What is a “well-regulated militia” and why are we so sure it refers to everyone?

The founders knew that all the people should have the right. They saw where this would go. I will give them far more credit for their vision than many others will.
They knew that?

How do you know?
“A well regulated militia being necessary…”

If you could read, you'd notice that is an explanation of the right now a limit on the right. But that skill has been long term missing from your repertoire
“A well regulated militia being necessary…”
Put the statements in context.

The statement-reason for the right: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,

The right assigned: the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,

The actions allowed by the government: shall not be infringed.”

The sentence structure means things... it was crafted so there would be NO AMBIGUITY of what it meant.
Buzz off again there is no requirement for a militia to own a firearm and now the onerous process of getting one in certain locations has been struck down as well.
Getting one… for militia usage?

What militia?
Put the statements in context.

The statement-reason for the right: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,

The right assigned: the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,

The actions allowed by the government: shall not be infringed.”

The sentence structure means things... it was crafted so there would be NO AMBIGUITY of what it meant.
Clearly… since it is mentioned first.. the. Militia clause is citing the reason for what follows
Clearly… since it is mentioned first.. the. Militia clause is citing the reason for what follows
You're misreading the statement. the militia is necessary for a free state is separated from the right to keep and bear arms. This allows us to understand that the people were the militia and that the peoples right cannot be infringed upon...
Doesn’t matter.
Perhaps we should go back to having a militia composed of all citizens from 18 to 45 who would be required to own an AR-15 or a real assault weapon and a significant amount of ammo as well as clothing and military equipment necessary to deploy for combat. They might drill on a monthly basis or hold shooting contests and a variety of physical completions.

That might help keep the Chinese from ever invading and also keep our government from becoming a Marxist socialist worker’s paradise like the Democrats are pushing for.

It might not be all that popular in the Blue states but might go over big time in the Red states. Each state could decide if it wanted to create a citizens militia to argument the National Guard.

At 76 I would be well above the age limits but then I already have served my nation as a member of the Air Force in the Vietnam Era.
Can’t you just answer the question?
Definition of militia

1a : a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency The militia was called to quell the riot. b : a body of citizens organized for military service. 2 : the whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service.
That's not " the same logic." That is you playing word parsing games.

Children are not adults and do not have full adult rights. Pointing out we give them some rights (were appropriate) doesn't contradict shit. Your post is a pile of bull
Uhh no. Kids have freedom of speech right away. Other laws have specific age requirements. Those aren’t the same thing. The first amendment can easily be compared to the 2nd.
The founders knew that all the people should have the right. They saw where this would go. I will give them far more credit for their vision than many others will.
They were naturally racists, misogynists, superstitious and brimming with toxic masculinity, bless their hearts. They wanted to have the arms for themselves to protect their property, not to arm the women, not to arm the slaves, ever.

Definition of militia

1a : a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency The militia was called to quell the riot. b : a body of citizens organized for military service. 2 : the whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service.
Well that basically indicates it’s not a right to all citizens lol
You're misreading the statement. the militia is necessary for a free state is separated from the right to keep and bear arms. This allows us to understand that the people were the militia and that the peoples right cannot be infringed upon...
You have never studied the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers, have you. That is how we know this.

We can go back and forth forever and neither will budge.

The point is, a different Court may well rule that gun rights are NOT conferred beyond usage in a well regulated militia and you’d have to suck it up and live with it
Well, that would be true only if you didn't read the part that follows the word "militia". Are you really that fucking stupid?
Yeah dude the word militia is a militia. It involves an armed organized group. That doesn’t apply to anyone.
Ok, dude. Then what does it say right after the comma after the word "militia"?
You can interpret that part to mean that it only applies to any citizen joining a militia. You still haven’t explained why the militia phrase is even in there.
Well, that would be true only if you didn't read the part that follows the word "militia". Are you really that fucking stupid?
That might be true if the Militia clause weren't there...but it is

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