What is a moderate muslim?

I see this term bandied about, but what is it really?

On the muslim scale of 1 – 10 with 1 being your live and let live, peaceful, and allowing women equal rights muslim. 10 being your average burka enforcing al-quaeda bombing and killing everything non muslim in site. Is not everything that comes in the middle of that… moderate?

I would like to know what is “moderate? What do moderates think, say, act.

What is moderate in western terms and what is moderate in muslim terms? I am sure they are VERY different definitions of the where “moderate” falls.

The moderate Muslim is the one riding the unicorn.
Your 1-10 scale seems to insinuate that a more devout Muslim is automatically a more militant/jihadist Muslim, and I don't think that's the case.
You're probably right. I suppose there are many not so devout Muslim terrorists.
How about taking a stab at defining a moderate Muslim, then.

I imagine there's lots of them, my old friend Ahmed for example. He observes Islam, prays towards Mecca, etc. But I don't think he attended services regularly, I know he had sex - and a baby - out of wedlock.

Ya know, just a normal guy, who was also Muslim.

But the scale of 1-10 where 1 is "Barely Muslim" and 10 is "Terrorist" is B.S. Level of devotion to the identity is not inherently tied to militant-ism.
I too know a Muslim woman who follows some traditions, but not others. No chador, no other visible dress that so identifies her. She also runs a business.
^ Funny Canadian show. :thup:

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