish. The only thing that does seem clear is that you are very weird, and cannot discuss other people’s religious beliefs respectfully.
Is that your "diagnosis"? Do you understand the word
This is how I picture your totally inappropriate response to a simple statement.


"Word Salad! Nonsensical on the level of a psychotic!"
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Stop insulting people, asshole. Nobody here respects you.

Nobody can even understand your gibberish. The only thing that does seem clear is that you are very weird, and cannot discuss other people’s religious beliefs respectfully.
Nope----I am very sober whilst giving testimony in court

it is you who has failed to either grasp the subject matter or refuse to comply to heavenly precepts than for your own nefarious self interest.

grow up looser ...
can you DEFINE "heavenly precepts" -----to wit---the precepts to which you are
uniquely privileged? -----uhm, schmuck.



that wasn't me -


91, could be the sign of heredity idolatry ... the religion of antiquity has warned against - ageless precepts and their aftermath ...
“can you DEFINE "heavenly precepts" -----to wit---the precepts to which you are
uniquely privileged? -----uhm, schmuck.” — @irosie91

His gibberish is so confusing I can’t even figure out if his “religion of antiquity” is some sort of Greek or Roman paganism or some version of early Christianity!

All I can see is he is crazy hostile to … Judaism and other so-called “desert religions.” Is Christianity one of those?
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His gibberish is so confusing I can’t even figure out if his “religion of antiquity” is some sort of Greek or Roman paganism or some version of early Christianity!

All I can see is he is crazy hostile to … Judaism and other so-called “desert religions.” Is Christianity one of those?
The "fertile crescent" was hardly a desert.
Before the revelation at Sinai there was no codified code of law that adherents were required to follow, nor was there a formal "religion" - there was a particular monotheistic belief and that's mostly it. There is, if course, more, but this reduced statement about the lack of a set of laws should be a start.
I get that the question “What is a Jew?” or “Who is a Jew?” can be answered in lots of ways and mostly refers to how people view the issue today. You know well the Orthodox Jewish perspective and also the other non-Orthodox views.

I was wondering what you think of the very speculative but not really unreasonable view that the rise of Hebrew monotheism and the story of the Exodus itself had historical origins in the interactions between tribal Canaanite peoples who were part of the Hyksos “invasion” or migrations to Egypt, their linking up with Egyptian monotheism and their being subsequently expelled.

I’m sure you’ve heard of these theories of Moses being a high-placed Egyptian follower of monotheism, whose faction made an alliance with mostly tribal people (“Hyksos”) being driven out of power in Egypt after ruling parts of it for over a century. Freud’s famous — or infamous — Moses & Monotheism essays went so far as attempting to give a psychoanalytic examination of Exodus, claiming to uncover signs in the Hebrew Bible story of a history of collective trauma and “guilt” to explain the unique tribal monotheism that arose (and was reinforced later by many other events) among the early Hebrew monotheists.

I don’t so much put credence in Freudian imaginations as I do not believe in an actual personal or theistic “God” who stands behind this history.

I provide a few articles on these themes just to stimulate people’s imagination and desire to pursue different ways to look at what are — after all — still powerful myths and stories close to the heart of Judeo-Christian culture & civilization.

Akhenaten: The Forgotten Pioneer of Atenism and Monotheism

9 Facts About the Enigmatic Hyksos Invaders of Ancient Egypt

Moses and Monotheism - Wikipedia
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Judaism and other so-called “desert religions.”

they are one in the same ... identical histories as their accomplices - paine - per pretentious religious precepts.

rather true heavenly objectives as the 1st century and those that gave their lives for just cause - than lies ...

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