What is a Libtard?

Definition. - A person of Liberal political views, according to Conservatives

Example - President Obama, All Democratic lawmakers, most registered Democrats

Etymology - A recently created word by Conservatives suggesting those with Liberal political views are mentally retarded.

JMHO - This word is similar to the kinds of words my classmates and I made up when we were 8 years old when we wished to degrade a boring teacher, or someone whom we didn't like. Frankly, it's rather depressing to see adults using this childish language, but this goes to the mental state of those who like to use it, and since the vast majority of those people are Conservatives....well, I'll leave it at that.

What is a Libtard?
AWESOME...I thought you'd never ask.
This "person" believes adult men with beards, an adam's apple and a dress should shit next to my 14 year old daughter.
This person defys science / biology and believes gender is chosen.
This person believes in bottom up governing.
This person champions anything and everything that should be shameful.
This person seeks to rid America of everything truly American.
This person hates law and order.
This person through "tolerance" creates excuses for anything despicable
This person loves spending others money on filthy thirdworlders then whines and bitches about how we don't spend enough on our own bottom feeders.
This person believes lowlife piece of shits are entitled to access my bank account simply because they breathe oxygen.
This person believes they are way too smart for religion.
This person loves killing unborn babies...it's their approved contraception.

This was fun..thanks for the opportunity...let me know if you need me to carry on...I have lots more to add.

I'm sure you have lots more to add, when you get to supporting the building of gulags and ovens for the American citizens you hate, let us know you are a serious Nazi, and no longer a fascist dilettante.
Definition. - A person of Liberal political views, according to Conservatives

Example - President Obama, All Democratic lawmakers, most registered Democrats

Etymology - A recently created word by Conservatives suggesting those with Liberal political views are mentally retarded.

JMHO - This word is similar to the kinds of words my classmates and I made up when we were 8 years old when we wished to degrade a boring teacher, or someone whom we didn't like. Frankly, it's rather depressing to see adults using this childish language, but this goes to the mental state of those who like to use it, and since the vast majority of those people are Conservatives....well, I'll leave it at that.
Lol, did you coin the name teabagger for the tea party group?
As concise as I can put it. A disingenuous term used by propagandist to dumb down pseudo-conservatives.

It's working.
Anyone that wants to live within a first world civilization.

Values science
Values education
Uses critical thinking and logic
Wishes to have high quality of life
Hates cheaters in the business world
Values education? Is that why liberal educated college students need safe spaces?
Definition. - A person of Liberal political views, according to Conservatives

Example - President Obama, All Democratic lawmakers, most registered Democrats

Etymology - A recently created word by Conservatives suggesting those with Liberal political views are mentally retarded.

JMHO - This word is similar to the kinds of words my classmates and I made up when we were 8 years old when we wished to degrade a boring teacher, or someone whom we didn't like. Frankly, it's rather depressing to see adults using this childish language, but this goes to the mental state of those who like to use it, and since the vast majority of those people are Conservatives....well, I'll leave it at that.
Lol, did you coin the name teabagger for the tea party group?

No, lol it was coined during the summer of hate by the biddable who shouted down members of Congress for supporting health care reform.
Definition. - A person of Liberal political views, according to Conservatives

Example - President Obama, All Democratic lawmakers, most registered Democrats

Etymology - A recently created word by Conservatives suggesting those with Liberal political views are mentally retarded.

JMHO - This word is similar to the kinds of words my classmates and I made up when we were 8 years old when we wished to degrade a boring teacher, or someone whom we didn't like. Frankly, it's rather depressing to see adults using this childish language, but this goes to the mental state of those who like to use it, and since the vast majority of those people are Conservatives....well, I'll leave it at that.
Lol, did you coin the name teabagger for the tea party group?

No, lol it was coined during the summer of hate by the biddable who shouted down members of Congress for supporting health care reform.
Oh you mean the senator that told the truth when he told Obama? No more hate than a president knowingly lying to the American about their healthcare.

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