What Is A "Jury of your peers"?

Presumably Trump is an adult.

Trump says it's "very possible" that Biden and other political rivals will have to be jailed
Trump said that his own conviction was a "terrible precedent," claiming falsely that Biden was behind it all
What does that matter? Whatever Trump does he would have the right to do it because progs have set the bar to that level. Work with him.
While technically accurate, you do know that is a bit of a strawman, yes?
No strawman.
Although Trump knowing nothing about law, thought that he should have unlimited pre-empery challenges.

He probably also thinks that his XFL team should have had unlimited time-outs.
That's hardly new.

The Big Lie taught us that a dozen times over. They insisted the election was stolen at rallies......then would frequently refused to claim any election fraud had occurred in court.

But it doesn't matter. MAGA is about emotion. Its about faith. Look at Mike Johnson and his 'intuitive knowing'. The core logic of MAGA is that feelings are facts.

Full stop. No exceptions.
I’ve talked to swing voters who imo ignorantly believe trump will do better for the economy.

It’s up to Biden to wake people up. Unemployment low, inflation coming down and not his fault, stock market up.

AND, unions won big last year. So blue collar wages have come up with Biden’s support.

Republicans suddenly want government involved with blue collar wages.
We need proof at least by the preponderance of the evidence.
And in serious matters, by the testimony of more than one witness.

Your impartiality claim, needs to be tested the same as the testimony of a witness needs to be tested.

First, I appreciate you answering in a logical manner. Few do that.

I need to consider your position.

We saw that with Rudy. Talking all kinds of wild theories on the court house steps. But once inside, and a judge asked Rudy if he was claiming fraud, Rudy backed down and said "no".
I love what bill maher said. It’s time for the media to start acting more like the court. Object when you hear a lie.
I’ve talked to swing voters who imo ignorantly believe trump will do better for the economy.

It’s up to Biden to wake people up. Unemployment low, inflation coming down and not his fault, stock market up.

AND, unions won big last year. So blue collar wages have come up with Biden’s support.

Republicans suddenly want government involved with blue collar wages.

oh, its nonsense. Trump would damage the economy. He insists on lowering prime lending rates which would super charge inflation.
A jury with lots of commonality
If you are a wealthy businessman then half of the jury should be like kind
It should Not be 12 Orange Man Bad
I don't understand the term. Would black people say that when a black person is tried with an all white or mostly white jury that it would be called a jury of your peers? What about if you are a staunch Republican (we'll just call him Donald J Trump) and you have a trial in a deep blue city inside a deep blue state (with a deep blue DA and deep blue prosecutors and a deep blue judge)? Would that be called a jury of your peers? What in the hell is a peer?
Why not ask John Adams and the people of Boston in 1710
If you're an accountant, your peers are other accountants.

If you're a plumber, your peers are other plumbers.

If you're an American, your peers are other Americans.

It's just context. This ain't all that complicated.
3 is not the evolution of the first two
oh, its nonsense. Trump would damage the economy. He insists on lowering prime lending rates which would super charge inflation.
So would tariffs

If a re-elected President Trump were to act on his campaign pledge to raise tariffs 10 percent across the board, a typical U.S. household would pay about $1,700 more, according to an analysis by two Peterson Institute for International Economics fellows (Mary Lovely and Kimberly Clausing).3
I don't understand the term. Would black people say that when a black person is tried with an all white or mostly white jury that it would be called a jury of your peers? What about if you are a staunch Republican (we'll just call him Donald J Trump) and you have a trial in a deep blue city inside a deep blue state (with a deep blue DA and deep blue prosecutors and a deep blue judge)? Would that be called a jury of your peers? What in the hell is a peer?
In answer to the question, a jury selected 100% from some deep red, rural backwater in the south wouldn't exactly have been "fair" either.
Besides, that is not where convicted felon, ex president Trump's crimes were committed.
If Trump didn't want to ever be tried in a NY court with NY jurors then perhaps he should have relocated his operations years ago to someplace safer.....like Dothan, Alabama maybe......or Midland, TX.
Oh wait!
That wouldn't have worked either because not too long ago he was a Democrat. Besides, he hates rural America. He has an aversion to simple country folk. He considers most people in America coming from outside the five boroughs of his hometown as low-class trailer trash.
So....his "peers" are east coast urbanites living in the most populous and diverse city in the nation.
EXACTLY the very people who made up his jury.
Says the fact definition of peer
Try a non grade school rejoinder

The legal definition? Because by your interpretation of 'definition', anyone on two feet can sue anyone in any jurisdiction.

Since they're standing by the dictionary definition, they have 'standing' according to the law. Per your logic, anyway.
Says who?
Prosecutors would never let a trump supporter on the jury. But doesn’t trumps lawyers get to pick half the jury? So even trump supporters couldn’t lie so badly that trump wasn’t guilty.

My guess is the trump supporters didn’t think the public would care and they wanted to go home.

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